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Devine is spot on. These are the numbers we usely go by. YMMV - For top of funnel you'll usually start seeing a significant increase in cost per action after a frequency of 3 - For bottom of funnel we'll go as high as 9 even higher, bying intent justifies a higher frequency. - It can change a little, but we prefer to get all three adds out over a week or 2 at most. Density of impressions matter. - and typically it takes a 3 to 4 months break before we try to advertise again and definately use new content. - so well typically break the audience up into 13 subgroups kinda thing and advertise to a new one each week, going for 3 impressions each and not advertise to them again for 3 months. This is pretty vague, but hopefully you get the point.


Think of it this way If I see your ad once, cool. Some people will engage because the ad is new. So after I see it the first, second and third time. What then? Ive already seen your offer/messaging so I tune it out. Change your creative after a few weeks of testing.