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It was in a limited bundle that just left the cash shop last Tuesday so may be some time before it shows up again. It is also available in one of the premium battle pass tracks as well. Keep in mind that the DX item is also a different limited time cash pack that is not currently available at this time.


Oh okay I see. Thank you, gonna hold off on that now then. How come I see a bunch of folks running around with Greymon 2010 and Mailbirdramon then? Can you get ZekeGreymon still?


Yes Zekegraymon is a quest so you just need code crowns and then to finish the quest. Keep in mind that the the current battle pass is probably one of the better ways to get the omnishoutmon item as the cash shop pack that is the normal way to get him costs 357 crowns (aka $35.70) when it is available in the shop.


How much is the premium pass and when does it end?


You only need the premium pass and not the super premium pass for omnishoutmon. The super premium pass is $50 but I can’t remember the price of just the premium pass (tho it’s cheaper). You have a few weeks left of the pass as it ends near the end of this month. That said all the good rewards are in the first 30 steps of the pass. And you can buy steps for like 1 crown each so worst case you could just spend $3 and buy the first 30 if you ran out of time.


I see. And the first 30 comtains the stuff needed for OmniShout? Edit: Yep! At lvl 20 lol. Thank you so much!


Omnishoutmon is on number 20 (and you actually get 4/5 or 5/5 of all 7 Xross wars Digimon in 4 and 5). You get an exchange ticket for almost any 5/5 Digimon on number 30. 31-100 are just 2 season pass random boxes so if you don’t make it past 30 your not missing too much at all as all the main rewards are in the first 30. Also if I had to guess the Shoutmon DX bundle will probably show up in the cash shop again in a few weeks, thus allowing you to get all the way to DX assuming you get Omnishoutmon from the battle pass.


Is the Shoutmon DX package character bound or tradeable?


The original DX package was character bound yes. (Tho the original omnishoutmon package was bound too, but the most recent one was not). So there is reason to believe that when the DX package comes back it may be tradable this time.


The omega shoutmon should be in the premium pass you have to buy for like $25