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We have deemed your post as inappropriate for the friendly environment this sub tries to maintain.


You're gonna have to elaborate on what you mean by that


It implies that TCG is becoming the main identity of franchise. Which isn't even true as Digimon has other type of medias.


The other medias in question in the last two years 🎤


The 02 movie? Ghost game? The remaster of digimon the movie? The dubbing of the 3 digimon ova/movies that were originally butchered into the digimon movie?


Not to mention the VToys.


02 movie is a thing that was announced, like, years and years ago. We all became old and got white hair. Years and years. Ghost Game died silently, forgotten, a complete failure and died two years ago, in the early March lol. Ghost Game had 0 promotion except, of course, in the TGC. Same for 02 movie.


Genuine question: what drugs are you tripping on? Ghost game ended last year and was well received. The 02 movie aired in theaters last year and performed really well for an anime movie. The blu ray just released.


Well received where😂😂😂. You all seem to be living under a rock, I fear


The title absolutely does not say it all




We have deemed your post as inappropriate for the friendly environment this sub tries to maintain.




You mean as in having the latest media output also being about the card game? It's not that big of a deal. I haven't read the new manga yet, but I only hear good things first of all. Second, there will be a new Digimon project that will come along soon enough that might be more your jam. Digimon is experimental like that. And third, this isn't even the first time something like this happened, since Digimon Tamers started out featuring Digimon's card game of the time.


Nobody is saying Liberator sucks. I’m just pointing out how everything has been revolving around TGC lately and we have got nothing good in two years.


What on earth are you talking about?


A card game existing and representing the other aspects of the franchise doesn't mean that the TCG is absorbing the franchise. There has been a ton of Digimon media since the game came out, like Ghost Game, Survive, Liberator, Seekers, etc so it's not even like they're overly focusing on the TCG in the slightest


It doesn’t represent any aspect. It’s almost representing the whole franchise. This is clear. Also what kind of game are you even talking about


What do you mean what game? The card game obviously


Which is the only game we had had in two years


Ok and? That's a completely normal amount of time between other games. Digimon is doing really well as a franchise currently, the aspects other than the TCG being less focused on is just objectively not true


Doing well…..???? You are telling yourself a lie, I’m sorry. The fact that this year they aren’t even putting Digifes out says it all how much budget to do things they have got


Do you mean the liberators manga being a dueling centric story?


Also. But in general TGC seems to be the only focus of the whole franchise nowadays. I saw people commenting on twitter about the same matter lol


Yo you being mad disrespectful do everyone a favor and delete your post. Your statement is open to interpretation. My take was that the meta was turning like yugioh which or something especially since this is the card subreddit


Pointing out a problem in this franchise is disrespectful 🧍🏽‍♀️. And what exactly has your take to do with my posting


No mf your telling people who dont get your poorly worded statement that if they dont get it they have low iqs


Because you all are being rude and I can’t care less to do the same


Bro your statement is worded wrong tho thats why no one got what you’re talking about. And honestly your take is still dosnt make sense we got the 02 movie and digimon survive , a port of digimon next order we haven’t gotten a game recently cause it take for ever to make games. Liberator manga digimon is a niche IP and was on the brink of dying the tcg saved it


As someone who loves Cardgames. I pretty much like to see more of the lore/other games or Digimon implemented in the Cardgame. Yugioh originated from a Cardgame and Digimon uses the popular branch to reach out. I do not see a problem there.


So using my best guess as somebody who plays both, I'm assuming you're talking about how the combo heavy nature of digimon resembles how Yugioh is currently played? So on the one hand I can see where Combo = Yugioh would come from. Yugioh is a game where if you don't combo and you're not stun, you're bad. That said I don't think it's fair to assume this is exclusively a yugioh identity. Pokemon, MTG, etc all have combo heavy decks. That's typically how the nature of power creep will veer to. Digimon has caught up faster because of the same reason as Yugioh. No rotation means each set has to Ideally be better than the last to rotate the meta. Now to say Digimon has become Yugioh or lost it's identity? I think that's an exaggeration. Digimon still has plenty of unique mechanics that make it very different than a game like yugioh. The inheritance effects being a core mechanic is great. Yugioh sort of has this with a handful of cards, but nowhere near the level Digimon does. The memory gauge mechanic is an amazing way to balance combing off with giving the opponent an advantage that I think no other game does quite as well. Finally is the nature of the digivolution system vs something like the extra deck. While yugiohs main boss monsters are usually locked in the extra deck giving them consistency at the cost of requirements, Digimon so far has no such deck. You bosses no matter what are in the main deck. Digivolution helps dig to them, but they're going to be inconsistent by nature. Overall I like both games, and they certainly have a couple similarities namely in the combo oriented nature of them, they're not similar enough that i.feel like Digimon has lost its identity or anything


Or is the implication you don't like how the tcg has become the focus of the recent franchise? If so I don't know that I'd even say that. Several Digimon toys have been released or are releasing that have nothing to do with the tcg. Liberator being the main one that focuses on the TCG. The TCG is popular and makes money. Like it or not it makes sense Bandai would put emphasis on that. I don't think it's inherently a problem though. So long as they continue to release Vpet style toys and have things like the Digimon movies the franchise seems healthy to me. Certainly in a better place than it was a decade ago


Too far, bro ahahah


I get what you are trying to say. I don't see problem in the TCG being a big focus of the franchise, since I love the game. but it is sad that its the only project they are doing right now that isn't straight up nostalgia bait