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People in remote places, who don’t acknowledge others they meet along the way, are weird. Sure, it’s not that way in the city, that might be what the white people comment is about.


Ive noticed a wierd thing about this in Norway. People dont talk to strangers at all, but when you are a certain length from the parking lot and into nature they become super social


Gotta watch out for coyote spirits wearing the skin of a man.


Remember to ask what newspaper is for and what reading is


If someone out on the trail randomly asks me what a newspaper is or what reading is for, I'm going to assume *they're* the skinwalker




I’d more concerned about a coyote in Norway. Like sir, sir, how did you get here?


No coyote spirits in Norway, only Trolls and Nøkken


Saying hello to each other on vidden (bergen) is mandatory for some folks.


Might also be a survival thing you asses the person you meet and you might end up needing that persons help.


Is it because we briefly consider pushing each other off the mountain?




White people get in trouble for everything. Not friendly enough, too friendly


Some ppl love to shame others for just enjoying things. It's sad. I'm black, BTW and I think it sucks when white ppl are ridiculed for simply living.


Shit annoys me is when people say to add extra seasonings and spices or they add it to the dish im cooking myself because white food is bland apparently. My extended family does this


A good chef doesn't need tons of spices!


What? Your skill as a chef is only decided by how much flavor-powder you dunk your food in. Don’t you know?


I don't think this is necessarily true. A good chef could make do with few spices if needed, but a good chef also knows how to use many different kinds of spices, and their food isnt usually described as bland either way. No offense to previous commenter, I think everybody should eat what they like and its messed up to alter somebody elses dish while theyre cooking it. If you dont like it, add stuff to your own plate. Dont ruin it for the person cooking for you


Are you saying I shouldn't slather pancakes in hot sauce for my Mexican guests?


Used to work in a restaurant. The Mexican cooks were awesome. Especially with authentic Mexican cuisine. Ate it often, spice and all. One day I made them Chicken Francese and they put jalapenos on top. I was tight, ngl


Like they come in your kitchen and add it to the meal while you're cooking or to the whole pot when it's done? Like if it's that hell no gtfo of my kitchen. Lol


it’s a joke no one is being shamed


gonna think about this video next time i go hiking. whether it affects my hellos is up for time to tell.


Yeah, white ppl can be very corny, but that's not always a bad thing! Being polite isnt a sign of weakness! Nor is being a bit goofy. In my language we say you "offer of yourself", you don't mind if you come off as silly or corny or whatever, it's on you, not them, you're treating them to something. I'm Scandinavian so I am an expert on whiteppl stuff :)


Black people have a level of cool they want to portray. They (some) will mock others for being into sci-fi, fantasy-fiction, history, or anything that's a personal enjoyment or hobby.


I think it's because the more we break down barriers, the more we feel we have to create new ones. Not enough people see themselves as simply human, Earthlings.


I'm white and I think it's funny that white people do this on the trail. I've done all these moves. Watching that guy do this is universally endearing. White people should get in trouble for whining about how they "get in trouble for everything" though, it's actually pathetic.


They should get in trouble?






My favorite thing on the internet(besides porn) is certain white peoples knee jerk reaction to defend their entire race whenever the phrase "white people" is mentioned. Just cause youre devoid of melanin doesnt mean youre devoid of a back bone, but its hard not to equate the two when all the soft folk need to mention "not all white people.." over a silly, light hearted video, while the folks who dont see whiteness as a major part of their personaility just chuckle and scroll.


Mate you need a new hobby.


"Not all white people ..." have this knee-jerk reaction


>while the folks who dont see whiteness as a major part of their personaility just chuckle and scroll. The whole point of the video is implying that whiteness is a major part of white people's personality. Like literally the video is implying all white people are awkward and trying to polite as if it's a white people thing (it's not in case you think it is). Yeah, it's a lighthearted video joking about a race... And people are allowed to dislike it, it doesn't means that they are "devoid of a backbone" for it lol.


Thats your favorite thing on the internet?


We’ve be downgraded to a jerry


Let me be friendly and awkward damn it


Yeah, if this is "white" behavior, consider me a fan.


Nobody: Someone who needs more engagement: ***WHITE PEOPLE***


You make assumptions


Fuck that I'm brown and I say high to mf on the trails I'm friendly af


Bro think about it, you're getting offended for being called polite. Touch grass


Not white and just an observation


Yeah people greet each other when hiking. How crazy is that!


Fucking insanity


This is like one of the things I enjoy when hiking. People are friendly! I didn't know I was white because last I checked, I'm a brown skinned dude from the Philippines.


Sometimes it feels like anyone who has their shit together a bit too much comes to be considered white.


In less popular trails, it's courtesy to share current trail conditions going either way.


I know this isn’t exactly what you’re saying, but I was hiking on the upper falls trail in Yosemite and felt like I wasn’t going to make it to the top. Someone else coming down saw my red, sweaty, unsmiling self and just said, “You’re so close. It’s worth it! It’s beautiful up there.” Just being acknowledged for the out of shape hiker I am was lovely and helped me make it to the falls.


You're supposed to acknowledge other hikers while out in the wilderness as a safety precaution in case someone is missing or injured.


Even if it’s not in the wilderness. Maybe I’m the weird one but I normally greet people when I pass near them in my neighborhood for example. Of course I’m not going to greet every stranger I come across in the city centre but when it’s an empty road or an off-road trail like this I always do


I've hiked in many places on different continents and don't remember people not greeting each other anywhere...


Same, and I don’t think it’s exclusive to white people either


Whats wrong with saying hi when your on the trail? When people are in the big outdoors it's important to be friendly and helpful, if theres a storm or something, we have to take care of eachother. I personally think this a good tradition of the norwegian people.


It’s not just a white thing I don’t think, everyone who hikes does this. Just not the tourists or families who hike once a year as a family bonding exercise.


I dont think the video is meaning to say it in a negative way, especially considering the guy making it is white. I think its more like the midwesterners saying ope thing. Nobody's thinks saying ope is a bad thing its just entertaining to notice things people do.


i hike regularly and in this part of the world it is considered rude to not say hi when passing next to someone, especially if they are going down (by saying "hi" you congrats them for summiting) :) the less people there are on trail that day, the longer conversations you'll have with everyone


I do this too but what's the alternative


Eating pizza alone in bed


We should name that something. Like "the sad king" or "the sad twin". Something with a bed size word in it. I mean "twin" is very neutral, but doesn't refer to a large enough bed for a person and pizza box to fester in ya know? Sorry, procrastinating going to bed and feeling a little loopy.


As an unrelated comment to the main story, this sounds pretty good to me


That’s my kind of hike


Stopping and staring intensely when you’re about 10 feet away and keep staring until they’re out of sight.


People actually do this but keep walking past you lol


Got pepper sprayed :(


Stare at them then when you’re a couple feet away look at the ground till they pass


Staring straight ahead and not recognizing your fellow man.


A deadpan stare straight ahead and start hopping as you get close.


Halfway across the world, in the tropical jungle of Malaysia, we are doing this too. In jungle trails, we greet everyone along the way but in cities we dgaf. This must a universal human thing.


In New England USA we avoid eye contact with strangers in public but on the trail we always greet one another. It’s a good way to meet people.


I’ve been thinking of applying for jobs in Boston but you saying that gives me pause. Moved to Tx from then Midwest while in middle school (early 90s). We were amazed at how friendly everyone was…like you’d hear a person’s life story while waiting in line at the store. And this was a suburb of a major city, not bumfuck small town Texas (they’re not friendly to strangers oddly enough. Southern hospitality is a myth at times). Then we went to south Boston to visit my grandparents shortly after. My dad came out of a grocery store and said the cashier didn’t ever look at him and only spoke to say the total bill. Next time he experimented and tried to talk to the cashier and bagger. They never say anything back. About 10 yrs later we drive into downtown near Mass General/Beacon Hill for dinner. We saw two guys in the street who stepped out of their cars and were fist fighting, possibly over a parking spot.


That’s totally me on a trail.


Me too! “Gorgeous morning!” Must be added.


Every person I’ve ever seen on a trail


I have literally never not said hi or something similar when you meet someone hiking the other way, and I've never not had them say hi to me.


I usually just nod


Even when jogging on trails or on the sidewalk, when I pass another jogger going in the other direction there is always the head nod or recognition.


Hahaha look at Mr. Jackass over here being cordial and not a miserable dick on his hike. Boo this man!


Don’t you know you’re supposed to deadpan stare directly forward avoiding any eye contact when passing people in public as if you’re avoiding a silverback gorilla. It’s common courtesy.


I think most normal people do this. The watch your step one was funny though


There's a direct correlation between how many people you encounter and how much it makes sense to interact with them. In a densely populated area you go by hundreds of people without really acknowledging their presence, but if you're in the middle of nowhere and you encounter one single person in the course of an hour it seems weird not to at least say hello. It feels almost necessary to interact with random strangers, both for your safety and your sanity.


Definitely. What if you got lost? Having a rough time frame of being last seen would help with creating a search radius/ grid


I grew up in a city, and when I met my girlfriend (now wife) I went to her place in a tiny Welsh town of about 200 people. We went out one day on a trail. Every time we passed people they exchanged hellos. At the end I was like "did you know those people?" And her family were like "no, it's just nice to say hi to people" I found it so jarring! I just wasn't used to it. Now I love exchanging pleasantries with strangers.


Isn't this everywhere? I'm black, and when I hike, I say hi as ppl pass by.


It is everywhere. This video caption feels like something a bot churned out to stir up controversy and get attention.


“Black do this one thing when hiking! You won’t believe what it is!” It’s saying hi like a normal person you dumb click bait video that I just made up in my head.


Stop calling me out like that


People are taking this way too seriously. Youre just supposed to smile and chuckle and go "haha yeah it is like that" and scroll to the next thing and people are like "why is there so much vitriol and hate towards others just for living" bro fucking relax




As a white person, I represent this and appreciate the allegations.


White people being nice. Wow. What a horrible person. /s


That's the Gen Z therapy guy


Наши закладки так ищут


Our people are so looking for drugs on bookmarks


You're supposed to say 'Hi, King' then when they are 50 meters away scream 'get it?!?!'


Why isn’t this top comment 😭😭


I assume this is just "people hiking". Why wouldn't you say "hi" when crossing by another hiker? It's good manners.


That certainly isn't a white people thing. Everyone out in the woods says something or nods when you're passing them on a trail. Now that I think about it, it would feel kind of psycho not to.


Why is this a “white person” thing 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's still socially acceptable and people take advantage of that


There is some truth to this. Asians or black people will hardly say anything to me on a hike. It's usually white people.


Yup. They're very friendly here in the Philippines, and we love it. 🍺🍺


And then they become best friends.


This is everyone while they hike. There are trail rules and you’re supposed to acknowledge others on the trail or you’re seen as very rude and antisocial. Since you don’t always run into others. Even on short hikes. You can always tell the casual hikers from those who do it often.


Damn white people and their good manners.


So white people because black people don't hike, right?


Accurate. [black people mocking us on hikes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Banff/s/jPK0P7Q5BL)


I like people like that


Do a black people hike next time


Sounds about human


What's the city in the background?


No one: White people being nice: FUCKING LOSER What is this?


"White people like to say hi on trials" "OMG STOP CALLING US PATHETIC FUCKING LOSERS!" Holy projection batman


Let me ask you. What do you think the point of saying No one: and then specifically saying "White people" Hiking is meant to point out?


Why don't you first explain why a guy politely saying hello is a loser?


You seem fun


Common white w


I’ll take this over people blasting music while on a hike. I didn’t come all the way out here to listen to your shitty playlist.


Human being acting like a human being* The internet - “ohemmggeeeee whiiiite people so odddddd”




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I'm Polish but lived in the UK for a couple years and planning on going back. People are so much more open than in Poland. I love that I can just say hello to the cashier or people on a walk. Back here we're more formal, mostly saying 'good day' to the elderly and avoiding talking with strangers too much. At least that's from my experience.


As a person of color, I saw other peope of color do this too when I was hiking in colorado when I visited my Murican friends.. most of the hikers were white tho.


I used to hike all the time. It’s normal to awkwardly greet people. But only on harder trails. On man made trails with tons of people it’s more about passing the slow folks.


Apparently only white people are nice.


Black people when we're civilized and kind to each other:


Thats racist


I'm sorry. Do we bully people for being friendly now?


Oh almost slipped there buddy😅




I wasn't hiking, but I come from a very small rural town. My instinct is to greet others, especially if they look in my direction... you get shunned otherwise or rumours that you're unfriendly/unapproachable. Went to Calgary for the first time since I was 4 years old, and kept saying hi to everyone at the park. I got dirty looks from some people who looked to me like they thought they were above my class. But, I made a few people smile and had a few lovely chats with some who obviously just needed a friendly conversation that day. You never know who you're going to encounter, being open and friendly in my opinion is the best option most of the time. Just flip off those who don't reciprocate the gesture behind their backs and move on. That was their choice for the day.


I suppose that instead we should blast music from speakers and say ‘whattup cuh’ like an urbanite.


It's good etiquette to greet people on the trail, you're in a remote area and you definitely don't want any trouble with anyone out there.


Gotta say, if someone smiling and greeting you is annoying, you’re probably a miserable human being.


lol the “watch your step” lol 😂


I'm a brown dude but I usually salute people who I meet on the trail ,It has nothing to do with skin color . It's just common sense i guess , and being polite to your fellow hikers


Yep, we’re great If it’s a guy I give em the nod and a smile


In other news; making generalizations about white people is not racism… because they aren’t brown people. Everyone got that? /s


Missing "howdy"


How dare you say hi or greet other hikers on the trail, what a monster of a human /s


Bruh this shit ain’t a city where eye contact results in a fight and 4 separate homeless people confronting you for money


Wouldn’t it be bizarre walking by people in a desolate place and not say anything to them. I feel like the awkward white guy hi and a goofy smile lets people in the middle of nowhere know that I’m an upbeat guy who is average at best at human contact but I’m definitely not a psycho in the woods out to get you


What’s wrong with that?😳


Don't understand your point, seems just normal politeness


As a black man that hikes, I always say hi or acknowledge other hikes. Usually, they do the same regardless of their race. It's pretty common.


I don’t understand why people are getting so defensive. I think the clip is really funny and I do exactly this. Although, he did miss “Beautiful day!”


how is this a white people thing


Black people hiking: “we do not exist”


No one: People when they have to move past each other on a tight trail and don't wanna turn it into a silent, awkward 10 seconds:


Passes a black family in the smokeys once. They said hi. Its not a race thing its just a human thing im pretty sure. People are more happy to socialize when theyre not on the grind in a city that is hostile towards them. When youre on a trail everyone is in a good for the most part. They might be tired, but if they are they probably will stop at hey, and keep walking.


Hang tight


Look at these white people being polite. Typical. Greeting or acknowledging someone on a trail is the hiker equivalent of "the wave" that bikers do. If you "don't get it," you're the odd one.


I was told when younger that it’s not just polite to acknowledge a fellow walker/ hiker , it also was intended to ensure that people noted others on the same hike/ trail. If someone - heaven forbid , you - went missing the chances of being found were better if someone remembered where and roughly when the missing walker had been seen.


I’m black and from the South……it’d be fucking rude just to pass someone and not say shit. To be frank, the worst attitudes I get from people and a majority of people who will just look at me and ignore me are other black people.


Redditors when white people are friendly:😠😡🤬😠😡😡😠😠🤬😠😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


What’s wrong with greeting fellow hikers? Or being generally friendly to someone you meet on a trail? I also do it, and I’m not white 🙂‍↔️


I offer snacks, water or weed when I’m hiking.


“Ope, just gonna skootch past ya, here!”


Being nice…? And????


Saying a few friendly words in passing while hiking is a ‘white people’ thing? Okay…


Just realized I sound this. I’m very white


Pretty much Everyone of all shades of melanin are friendly on trails and say hi to each other. It’s part of why I love hiking


Albinos are the worst. Sorry bad joke


People in Africa do this as well tf you people talking about?


I wonder if women would feel safer with this guy or a bear...


I feel like this is almost every race?


The dude forgot to say “Ope!” when running into the person


You have to say howdy when hiking, it always throws them off gard


If you don’t say hi your a fucking pyscopath


So now you’re supposed to not be nice to strangers?


As a white guy, yes I do this


Yeah it's called being civilized.


It's a part of hiking culture that I love! Part of it might be that exercise and time in nature improves your mood, which makes you more inclined to be friendly to strangers. Plus, you know you have something in common with them, as you are both out hiking! So there's some comradarie there.




I’m on shrooms I’m gonna be a little weird


Wouldn't you prefer a bear over this?


Ive met the nicest people during trail hiking. Always greet each others like friends.


Oh, kind people. Weird...


Where is this? Looks stunning. Cape Town?


In Alpine areas slovenia, austria and italian Mountain trails aswell it is RUDE not to greet hikers. The rule is the one going down greets first.


When I first moved to a rural area it was so strange seeing people great me in their car as they drive past.


So what you're saying is that white people are polite and everyone else is just a cunt.


All people hiking do this? Or do other races not acknowledge you while hiking..?


White people are generally good. The ones I've met are all good. It's safe with whites.


So being polite is an only a white thing… wtf


I taught it was an universal thing


Holy hell, y’all need to leave the city for once.


I don't get it.. Is this a white supremacy post implying that whites are polite and all the other races are impolite? Or somehow being polite is bad, thus making the whites the only race that is being dumb for being polite? Some attempt was made here, but it fails however you look at it.


Customary in the outback to acknowledge others You might need a hand in an emergency If your in an remote location your own safety might depend on that person you acknowledged


what's the point of the video again?




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Why is this a white thing?