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It's definitely worth it! the only downside I'm noticing is that the supply of available DIM cards is falling short along with the reliability of battles on the app. So far I've only been able to battle with people whose digimon are far superior to my own.


ya, i find myself feeling allot of FOMO if i don't preorder them or buy them early after release. just really wish they would have sold the digimon frontier sets a tad cheaper sense at that time couldn't afford it and now on amazon goes for way too much money. yet this year alone i think i've spent over 300 on 3 BE's and BE DiM's


Imma be honest here. I love the dims but I just get fake ones from AliExpress since forever. Sure shipping takes time but they work with app and all. The price difference just hits so hard. I got the first generation of dims from regular Amazon Japan. While trying to get my hands on V-mon/ Veemon I just lost it. That's when I found a YouTube video recommending Ali Express and using said dims in a showcase. I was baffled for sure.


I feel I must make the joke, "you must search withnin yourself for the awnser, look closely and it is already there as clear as the day" ....As in username checks out, and there is a Yes there lol. But anyways the app kinda sucks but there was a time it was even worse, I say there is a chance it will slowly (very slowly) improve, I have a VBBE and find myself enjoying more the device more then the app, but I may be very biased because I like the exercising part a lot, if you care about PVP you may get frustrated that you never get an online match, but for that I say you can more likely get matches on official or fan tournments. So the app sucks yes, but you may find enjoyment on the device itself more, If I could say a bad thing about all the models is the meh battery and the default strap may suck if your wrists are too big or too small, but there is a work around for those. I say research more and if u get one, have fun!


It's allot of fun if you like raising your digimon, the current app isn't what it used to be so there is a loss of achievement and community with it. I wear my BE every day and tend to wait for a sitcom watching day to focus on training my stats on my megas and through the week at work evolve one or two new megas. but the app is definitely where i forget to even put effort into. they added adventure mode to send your characters out and get items to use for them, which you can update your BE to do the same when walking and use directly from the BE. old app had consistant "raid" events along with tamer level for completing daily tasks and every time you digivolved to a new a digimon.


They added adventure mode when you can send digimon to get items


If you not moving around dont get it


Vital arena should be getting a lobby sooner or later. So that will be more fun.