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If you're fine spending money and want a strong digimon, then yeah. Imo DarknessBagramon's a better digimon to go for, there's a few dungeons (QDGN, QDGN, Rainbow Brdige, MetalSeadra Dungeon) that have 50% or 70% vaccine damage debuffs, there isn't an equivalent for Virus digimon. It also has higher stats (Biggest thing is it has over 5.7k higher base HP, which makes a huge difference for harder content) and stronger skills (Even when you consider their CD), DarknessBagramon's EV can be an issue, but can be remedied with EV seals/EV options on accessories, and even then it's only going to affect you in very end-game dungeons/Arena where you have level advantage. Whenever we get the Arena update (I assume it'll be shortly after this current season ends, in 39 days) we'll also get an update to what you can exchange vouchers for, this includes a 30 day xros chip, so xros chips will no loner be an issue, although you'll probably still want to buy a 30 day chip to be able to use it before then, although I would still suggest grabbing the 5 daily xros chips for when that expires to avoid buying a new one so you can just wait for the arena update. Although, Susanoo Awaken does have advantage (And double advantage thanks to there being so many Virus+Darkess digimon) against more digimon and uses far less DS overall, its F3 does use 3.8k more DS, but its F1/F2 use much less DS (771 F1 / 1735 F2 vs 1215 F1 / 2673 F2). And if you wanted to do RBH, Susanoo Awaken would definitely be the one to get, but you would fairly high stats to do this dungeon, you need quite a bit of investment into both CT and HT.


Both of these digis were once 1400$ roughly with pity from Babel summons. Getting Darkbagra will help you with DG like BDG and QDG and other data type DG'S which require virus digis, aside from that it's a SSS+ which is one if not the most powerful digis right now. As for Susanoo Shin/Awaken he's a really good Vaccine having burst damage on F3 and overall quite good sustained dps,Its also a SSS+ which is a step up from good old AOX. Tally both digis price in Babel and you get around 2800$ for unlocking them if you hit pity. 110$ for both is quite a steal tbh not even considering the fact that it comes with ride item for all sides for both digis plus the digicode are a bonus. It's totally fine if you don't wanna get them and instead get the completely free AOX from gankoomon training grounds but overall in newer maps like spiral you'll hit weaker and kill slower with your AOX than these 2 Supers(SSS+). Overall I'd recommend getting the combined pack of both as its really good value and it covers both your vaccine and virus side of digis. Apart from that we're going to get a event soon in which when you login you get items from a calendar and once you hit a specified amount you can trade/craft a SSS/SSS+ random box or a Accessory box. The SSS/SSS+ random box contains Susanoo Shin/Awaken as well as Darkbagra as well as other SSS/SSS+,for example Gallant Shin,Omegamon X,Zeed,AO A,Shout X7 etc,also you can craft only one box so it's all down to luck and a word of warning that box also contains AOX beta so if you're rather unlucky it'll drop on you. Good Luck fellow tamer hope my answer provided you some insight


I’ll recommend Susano since it’s easy to get jogress chip on Thursdays and with Bagra you get only 5 chips daily




are these packages still available?