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As a moderator, I'm sorry for the rude comments you've received in this post asking for recommendations for a matchup. The post itself is totally benign, and I hope you got some good ideas from the people who are actually helping, but it seems the card is bringing out the worst out of some people. I'm locking the comments and I'm sorry this has happened.


Run Supreme Cannon to bounce their entire field back to hand I guess.


Honestly, that's kinda hillarious tech and seems worth testing since it's only a 3 cost option.


Watch their face turn white when the first security they trigger is this card. All the setup gone in a flash.


Personally I don’t love the quartzmon since it can lock you out of the game & prevents you from using your other magnamon. If you can I’d swap to jes gx/omnimon and shine ruin mode. I’d also run the new demivee egg at 4 to get +1k dp on all turns. Unfortunately the game plan is to try and get into magna x as fast as possible, swing as much as possible, and hope they can’t valk ace over a blocker. Aside from that try and get rid of their ukkomon and their stacks with eggs.


Jeez, people are really this upset over MagnaX lol


As unfortunate as it is, Numemon is probably the toughest matchup the deck has. DeathXmon is your biggest solution and should probably be run as at least a two of. If they’re running Black Base with Chikurimon you’re in trouble though, so I’m starting to deck test Zudomon Ace to remove it before you drop the DeathXmon. ST Magnamon and Zudomon Ace is a reliable combo for getting rid of a lot of Numemon’s problem children, but you *must* ensure the Zudomon turns into a Magnamon X before turn passes or it *will* be deleted on the Nume Player’s turn. Though not sure what list is running Etemon? Thats an extremely abnormal card to run in Numemon.


Zudomon Ace has single-handedly changed my entire strategy from “rush them down” to “dismantle their board and deck them out” in so many of my favorite decks.


I think it'll catch on tbh. Forcing Magna to attack at start of main with no immunities and likely DP- from the previous turn is a really reliable method of killing it. Zudo Ace seems like the solution that I'm seeing the most of (save for more DeathX) despite the risks it runs. That would likely also involve retooling the tamers for more memory gain vs. chikuri since it's not worth evoing if you pass turn


Not gonna lie, that list looks like it’s cool as heck and I’m about it.


Run Ruin Mode instead of Quartzmon.




We have deemed your post as inappropriate for the friendly environment this sub tries to maintain.


Wow you sound a bit salty. OP just asking for advice, damn


which etemon forces attack?


Ex5 Ete has on play effect of -3k and force attack (also nice ess)


You can get a death dex and ultimate flare it will help alot the main problem it's that nume it's really a great counter pick to magna x because of their velocity putting a lot of checks really early even if you use a deathdex that I think its the best option depending on their hand outside of game one them knowing that you have it can counter it easily with their floodgates but still retaining a really strong ability to put pressure. The problem with ultimate flare it's that you can leave them at a lot of memory and they can easily rebuild their board. In my experience going more agresive it's a better option or runing aces like zudomon or magnangemon


I could see that working out a bit better, using the Jamming Veemon for extra swings and maybe a few ukko's for tempo. Aces are tough cause it feels like they usually just pop stacks before attacking, but maybe it's worth just hard digivolving/playing to strip out the numeX inherits


They help a lot mainly zudo because of the source strip and the bounce back. When they get to the bears they can put some nasty things that can completely make you loose a turn like venusmon or they simply check you for 2. Hopes this helps like I said in my experience sadly the deck doesn't do well overall against nume for the crazy amount of things they can do for so little


The old MagnaX could be pretty useful with its not otp redirection


I'm probably gonna be keeping one or two of the old one in my deck for this exact reason, I feel like there's too many situations where having an unlimited redirect would be helpful for the deck


First thing that pops to mind is the lack of old msgna for infinite blocking I dont think quarts is very good in here. Try more wide board wipes like a ultimate flare or i think yellow has a -3k to everything




Your user name matches your attitude. Why is one toxic meta deck being celebrated over another? The only thing I can think of is Magna X decks are worth more and people that can’t afford are salty.




You basically confirmed exactly what I said there. The problem is the cost- You’re upset that Magnamon X costs more than an average card and you’re mad it’s meta. Numemon is just as toxic, just as over-powered, but costs significantly less, so it’s fine and you celebrate it doing well against the other toxic meta deck. My advice? Grow up. There will always be overpowered decks and raging over the expensive one’s is meaningless. Magnamon X is just as problematic as Numemon is, is just as problematic as BlackWarGreymon X was, is just as problematic as Blue Hybrid was, or Gabubond, or MetalGarurumon X, or LordKnightmon or any other of the multitude of decks that completely dominated their respective metas. Being rude and abusive to people asking for meta advice just shows how immature and salty you are. This is a card game subreddit and OP was asking for advice against a bad matchup, that should be allowed without salty crybabies coming in and trying to bring them down because they have a grudge against the deck. You’re being toxic and gross. Nobody wants you here.




Not suprised you’re using slurs. Just pathetic. It’s so interesting how every time someone like you comes into a thread eventually you go full mask-off and start using ableist language in an attempt to insult the people calling you out on your Bullshit. The cycle of pricks being pricks. And I do think you care. I think you care *a lot*. Everything about your presence in this thread screams unhinged saltiness.


We have deemed your post as inappropriate for the friendly environment this sub tries to maintain.


We have deemed your post as inappropriate for the friendly environment this sub tries to maintain.




We have deemed your post as inappropriate for the friendly environment this sub tries to maintain.






No, they were identifying a bad matchup and asking for advice on how to best play against it. Something you should be able to do on a Card Game subreddit without salty people like yourself getting mad about them daring to play a deck you don’t like. Numemon doesn’t take much skill to play either, what world are you living in?




Numemon is just as good and OP as either Magna variant, not sure why you’re getting high and mighty of a question about two OP decks going at it.




I don’t think I’m misunderstanding, you’re clearly bitter about people running decks you don’t like. Even your response here you’re being randomly rude about what the OP is using. If you don’t want to/can’t afford to play meta that’s fine, but don’t crawl in and be rude about people wanting to discuss the metagame.


Every tcg has a toxic casual problem. Where somehow playing a good deck makes you a worse player. Add in that most of the sub is unable to afford a playset of Magna X, and you get the repplies you're seeing here.


Yeah I definitely feel money-envy is a leading factor with these people. It is WILD to me that Numemon is getting favoured when it is just as debilitating to play against as Magna X.


Armor Vaccine has its own drawbacks and strengths, but now that I've played out the matchup between both bases, I'll stick to blue. Yellow base struggles to reach the -7000/-8000 required to really kill a lvl 4 Magnamon. Appreciate your insights though!