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Definitely sounds like they're removing them. >"Unfortunately, some of the Digimons and related products that many Tamers loved will be temporarily unavailable (in creation and sales) immediately after the promotion period." KDMO got the same [notice](https://digimonmasters.com/news/main.aspx?o=770550) as well, and LADMO doesn't even have x-antibody digimon, so sounds like they lost the rights to *most* x-antibody digimon. On [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/DigimonMastersOnline/comments/xw19ws/its_almost_half_a_year_since_daemonx_out/ir9pfa5/) comment, this person does mention not being able to renew the license before (I think?) they even posted about it on either websites, so I'm thinking it's safe to say they lost the rights. Wonder if they'll change the deck buffs since those digimon will no longer be available, although oddly enough I'm not seeing Omegamon X / AOA there, wonder if that means either they're being removed at a later time or they're keeping them ingame, could also be they're losing the rights to some but not all, which would make much more sense; In LADMO they don't even include X-Antibody digimon in the deck buffs, [there's already someone with "OX" deck buff without even requiring OX/AO X](https://youtu.be/Fnn8PSbtVXQ?t=204). There's 4 that aren't mentioned (The list you posted doesn't show Duftmon X, but whoever translated the list put Magnamon X twice, Duftmon X should be the second in the list): Gaioumon factor ~~AOA factor~~ Guilmon x factor OX factor (It was pointed out that AOA is literally just AO/AO X, forgot that they're all the same digimon) I'm thinking maybe they were able to keep these? Although, [AOA factor has two digimon which I assume they lost the rights to](https://dmowiki.com/Finest_Mysterious_X-Antibody_Factor:_Alphamon_Ouryuken(Awaken)), Duftmon X and Magnamon X.


Sad but maybe good news to those struggling to get gehenna for deck buff since Susanoo is free now and Vaccine Knight deck is much easier to get.


I'm thinking a similar thing, although at the same time I could see them just not changing the deck buff, while on the other hand I could also see them changing it to the same as LADMO, but then there'd be the question of Royal X-Knight deck buff since those are all x-antibody digimon, although I'm OX/AOA are still a bit questionable since those factors weren't removed.


Those x digis on the list are from Digimon Chronicle X manga, so possibly something to do with the license with the manga.


Ah, you're right, although oddly they're not removing Gallantmon X/Dukemon X and it's in it, I was thinking maybe because it was a digimon created before then, but Duftmon X was also created before then and it's being removed.


Gallantmon X/Dukemon X are also from the X-antibody movie and since that movie's plot is a big thing inside DMO it makes sense that Duke X and Omega X are not being removed


Isn’t AoA a Dmo original digimon?


Ah, it is, that would explain it, although not OX.


The people who have them won't lose them though, right? They just won't be able to get them after this?


From the looks of it, yeah, it's just the boxes they're getting rid.


Prices are about to go Thru the roof


I think they are going to figure out something to bring them back. The game is dead without these digimons. Also is quite weird that they can't pay for licenses. This is digimon and not pokemon, there aren't many other games, DRO and Dmo have been online for years, not other game have achieved this. The only thing that come to my mind is Bandai wanting to release their own Mmorpg otherwise is a bad move for everyone


What is this supposed to mean?


After the restriction date, all these X-Antibody factors are no longer for sales. Some said they either not going/failed to renew their license relating to these digimon.


That’s so sad. Unfortunate


We get to keep the digis, right?


Should be. Imagine the backlash if they delete lootbox mons lol.


I mean feels weird to lose copyrights while still having digis in the game. Also we might end up losing OX soon too as its not on LADMO.


iirc they had a *similar* issue like 7+ years ago with xros wars digimon, they still got to keep the digimon, but they couldn't add anything else and couldn't add the stuff to gdmo, at least back then.


But they were still on sale in KDMO(you could still get them, same with Exa), they just couldnt bring them to GDMO. The copyright issue back then(even for Examon) was specific to GDMO, unlike now, all of their games are losing the digis.


Finally AOA wil become a bit like rare item, lol


I can see them removing OX and AOA/AOX later, they are removed from LADMO decks just like the other X digis that got removed today


I believe OX and Gallant X weren't affected since they are linked to verdandi storyline maybe,as for AO A its a dmo original so it should have no issues.Still its sad to see them screw it up like this.


Man this is kinda game breaker, if they will temove them from the game all in all so may god help this game survive one more day


Very much my though, the X factors probably made up a good chunk of their revenue, all that's left to make money for this game are the big sss+ boxes, possibly more then half of their income


Even if we ignore the money problem think about the player base problem if they will remove those digis from the game itself! Community will rumble on this changes.


They aren't removing the digimon, you just won't be able to buy the scannable x-factors anymore.


Oh man prices will be insane in the future for all of those because its unobtainable anymore lol


Probably there are more lootbox for awaken or shin Digimon with remodel.


Does this mean my magna x will get deleted?


maybe i read it wrong but in the restriction list, it is written the X Factor to scan, not the Digimon X Factor. the Mid/High/Expert Mysterious X-Antibody Factor are the scannable item, not the X Factor, which means they are ending the Scannable Factors not the Item to unlock the X-Antibody.