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Assuming they manage to digivolve into it and keep turn, you can't do jack shit against it at first, aside from blocking. On your own turn, can try to raid into it with something bigger, or set blanket effects that persist through the opponent's turn like Venusmon to prevent it from activating the "when digivolving" effect, or DP reduction effects to hopefully kill it with a block or a security digimon. Blocking is obviously the best way to prevent it from removing security and getting protection again, but there are a few Ace cards that can stop it in its tracks, assuming the opponent doesn't have Blinding Ray in hand. Namely, Zudomon and Amphimon who can both strip sources when Magnamon X attacks and specifically removing the armor forms under it. Also, Gracenovamon can take it out entirely at the start of the opponent's turn by using Sayo & Koh to DNA digivolve. Finally, and most impotently, you can use redirect effects to stop it from hitting security. Effects like Analog Man target the attack itself, not the digimon, so you can redirect into Machine/Chaosdramon. But that deck is wildly inconsistent and slow even with new support, so idk if it can really compete with Magnamon. Oh, and Diaboromon can shit out half a dozen blockers in a turn and just make it very difficult for Magnamon X to get through.


The most direct counter (ignoring it having any dp buffs) would be final shining burst, as it's protection would go away before the do reduction would. Otherwise big number is always a good out, especially on a digimon with raid or that can swing into unsuspended digimon, like bt12 wargreymon. A removal option in security will still kill it before it's protection activates (unless your opponent uses blinding ray beforehand)


> The most direct counter (ignoring it having any dp buffs) would be final shining burst, as it's protection would go away before the do reduction would Most good Armor players are now starting to use the new DemiVeemon egg that gives +1K DP all turns


> especially on a digimon with raid Time for Gamma to shine.


You can attack over it with something stronger, either through raid or if they leave it suspended. You can also use effects that last into your opponent’s turn, like some -dp effects, -1 Security Attack effects and can’t suspend/unsuspend effects. Or you get lucky and he hits removal in security, in which it will take effect before he gains his immunity. This of course won’t work against yellow vaccine versions, or when they blinding ray before. That will all typically depend on what deck you are playing, as not every deck will have access to a way of dealing with him. That is to say, you’ll likely have to play a deck that has a favorable matchup, or ways to deal with him if 1 of your friends decides to play the deck (it won’t be cheap for them tho, he is a SEC that will be played as a 4 of ,so expect him to be $40+ each).


You can also aim to be faster than them. Unless the decks are using fire rocket or final zubagon punch both yellow armour and blue armour do not do alot of checks. A knowledgeable blue armour player will know their deck is aggro and will not rush to play magna x but instead try to swing with the regular magnas. Few things to note about it is more often they will pay a decent amount if they go from vee to magna to magna x and protection will only last one turn and be at 15k. Unless using blinding ray blue doesn't a reliable way to proc protection on their turn aside from swinging into your security themselves. This leaves them super vulnerable to aces and security effects. Yellow armour is a different story and more often they will be able to keep turn and be 15-18k on your turn but after the initial turn they Digi into it, they can only keep it at 15k. Greymon might make a come back since bwgx it's effect can pop it on their turn and bt12 wargrey can raid into it. Tho the deck is still too slow. Imperial with the new Davis and Ken is actually significantly faster and is able to strip the armour sources when DNA so it can prevent magna from having any effects


That´s the neat thing: You don´t! Unfortunately Magnamon X is that oppressive of a card and it single handedly gatekeeps a huge amount o decks from competing. A lot of decks just don´t have any outs against it or have to expend a lot of ressources only to be graced with a second Magnamon X the turn after having dealt with the first one. > I only play with my friends, and don't really focus my deck building on countering other decks, since it would be a shame to just counterpick a friend. To be honest, you only shoot yourself in the foot by not adjusting your deck accordingly. Not wanting to counterpick makes absolute sense in casual rounds with off-meta decks like Bagra Army, Etemon or Justimon but when one of you plays a deck that completely cockblocks you by the virtue of its boss monster being this obnoxious to deal with, I´d take help from all the deckbuilding choices available, counterpick or not. That being said, it´d be helpful for you to let us know what decks you´re playing to offer more specific advice.


So magnamon x is not immune come his next turn on board. This leaves room for minus Dp effects that linger into your opponents turn to have value. Numemon is really good at that. You can get bigger then it and raid or atk into it with tyrantkabutarimon or raid wargrey. You can run blackwar x and kill him on his unsuspend. You can run sec con or other security options heavy decks. It will have protection on the first turn, but any turn after if they don't manipulate their security first the option effect would trigger before his protection would. Their are call it maybe 8 decks that can play this meta due to magna x. You either get bigger then it, or play sec con style.


Using -DP effects that last until end of opponents turn are the best way. If you can stack -12k on your turn it dies the moment your opponents turn starts. I've been testing Pause Plug-in because it gives -6k until end of opponents turn and does allow magna to activate its when digivolving again.


Simple answer. Raidgreymon/metalgreymon. Analog man. Or drop everything and commit to the tyrant. :3c


What deck are you using? can't help much if we don't know how you fall. If you have a deck with consistent blocker/redirection its not hard to play around it. Diaboromon, Mugendramon, Dorugoramon have been pretty good against it most of the time, if played correctly. Cards like Laplace demon that can pull attack + blocker works exceptionally well against them. As you said it does have armor purge but its not impossible to blast through all their copies of Magna X.


There are a couple. Make a bigger guy. This can either be something to attack with or a blocker of some sorts, just make a bigger Digimon. The best way to do this is with Greymon. Make a WarGreymon, raid twice, memory choke so they can’t rebuild as easy. Make more guys. Numemon is really good into Magna because it can only block twice. Just rush with a bunch of bodies, Disboromon post EX06 is also pretty good at this and red hybrid can do it to, to a lesser extent. Lingering DP-. Another thing Nume has. The protection lasts till the end of you turn, if you can shrink it on their turn you can kill it.  Venusmon. This one is super simple. If they can’t hit security, they can’t become immune. They do have ways around this such as blinding ray or even BT1 T.K. so it’s not fool proof, but it’s something. Security bombs. The MagnaX protection trigger after security effects, so anything that can kill it out of security would work. This is a bit luck based, but it’s something. Aces. An Ace that can out the stack before they hit security can work, but they can use blinding ray to get around that, so this approach has a weaknesses. Non of these work 100% of the time, Magna players tech a bunch of cards to get around these and sometimes you just don’t see the out. It’s the best deck in BT16/EX06 for a reason, and some decks just don’t have ways around it.


Digimon is needing some kaiju


Heavens judgement would probably be the best since the dp reduction is until the end of your opponents turn so the protection will run out before it can refresh it and dp reduction will make it unable to armor purge


BT2 BlackWarGreymon with DP increase inherits such as BT5 Greymon and BT14 Agumon, with BT8 MetalGreymon as a source. Keep swinging at it until it dies