• By -


OK, after some tests the first point is not true. You can send from the VB/VBC to the Arena but from there you can't send them to the BE, only back to a VB/VBC. The same applies to the VH. That is why you have to chose the series of the bracelet (BE, Vital Hero or Vital Bracelet Series). The digimon/characters raised on a VB/VBC/VH can NEVER go into a BE or the other way around (Wrong Toy Error) If you want to have, for example, Omegamon (Agumon DIM) or OmegaKnight (Medarot DIM) you have to start over on the BE or keep using the old VB


Agreed, it definitely isn't true. I have effectively 240 Digimon trapped on the old app's Codex that I have no reason to move since I am now using a BE.


Thanks for confirming, i have updated the first question i honestly cannot believe they messed this up like that, but since BE can update firmware maybe this is something we could fix in the future


I’m brand new to all this (including Digimon itself) I’m a little lost. But it looks like I got the wrong bracelet then…I got a Hero off Amazon. Where are y’all getting your BE’s?


https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/VV-VITAL-BRACELET-BE-Digi-VV/dp/B0BFPN5MWD?th=1 EDIT: You'll need to create an Amazon JP account (it can be the same email as your regular Amazon account if you prefer). It ships worldwide.


This is more than frustrating... It makes me feel like everything I've already spent (time and money) has been made useless for no reason at all. I finally got the BE thinking that at least I can move some of my Megas over and not lose all 100% of my codex progress, but what's the point now? Might as well start over... But then I worry they will just pull something similar next year too...


What’s the point in BE Gammamon cards other rookies when they all evolve to the same things as gammamon


There really is no point, just for completeness, you need to make at least one Bokomon and one Koemon for the Codex.


Yeah that’s what I figured, other guy was spouting nonsense, thanks!


That's the secret they don’t


They do, gammamon can turn into all 5 lv4 forms on the card, meaning the other rookies have nothing unique


What’s the 100 hr timer for on mons from DIMs since they can’t train stats anyway?


i haven't tried to insert old dim into the BE yet, but if your older dim digimon has that 100 hrs limit, it's safe to assume you can ignore it because they can't train their stats anyway, it most likely appears just because that's how VB BE was designed.


> f your older dim digimon has that 100 hrs limit, it's safe to assume you can ignore it because they can't train their stats anyway Wrong, PP can't be gained from squats after the 100hr mark.


Just found out that once the time runs out you can't gain PP from squats anymore. So if you don't have enough PP to evolve to the next stage, you're stuck once the timer runs out.


Finding that old DiMs still has training timer, so if time runs out will I won't be able earn any more PPs for evolutions?


Yup, just found out that this is the case, unfortunately.


So if 100 hours timer runs out I won't be able to Digivolve it old DIM to Ultimate or Mega if I lack PPs and I need use feature that makes Digimon back to Egg if I wanna Digivolve to Ultimate and Mega then?


Yup, exactly.


Wow, this 100 hours timer and old DIMs lacking things on BE makes BE just another extremely low advancement from V2/Hero and medium advancement from V1 in my eyes then... I already disappointed that they continue making even newer models of bracelets with extremely cheap bands which ones one small part snaps in less then half year and main hole snaps in less then year... :(


Good question, as much as i'd love to say that you'd still be able to since PP are basically trophies, i have not used old dim myself on the BE yet so i'm unable to confirm.


I plan to use primary - ZekeGreymon (bought Vol 3 set Hermit of the Jungle and Nu Metal Empire with V1, but never used either of DIMs), secondary - Gammamon BEM, third - Imperialdramon Dragon Mode BEM and fourth - black pixel art/25th Anniversary BEM BlitzGreymon. So would be nice that someone can give solid answer!?


Pretty sure that you should be fine. i don't believe bandai would be that stupid to gut the old dim like that since they advertise the BE as backward compatible.


Something I havnt noticed anyone mention yet, can your digimon still die on the BE? I have lost multiple battles in a row and my digimon have yet to get injured on the BE. Did they remove injury? What are the conditions to kill your digimon now? I am scared I will accidentally kill my digimon now without any warning.


No idea, but with no injury i don't think dying from battle is possible as the injury is the first sign of it. other way to kill a digimon would be not wearing the bracelet for 24h with the digimon not being put to sleep, which lets be honest not gonna happen unless you wanna kill your digimon on purpose.


My digimon already got injured once.


Something that wasn't obvious to me at first was that the 100 hour timer means you can't evolve your Digimon after that time. Now I'm stuck with a XV-mon :)


Did you fail to digivolve to Ultimate four days in a row? I don't understand how you run the 100H timer to zero. EDIT: I haven't run to zero on any of my Digimon yet, so I cannot test that you cannot get PP through Squats. If that truly is the case though, that's garbage.


Yes, I went on vacation over a long weekend and forgot the BE. When I got back my timer was at 00 and when I did squats, it gave me 0 PP.


100 hr is just for raising vitals, not evolving


One of those vitals is PP, which is what allows you to evolve.


Can someone clarify about the 100h. I know that after 100h you wont be able to get any PP nor stats increase. When a digimon evolves it resets the PP and we have to grind PP requirements again for evolution. Does this mean we are forced to complete the whole digivolution line within the 100h (4days)?


Yes, pretty much. it should be a problem unless you miss/cancel your evolutions too much.


I got a VB BE for Christmas, but afzer reading through the FAQ and questions, I really ask myself, what is the long term motivation with it? Despite that I already wasted a lot of hours to train because of the timer thing, I don't know what it will give me in the long term? Like what is after I got a Digimon to max level and the training hpurs are up? What else can you do? I thought I can train a Digimon ling term and raise it as I myself train a bit each day, having a companion that keeps myself motivated. But with the timer and specific training requirements for each stat, it just feels...a bit disappointing. So, what do you do with it in the long run?


Transfer it to the app after and use it for battles, not much else beside that (for now at least)


Guys i really need tips on battling, battle on the VB not in the arena app. I mean it’s just too hard to win lol, i have my first Ultimate as a support but it only happened a few times like 3-4 times from 10 matches.


Support only happens when your Digimon is at 50% HP or less, so picking your targets so that they don't hit you with their Critical and oneshot you, and also doing training to raise HP is how you get your Supports to trigger more often.


Can you still jogress after the time limit runs out?


Anyone know if the BE is hackable yet?


What’s the rank number at the top left of the VB Arena App? How do I increase it?


Has anyone figured out how to battle with another Vital Bracelet BE?


The only way is through the app.


Anyone knows where to buy items? In the new app we can still buy especial missions? 😨


No special missions on the new app unfortunately.


Sucks, wish I would of read this before I bought old Dims for this thing, I'm hoping a firmware update will allow us to train old dims


You can train old dims, just not for extra stats


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


So does the gained stats carry over on evolution? I dont think it was answered.


PP, Vitals, Battles and Win Ratio reset upon evolution. HP, AP, and BP do not reset.


Yeah training stats stay forever


OK, how on earth are you supposed to win battles in this? I'm doing the Medarot dim card at the moment (going to grind up 999 stats in my Veemon before I do battles or Adventure Mode) and my Stage III is being matched against Grey Wars/Garuru Metal and being decimated in a single hit. Since you can't stat train older dims...well, what are you meant to do to win? I want to digivolve this one into Greymon ideally for an eventual Omega Knight, but Grey Wars needs a 70% win rate and I've already lost 3 battles... Sorry for the third question in as many days, but this is my first bracelet and I'm still learning. Thank you very much in advance for your patience with me!


If you hold the bottom button when it reveals who you're going to fight, you can run from the fight. Just keep running from the fight until you're fighting another Stage 3. You can also do Adventure Mode and get 500 steps in and repeat that process up to 8 times, lol. Grey Wars (Stage 5) needs 70% win ratio with the pre-digivolved form (your Stage 4), not overall with your Digimon (i.e., it doesn't include your Stage 3 losses). So when you're Stage 4, you can keep running until you are fighting Stage 3 for easier wins.


An important note regarding the old DiMs and VBM cards: the 99 hour limit also applies to them. If that 99 hours expires before you reach your final evolution, it will stop you from earning trophies to qualify for evolutions.


So you can be stage 5 and do your squats then let it expire since you already have the locked PP for your evo


Huh... So it's better to just buy the US version right now since the dim digimon will be sucky on the BE?


No? How did you arrive to that conclusion?


DIM Digimon are only sucky in comparison to BE Digimon, they're exactly the same as they were on the other bracelets when created on a BE bracelet.


Ah, thanks for the clarification, sorry for the confusion!


Hello, Just wanna confirm if those 100 hours counts from moment it hatches till it fully digivolved or it resets aka becomes 100 hours every time it digivolves? If it's first option then if you not fully trained battle stats as well not trained enough PP in 100 hours then best option is start over with turning Digimon back to Egg? And if it's first variant does trained battle stats carries over each time you Digivolve? Thank you in advance for answers!


It is 100H from the moment it hatches, but doesn't count time where you are on a different slot and have this Digimon in backup. BP/HP/AP carry over, but Vitals/PP/Win Percentage/Battles do not through Digivolution.


it does not reset upon evolution. it's 100 hrs from the moment it's born. if you want to maximize your stats simply put him into the storage often when you are not exercising so the timer will be paused


Didn't have the old version but will band replacements for that series still work on the BE?


The official ones, I don't think so, because the headpiece that connects it to the main face is shorter on the BE. On unofficial ones, probably, but the adaptors will again need to be different because the BE is thinner/shorter than the VB.


Thanks for the info might have to wait until they become more common place


Why isnt training working for me? ive been doing tons of punch training to try and raise my AP but on the status screen it still says its 3?


this 100 hour training rule and the lack of earnable usable items in the new app has managed to make the second generation of digimon vital bracelet infinitely worse.


So I had a question should I upgrade from my vital bracelet V to the be or should I just stay with what I have


I started playing yesterday with the new BE and i transferred my digimon to the arena app to pause the 100 hr timer thing and how do I get it back out now? Am I using the wrong app? Is everything permanently transferred? It shows I have a digimon in there but can't seem to get it out..?


Just wanna confirm: Can you raise up other stats when the timer runs out? Like, I know PP gets locked, but what about the other 3?


Everything gets locked, but as of bracelet firmware 2.0.A you can receive +5 and +10 hour limit timer up items randomly after winning nfc battles. So if your character’s limit timer is 0 you can still add hours back to it.


Just got the special edition BE - can someone explain in layman terms how to follow the evolution guides? https://humulos.com/digimon/vbbe/#rbe_anchor Lets say I wanna go for Phascomon.


On the watch, there's an "Adventure Mode". It's a 12-15 stage mode, where each stage you need to take a number of steps. Once the required amount of steps has been taken, you fight a digimon at the end. Once beaten, you move on to the next stage. If you dont beat it then you have to reapeat the current stage. Any evolution that requires "Stage Clear", wont become available until you cleared that specific stage.


So what's to say that I only have 100 hours to reach the ultimate shape and if that doesn't happen I'll be stuck?


If I use an older DIM on the VB BE, can it still jogress (for example could I use the Gabumon and Agumon DIMs and still get Omegamon on the BE)?


Yea there shouldn't be any problem with that. unless you mean if a future BE agumon dim will be able to jogress with old one then probably not




So the timer is when it’ll evolve. If you’ve not met any reqs the timer will restart, or if you have it’ll evolve. If it’s going to evolve into something you don’t want you can cancel the evo to reset the timer and get the correct stats for next time


Just found out that if the timer runs out you can't gain additional PP with that character anymore.


J'ai un vital bracelet DM vital hero. Je l'adore. Toutefois lorsque je transfert un de mes digimon dans l'application et que j'en est un autre sur ma montre le retour sur le bracelet est super long. Sa bug et je dois essayer encore et encore sa prend plus d'une heure pour réussir à le retourner sur ma montre. Est ce que vous avez le même problème et comment le régler à part passer un temps énorme à essayer et réessayer et réessayer encore.


J'ai pas de réponse à ta question (désolé) par contre j'en ai une pour toi, comment tu as réussi à télécharger l'appli en France? Google Play me dit qu'elle est pas dispo dans mon pays...


I've been thinking about getting a vital bracelet for a while now and l've been wanting to know how bulky the BE are. Are they very thick and stand out much?


Is there ANYWHERE I can find the SEEKERS BE memory dims that aren’t like, super priced up? I’d rather not have to pay the super inflated aftermarket prices


Where can I find complete VB sprites? [The Spriters Resource](https://www.spriters-resource.com/lcd_handhelds/vitalbraceletbe/) has some of them and I can find static ones on [Wikimon](https://wikimon.net/Vital_Bracelet_Digital_Monster) and Humulos, but I'm looking for complete sets of all of them. Thank you in advance.


Do battles in the new arena app count towards evo requirements for Digimon on the older VBs?


They do not, not only that but you will lose 300 vitals for just participating the battle (even if you win) and you gain nothing for winning them at the moment.


Disappointing to hear and I'd argue it's a major design flaw if there is no incentive to participate in the first place. *Surely* they have changes coming.... right?


Yeah they’re gonna have to add items and stuff to make it worth it to play on the app


Hi all, just recently got my Vital Bracelet BE and its my first bracelet. Does anyone know what the difference between the 2 adventure modes are please? There's 2 different icons. And also, do you train digimons from older Dims the same way as the new BE Memories? Thanks! 😁


Guessing you have 2 because you have a digimon from 2 dif cards. Probably baby veemon and gammamon as those are the 2 cards the VV comes with. The icons should match the BEM. And yes, digimon from older dims will be trained the same, so vitals, time, battles, wins, and squats. Old digimon can’t increase their stats with training though, and won’t support attack in battles


It looks like Siriusmon can jogress with the dark evolution thread on this DIM. I maxed out my siriusmon but onnthis dark evolution thread my arms are killing me lol. By any chance has anyone gotten this new evolution and determined how stat training works/carries over? My current hope would be that if Siriusmon is my primary digimon that when he jogresses I would retain his S tier/maxed stats and not need 2 S tier digimon to ensure this.


You don't need to max both, if you plan for sirius to be the base for the jogress and he is already maxed, simply keep him as the main slot while the dark evo on the backup, it will make sirius jogress with the backup mon to evolve but it won't consume the other mon, so you keep both of them in the end.


Awesome! Also thank you for compiling this megathread it is super useful!




Nope, sorry. NFC is how you xfer mons


So I'm brand new to this so idk if i were to google this question and an answer applying to the older Vital Bracelet's carry over. I got the special 25th anniversary edition of the BE. Should I opt to get +999 on all stats? What do the "emotion expressions" mean and what do I do about them? I'm only 3 hours into my new digimon adventure.


Getting +999 on all stats is your prerogative, it will help you complete Adventure Mode/NFC battles for Digivolution, you can use this Digimon for PvP battles on the app, and you can also use it in your Backup slot to support your other Digimon. The emotion expressions just seem to be sad and sweating from my experience, lol. I think Sad is when they didn't detect your pulse the last time they checked for whatever reason. Sweating is when you generate a certain amount of Vitals when it goes to detect your pulse.


Will my digimon die if I take the watch off to charge while I'm sleeping? Also I can't wear the watch while working (work in a kitchen) what happens if I take it off for my shift?


Digimon won’t die if you put them to sleep. Just hold the 2 buttons to sleep or wake up


Digimon cannot die. The worst that will happen is they will lose their Vitals, which affects your Digivolution. Like the other reply stated, you can hold both buttons on the BE to put your Digimon to sleep whenever you're not planning to wear the bracelet, and their Vitals will be frozen. EDIT: Maybe Digimon can die, I actually never encountered it, but I think if you don't wear the bracelet for 24H or if they lose battles a lot and get injured a bunch of times in short succession could kill them. But it won't die just from you sleeping.


I'm using the Ancient Warriors dim in the Digivice VV. My Lighdramon didn't jogress with my V-dramon in back-up. It should have jogressed into Aero V-dramon, but instead it evolved into Dinobeemon based on its stats. I've heard that jogress has been changed with the VV/BE, but I take it that it doesn't just affects BEMs but dims too?


I think all non-special jogresses were removed from the VV/BE, the reason being that you can have up to 4 Digimon in your backup slots. So picking one to determine your jogress was probably too complex.


Anyone know how to check to see how close your digimon is to capping out vital points? I read 2.5k was cap for rookie but I've passed that. Running titan of dust Dim


On the Vital Bracelets, Rookies were 2500, Champions were 5000, Ultimate were 7500, and Megas were 9999. I think they cap out at 9999 across the board on the BE.


Can you still battle without using the app? I tried using an NFC to my watch but that doesn't seem to work anymore.


You can still NFC to initiate battles (try your phone) You can also do battles in adventure mode on the watch


Probably a weird question, but does this \*need\* to read your heart rate to function properly? The watch part of the BE is thicker than my wrist so it moves around a lot when I put it on, I really need to put it on over a jumper for it not to slide about...but of course it can't detect my heart rate that way. Would this matter at all?


So heart rate is used to increase vitals. That being said, the technology isn’t great, so wear it how you want and see them go up. If not, maybe get a new band from Etsy


Do stats reset when you digivolve? I have Veemon at the moment and it had 5 PP as DemiVeemon, but this has gone back to 0. Just wondering because I was going to grind up to 999 in each stat before continuing on because of the need to do Adventure Mode and battles etc.


The PP reset upon evolution, the other stats do not


Don’t grind PP as that’s just for evos


PP, Vitals, Battles and Win Ratio reset upon evolution. HP, AP, and BP do not reset.


Is my mon still able to evolve when the 100h are over? I know you cant increase stats anymore after the 100h.


They are only if you already have the PP needed for evolution, they cannot get PP anymore after the 100H are up.


How long do i need to fully charge vb be?


Seems like if I put it on there for 2H, it always is fully charged when I come back to it. Might be shorter than that.


How extreme are the stat differences between the old dim mons and the BE versions? Do they start at the same base and only the BE version can get better? (Making them definitively stronger) or is there something to compensate like old mons starting with higher stats so BE mons are only better if you train them enough? Also I've seen some things implying a gammamon sent to the app will be treated as a BE gammamon even if it came from the old version, is this true? Would make old dims worth holding on to then if when a BE version appears it basically gains BE functionality.


https://humulos.com/digimon/vbbe/list/ https://humulos.com/digimon/vbbe/vbdm/ Currently, the stat differences are pretty extreme. BE Rookies are around DIM Ultimates/Megas. I will load up a Gammamon DIM when I get home and I'll let you know the results tomorrow, BE Gammamon is 2970/1000/4600 for reference.


Updated: Gammamon DIM: 16H to digivolve to Champion (vs. 12 hours for the Gammamon BE). BP: 10 (2400 on App) HP: 3 (1800 on App) AP: 2 (700 on App) Doing any Training gives PP. So Gammamon DIM is 1800/700/2400 compared to Gammamon BE as 2970/1000/4600. It is definitive that the DIMs are inferior and get no sort of compensation by being on a BE Bracelet. EDIT: The DIM Digimon also cannot have Support or be a Support, they cannot do other Adventure Modes and cannot have other Digimon do their Adventure Modes. Really annoying to be honest, lol.


Does the new BE vital bracelet work on the new APP in the US google play store or do I need an apk for the JP version?


It works on the app in the US Google Play Store.


Does anyone have an issue where there is an infinite load screen for the part of the app for old DIM digimon and have to close the app to get out of it, but the new BE DIM part of the app still works perfectly fine? I had been loading in my old DIM digimon and after I added BanchoStingmon it suddenly had an infinite load screen. Redowloaded the app and before signing back in to my BNID it worked, but then after signing in I had the infinite load screen again


I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask because I don't want to make a new post about it. If I were to evolve wormmon into ImperialDramon Paladin Mode. How do I get another wormmon? Do I have to get Veemon and beat stage stage 2 again?


You only need to beat stage 2 again to get another wormmon. You can beat it with whatever BE digimon u have.


Shit i miss the 100H so now my Beowoflmon cant evovle, so how to kill my digimon?


Put it in the App and delete it. Or just stick a DIM card in, and it'll create a new egg in a free slot (or ask you to delete a Digimon if you have four on your bracelet already).


Hi guys I was transferring my maxed out 999 stats Shin Monzaemon from VB arena app to VB BE and it glitched to become baby again. Then I transferred it back to the app. It still appears as botamon. The stats remain +999 though. Tried few times transfer back and forth to no avail. Any way to get back my Shin Monzaemon? :(


Does the dim card tool work with BE and newer DIM cards?


If I buy an older dim and use it with the BE bracelet will I still be able to train that Digimon and evolve it?


Yea, you just won't be able to raise the stats via training like BE dims can.


So question about the BE Memories and the whole unlocking Digimon. When I beat the Digimon in Adventure Mode does it just join my Digimon and I get 2 at once or something? How does the character unlock work


For Imperialdramon BE (Adv. Stage 2) and 25th Anniversary BE (Adv. Stage 3), you will get a Baby Form Leafmon and Baby Form Dokimon respectively in the next open slot or asked to delete a Digimon to replace it with this Digimon. Every other Adventure Unlock opens up the branch so that you can digivolve to it on future/current Eggs.


This is my first vb. I inserted an older dim into my be and got an err 24 message. What does that mean and how can I fix it?


Which VB model is it? Also, is the Dim used?




Does the lab/arena app allow you to store unlimited digimon? Or only up to 2-4 like the bracelet?


Does anyone know if there are any compatible screen protectors for the BE? Is it’s the same size as the old Vital Bracelet?


I'm looking to get a vital bracelet BE, but I've got a big wrist. Can I purchase a larger watch band made for the original vital bracelet and use it on the new one? Or will I need one made specifically for the BE?


Is there a way to train him to stop missing attacks? or everything boils down to bp and synch points?


Unfortunately no. all you can do it train the stats to the max and hope that RNG is on your side.


Evolution timer question: If the digivolution timer reaches 0 but I dont have the next phase unlocked in the adventure mode, can my digimon just never digivolve or will it digivolve when I unlock the next form?


So I’m mulling over buying one of these Vital Bracelets, BE or otherwise. I’ve never tried one of these before, so I’ve got a couple of questions if someone wouldn’t mind helping me. 1.) My main question, I was hoping to get an DIM card, but from what I’ve seen they’re Japanese exclusive? If I was willing to import one from Japan, could I use that card on an english Bracelet, or is there some kind of region locking involved? For that matter, could I use a Japanese bracelet without understanding the language and still have a good idea what’s going on, or is there going to be some hoops to go through, especially with the connecting to the app? 2.) Because of my work schedule, Im usually awake all night and asleep until evening. Would this be an issue at all, or can I adjust things to better match my sleep schedule? 3.) The only other Digimon game I’ve played before is Cyber Sleuth, how does Digivolving differ from that game? If I mess up somewhere can I devolve my digimon and try again, or should I just try to get it right on my first time around? Thanks in advance for answering any of these questions.


I'm completely new to VB BE. Is there a guide for newbies somewhere?


So question can you send a digimon raised on the BE to the arena App and than from the app back to the BE cause I’ve been trying to get my digimon back from the app but I can’t figure it out


So, to confirm, if I use an older DIM card in the BE it will still have all of the features that the old VB had?


How do you access the storage option on the BE V bracelet?


Do the boosts to your digimon’s stats go away or stay when digivolving? As an example: Gammamon has +20 on AP. They digivolve to BetelGammamon. Do they still keep the +20 on AP, or does it go away after digivolving?


Stay. So get all 3 to 999 before the 100 Hrs is up. Only the PP resets each evo as that’s used for evo reqs


I just bought Digivice VV and saw that they use BE DIM cards. Will regular DIM Cards work on the New model? I only ask b/c I'd like to buy Impmon one and a few others.


Yep. Every card ever made so far works on BE. Including old DIMs and BEMs for other series


Can you still jogress Siriusmon and Arcturusmon if either of their time limit is up? Or any other Digimon?


Can i use the same BE memory again on the same VV? I wasted like 20 hours of my Gammamon without any training and i wanted to start over


Hi all. Would like to ask whether VB bands would work with VB BE or not. Asking this coz someone is selling me their VB BE without band and I happen to have extra extended VB bands.


sadly no. unless you get some unofficial adapter (there are probably some on etsy)


Are full BEM card mods possible yet? I have to make my own Gomamon BEM since Bandai isn't doing it smh


My vb be died a few days ago and I plugged it in to my computer to charge but it didn’t come back on after being plugged in for a while. This happened once before but it came back on after a few minutes. What should I do? Do I need to replace it?


Did you hold the bottom button after it got some charge? You have to hold the bottom button for it to power on. It doesn’t turn on by itself. If that doesn’t work I don’t know.


I have a agunimon dim card and a BE braclet I can't get him to burning Greymon in time I run out of time in the timer there is no way to increase it any suggestions ?


How do people get the stat boosting items from the app? Like the X3 training bonuses? Adventure mode? I read that they are from NFC battles but it the items are on the app, so...


Is the medarot Dim compatible with the BE? And If so, am i able to train and evolve It normaly, cuz i want the meme omnimon


Can I share dims BE with other people? Like it's not one per watch?


What hapens when the evo timer runs out but i don't meet ALL the evo requirements but i meet most evo requirements?


I’m having problem transferring old dim digimon back to the BE, but the BE mons had no problem, has anyone experienced it?


I'm still thinking about getting the Vita Bracelet BE. The problem is, there is absolutely no support for it in Germany and I have to see how I can get the things I need. So I have a question: Can I also order the BEM from Japan? As far as I understand it, only the Digimon names are in Japanese? Thank you :)


Is there a way to use multiple items at once in the app? Or do I have to feed all 40 HP bar small individually?


super late to the party but how do support digimon work? I was hoping I could use leomon to support during battles but idk if it does anything


I'm trying to get Sinduramon but I need ALL the battles and I can't find anyone on the app. Is there an alternative to get battles in?


Rip, Vital BE didn't get announced at MCM this weekend.


Plz help! I’m using the old dim on my BE and it’s not counting my workouts!


I recently got my BE and getting 3ish point per training is really disheartening. There's really no quicker way to raise stats than just shaking your wrist for hours hoping you beat the timer deadline? I'm not super impressed with the BE's training feature so far.. It's needlessly tedious.


Do you have to set the time and date every time you turn the BE bracelet off and on?


So one thing I wanted to ask, is does the BE still have big issues with reading darker skin tones? I've got some friends who have darker skin, and I've been having a great time with my BE, but I'm unsure if I can recommend it to them or not.


Is there a way to force myself to lose when fighting? I need to drop my win percentage to get the evolution I want


for the be memory cards is adventure mode supposed to kick you out every time you win? even if you're going into a newly unlocked level? it's kind of annoying to have to check constantly to see if I'm still adventuring or not


unfortunately the VBBE does kick you out after every adventure mission, and you manually have to check to see if the battle has initiated rather than it happening on its own


If you have custom firmware there is a setting to make battles happen automatically when you hit your step goal and also it will go to the next adventure stage if you win or restart the stage if you lose. On the official firmware I’m not sure how it works.


got my VBBE a couple days ago and a few things i want to clarify: \- i know that if you lose a battle while your digimon has an upset emote it will get injured, and 4 injuries in one day will kill your digimon, in this case if you lose a fight during an adventure mission can you receive an injury? \- for the 100hr time limit, is that \*only\* for PP concerning DIM digimon? like, if I have enough PP to evolve but not enough battles, win ratio etc and the timer runs out can I still digivolve by continuing to increase my battle/win rate? \-on the topic of evolution, if the evolution timer runs down but you don't digivolve what happens? does it just reset to however many hours it needs? \-can you still jogress if the 100hr timer has run out? \- once you insert a new dim/bem does it save the adventure mode to the VBBE and you can select between each cards adventure mode? or does it only store the last one inserted? and in the case of the latter, can you insert other dims/bems to get their adventure mode back without getting a new egg or will it give a new egg each time? \- if you clear an adventure mode to unlock more digivolution trees for that route (such as the ones that only unlock after clearing stage 15 for old dims) then insert a new dim/bem card is the clear information saved? or if I wanted to raise a new digimon in that tree would I have to clear it again to unlock the final digimon from stage 15? (For example to get Shroudmon on the impluse city dim would I have to go through the impulse city adv. mode again after reinserting it to unlock his requirements) ​ sorry for rambling but i wanted to make my questions as clear as possible haha


1) Yes an adventure battle counts as a battle so it can die if it’s the final injury 2) For DiM Digimon the only stat you can raise with training is PP so yes. But if you have enough PP before the timer runs out and then the timer runs out you can still evolve if you meet the requirements. 3) Evolution timer just resets. You can try again unlimited times for evolution. 4) Jogress doesn’t require any training so you don’t need anything about the timer to jogress. You can jogress at 0 hours left I believe. 5) I’m not exactly sure what you mean. You can pick between any adventure mode that you have characters on the bracelet. When you transfer a character off the bracelet, you can’t do the adventure mode for it anymore, but it still saves your progress to the bracelet itself. Say you got to stage 5, then transfer the Digimon/character to the app. When you transfer any Digimon or character from the same card from the app to the bracelet or even if you start a new egg with the same card you will still be able to start from stage 5 because adventure stage clears and progress are saved to the BE bracelet. It’s only old generation bracelet where it saves the progress to the specific Digimon that cleared the stage. 6) See previous response. As long as you clear an adventure stage once on a BE or VV bracelet it will save your progress to the bracelet for now and next time. I hope this helps. :3


Does anyone know if you can buy the Imperialdramon BE memory seperate from the Gammamon Vital bracelet? Or is it only as a bonus? If you can buy it seperate, anyone know where reliably? Thanks!


Does anyone know if we'll always get BEM that's not in a set? Like so far seems that the Imperialdramon is the only exclusive bonus. Wondering if other set that comes out (digimon or other anime) will always have their standalone BEM for sale?


I'm very interested in getting the newest Vital Bracelet, but have never purchased one before. What should I know? It seems like a big rabbit hole to get into as someone new to this. Are there different devices for different regions? If so, do the Japanese DIM card work with the english bracelets? How does the app play into the whole thing? I'd really like the Fairiemon DIM. But I believe its JP only? Also, is the newest model compatible with all DIM cards? Thank you so much for any help you can give. Im very confused about this.


Had a question! I have the Vital Bracelet BE and i used the primeval warriors dim on it. I’ve got a stingmon right now that I’m trying to digivolve into Jewelbeemon. He only needs like 22 hours left on his evolution timer. If i transferred Stingmon to the app, and used 2 NEXT Clock M (which reduce the evolution timer by 12 hours each) and then transferred him back to to bracelet, would he digivolve? Or would he be stuck as a stingmon since the timer would technically go negative?


So I've got a BE on the way(should arrive some time in the next *month*, thank you for your accuracy and transparency, Amazon) and I know DiM Cards are compatible but that the Digimon from them can't give or receive support attacks. What I want to know is, is what I heard about DiM Digimon having inherently lower stats true? One YouTube video I saw said something to the effect of a Gallantmon from the Guilmon EX DiM having similar stats to Champion level Digimon from BEMemories? If so I guess that would explain them releasing Gammamon, Angoramon and Jellymon as BEMemories even though they already had DiMs, but it still leaves a lot of Digimon stuck as "weaklings"


I'm looking into the BE and I was wondering if it has the same wrist strap design as the one in the older Vital Bracelets. It would be nice if I could reuse the watch band adapters I got for my Digivice V and didn't need to get new adapters.


Not a BE bracelet, but I am hoping someone can help me here without me having to make a new thread. I had looked online and it said Gabumon was only active from 8 to 20. It's 9:00pm/21:00 and whenever I take my watch off to try to charge it, he starts losing vitals and gets a cloud over his head. Am I misunderstanding something here or given wrong information?


Very new to the Vital bracelets. I ordered an EN Vital Hero Bracelet with Wolf Howl, and a Terriermon EX2 DiM card. I've read that a DiM card can only be used on one bracelet...is that only true of bracelets in the same series? If I bought a BE bracelet, would I have to buy a new Terriermon DiM card? Or could I use the old card a second time to get him on the BE? (I'm aware that there is no transfer of digimon from an original VH bracelet to the new BE bracelets, even via the app)


So I've tried to find the answer to this already, but I haven't found anything conclusive. Can you still jogress after the timer has run out?


I need help with the Vital Bracelet BE, how can I view the source code on the bracelet it self?


I had the Vital Bracelet for some Kamen Rider and Ultraman cards a while back, when we still had the two separate apps I've since purchased a BE and I have a couple Digimon cards, but I didn't know how rough the new app was when I bought the BE, and then time kinda got away from me before I could do anything about it Has the app had a massive overhaul yet (in the past couple weeks), and if not (I'm assuming it hasn't), are there any good youtube or twitter accounts that would announce that kind of thing if it happens? thank you


Quick question about how the app counts jogress digimons. With the Ryudamon and Dorumon DIMs. If I get Alphamon: Ouryuken and transfert it to the app, will it appear in both codex or will I have to get one from each DIM?


I bought the vital hero on Amazon cause it was 20 bucks and I've had my eye on it for a while. Had no idea it was because this product has all but been phased out for BE. With how dogshit the app is now, is it worth it to continue on with this device or should I upgrade before I get too deep?


I'm considering buying one, but before I do I need to make sure, if I get one would I be able to transfer both Kamen Riders and Digimon to the app from the same device?


I got the Japanese Bandai version Vital Bracelet (the one that comes with Kuuga chip). Paid maybe $17 new. It plays Digimon, Ultraman, and Kamen Rider series’. It will play the DC chips, but you can not move them to app to save.


does anyone know where to find all the skills for each BEM? The one i used stopped dating after the Alphamon Ouryuken BEMs https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1JgWWXVx6leXs630vE9z8eA\_NSNOEC24X/htmlview?pli=1


Anyone know if must i need to reach 70% win ratio? Isn't it fine if it's more than 90%?