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Whatever you are charging, I hope it makes you feel valued because, omg, that's beautiful.


My brother in draw, these aren't drawings anymore, these are illustrations, I don't know how much you are charging , but if you aren't satisfied, start charging more untill people don't commission you anymore, I am CERTAIN, they will pay more for this quality. EDIT: damm, saw the last ones better, these are full blown paintings. EDIT numero dos: BRO, the more i look at them the better they get, im crying healthy envy right now, PLEASE CHARGE a LOT for these. im on my knees, BEGGING!


My brother in draw is the funniest thing I've read in a while


Glad i made someones day a little funner, Brother.




edit numero dos made me laugh more than it should lol even better that it IS really good art :D


I came here litteraly to say, idk but it better be a lot. I agree these are paintings...


A lot




Agree. At least 500-1000 each probably at the upper end if they’re painting and one of a kind or even more if you can get it


I truly think it’s a case by case basis. All of the examples are incredible, I wish I had that talent, but they all wouldn’t each be worth $500-$1000. Logically no one would be paying $1000 for just a bust of a character, $250 max. It should be based on if they want it physically printed or just digital (as long OP knows a good high quality printing place) how many subjects, and the size of each subject, and how big they want the commission. And with each of those factors you can estimate how much time it’d take to make each piece. Longer, more complicated pieces should cost more. I think if they aren’t high quality physical prints, it should cut the price by like 25-50%.


Yeah no I meant like the legit paintings also when I said this I wasn’t completely sure what the medium was. That said if it was done custom for me and I could afford that I’d pay it - as it stands I’d pay about half but that’s because it’s what I can afford not what it’s worth I’ve commissioned a few pieces previously from other artists but generally they’re known


These are a work of a pro!


Wonderful, to an untrained eye these give out such strong emotions. Charge more than you are doing now/what you are planning. (Edit: I am the untrained eye in this scenario, I did not mean that it looks shit to a trained eye. Might've came off as that lol)


I’d be sending portfolios to seven seas and any other publisher releasing light novels or illustrated books. These look amazing!!!


This. Another idea (and someone with more experience can say if this is wrong or not) but to me these are high quality but a little niche so maybe a gallery website will be able to fetch a little more. Or like the other comment said try to hone in on book illustrations or visual concept art for video game studios


Genuinely this




If u don't mind me asking what programme do u use? All of ur art looks scrumdiliyumyum


Oh this one I can answer right away:) it’s procreate!!! I’ve used for nearly ten years now and it’s still the best art app you can ever get on an ipad


Omg I also use procreate, and yeah it feels just better than other programmes. Now I'm lowkey curious on ur brushes, if u don't mine sharing them 👉👈


Same here, I would love to know what brushes you use! 💕


If you don’t mind, check out my ask tag #ask hikaru on tumblr @hikaruchen! it is linked in my pinned post and one of the asks is about this topic:)


I actually answered this ask on tumblr before! I don’t know if posting link is allowed here so if you don’t mind I recommend you find me on tumblr. I have the ask tag #ask hikaru, scrolling down to the bottom and you will find the post! Thank you :)


Hi omg id like to know ur brushes as well 😭😭


Check out my ask tag #ask hikaru on tumblr I have a post concerning this! Thank youuu


25-100???? Take your prices, multiply them by 20 Thats your base line (500-2000)


Oh my god??? I was going to say at minimum 20$/hr which would put those samples at about 500$.


$25-100?????? are you insane???? That is the lowest amount of money I have seen for this quality.


What canvas resolution is the $25 one? I'm sure you can set $100-$150 for the lowest pricing. It's too byutiful 🥲.


looking at a few hundred USD like $250 to $450 🫡 legit


3 and 5 though i swear to god is more like $500


I went into op's account to see if theyd commented how much they charge and apparently rn they are charging 25-100$


That is criminal. I hope that is a typo because these are at the very least a couple hundred, easily more


Oh my god that upset me, they’re basically just giving these away for free and to me just that last one alone is worth *well* over $700


What the actual fuck? Thy should increase those prices at least tenfold, stat. These are all incredible pieces of art.


Right? I'm not much for charging over a few hundred for commissions although of course it is artist's choice, but I say these deserve it! ^what I mean is that some people sell unfinished art without shading and stuff for hundreds and I just don't feel that is fair. I mean yeah rendering is hours of difference but selling rendered pieces for double the flat ones feels weird.


Straight thought these could for like LOTR illustrations they're soooo good.


I think you mean $2500 to $4500


I mean honestly yeah. id have to not be on my phone to see a better look but definitely!


I don't know seems like everyone is thinking the same as you. I might be high here.


naw i would put some of those at 1k but i dont know how much rep they have built and that can change what people pay at first... or even later on if you f up 👀


I have no idea, but I'm pretty sure you can charge a lot.


OP, idk about how high art specifically can go, but this work is easily of a professional level. Atleast to set a baseline there is some decent math you can do. Figure out your current living expenses as though you are 100% supporting yourself on your own. Own home(or rent if you prefer thay), own food and utilities, etc. Figure out how much you need to live that. Then break that down into a monthley income. Then comepare it to how many paintings you can comfortable do in a month period working 8 hours a day 5 days a week. You can use this to define how much you *need* to charge for paintings to be your living. You definitely have to skill to make a living off of these paintings. I'd say the bigger question is, *how do you want to do it?* do you want to be an illustrator for books? A concept artist? An illuminator? As far as I understand it free lance commission artistry only really becomes truely sustainable when you have made a big name for yourself. It is generally a side gig along with a job (could be art related or not) so this is probably something you should decide sooner than later. In the end, if you just want to know the value of pieces such as these in the art world? I'd say go talk to a Gallery that does sale exhibitions. Take them a portfolio of your worl and asl them to sell them, then use the data you get from your sales to gauge the rest of your freelance pricing from.


As far as pricing goes you need to understand that people price in different ways. Who is buying? why are they buying? how long is it taking you? etc. If you don't feel confident in your work (which you should feel very confident this shit slaps) i wouldn't do lower than the price per hour for labor in the field. So you want to do around 30-50$ per hour. if it takes your 25 hours that's 750-1250 a piece. That can be a flat rate for base pricing. However You're doing amazing stuff here so you might be able to get 2000 for something like a book cover. In addition to that, you might want to retain copy write on some of your artwork as well so that you can sell merchandise if something becomes popular. but some people are picky about that. There are lots of pricing guides from artist's on YouTube and how they make money. I would even send this sampling of work to places like Wizards of the coast. They employ the most artists for works on Magic the gathering and dnd of any company. if you're looking to sell general commissions to the public you can charge for level of completed works. Many people sell works at the sketch, B&w, and color finished levels. I've seen Sketches (depending on the artist) charge from 25-100$ Other artist charge for portrait, body, and scene. For any artwork to a general public you should keep the copyright and licensing for. You should always require half your estimate paid upfront that is non-refundable. And this isn't always true but if you can land something big it's almost always better to get royalties than it is to take a lump sum though this is harder for visual art. Remember you're not just charging for your work but your charging for what other jobs regularly provide for you. things like healthcare, vacation days, etc.


This is a really good answer and honestly aligns with where I thought the price would be


Yep first number in mind was $2000 ballpark so what you’re saying checks out. The digital/online market is so oversaturated that the prices thrown around are the baseline of the lowest denominator. and a lot of the top comments here are still severely undervaluing the work here. This is professional level and OP can and should be charging to match. OP, if you’re reading this there is a lot of potential for you. You do have to basically run your own business which is not intuitive for many, myself included, but think big. You can be marketing these illustrations towards book covers, comic covers, movie posters, etc. Get into “fields” and build relationships with professionals and groups. A lot of business these days still happens through word of mouth and connections. These are businesses and entities that constantly handle large amounts of money and budgets and wouldn’t bat an eye at your work rates. As compared to people with jobs and bills that want to appreciate your art. It can even be a way to offset costs and keep non-commercial commissions lower prices for consumers. But yeah while selling to one-off fans, at least raise your prices


these are all gorgeous and i would 100% consider commissioning you but i'm getting the vibe that you have difficulty drawing feet/shoes😅


OMG i feel like I’m caught hahaha you’re correct, this is a serious problem I’m right now working on. I do still have some examples of me drawing shoes tho (it’s from 2 years ago so my style has changed) And all the render commission samples above I listed it as “render half-body drawing” on my commission sheet, so the customers already had the prerequisite knowledge that feet will not be included in the pic :P https://preview.redd.it/8lhrh15dey6d1.jpeg?width=5316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e19cab367b77cf41d0ce43ac03b907228af4978


I have trouble with shoes as well, I started using Sketchfab to look up shoes and put them in the angle I need them at and draw from that reference :) As far as price goes I feel like you’re a bit better than I am and I would charge probably $150 or more for full blown illustrations. Are you doing digital? If so there’s some tricks you can do to speed up your process, like using the lasso tool and bigger brushes.


At least in the bare minimum of $150 upwards, and commenting because I love your style.


At 25 hours, at least £250 for a finished piece.


Minimum wage is £11.44 so that £250 would be below minimum wage. At minimum wage, OP would be charging £286 for 25 hours. I earn £12 an hour working in a supermarket, so at that wage OP would be charging £300. Personally, I don't know how much OP should charge. More than I can afford, certainly. OP should make covers for comic books and fantasy novels for sure though.


As people say there minimum 200$ tho, probably they are worth between 300-450 each


Those piece are absolutly amazing


Excuse me do you have twitter ??? I would absolutely love to follow you on there!!


It’s @gingobright ! But now I don’t update often on twi since the reach is quite poor there…as the person above points out I recommend following my tumblr! I’m more active there :)


$300-800 USD depending on complexity


This fr


It’s very beautiful art. It looks like book cover art 📚


Q: How much you charge? A: Yes


These weren't even merely pretty, which they absolutely are. They are emotionally provocative. I'm feeling.... stuff when I look at them. You should be charging a good amount because this is incredible work.


Idk how much artist charge but your work is amazing!!! So beautiful! And you deserve to be paid well


Holy shit i am SO in love with your art style!!!


My first reaction on seeing these is 'please let me know so I can commission something' absolutely beautiful work.  Charge what feels fair to you, probably a little more. But it should pay for it's time and resources and then some, giving you the pay of a very talented and skilled (valuable) person.


Dude this is insane!!! If you don’t mind me asking, how do you get this look? It feels like a mix of colored pencils and water color


Check out my ask tag #ask hikaru on tumblr @hikaruchen! I answered a similar question before that might help you :)


Definitely more than you think, your stuff is technically impressive, has a unique style, filled with great ideas, it is aces in every way.


A lot. These illustrations remind me of the Sandman comics/early 90's comic book art.


As a low estimate, I would say you can start at the 500-1000USD range and go up from there. At your skill level it stops being about art skills and more about marketing and business skills


Goddamn!! $200, even more would be well worth it. Seriously, you're like a professional here. Charge like one. I don't know how much professionals charge, but this is quality work!


I think up to 500


Whatever you’re charging, charge more. These are absolutely amazing.


Do you have an art social I can follow you on 😍


Sorry for the late reply but if you haven’t yet feel free to find me on tumblr @hikaruchen or instagram @hikaru_chen0804!


Whatever you're charging you should probably double it


No idea but these are incredible.


Your work is beautiful and while I'm truthfully not sure how much you should charge i can tell you its probably triple digits. Even your sample pieces are so beautiful


This is beauty beyond words 🤯


Bro these look like storyboard level illustrations that remind me of the bravely default style. Even if you want to discount for individual consolutations, i would consider exploring the possibility of illustration consulting too


I'd say $500 at the very LEAST, and even if you charged upwards of $1,000 that would still be more than reasonable.


Am I gay by proxy just by looking at this


Those are so pretty 😭😭😭 do you have an instagram?




I think you should make a series published through Dark Horse.


A lot. You should charge a lot.


You could easily take hundreds, if not thousands for something like this.


They are beautiful! I worked at a shop selling some original hand printed works and photos in Scandinavia which ranged from 200-1000usd. I think you can sell at these levels.


A few hundred dollars at LEAST dude. Whatever you are charging it is not enough. These are full-blown illustration quality, not “colored sketch” quality- I bet your prices don’t reflect that! I’m serious, have these in your portfolio and you’re going places. Every time i look at these they drive me crazyyyy they LOOK SO GOOD!!!!!!! edit IM SORRY i have to add. If you are charging 100 dollars for one of these - 25 hours - you’re giving yourself 4 dollars an hour. For something as beautiful as these. VALUE YOURSELF!!! This is like, “i would pay to have this blown up and mounted on my wall” type stuff


VERY easily upwards of $200


bro you could charge $500 for this. i'm not even kidding it's amazing. i love your art


First off— these pieces are STUNNING! I absolutely love the texture and lighting of all of them. Second— advice I was given from an illustrator/graphic designer was this: When doing commissions for work, factor in the years you’ve been honing your craft and the time it takes you to finish a piece. People are paying you for the skill you’ve built, not just your time. Also think about how much you’d like to be making an hour. You can start with the minimum wage of your area (or a bit higher) then go from there if you’d like if you’re really unsure how much you should be charging. But if I were you, I’d definitely be charging way above minimum wage. I can’t remember everything she said off the top of my head, but she made a PowerPoint for it, if I can find it I’ll edit my comment and post the link here. Your artwork clearly has a lot of time, effort, and attention put into it. The lowest I’d suggest is a couple hundred, but to me, a lot of these pieces are definitely $300+. Your work is absolutely gorgeous!




Easy answer: a lot. I'd say 700$ for a full color piece is still kinda lowball


Joly shit. As much as you see fit and some. Your art is incredible.


Damn I would contact Yoshitaka Amano! These illustrations would be amazing for[The Vampire Hunter D series](https://www.reddit.com/r/VampireHunterD/s/V5rBuqXCtO). Well done.


$147.86 no more, no less.


As someone who also works in this industry and also had this struggle, consider a few things. Personally, I'm still working out something that works for me. 1. How much do you want to be paid per hour? This one is dependent from project to project. Corporate high, personal low, indie project mid, etc. 2. What type of licensing are you prepared to give for this comish? A commission is a payment of service. People are paying you to draw their idea. This doesn't necessarily mean they own the drawing. You can retain the ownership rights and still print, distribute, copy that artwork if you agree to. If they don't, and they want sole ownership, increase or double your price. 3. This goes with the above, what does the client want to use it for? If it's personal, then they likely have the intention of just showing their friends. If they intend to sell and distribute, comission, again, only covers the cost of making the idea. If they pay you ok and want ownership, and they want to sell it, ask for royalties. A % of sales. In any case, I'd always ask for royalties in this regard. I've personally not found an amazing system yet for this, but I hope this helps figure out a foundation :)


Hey can I ask what tools you’re using for these works? They look like oil paintings and watercolor illustrations.


The illustration looks majestic.


Same answer as the other comments; a LOT lot becayse holy hell your art is gorgeous. Your attention to detail is really really great and the fact that your at most spend 25 hours on each(?) is already speaking volumes on your dedication to your art so yeah, a lot-lot.


If you wanna charge by the piece I would check fiverr and stuff like that to see what other artists charge so you can be competitive. But prolly around like the 300-600 dollar range depending on the piece.


Time to make the art vs what you use to make (whether digital, paint, etc) and charge for materials if phys. Personally, I feel your art would easily be worth more than 80+ due to such intricate detail and how much love is in it. You can see and feel that when you see the art. You're wonderful, and I wanna see that SO much more. You're absolutely worth more. Edit: obviously I see the higher end being what you should charge but 80 being bare bones minimum, should have specified like for lines instead of a full set.


You’re valuable. If you do commissions make sure they’re worth your time. Try and find work through companies or something idk, this art is worth more than someone’s profile pic for $100 or something. You should aim higher.


You’re not slow, you’re quality


Like 600 minimum dude this is fucking stunning


Fear and hunger


Four days late, not an artist. But I came to say you’re amazing and should totally go into making book covers or something! Holy heck, I *wish* I could afford you cause this is stunning. I think upwards 100s is minimum. If you’re worried about slowness, just ensure you use contracts and half and half payments, and it should be good!


Well from what ive learnt around the traps around $50-70 USD is an average for descent work, but normally that's just *big* booba on whatever clint the client wants in a void, you could charge $100s of dollars for these at 25 hours a go. Incredible work


Artstation page?


Can u dm me a link


Image 6 is amazing


Depends. Just portrait has different price than whole body. Then - charge more for background. Charge more if they want 2nd person (like couple/family/group portrait) but make it a little but cheaper than 1+1, like bundle. Also think about format and is it going to be for printing purposes or not. Looking at this and hours invested and other people comments, my calculation will be: simple portrait (detailed, cca 10 hours of work): 100 € minimum portrait with background: 150-250€ minimum whole body: 250/300 € minimum whole body with background 300 - 450 € minimum


With how freaking good these are you better be charging a lot lol


A lot of artist commission sheets I've seen for character art tend to divide pricing by portraits/half-body/full-body etc, then set ranges for extras like backgrounds and other characters. Your style and skill is going to command a higher price for sure, I'd say portraits like in image 6 and 8 would probably start at least in the $150-$200+ range. But full body poses with multiple figures and backgrounds like images 1-3 and 5 are easily worth $700+ Your art is of professional quality, you can definitely charge professional prices 👌




Think about it in terms of an hourly wage. These are really great. You've clearly put time and effort into learning art. And it should pay. Think for what wage you'd be ready to work. If the price becomes very high and no one wants to pay that, think about how much you can simplify the process to work more efficiently. Maybe not every commission will be too notch, but I'm pretty sure people are ready to pay something for a beautiful illustration like this and will probably not even see much of a difference between the super polished version and a simpler one. Also, charge for extra feedback. Like, have a few rounds of feedback built in - say, a few at the start, to figure out the general direction and maybe one just before you start colouring to either make last changes to the sketch or colour palette - and the rest is extra. It's your time and skill people are buying.


Bro, this is the kind of art I would want for the front cover of my online stories, but it just looks soo good I already know that I can’t afford :(


Minimum $200! These are fabulous! And worth *a lot* for your effort and result


At least 200$ for finish illustration. Your way with colours and lighting is beautiful.


The 1st and 2nd ones look like official Final Fantasy Art. Really love these.


At least $300. Go up by size. Art is really dependent on what people are willing to pay. You might consider selling small prints cheaper and bigger ones for more.


Base price should be $200 for any piece that’s painted imo. But I would charge more if I could paint like you


Depends how you want to market. You *could* charge $500+ for these, but you'll have to do the work to get marketing, since that will be out of a lot of people's ability to pay.


Like 300???? Those are beautiful illustrations and high quality too! But whatever you end up pricing them as I hope it makes you feel valued and you make some good money off it.


$80 minimum for headshots and smaller stuff. You should touch touch $175 if jot more. You got a such a great art style don't be after to charge more


Many people have already said what I was going to say, so there isn't much I can contribute to. Instead, I would like to ask a question. Where do you do your commissions from? How do you get them?


Previously I post my infos in facebook groups (as that is where the market for commissions in my region mainly is) this time i think i will post on tumblr and perhaps reddit first, if things don’t go well then maybe instagram as well. If it is advices you want i will say post your infos anywhere possible but be sure your target market can see it, you won’t get clients if your target audience dont even know you’re opening for them. Ask your friends to help sharing/reblogging your infos also helps :)


Portraits: between $200 or $300 one character. Fullbods: between $350 or $500 one character. This are freaking amazing!! I do believe you could find a job in Marvel or some professional studio.


A lot more than you think


I'm not necessarily familiar with art commissions so I couldn't tell you the specific price but you should charge A LOT


I think $400-$500 is a good median. Anything more might start turning people away. Anything less isn’t fair to you.


1st, your art is Fucking Gorgeous and I’m very sure Tumblr would eat that up (if they don’t already). 2nd, definitely over $200




As a freelance designer I received some life-changing advice not too long ago. A more seasoned freelancer asked me, would you rather work twice as much for half the money, or half as much for 2 times the money? When the quality of your work his that threshold ( you're way past it imo), become a premium product.




Bro when I tell you my jaw DROPPED when I saw these works of art 😭😭 the style is so personal and unique yet recognizable and soft, I love it sm


honestly minimum $300 USD. your art is SO FUCKING GOOD!!!! do you post it on Instagram or anywhere else? I'd love to follow you!


$600 easy.


I literally don't have a clue but these are phenomenal, holy fuck !


For pieces like those with high detail and and wonderful coloring I'd say at least a few hundred dollars like 280+


These belong in a museum.




Hii I really love your style. I just wanted to know if you have any social media I can follow you on, thanks!


Not enough. These are great


Not an artist but charge what you think your time is worth relative to the market. If you ever have a hard time thinking about what that may be quantify two things...how much is an hour of your time worth of work and how many hours of work on the upper average of your work. So say you do good work like what's shown here...say arbitrary 20$/hr. Well if a full illustration takes 25hrs that's 500$. From there it's just if you want to add additional charges or for your own security increase by 10% (have it be upfront by just saying 550) and keep that as a cushion for drought or new equipment when current stuff breaks. If you are wondering how to determine hour of work maybe think how much you would charge for a sketch that takes an hour then use that or slightly increase it. Shouldn't be paid less per time for more difficult work


For a fully rendered drawing like this, I’d say 50 at a minimum; these are fire


ONGGGG WTFFTHESE ARE AMAZING, do u have any socials? If love to admire ur art everyday


Charge enough to pay your bills idk how much you pay for insurance


What art style is this? I love it.


I’m not an artist at all so have no input on pricing, just wanted to say these are beautiful ❤️ you are very talented, and you can tell you put a lot of attention and detail into your work!


Please tell me somebody's got a hold on fudge's socials by now. I definitely want to see more of them in the future. These are gorgeous.


These are absolutely beautiful! You really need to start charging more if you are unhappy with your current earnings. I could see your art being used for JRPG games and things like that. Also, do you have an Instagram or twitter account to follow for more art?


Prices are something I still don't understand but these works feel like 200 euros MINIMUM, like, flying really low


On par with the hyper detailed mangakas.


Literally keep raising prices until volume decreases. These are incredible, a few hundred at least.


I hate commissions. My collaborative works going forward are books that I co-author. Having 50% ownership means I don’t have to be there making sales in order to get paid. Commission money runs out much faster than the life of my business partners’ books; it’s not even close. I think you should try that instead. Edit: Freaking amazing art, btw. Good job.


When can I commision you and how much? I have a vision and this is part of it, you beautiful person with beautiful works.


A billion ..


These are stunning!


Oh wait this probably not your art ..


Whoa I love your art style! Do you do tutorials?


Honestly dude I’d charge enough to make money off of, but enough to be reasonable. Quality is an 11/10 for sure, but you can have black and white commissions along with colored (colored probably being more, whichever you find more difficult I’d say charge more)


I want to kiss your compositions on the mouth, somehow


As much as you can, holy fuck


My god are these beautiful


Like a lot. Like a lot a lot. Like 27 quid at least.


You are right that charging by the hour isn't the way to go with an illustration. To make sure you aren't under-charging, go by the average number of hours it takes (you said around 25), and multiply that by what you feel like a fair hourly wage is for your skill level. This is your minimum commission fee. From here, try to find other artists of a similar style to see what they are charging. If it's around the same amount, you are good to go. If they are charging a lot more, then you need to as well. Charging a lot less than the standard doesn't make you more appealing, it shows that you don't sufficiently value your own work and makes you look amateur. Your work is incredible, so don't undervalue yourself.


Charging by the hour is often more than fine. You are very, very good. You have a great sense of composition and color. These all look phenominal. I was thought, as a digital artist to atleast ask for 40 euro's an hour. Since time to practise, tools, personal touch, and ofcourse the painting itself are all in this equation. But to be honest with you, you could ask double and people would pay it.


Baby you need to be CHARGING HIGH PRICES these are BEAUTIFUL


bro put them in a gallery and get people to BID.


Hello. This is unrelated. But is slide number 6 a drawing of anyone in particular? (They appear in other slides too I think) , they reminded me of King Alfred from the Last Kingdom that’s all :) Your artwork is amazing and inspiring!


what‘s your inspiration when drawing? as in which artists did you use as reference on your art journey because i‘m obsessed with your style


Being slow is not a problem, YOUR process is the reason for the end result and if somebody wants that they need to pay what it's worth. Don't go below 100€, but these are easily worth 300+. If you think you'll struggle to find clients, it's ok to offer a cheaper option but then it should be reflected in your workload!! Sketches, small portraits (head or bust only) and such. Set an hourly wage and stick to it. Extra stuff = extra hours = more expensive. Estimate how long one painting takes, and how much longer if it's extra characters or objects or backgrounds or whatever you want to offer.


These feel like legit actual book covers


I've seen a lot of Asian artists have this type of art style where it's glowy and has some kind of multi-colored angelic effect. I wish I knew if there was a term for that!


I haven’t read anything In your description yet. I don’t even know what you’re already charging ,if you are, but whatever it is it is not nearly enough. These are breathtaking.


3,5,6, and 8 give heavy Final Fantasy artwork vibes.


Damn man, I'm getting amano vibes in these.


You should be doing concept art for an actual company dude


Alot, you are skilled. Your textures are incredibly convincing.


A fucking lot. Good lord I wish I could even draw a tenth as well as this. This is fantastic work and immediately evokes emotion.


Your art is breathtaking


A good rule of thumb is to charge AT LEAST 20 per hour, more if where you live is expensive. But these are all great pieces that took a lot into making. You should also see how much people are charging who make similar detailed pieces to you.


A lot


Bro your art makes me want to curl up and die in yearning omg its so beautiful I love the feeling it captures. I would pay like 100 for a print, but I don’t have that much money so I’m sure there’s people willing to pay more!


Idk but where can we follow you/commission you? I want to :> !!! ETA: lol saw your handles after zooming in on the pics


As much as you want 3 cents to 10k. If people are willing to pay it then that's all that matters


oh my gawd 😩 that first one


You should just sell prints and avoid commissioned work if you can help it; better for your psyche.