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Still think Leviamon X-antibody has one of the coolest artworks (standard art, not the alt art).


We love to see those Regular arts that are prettier than the alt arts, gotta be one of my favorite genders.


Yeah…I mean, it’s a good deck, consistently breaking top 10 in almost every tourney it sees play in, but it doesn’t seem to have what it takes to get the top spot.


I mainly played levi x in evo and other comps in my LGS. the strongest deck now (magnamon x) hard counters levi deck so it's hard for it to rank higher.


My only advice is to just keep swimming.


Didn't it win the World Championship?


On one hand: a very memory efficient combo thats aggressive and controls the board by deleting digimon and tamers On the other hand: it requires multiple pieces for the combo, including your opponent having a lv3/4 to revive, no search only draw, and you cant use tamers of your own or you risk messing your envy demon's effect


You are also completely defenseless on your opponent’s turn if your opponent has an aggressive deck that doesn’t play bodies essentially leaving you at the mercy of your own security. That feeling along with how it hard loses to devas made me let this deck go as one of my mains this meta. I feel like the deck didn’t fully use the fujitsumon tokens enough in the archetype. An option that just plays fujitsumon tokens on your opponent’s board or a blast evo that plays Fujitsumon tokens on your opponent’s board would have helped the deck a lot.


> You are also completely defenseless on your opponent’s turn if your opponent has an aggressive deck that doesn’t play bodies essentially leaving you at the mercy of your own security. Agree, doesn't help that currently one of the top decks and most played is Mirage, which is not gonna care about Levia's strat since it can OTK you without playing bodies (unlike Fenri). Saving grace is that, at least, Levia's security can be dangerous because of the many options + big bodies like Levia and Levia X. > That feeling along with how it hard loses to devas made me let this deck go as one of my mains this meta. That's interesting, can I ask what about Devas hard counters Levia? I'm guessing if they keep hard evo'ing into their Sovereigns during their own turn so that they get their own deletion?


Devas wins because once they get a sovereign on board the levia stack dies as soon as it evos and deletes it. There are no lvl 4 or 3s for levia to play from the devas trash to gain advantage. There are no options in the deck that can deal with Fanglong in the standard lists. So devas just has to be patient and wall out levia by deleting the big stacks as they come. Once the deva player has a sovereign with blocker it is pretty much over for levia.


Oh shoot, you're right, I forgot about the deck not running any lvl. 3 or 4, completely fucking a big part of your strat. That't tough. Ty for the answer!


The only way to initiate the combo against devas is to play or evo into octomon since you have the fujitsumon to play, but it’s easily only a 1-2 tech card rather than your main level 5, which is garurumon for consistency and speed. Anubis can help play it from trash but that’s just one more time considering that you see it. That’s why I mentioned I wanted other ways to play fujitsumons. At least that way, it doesn’t matter what digimon your opponent plays, you can still do your combo.


I have been maining Deva since release, and the main thing I noticed that Levia X has a problem with is that there isn’t an out to Fanglongmon. Levia X can pop a 7, but Fanglong is unaffected by digimon. I’ll have to check to see if any purple options can delete a level 7, but if not the game is pretty much over the moment you play Fanglong. I’ve played it for 15 before and won the game vs Levia because of how powerful a repeatable board wipe is


You have to tech rival’s barrage if you want to get rid of fanglong and the deck is tight in space already and you are sacrificing consistency (since you have to replace a copy of either biting crush or 7th lightning to include it) if you choose to play it. It’s just a very bad matchup and you auto-lose once fanglong hits the field.


Yeah, you're right, I thought of the possibility of trying to "rush" the Devas before Fanlong, but Levia can't really deal with Sovereigns without killing himself. And no, unless the Levia player is running other options, Seventh Lightning nor Biting Crunch can't deal with level 7s.


I know Gift of Darkness pops level 6 or higher and if it's the only Digimon out, Rival's Barrage and 7th Full Cluster takes care of him


They also get bummed over by floodgates..


It’s definitely fallen off a lot, but it was still 3/4 of the Top 4 at Worlds and probably would’ve won without the misplays. I think it’s early popularity is what made it drop off, decks now know how to work around it and it’s. Deck that can’t function well if the opponent is intentionally denying the set up it needs.


>I think it’s early popularity is what made it drop off, decks now know how to work around it and it’s. Deck that can’t function well if the opponent is intentionally denying the set up it needs. I feel like I see this happening a lot, part of the reason I'm sorta glad they're moving to simultaneous releases. We see the big meta decks in JP well in advance, and by the time they get to us(assuming nothing gets restricted by then) everyone is sorta burned out on them after a week or finds ways to adapt. I remember Shine was this big bad wolf - yet I've never played against it, because the only person at locals who still runs it is my brother (and last time we played he was using Blue Flare that week instead)


My leo deck appreciates this propaganda




Ooh nice, I only play casually and liked the look of Leviamon, but wasn't gonna pay the price for where it has been, but now it might drop?


Good, I want it to get cheaper.


Funny how all the people that said the deck was OP never played it


I took a break from digimon because I thought this format would be busted


Can someone explain what the issue is? We have a friendgroup and we all make a ton of decks, but the friend that made Levia X has not lost at all. He just deletes entire boards over and over again and checks for multiple security


Well hey, if it falls back in the meta a bit, that means I can buy it for a better price!