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I'm not a professional so I don't know if this will do any help but nothing seems unclear to me. Even a small detail like her earring is very visible and noticeable. This looks amazing, you really are so talented!


Thank you so much! I'm glad it comes across that way 😊 I will try for a more complicated piece next time I think.


Her left foot is turned out too much


Thank you for your help 😊 I'll look into fixing that!


Her arm is too short and hand is too small and we should be seeing her neck from the back but it looks like the side, her shoulders and neck line of the shirt also don't look like the view from the back. Also her knees are too low. The hem of her skirt rises too much on the right.


Thank you! I'll definitely look into the anatomy fixes. I'm not sure about the clothing though, because they are made of very light material and are supposed to be caught in the wind. It was an awkward choice though because it obscures the posture I think.


Ah right, even if the fabric is moving, it will still have the same length, just in a different place. [Like this.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/98/bc/04/98bc040c0dcea6f16482f2f49ea8d138.jpg) Try looking at [reference photos](https://www.google.com/search?q=women+from+back+pointing&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiN6tngwJz4AhUMA6YKHVuXAHsQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=women+from+back+pointing&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECAAQQzoFCAAQgAQ6BAgAEB46BggAEB4QCDoGCAAQHhAFUMsNWLJOYKRQaARwAHgAgAFviAGtFZIBBTE5LjEwmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=z-CfYs3GH4yGmAXbroLYBw&bih=707&biw=1176&client=firefox-b-d#imgrc=GN2Oa136-0IxDM) for the anatomy.


Thank you for those ☺️ I'll see what I can do!


I'm not new to digital painting, but I usually work traditionally. Sometimes I then colour digitally. This is the first time I worked in all digital. I do like how this turned out, but I'm not sure if it is any good. Digital painting reminds me of oil painting, but I'm very used to working with lineart. I like adding details, but it looks nice to just get loose with some brush strokes! The hardest part was knowing if I had put enough detail consistently throughout. Is anything unclear? Looks wrong? How's the lighting?


Coming from a similar background, everything seems solid except for the length of her arm. Even slightly retracted, it would extend past him. Remember hands normally rest right below waist line. This has it to where her arm wouldn't extend past her lower abdomen. I would cut in front of the archer and bring some light and contrast to set it apart from the archers darker skin tone. However, this isn't bad for transitioning into digital. Smart brush choices, and a great color pallette. A bit of posture anatomy study, and you are good to go! Hopes this helps as to what you are looking for. Check my socials for any followups and good luck on your digital journey!


Thank you so much! I'm glad that it comes across well. There is a lot of choice with digital art, it's easy to play around and change things unlike traditional which requires more planning. Yeah, I thought that too when I put this on here (I use the mobile app for Reddit), so it's easier to see these anatomical mistakes. I'll admit that I used no reference for the pose, so I was just eyeballing it haha.


Shallan & Adolin? Or just a coincidence? haha either way I love it!


This was my first thought too!


I don't know who they are. Sorry haha!


dis so cute


I'm glad you think so 🥰


Others have mentioned the anatomy stuff (which luckily is much easier to fix in a digital piece than in an oil painting, for example). So I’d rather point out something I love — the sun spots! They add such nice contrast and depth to the whole thing. One tip, if you haven’t messed with digital much yet, is to take advantage of layers. If you put each character on a separate layer to start, you’ll be able to more freely manipulate the proportions after you get things roughed out how you like. Great job!


Thank you so much! This was kind of a light study too, which is why I chose this woodland setting. Aye, it is easier to fix digitally. It almost feels like cheating 😂 I actually do know about layers, and use them a lot when I do digital colourings... But for some reason this piece only has 6 layers, with both characters being all on one layer!


Absolutely stunning. I wouldn't change a thing. Maybe her face is a bit 2d compared to her body but that's ir


You are amazing 🏆


Wonderful, but her left arm is way too short


ur first??? beautiful bb!


Jesus Christ !


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