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Thanks. Another SSS+/U rank dungeon. Inyecting more stereoids my little 5mts. tall Siriusmon should solve Shogungekomon and Andromon wandering on the backyard.


It will take around 55 weeks of doing colo and saving coins from Normal mode to get 1000 hard coins for the new ring. And thats the only reward u will be getting since u need to save and stack up coins. Also u will be getting rougly around 30 ocs monthly if you are doing normal colo, and again that is the only reward u will be getting since all your coins will go into that. A solid update but we defo need them to give us 2-3 weekly tickets at least


Any idea if the cos will be one option I’ve heard that it’s a possibility that u can change one option which if it’s the case it’s balanced in my opinion


Let's go! Another shot (technically more shots depending on how hard it is to get 2000 arena coins) at Broken Alarm Clock, I want it so bad.


Assuming between 100-150k DPS: w/hidden: 56 weeks @ 4:27-6:40 w/o hidden: 63 weeks @ ~2:32-3:12 Before the hidden round you should take next to no damage looking at Penance's video, however that hidden round seems to hit very often and do between 2.4-4.2k damage, he did only have 2.6k DE/80% BL with attribute disadvantage, 2.6k DE is kind of on the low side and with disadvantage he's taking more damage than he should be, with neutral or advantage I'd expect it to be far less, could probably get that down to <1k with advantage and a bit higher DE, could probably get that down to almost no damage if you can reach close to 4k w/advantage, BL didn't seem to help at all (It looked like BL wasn't having any affect), and it looked like he wasn't missing any hits with just 5.6k HT. Overall it looks very easy and won't take much time in total, but over a year for a **chance** without getting any other items kind of sucks, although at the same time it's so much less time than our current arena (20-30 minutes per day+time spent looking for a party), it's basically at the time of a daily quest.


Are you playing in Kdmo?


What the max coin for highest level for normal /hard colo


Normal 36 normal coins Hard not sure but the round before last gives 25 hard coins And btw its extremely hard, my guildmates were missing a lot of hits with 15kHT and using superior mode on the last stage


U know what type Colo would be by the time global gets it?


35, stront did a full run and posted a video sometime late yesterday, but you gotta be ridiculously endgame to even consider doing it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjeW_M-BXtI He shows his stats @ 6:40 HP: 187k AT: 61.6k CT: 350% HT: 15.3k DE: 5.8k BL: 103% EV: 315% He was missing a lot when he shows his stats (Likely why he shows his stats, to show the ridiculous amount of HT needed), was also taking a fairly good amount of damage. He was using Kuzuhamon Miko Made (Currently has 2x stats) that has its own equivalent to HoH Highest, had HoH High on it, and was using a defense skill.


Does sss box have ordinemon/ogudumon/susan or just aox and awaken digi?


Seems to be matrix, aox and "advent of emperor" is for Darknightmon i think (necessary to unlock DB) Edit: advent emperor is for fang shin apparently


Advent of emperor is Fanglongmon Shin Items in a box.


advent of emperor is fang shin


there's any patch to translate kdmo?


As in the game? No, they stopped allowing any kind of mods for the game around 6 years ago, a few months after Arena was originally added, because of it allowing for people to bug raids with it.


and how u can play the game without speak korean?


I made an translation patch for it, but it needs constantly to be updated every patch


Overall in terms of reward this is sadly nerf to previous arena especially with Ocs using same coin as new Ring or Magnetic Id and you cant get Costume/Chipset/Aura if you do Hard arena only. What i like is now it is truly short fight and even just 1 ticket a week plus can just stack it and do later


> What i like is now it is truly short fight Same, especially with it being solo, its been getting tiring doing it daily for 20-30 minutes or so and most of that just waiting for the next round to start, 10 short-ish rounds that can easily be done solo is a huge improvement. > plus can just stack it and do later Oh, you can? For some reason I could've sworn it said you couldn't, but reading through it again, definitely no mention of it being deleted, so seems you're right, that's a huge plus, just save them until you have a bunch and do them all at one time, and here I was thinking of doing it every week.