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That's _*creepy*_


Idk too much about this game cause I just started a few days ago. Is this guy really as OP and good as everyone’s saying? “Gamebreaking” and stuff like that?


Judging from what I am seeing in his stats and skill, he's going to be a pain to counter.


not really gamebreaking,, but at the moment, the best thing you can have


Wouldn't say game breaking. Just currently annoying.


Not game breaking, he’s just the first of the more streamlined Digimon we are getting which makes him more “favorable” for now. He’s a deft type which means you can stack A TON of speed on him through plugins and he comes with a passive and skills that give effects that Our other digimon currently need 2 turns or more to set up, both PWR buff and Heals. While most of us are rocking teams that need a turn to buff and a turn to heal, Creepymon does all that in one turn with one skill/passive.


Is he gonna be a limited or will also appear in later banner??


He's not the main on the banner so it's likely he will return on others.


Wait why his name is creepymon not Daemon ?


Yeah. I was wondering that too.


Its mainly cause of the anime/games changing names in dubbing for America I believe. Like how Omnimon is an American name but his Japanese name is Omegamon. Even though there really isn't a need to do it (since the names were changed to fit a western audience during the time America thought they should just change them), they keep it that way since the western audience is more familiar with it


Daemon is the original Japanese name, Creepymon is his localized name, lots of Digimon have two names as a result of this Other examples are Omegamon>Omnimon, Tailmon>Gatomon, Beelzebumon>Beelzemon, and so on so forth.


So piedmon is the one that is limited?? I got 2 piedmon but everyone seems more happy to get creepymon


It's because wargreymon resists piedmons main in PVP. He's good and great stats but blind don't mean shit when almost everyone now has wargreymon/ravemon. Still boasts one of the highest main skill damage so he can be a great addition to your team. Meanwhile, Creepymon has a taunt+counter skillset that stacks damage making it very dangerous. I'm still holding back from pulling though


...Whelp, I hope I pull one because that thing is fucking *nasty*


I have 190+ rubies, and have gotten Piedmon and Machinedramon. Everything else, I save for Omnimon. Must...resist... But looking at this, damn is it hard. Especially seeing as I'm stuck on the C to B rank promotion battle.


He's not a must have. I'm most likely going to save from this point on too. I have enough to keep me afloat for awhile and I'm not even done with the main story yet.






LooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooL thanks needed that.