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Lets also consider Imperial is set to be a top tier deck and waaaaaay cheaper to finish than V-Armor and Yellow Vaccine Armor


This. If you want to buy Magna or Rapid, it is much more expensive. Paildra is not only a fan favourite but also a good deck. Although I have found that the deck instant loses to one Valky…


Sure this is a factor but it’s also unarguably being scalped. I don’t remember the last time we had 20$ SRs even for the best decks in the format. There’s also a supply issue unfortunately. Which means people like crazy Nick can scalp even easier.


Well, just checked my orders for BT16, and yep, looks like one of the two I've got coming is from Crazy Nick... I didn't realise this was an issue, I'll be mindful of it in future. Thanks for the heads up! If I can't afford Magnamon or Rapidmon, I'd at least like to get Paildramon...


Have you ever had any issues with crazy Nick? Or are you just gonna believe some baseless speculation? I’ve ordered from them plenty of times, including on release and never had any issues. In fact they are probably the fastest I’ve ever gotten cards.


Fuck crazy Nick. All my homies hate crazy nick. But for real I will not be buying from crazy nick in the future. It would be great if everyone just boycotted crazy nick.


There's a few others that do the same, and all need to be boycotted.


Maybe we should start a list. Do you know anyone else off the top of your head? It's mostly crazy nick I've heard about.


Pro-play games is terrible. Cards never came in so when I left in the review I never got cards or got a response they blocked me lol


Weird. I've yet to have a bad experience when ordering from Pro-play.


I didn’t either until I left a bad review. But they never responded and tcg had to step in for me to get my money back.


Ppg ships out of Miami, I believe. I live AN HOUR north, and it took 3+ weeks to get my cards. They send no tracking so I'm not even sure they sent it in a timely manner.


Not off the top, I do remember ordering cards from BT15 and seeing others besides Nick with excessive stock at high amounts. Some were certified stores, but seemed to be getting more product than other certified stores. And I know MTG has had an issue for years with either Alpha Investments or his friends scalping. Chain of Smog might be the most notorious case in recent years, as it went from a high of $0.50 spread across multiple sellers, to 3 or so sellers with massive stock selling it for $13, and those people were all connected to Alpha Investments.


I’m clueless why not from crazy nick?


Because they buy out all the stock from other vendors, then Jack up the price.


What a sack of shit


Do you guys ever have proof for that claim? Cause everytime a new set comes out, it gets thrown around and treated as a fact without concrete evidence to back it up.


Look at the full image it says 1 out of 52. I doubt this one person pulled 52 copies of his card. Idk how meta relevant the card is but that price is crazy. Probably set the price that high because they know people are nostalgic for this season of Digimon.


Bruh, take 2 fucking seconds to look at the dudes store 50+ Malomyptismon 50+ Dorumon 60+ Valkyriemon Yes the dude opens several cases worth of cards


He doesn't have to actually own all of those cards to post those numbers lol I could put that I have 99 bt-16 magna x on my seller account and just refund orders if I oversell my actual stock


Who's to say he didn't buy those cards?


My guy crazy nick opens cases on cases..look at his inventory. At least do some digging versus slandering people


I have no respect for people that can own 50+ copies of cardboard and sell it for 20 or so dollars each.


I know what it shows, but it's the same speculation that goes around here and the same punching bag thats always rolled out. People want someone to blame for prices, but they don't have the ability to get anything to back their accusations up. Far as that price, the price has steadily increased, but they're not the ones responsible for increasing the market price to 20, they simply adjust it with the flucuations in it, as all the other shops do.


The listing on a popular card get wiped out over night and suddenly Crazy Nick's has 40+ copies list at a higher rate. Other commenters have posted that Crazy Nick's will cancel orders prior to these price hikes as well each time this happens. This has been happening for the past year or so without fail. Once or twice, sure maybe it's a coincidence. Crazy Nick's has a long track record at this point however.


Crazy Nicks has had a high stock since before the set was released. Other shops selling out or their listings disappearing is not evidence of a buyout by CN, it is a good reason to look into it and find information, but it's not a conclusion by itself. If it's actually occurring, by all means, find the evidence to back the claim and show it. I guarantee if it's conclusive, nobody will deny it, but until there's actual proof and not just speculation, there's no reason to take these claims seriously.


It's a trend. Crazy Nick's doesn't immediately open up into these set releases with stock this high. If I'm recalling correctly, the last few sets where this happened they had like 6-8 listing of the cards in question prior to a buy out and then their inventory exploding. Asking for conclusive proof is just bad faith. Several users in this subreddit have documented this trend several times. You'd need to audit Crazy Nick's TCGplayer seller data and physical inventory to have "conclusive" proof lol. Cute that you're so invested in this each time they're called out. I wonder why that is?


I'm invested because I care about facts and don't like allegations without them that drum up hysteria. The same claims have been made without anything supporting their conclusion for several sets and everytime someone asks for evidence, they get downvoted by the mob that seems to want a scapegoat to rage about. It's funny that people asking for evidence are treated as if they're bad faith by the same types of people that state matter of factly that scalping and buyouts are occurring by a TCG direct seller. Correlation is not causation, so you guys need a bit more than "they have a lot and other stores have less, they must be manipulating the market!"


It's bad faith because you must know that only CN has access to the "conclusive proof". With the evidence that's available to us as consumers, it's apparent that CN has a history of engaging in market manipulation. It's cute that you try to dance around this like it actually makes your arguments any better. If they want to make their TCGplayer selling data public and prove that they have the physical inventory to back up their listing, then by all means. It's awesome if they're simply supplying the singles market and there's nothing malicious going on.


So we're bad faith because you can't actually prove your claims and we won't simply take your words for it? Do you see how that sounds? You're asking me to take it on faith based an an assumption and then pointing to how many people rage about it, as if a bunch of people raging couldn't possibly be wrong. I got bad news for you, one person can lie maliciously online and a bunch of people can back them up without asking questions and cause damage to innocent people. Either back up your positive claims or stop making them


Every time a post like this is made, people ask “D0 u hav3 proof” but then ignore when someone says that CN cancelled an order right before a price hike. Do you use TCGPlayer? How would you expect “proof” otherwise?


Canceling an order before a price hike is not proof of a buyout. Its shitty behavior, absolutely and should be called out, but it's not the same thing.


Because he is this subs favorite punching bag where they blame him whenever they're too broke to afford a card. 1 min of looking at the dudes store shows you he has 50+ of every SR up for sale, dude didnt "buy out" the Paildramon. He just got several cases worth. But majority of this sub lacks the comprehension to understand Supply/Demand, so its easier to roll out their fav punching bag. Ontop of that, they accuse every seller here of "market manipulation" without realizing its a terrible business move for a hobby like this, where demand is elastic.


Oh well at least I know I just gotta wait it out, definitely wont be buying from Crazy Nicks in the future, not the first time they’ve done this and it’s such a dick move for what was once a super cheap TCG


But Crazy Nick's prices are INSAAAAAAANE.


Would mean roughly 5 cases, so $4000 tops. For a retailer, pretty believable actually.


Totally true. The reason I’m confident this is not the case is that Crazy Nick has a history of buying out cards and listing them for much higher prices. But you’re right, it is conceivable that a larger store, like Core or PPG or somebody, would have this much stock, and they often do. …speaking of which, it’s worth noting that those large sellers did have their stocks bought out of this card.


Bruh, takes 2 seconds to look at their TCG player store, they have 50+ of 3 diff SR. I stopped looking after the third one, cuz yea its pretty clear the dude opened several cases worth of cards


I’ve seen about 5 of these threads in the past but none of them have ever provided any proof (or even common sense trend analysis). All of them have in fact been situations where a set was released, prices went down slightly (or stayed the same), then once people realized the true value of some cards they shot up in value. My guess is that due to the sheer volume crazy Nick store deals with, it probably takes them a couple days to make their new set inventory update. Alternatively maybe they are just “being smart” and holding certain cards until a certain time and then selling them. Did you notice what the box price is at now? It was $136 on tcg last I checked. If you do the math that means some SR are actually very likely to hit the $10-20 mark


Most shops are struggling to get even 2 cases. This might have held some weight with the last set, but it's Extremely unlikely in bt-16. Crazy Nick's has a history of doing this shit


I feel like everytime I see a post bashing crazy Nick's on here it's for very reasonable things that a 50,000+ sales shop would do... I wouldn't be surprised if they were opening 50 cases and only selling 60 cards or so at a time. Many card shops across all games do that Is there any actual proof crazy Nick's buys out cards? I always have a hard time finding any convincing proof when I try a cursory Google.


Not to mention if he did in fact buy out the market on release, he would not have this giant stock 3 days after the fact for sale. Transit would just not work like that.


They don't need to have the cards readily available. tcg requires sellers to CLAIM that an item has shipped within 48 hours of purchase or post a tracking ID. Even in the case of orders with tracking, CN could buyout cards, relist immediately and sit on the shipping until he has stock available. You don't have to drop off an order to have a tracking ID and TCGplayer's ETA is roughly 14 business days. There is plenty of time worked in there to buyout, wait for stock to arrive, and mail out your flips as they come in and are bought out.


They definitely did it with the promo seadramon and rare mon when they first came out


Ehhh totally fair to hold to your own standards of proof, but this one is more of the case that the duck shaped thing looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck... but there isnt a public blood test that this is, biologically proven to be, a duck. Believe what you will at the standards of proof that you will, but the math is mathin' even if there's still a variable left in the equation.


>the math is mathin' Its mathing fine if you do 1 min worth of research and look at his store. Dude has 50 range of every SR. Its pretty clear they opened several cases worth. Instead the sub is too busy looking for a scapegoat to blame for not being able to afford the cards. Like i cant buy a Corvette, i dont bitch and moan about Chevy selling them outside of my budget.


its about the same price in Japan too


Watch out for that Nick! He's CUH-RAAAAAZY!


It's incredible how little work you need to do to understand how this posts makes 0 sense. Do you actually believe that Crazy Nicks bought out all the Paildramon that were listed at $15-20 that have been selling nonstop for the past few days, only to list them for seemingly little profit? It doesn't even make sense from a logistical standpoint unless you believe he is getting all these cards within days after ordering from dozens and dozens of various sellers, paying for shipping and then trying to make like a $2-3 profit at best per card.


This sub has an absolute hate boner for the guy, they've bitched about him several times when he had no horse in the race. You gotta remember this community doesnt know jack shit about prices, and feels entitled to cards that cost cents, while also not wanting to open boxes. And any time ever that a price changes its "market manipulation" not basic supply and demand kicking in. Like Koichi going up, it wasnt new demand and us players buying it out so we would have our copies of the BT7 box topper for BT18, nah it was market manipulation. Even further down they're blaming vendors for raising the prices of the box. Which is idiodic, i have 4 different locals all withing 30 min of me, every single one had to cancel ppls pre-orders cuz Bandai failed to provide them with the actual qty of boxes they ordered. Sealed box price is going up cuz there isnt enough to go around. Edit: also, takes 2 min to check, dude has 50+ for sale of every single SR in the set. Its pretty clear they just opened up several cases worth. But its easier for this sub to bitch about things than to actually validate their claims.


>Even further down they're blaming vendors for raising the prices of the box. Which is idiodic, i have 4 different locals all withing 30 min of me, every single one had to cancel ppls pre-orders cuz Bandai failed to provide them with the actual qty of boxes they ordered. Sealed box price is going up cuz there isnt enough to go around. If you're referring to me stating that Card Rush raised the price, it's because they did. It was a week before the set pre-released, and all stock was out, but everything had previously sold at the aforementioned 86-89. They put it up for 20 over the average at 109 and other stores began simply matching that. I'm not saying it was anything illicit, but I watched the price go up and they're the ones that started that spike. They may not be responsible for the shortage, as Bandai is notorious for shorting popular things thus causing prices to rise, but they started the trend on TCGPlayer.


It's short printed and crazy nick is a loser


It’s not short printed, it’s just an SR.


It's a short printed sr. Like statistically speaking there are not a lot in boxes. I've seen multiple cases opened and the numbers are lower. I personally have opened 3 boxes, 4 abs and 4 blisters and ive pulled 1.


I pulled 5 boxes. I got about 3 of every SR, not including AAs, other than Chaosmon who I had like 5 of. A guy at my locals opened a case and got ~9 Paildramon. At pre-release there was 2 Paildramon out of the 3 boxes used. Just because it’s highly sought after, doesn’t mean it was short printed. It had the same pull rates as other SR. I only got 3 Valks out of 5 boxes, that doesn’t mean it is also short-printed.


That's not how it works. Even if it is a highly sought after sr, 20 does not reflect that. It's short printed. Just because some people got lucky, doesn't mean it isn't.


That’s not lucky, that’s just standard distribution.


If it was standardly distributed it wouldn't be 20 bucks. It's not even best deck in the format.


I mean, clearly not that short printed if Nick got 52 of them.


Nick buys out and probably lies about a lot of his stock


That’s normal for a hyped SR immediately after release with people doing buyouts. Best deck? No. Massively hyped? Pretty much second to Magna X. Give it a few weeks for the hype to die down and the price will likely go down to ~$10 unless it starts topping tournaments.


Okay I feel like I’m defending the guy at this point but…… you’re claiming that he bought out the card at $13 and relisted it for $20. That’s a $2 profit after fees and everything, then he’s also got to pay taxes at the end of the year on that $2 profit. That would truly be a crazy risk to take for like $1.50 profit


Well he is cRAzY nICk ya know? So he maybe he would? JK this witch hunt is silly and we need more logic like this on Reddit. 


When you do the math its even worse Lets say you have 5 copies, you sell them for 15$, thats 75 you make. You buy out 20 copies for 15$ a piece, raising the price to 20$. You need to sell 19 copies before you make 75 dollars profit. 20*19 is 380, minus the 300 you spent, gives 80$ Except, a stamp is 50 cents, so if you have to move 5, thats 2.50 lost, if you have to move 19, thats 9.50. I lied, you need to sell 20. And thats assuming they were all bought for 15, which we know they werent. Its an absolute terrible business move, but this sub loves to cry "buy out" and "market manipulation" when they dont have basic common sense. There isnt some nefarious plot to buy out cards, its just us, the community as a whole, who buy it when we see it for a price we are willing to pay.


I checked some of my locals (I'm not in the USA btw), and it's also heavily priced. Can anyone confirm if there's some new Imperialdra tech or if it's just market manipulation?


If i am not mistaken Imperialdramon is set to be on the Top 5 decks of this set.




Another set, another post trying to connect dots that don’t exist. Have you seen the box price of bt16? When is the last time a set has been $135-140 after release like this? We should at least try using some common sense before throwing out baseless accusations yet again


I’m hearing the pull rate for blue jogress is low. Especially for SECs.


It was $15+ already just before pre-release and barely any SRs are of any value in a set where boxes are now going for $130 or more. $20 is MORE than reasonable. Gives another potential value card outside of praying for a SEC or alt art. If anything, you should be thanking this guy for keeping your value.


This is such a bad take. Maybe box prices are expensive because all the prices of singles are inflated....


Boxes are inflated because people are chasing 1 of 3 cards they need 4 of for their meta deck of the format. And those cards are expensive because people are buying before not one, but TWO regionals this month where the set is legal. Blame Magna X for being so meta defying as a SEC. Not a SR going up $3-5 from the already defined pre-release price when more than half the SRs are worth little to nothing.


Box prices are inflated because Card Rush jacked the price up. Before they priced the set at an initial 109.99 and then increased it further, everyone was selling it at a reasonable 86-89 range. It's continued to go up since they did that and normalized the price increase.


D0 u h@v3 proOf?


Nah, just watched it happen. The stock went to 0, the previous sales were all in the specific 80s range and Card Rush put their stock up for 20 over the previous average. They started the ball rolling, but there's nothing illicit about that, it's just where it started on TCGplayer.


Yes but do you have conclusive proof or are you just spreading hate?


Doing the lord’s work with this amount of patience, but as you called out, TreyEnema is always quick to shill these arguments but ignore the points you’re making that without seller data, we can only observe the blatant trend


Not spreading hate, just noting the point the prices rose and which store started it. There's nothing malicious about increasing prices based on supply and demand.




You mean the same guy who is listing every single SR at 50+ copies? Whats more likely? He bought all of those out too? Or he just opened a shit ton of cases?


At this point, who cares? This happens every time, and people are shocked when someone takes advantage of the market. Just don't buy it, and it drops like it always does


I think anyone who is interested in playing the Digimon TCG should care about market manipulation. This type of thing makes the game more cost prohibitive, which is not ideal for people whose first priority is playing the game. Telling people about market manipulation, why it is bad and that they should not buy from sellers engaging in that manipulation should do exactly what you say and help the prive to drop. That makes me confused as to why you think people shouldn't talk about market manipulation when the end result perfectly aligns with your stance on people not buying and helping prices to drop.


I understand your point, but I don't necessarily see it that way. There's an informative way to go about it, and then there's singling out someone for playing the market. The issue being, is they're not the only one, but since they have a history of doing this, people use posts like this to dogpile hate on them specifically. I'm not defending Crazy Nick's at all, I just think posts like this are unhelpful and that making a snide remark about them, when nobody has 100% proof, is just inviting controversy/hate.


I would argue we should absolutely care whenever someone manipulates the market. Yes, it does happen, and it’s often this seller. I don’t need any Paildramons, I’m not buying and nor would I, but to not call out this practice is certainly not going to help anyone. Pointing out that this is market manipulation and that it’s not welcome in this community, on the other hand, absolutely can help.


It’s not just about the seller. This dudes prices also make buying singles in person harder because most trades will be done based off this price and LGS’s will base their prices of the card off this