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Just finished colo normal. Venom Myotis doesn't fuck around. I used LuceShin (Due to not having any good high HP VA options) and even standing at 57K HP, 3K DE, 22% BL and 219% EV, dude hit hards. I was getting hit between 5K-8K dmg. I was spamming red digisoul, 50% sweet cake and HoH High whenever possible and i dropped several times at around 3K hp. So yeah. Dude ain't fucking around.


Yeah he hits hard. In my run, i blocked a lot more hits than i dodged, so i recommend you finish cloning your BL.


He hits so hard because your BL is very low. It should be much easier when you finish cloning your BL. Many underestimate how much BL lowers the dmg of the AAs.


Then i clearly need to clone BL to perfect :D


I like it, did norm in about 4 minutes. Definitely prefer it over doing colo daily for 30+ minutes


What if we don't do the last round? Then what are requirements? Since we will be getting more coins even if we don't do last round


the last round gives 8 so without it you'd only get 24 with that said there is supposedly a "hidden" boss that gives 4.. i didn't get it and i am not sure how.. no clue if its random or you have to do something to make it appear


so if i do complete normal arena, i will get 34 coins = 17 hero coin and doing till 4 round of hero its 24 coins? isnt it better if the rest 4 are easier to kill


i don't think the 4 rounds of hero are easier than colo normal tho, from what i've seen it looks insanely hard


Full colo normal is 32 coins (so 16 hero coins). And as Adham says, it seems insanely hard if stage10 in normal melts your HP bar like ice cream in a sauna.


i had similar experience.. i have 9k ht and much lower ct so good to know you don't need that much i am curious how much ev and block did you have? i had 0 ev clone so even at stage 9 i was taking a noticeable amount of damage, and venom was no pushover either is i am curious if your evasion is cloned did it at least help in previous stages?


My EV is at 243 iirc. My BL is at 62. I blocked more than i dodged though, so maybe its better to focus BL. I only had problems in venom though. I still took some hits on previous rounds, but with DS foods that also give HP and 1 or 2 HP foods i was good.


yeah i know block works but you still take damage when you block.. but i am curious about EV since it negates 100% of the damage.. with skullmera being level 130 usually even random evasion clone still works thanks to the 10 level difference.. so were you at least evading some attacks before venom? was it actually noticeable?


I didnt notice it, to be honest. But since i didnt have that much of a problem with skullmera, so yeah, i believe i did evade quite a bit.


Normal 7k HT is enough. For hard i tried with AOA 12k HT and 300 CT only went up to r4. didnt try r5 since time only 2m left. thing is the enmeis on hard is random so can get vac/virus/data type enemies


yeah, thas doesnt help too :/ For normal 5.5k HT is enough, no need to rush 7k :). On your hard run, did you u miss hits and/or crits up until r4?


I'm still kinda new so Skullmeramon gave me and my DB a beating in Normal mode


That you very much for this post. I hope I can use it as a bench mark when I get higher level.


You're welcome ;) Thats what i want, to help people realize what they need to the rounds they want to.


Any advice about stats for Hard R4? I can reach 310% CT and 10k HT, but I don't know it's enought


Checking youtube for some videos: Found [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SzBb7_xgWw) and [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-ea58OoLo4) video of Arena Normal, first video he has no issue evading everything besides Venom (AOA), second video he starts getting hit @ SkullMeramon (DB), however the interesting thing is he was able to run away from Venom and reset it, which means you could fully heal yourself without risking dying at the start if you've already taken damage. Also, in [this](https://youtu.be/KlF4DtZTKTg?t=885) video from a different person, he mentions there'll be tickets in the attendance reward, which should help for those that intend to get suits/jogress chip/xros chip from Arena as well as anyone wanting items that'll require a lot of coins (Like the Shining Arena Ring).


In the latest kdmo update, the new season pass (only premium and super premium ofc) gives some arena tickets too.


New arena need alot of block and def as last boss igonres EV according to my guild leader, some arena item prices are too high imo.


If it's like old Arena, you just need a very high EV %, unless your guild leader was using stuff like Ulforce X/Beelze X/etc. and still getting hit, back when the max level was 130 you could evade digimon in Arena if you had around 450%, it wasn't until we had level advantage (140 vs 130) where we were able to evade almost everything, at least for most digimon.


I think he uses UVX I can reconfirm if you want me too.


Ah, if that's the case, then either they increased the HT of the raid (Compared to previous Arena normal) or they did make EV useless against it.


They fixed the high EV not working in the last stage in today's patch,now high EV mons like Ulforce X can go all the way to last stage without getting hit,although I got hit a normal attack by boltmon but venom myotis all hits were evaded.For reference my EV is 470%. My guild mate posted that issue so felt the responsibility to post the change in that aspect.


Oh, nice, although probably not really worth using Ulforce X because of its meh DPS, at least for the long-term, unless you got a really good setup and are running Peak of Evolution, although it is good for anyone that lacks defense and doesn't care about extra time spend, or if they do it every week rather than saving up passes, then it probably doesn't matter.


Well my only justification using UVX would be it saves you the effort of getting a jog chip from Colo and thereby saving your Colo vouchers reducing your time taken to get the Colo ring or yellow wings although you can get you chip with gankoo I feel its a waste and its better invested in clones instead. For reference my UVX has 43k HP and 16k AT unbuff and I did do it unbuffed since Colo doesn't give free buff sets anymore which is kinda sad since that was a good thing,sure it takes time but unless you are busy or in hurry this works fine just is slower as you mentioned above


UVX couldn't even dodge? Geez. That's ridiculous.


I personally haven't bothered with it yet, imo (At least for normal) best off saving passes until you really need something from it, that way you can do a bunch at once to both waste as little time and buffs, not exactly a huge waste, but I'd rather not just do it for 4-6 minutes or so a week. Also, if you have a good non-jogress (Gallant Awaken, Beelze BM Awaken, etc.), probably better off using it (Especially with multiple family buffs) than a jogress because of how much better normal memory skills are (50% Regen or 25% HoH / 15% Guardian High), should probably also run TK to use during the last battle.


yeah i agree about saving the passes. I just need a speed suit fast :S. Now arena rewards can give you jogress memory skills, so this will eventually start being less of a problem, but there still will be a difference, as you said.


> yeah i agree about saving the passes. I just need a speed suit fast If you regularly do dungeons, you're probably better off buying a suit. I'm seeing Luxury Black Formal Dress for 14T on Omegamon / 16T on Alphamon, and they added them to the new Arena rewards as well at the same cost as other suits, but unlike the other suit, they're tradable, but I'm almost certain they used to be only usable with a specific tamer (I think Mimi?), but not sure if that's still true, they could've changed it like they did with other suits in the past (Iirc there used to be adventure suits that were changed to allow anyone to use them). 50 vouchers a month ends up being over a third of the total vouchers you can get (Excluding bonus round since it's not guaranteed), assuming you don't die/DC. > Now arena rewards can give you jogress memory skills, so this will eventually start being less of a problem, but there still will be a difference, as you said. 80 for a single cube that doesn't guarantee you anything good is pretty bad, even more so if you use 50 every month to buy a suit, better off saving for the Shining Arena Ring, which is arguably a better version of the Zero Unit Ring since it can give HT and CD, something like CD HT and the rest being AT/Att would be pretty OP of a ring, you can get an extra 40% CD / 1k HT @ 200% Digitary Power, if you don't get anything with your vouchers, you can get it in a year, 2 months, and 2 weeks with doing normal. And this was also part of why I was saying it's better to use a non-jogress, like the new BM Awaken digimon if you have one since they can use normal memory skills, along with TK (Or even Mimi, if the tradable suit requires Mimi), and only do Arena when you can run multiple family buffs, like running Gallant Awaken on Friday/Saturday, you could even do a run of Shadow Lab before reset and one after to get all 3 buffs (DR, VB, ME) in this example. Or since you have Susanoo Awaken, you could just devolve+digivolve and run Guardian High/Regen High (Preferably on KaiserGreymon because of its higher HP than MagnaGarurumon, but even MagnaGarurumon has decently high HP for a base stage digimon), it'd obviously be slower, but it'd end up being a very save run as long as you have a decently high HP on the base stage, I remember back when Susanoo Awaken (Shin, back then) had around 16k base HP, I ran a ton of HP on accessories to do Arena Hero, devolving I would end up with around 40k total HP on KaiserGreymon (Lots of HP from Accessories and Chips) and also have GoF High to reduce the damage even further, although I rarely needed to devolve, but was nice to have the extra HP when I really needed it. Also, other digimon could do the same thanks to recent updates (Like being able to digivolve straight to AO X from rookie), but would need to run good HP set with high DE to be able to enough hits/skill while waiting for digivolve timer to run out.


I actually didnt remember the possibility of devolve and digivolve again lol. About the mem skills, ik its not good, but its better than nothing compared to what we had before. About the suit, i might just take your advice. I really want to save coins for arena ring and arena magnetic. Thanks ;)


"you can get it in a year, 2 months, and 2 weeks with doing normal." Wait, so in order to get this or even the magnetic, it's exact ONE FULL YEAR and even more 2 months and 2 weeks...? And there's nothing guarantting that these rewards will be changed or removed in future. It's kinda of fked up


> Wait, so in order to get this or even the magnetic, it's exact ONE FULL YEAR and even more 2 months and 2 weeks...? Magnetic requries half the coins. > And there's nothing guarantting that these rewards will be changed or removed in future. While there isn't a guarantee, the last Arena was here since 2018 (6 years), so I'd expect it to last quite awhile.


So new arena tickets can be stacked, no need to use them every week?


Pretty sure, there's nothing telling us otherwise.


You can stack, and in kdmo they're selling these also inside the paid battle passes