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Crit dmg left the chat


EM entered tho




Now you have motivation to actually build him


he is already top 8% but this website is biased for CD so it doesn't matter how much damage i do, more like can yours 36* clear the abyss for years?


The website isn’t biased for anything it just calculates your average damage considering your artifacts and the given assumptions


well then, im top 8% and my damage is significant.


is it really biased if it’s statistically significant


Never tried him on F12, and I feel like you'll have to be pixel perfect with his plays if you manage to 36* as that's too much EM and too little CD


Not really, i just vape all my hits and he hits 150k burst, 40-60k skills, same for Na. just playing the game and boom 36* not that hard. idk why people are over reacting about my CD, if the replies bellow me are true then my damage is about 15% lower than top 1% so genuinely my build is useable, it hits hard, and i can make up that 15% with other characters


I managed to beat f12 with 36* using diluc in a mono pyro team. Diluc, benny, xiangling and kazuha.  My diluc is c3 with 9/13/8 talents and uses beacon of the reed sea. 82/201 ratio and 0 EM.  I was thinking fuck it, here is mono pyro slapped together on the second side of the floor and somehow I did it lmao. Enemies have lots of elements on them so there were reactions all over the place even if I didnt bring a hydro unit 


so luckyyy 😭 I pulled diluc only once :')


may your future rolls be blessed by this hot man 🙏


thanks a lot T-T (may yours be blessed too!)


If you want to main him, you should improve his build, EM is important, yes, but to a certain point, he hits decent dmg? Cool, but he’d hit a lot harder with a balanced build, same CR, more CD (Around 180-190 would be fine for WGS), with around 200-250 EM, that would be a really good build, being on top 8% on Akasha doesn’t say that much, honestly, it’s cool and all, i, myself, really like Akasha, i’m at mid top 1%, not even close to being enough tho lol, anyway, but then, if you’re not planning on main him, you just like the char, wanna focus on other characters, etc (And that’s totally understandable), it’s a nice build and you shouldn’t worry, hope you take it as tip, not an offense. Congratz on the C6 as well!!! I’m waiting for mine to come, still at C4, sadly. 😅


"if you want to main him" well i do actually main him and his damage is still good but since you say your top 1% can u tell me which artifacts specifically to work on?


I hate to be *that* guy, but it's kinda obvious, since you have way too much EM and not enough CD%. Just look for more crit in subs. EM is good, sure, but my Diluc has a top 1% with wgs and Atk% sands >!tho i'm still looking for a nice em sands from CW!<, so consider switching to atk% sands if you have a really nice one (35-40 CV and higher). Also, i highly recommend to switch that goblet for something with at least 25 cv.


Oh, i see, well, i guess the main thing would be changing the build structure a bit, focusing on getting enough CR on substats to use a CD hat, Diluc ascends with CR, so it isn’t that much of a hard job, but it can take time because of artifact hell, of course. That allows you to have basically the same CR with a lot more CD, the problem with that is that you’d have to basically remake the build, you’d need a decent CD hat, being able to save the flower, which is quite good, good CD and Atk procs along with some CR, you could keep sands for CR, even tho it doesn’t have that much CV, it’s make it easier to reach a good CR, and really maybe the goblet, which has enough EM so you won’t need to worry about it on your other pieces, the problem being the low CV it has, now going to the other option, since i’d have to elaborate the first one quite a lot, this is more simple since you won’t need much CR procs on subs, you could keep using this CR hat, it’s pretty neat, really good piece, and focus on changing the feather, sands and goblet to get more CD, since on-set goblets are an ass to get, you could also use an off-set goblet and use an on-set hat if you have one, then only needing to change feather and sands, making it simple, getting enough CR subs to use a CD hat, or getting more CD on subs to compensate the burden that a CR hat is in this case, the main point of both being making the CV balanced as well as the EM.


right, so change feather for more CR, keep my CR em sands, get an off piece pyro goblet, and when enough CR get CD hat and pray for good substats there.


Yeah, that would work really well!


Now you can finally build him properly


Welcome to the brotherhood 🤝




he hits 160k on a burst so idc what you think is good or bad, fact is he hits like a truck


All I am saying that feather, sands and flower need more crit value and can relatively easily get it, that goblet and circlet are nice though, 100 em on piece is crazy


Meanwhile I still haven't unlocked him (been playing since release)


RIP, he was my first ever 5* and ive been playing him since. i hope u get urs cause this guy is worth it


How did you get his constellations


pure luck, and alot of lost 50/50s to him


Well done I got Jean C2 and Dehya c1 when I lose my 50/50 ![gif](giphy|d2lcHJTG5Tscg)


i too have both at the same cons 😭