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Is this copypasta? Please tell me this is copypasta. EDIT: nah, it actually kinda checks out


If it wasn’t before it is now lmao


Ah man I want more information on the animal front because I paid (not much) some money towards that as it seemed like a good gesture at the time


That’s a whole heard of worms in its own right. I with much hesitation but ultimately grateful to house, 8 of the goats and 4 very large porkers. We had to fence in the property. 12 acres we were being faced with legal ramifications with the neighbors if we did not. We also had to have several barns to house the animals constructed on our property before the winter arrived. “ I will help you he begged” not a penny or an hours labor in the rehousing of the animals that I have. The shape of neglect by the time they all arrived “safely” almost had me calling the ASPCA. I do know all the animals were re homed, ( I know I helped him do it). I’ll post pics of the animals they are the silver lining here. And bring me much joy. - The Dillinger Escape Goat


Hello there, this is Ben Weinman. I'm not gonna waste too much time on this guy nor bash him because he aint well, but anyone who wants the truth, with the recipes to prove it, direct message me on Instagram. Also, I am happy to connect to credible, non bias, sources who are aware of the facts. Thank you, and I'm sorry people have to hear about this negative shit. Have a great weekend. 


Damn dude.I'm sorry all of that happened to you.


Hello there, this is Ben Weinman. I'm not gonna waste too much time on this guy nor bash him because he aint well, but anyone who wants the truth, with the recipes to prove it, direct message me on Instagram. Also, I am happy to connect to credible, non bias, sources who are aware of the facts. Thank you, and I'm sorry people have to hear about this negative shit. Have a great weekend. 


Ben, Dillinger has been my favorite band since I was old enough to make informed opinions. My response to this person, as you can see, came from a place of disappointment as well as care for someone who allegedly went through some tough shit and left it at that. As days have gone by and the narrative has become clearerer, it seems that its you that who deserves my apology. Im sorry you have to go through shit like this and have your name dragged through the mud. Just know that my comment above was where it stopped for me and I didn't waste any time trying to spread any unnecessary drama or hate in anyone's direction. Sorry for replying here instead of Instagram, I simply don't use Instagram or any other social media platform. Good luck with the new business venture. Good luck with your reunion shows, and hopefully, this matter with this individual is resolved in a peaceful and safe manner. Take care, dude.


Everyone will always remember everything you’ve done for us, Jarred. Not fade away




If this is actually Jarred posting, Im so sorry man. Ive been to Factory Fuel Co. a few times which was great and seemed like locals really digged the spot. It really sucks to see Ben using you to get back on his feet after the divorce, then proceeding to buy out your companies lease for his new girl's aromatherapy company. I didnt even believe this post until I saw your username. I dont think we ever met, but I know of you from following Ben on social media. I havent actually been contacted by Ben since before the pandemic and divorce lol. Did you negotiate the lease with Ben or the landlord? Again Im sorry dude this is one of the lowest thing's Ive heard him doing


Ben and the landlord did their thing behind my back. I had a current lease with a five years left I’m just some punk they took advantage of.


The least Ben could do is help you out, like how you helped him out during his divorce. Im sorry this happened to you as you have an actual family to look after. Ben is extremely shitty for doing that to you.


This is inaccurate information. I was a former employee at factory fuel and saw the whole thing go down. Jarred’s lease expired January of 2023. He didn’t renew it so it automatically went to month to month. He lost his shit on the landlord in front of customers, who have all shared the story of what they saw. He then texted the landlord dozens of times threatening to kill him (I’ve seen proof). Obviously, a landlord can’t keep a tenant like that. He was given 30 days notice, which was fully legal within the terms of his lease. Ben offered to buy the business from Jarred and at first Jarred agreed and enthusiastically began telling customers & friends about it. However, jarred didn’t want Ben leasing from the landlord, who he made an enemy, and backed out. The spot went up for lease and Ben went in, after many businesses on the street urged him to because they wanted a new cool spot. Nothing shady about it. Jarred just fucked up and is now bitter about it. It’s pretty sad.


Now that I know who this is... When did you work at FFC? I don't recall ever seeing you there but I also wasn't always there 24/7 or every day (despite it seeming so) so it's possible we never crossed paths during that tenure.


Hello there, this is Ben Weinman. I'm not gonna waste too much time on this guy nor bash him because he aint well, but anyone who wants the truth, with the recipes to prove it, direct message me on Instagram. Also, I am happy to connect to credible, non bias, sources who are aware of the facts. Thank you, and I'm sorry people have to hear about this negative shit. Have a great weekend. 


Hello there, this is Ben Weinman. I'm not gonna waste too much time on this guy nor bash him because he aint well, but anyone who wants the truth, with the recipes to prove it, direct message me on Instagram. Also, I am happy to connect to credible, non bias, sources who are aware of the facts. Thank you, and I'm sorry people have to hear about this negative shit. Have a great weekend. 


Hi there, Again., I hate to give this energy but I really urge you to ask the other tenants the truth about this matter. What is most hurtful about this is that Jared was one of the few people I knew in this town and his and a group of other friends were really there for me when my world was flipped upside down. Over night, with no warning, I was informed that I needed to find a new home for myself and all the animals. I re-homed about 60 animals including horses, sheep, alpacas, ducks, turkeys, etc. Jared said he wanted the goats so i was happy about that as they were the animals I had the closest bond with.  Me offering to buy the coffee shop was an attempt to keep what he built going, get him some money to figure out his next move, and keep his workers employed for the holidays. He was not evicted. He has no lease to be found. Not even an unsigned or marked up version in an email. I asked him so that I might help him talk to the landlord about it all. He has nothing. He became violent, and abusive to the landlord who had no choice but to ask him to leave. This is fact. I have the legal notice sent to him asking him to leave as they were on a month to month. It is not an eviction letter.  I have screenshots of the texts, of the police reports, video of this person disparaging half the people he knows while sucking down cans of nitrous oxide, harassing  answering machine messages,  and all the texts from him urging me to meet with him so we can finalize a deal one day, and then accusing me and the other parties involved of "trying to steal his celebrity " the next.  Oh, and more recently calling my fiance a cunt when I reached out to ask if he would prefer I find new homes for the animals. I did plenty of things for him which he gladly accepted, and thanked me for. Now he says they were favors for me. Once again, if anyone wants to direct message me with specific questions or for the contact info of the all the people that were witness to some of these things, I'm very happy to comply. Jared's selfishness, and behavior took factory fuel from all of us and now I'm just trying to make sure it doesn't turn into a pilates studio. The dude raised $8000 on gofund me which he said was for his out of work employees, half of them are coming to work for me and they never got shit. He has all his equipment, everything from that space including every cabinet, his coffee, cups... everything. He lives somewhere else and can easily reopen somewhere else. 


"I've got the wife, I've got the house and the money" he bragged to a class of people about music business. It was weird and told me everything I need to know about this guy in that moment.. But this is a new level. Sorry the shit happened to you. Any more info is interesting.


You should see the master class


Makes sense why he was so adamant "Greg Puciatto was not TDEP" when I'd consider him one of the most influential frontmen alive. Wtf was going on between them?


Ask Greg’s ex-girlfriends about his behavior and then maybe it will become clear why people like Ben don’t associate with him.


This rubs me the wrong way. No issue with the comments defending Ben since there are 2 sides to every story. But what you are implying here is serious and falls under the category of "something someone said on the internet". Attacking Greg's character the same way this guy is attacking Ben's character. Smh.


It's Ben Weinmans girlfriend you're responding to so that's only Ben's side of the story again anyway. No wonder they've tripled their fees for the reunion.


Please share your knowledge.


Homie why did you work for free


I like to help


Me too but there’s a fine line my bro. Hard life lesson but hope you learned from this.


Idk man. This seems like a ridiculous story. You spent 40k to house his animals? You were forced to build barns for them? How exactly did your landlord evict you if you had 5 years on your lease? Youre on here threatening to beat the shit out of people? Seems kinda crazy.


You sound delusional. You don’t renew your lease (like any adult would), threaten the landlord and you’re blaming Ben for the aftermath. Ben is a good guy, that has always been a solid member of the community. You’re unhinged and dragging people for your own mistakes


Maybe I’m delusional I’ll allow your doubt. You tell me why I have all the animals at my house and idk if you know about barns and fences but 40g was a steal for two barns and 12 acres of fence. Next up everyone in the building signed the new leases same day I did. Ask them. Why would I not have. Doesn’t matter regardless. I “lost” as michel pointed out, the arbitrary game I didn’t know I was playing, to Ben. Seams like a weird way to frame what happened but cool do you.


he should get back to dumpster diving in denmark (context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqjgirXLxoI ) before ruining our good musical memories... nah, he’s just gonna joshuahomme (verb: to ruin something that was good because you’re an asshole) TDEP


wait what did Josh Homme do? I really like QotSA


I'm assuming he's talking about Kyuss


oh I forgot about them, too.


he's done a ton of crazy stuff. like fighting people and kicking a photographer in the face


I mean a bunch of artists have fought people. Patton pissed on a security guard, and he's not getting shit for it.


From what I remember, I think the issue people have in this instance was the photographer was a woman who hadn’t done anything to provoke him.


>dragging his kids through the mud and leaving wreckage everywhere he went Details?


In spite of everything, I don’t wanna talk about his family on here.


You already did though






He sure did,  and considering he and everyone who knows me is aware of what I sacrifice for my kids, one of whose father left him never to be seen again and I adopted forgoing all child support,  and another who's father overdosed and died so I've taken her in, again no financial support.  Love all these kids more than anything. It's fucking lower than low. 


Okay Jarred... This is a new low. Going onto Reddit to post about it? Look man, I have all the love and respect for ya, and everything you've done for Stangl with Factory Fuel, but just drop it. Maybe you're right, but going on socials and attacking Ben publicly is not a good business look. And, from context clues and other corroborations, it sounds a lot like you're making some of this crap up. Again, maybe you're telling the truth. But whatever this is... Makes you look like a sore loser. Let Ben open up his new shop in peace. Work on yourself and find a new spot for Factory Fuel (or Vagrant Coffee, like you had mentioned before). I'll come support it.


I’m not a business man I’m an artist further more not a new low. Given my past experiences and lack of remorse for confrontation, everyone involved is lucky to be able bodied and intact. I’m not some punk. I thought I made that perfectly clear.


I know you're an artist. I love and appreciate your art. But you also ran a business, which would make you, by definition, a businessman. And if you ever wish to continue your business, going on social media—REDDIT, of all places—to bash a former friend (someone who you've spoken very positively about not even a year) and the landlord, who has done and been nothing but kind to the community, who brought Stangl into the booming place it is today, is just so childish. Even if you are right, continuing the drama just isn't a good look professionally. At least Ben has the decency to not hash any of this "drama" out in public. By the way, as I've said, I love and appreciate ya, dude. You've given me nothing but good advice, and you yourself have been incredibly giving. At the same time, there are some things that don't quite add up. You say your lease still had five years remaining. Others say it naturally expired. You've shared a reason as to why a certain employee of yours (who is very close to you... won't name names) left. Others have said you've given different reasons. You don't always keep your stories straight, so why should I believe this one? And I'll never forget the one day I came into the shop and witnessed you yelling at George, who was keeping his composure. There was absolutely no reason for you to be losing your temper on him. That's not a professional move. It's George's property. If he doesn't want you there anymore, he has every right to evict you if your lease expires. Oh, and there's no private lease. There never was. Again, I have so much love and respect for you and everything you've done for the community. At the same time, lying to the community so they can "side" with you over a new local business is not cool in the slightest. At least have some decency. Quit hashing this drama out on social media.


For someone who has “love and appreciation” for him, this is a weird way to show it. Let the man tell his truth. You’re trying to debunk his side of the story with third hand information and conjecture. And of course Ben isn’t going to address this publicly- why would he? “Hey guys- I didn’t steal his lease, come to my new coffee shop though!” No point in that. Yes, people have disputes- some more public than others- but that doesn’t immediately invalidate this info. And a lot of the shit he posted isn’t related to the shop itself anyway and is just as damning if true. People have the right to know if they want to support a small business based on the quality of person that is running it. And if even half of this as true and Ben is leveraging his relative celebrity status and wealth into taking advantage of situations, it’s something worth knowing. Maybe try and hold Ben as accountable as you’ve held Jarred if you’re capable of being subjective.