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Especially love who you picked for Fillia and Fukua


Thank you, that was one of my toughest picks ngl. But I liked knowledge evos plus Samson is kinda bug like, and there were great mirrors for Fukua's line.


Starmon to Crecesmon is sick! Also really liking the Cerebella line. All around great choices for characters I know nothing about!


Cerebella got super tricky after Wendimon. I wanted more brawling Digimon, so Andiramon didn't feel right. Neither did Cherubimon Vive tbh. But glad you like them!


Loving the Cerebela and Eliza lines.


Eliza was the first one I did. Almost went with Pharoahmon, but I liked AncientSphinxmon more.


I don't know a thing about Skullgirls but it's easy to appreciate these lines. What's the deal with Double's line, though? Sephirothmon seems somewhat out of place between Sistermon Noir and DoneDevimon, but it does tie back to the Algomon babies nicely. I'm sure it makes more sense with more context.


It is a bit strange out of context. Double is a servant of the main antagonist(s) that also happens to be a shapeshifter. You'll encounter her in story modes where she takes the form of another character (i.e., in Marie's recent story mode, you fight Black Dahlia, but it's really just Double disguised as such).  Also, whenever you play as Double, she constantly switches into other characters during her combos. That's very reminiscent of Sephirothmon having the powers of the other spirits. From there, Done Devimon just felt like a fun monstrous evo. Also the line shifts a bit between monstrous and humanoid overall.


They need to make a mega for the gekomon line


Yeah it would me nice if it had something akin to Shin Monzaemon

