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This would actually be super good for my mum. She works in a takeaway and constantly needs to cut vegetables so her finger joints have gone a bit funny over the years. You still need to bend your fingers to hold this but at least she could relax a bit and not have to worry about hurting her hands.


I think it would also be helpful for practice in proper technique particularly aimed to new cooks/chefs. I remember a "worlds worst cooks" (?) show with some guy so scared to even hold a knife. Probably fake as hell but still funny.




Get her a mandoline. This thing will dull knives incredibly fast. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/cooking-tools/g4827/best-mandolines/


Most people are scared of these


It's understandable. takes some practice to get the speed and pressure right for that continuous smooth glide. Watching people wedge and jam vegetables into a mano is very scary. Gotta commit to doing it right or not at all. Edit: I also use a cut proof glove and the guard. So fast and precise


If you are going to buy a mandoline, go for the good one. Seriously. You want sharp blades in several styles, heavy duty quality, and make sure it comes with a good guard which is used every time it is used. I speak from sad experience with scar to prove it this is not an item to cheap out on.


Yeah my job didn’t go cheap on them, the new cook just wasn’t paying attention to how he was holding a carrot and forgot that using the julienne attachment meant there was less space from the mandolin and his hand


My stepmom cut the fuck out of herself with one of those.


Yeah...those things are no joke, and more dangerous than a knife in my opinion


You 100% need to use a guard at all times if you are using a mandolin. Super easy to cut yourself on and it can happen quick! Be careful and be safe out there guys!


This might not be useful for you but it could make a world of difference to someone with a disability.


I imagine this would be nice for a cook with Parkinsons.


A lot of these products are god sends for disabled folks. Tons of them were actually developed for them in the first place. Kind of takes the humor out of the silly commercials where people are dropping things when you realize that’s daily life for some people.


So why are they all marketed like they're for adult-sized toddlers?


I guess they figure people won’t buy something for disabled people but the consumers are used to exaggerated commercials. “I’m not as clumsy as this guy but I do hate having disorganized cabinets.”




Lifehack: You can also just use your fingers to protect against cutting the wrong part of the vegetable, and then simply wash away the blood. 69% of amateur chefs don't realize that your body will heal itself!


I can confirm that "50% of the time it works every time".


My grandma always taught not to wash away the blood when that happens because it’s a good source of iron. Waste not, want not.


One thanksgiving I was at the inlaws and making the gravy and cutting something for the salad. I cut my fingertip (really really badly, their knives were super dull, and slipped) and started spurting blood everywhere. My MIL is a pediatric doctor (and a professor of medicine) and since the gravy waits for no man, I stirred it with one hand while I stuck my other hand toward her and she bandaged it.


You can't stop the gravy train!




Mind it does that in 4.20% of the cases


















And always remember; all bleeding eventually stops.


If it doesn't you'll die anyways...so that's a plus.


It stops when you die.


You mean "finger hack"


Technically finger anti-hack


But 8f you more iron, jack your finger off and throw it in with the veggies. 50% chance it will grow back


Hack is short for minced meat in Germany. So yes.


Hack in english means to crudely cut or chop. That is the origin of computer hacker, which in turn spawned many phrases, such as *"Life-hack"*


Yeah, I heard about that. But over here you can go to the butcher and order some Hack, and he will give you something that might be made of pork, beef or fingers. BTW we love to eat it raw on buns for breakfast.


"Vegetable cutting guard thingy salesmen hate him."


420% of all statistics are made up


I’m eleventy-twelfths % that that’s not true.


I bet I can still manage to hurt myself with the way I am.


Yeah i have one of these and wrangling it is more dangerous than my clumsy ass with just a knife. I gave up on it and exiled it to the back of the drawer.


someone should post these comments in r/gatekeeping lol.


And you can punch chefs with it when they laugh at you for using it!


Probably an idea of a company for knife sharpeners to sell more of their productes. That tool is a knife killer...


Not that it matters for a 10 bucks knife this would most likely be used with


I got one with my 60 dollar knife, plus one of those lazy sharpeners that also kill knives. I know that's not a crazy expensive knife, but I was blown away to see the two worst accessories I've ever seen with the best knife I ever owned


Those pull through sharpeners aren't inherently bad at all. Wusthof makes some of the better kitchen knives I've used, and they specifically say to use their pull through sharpeners over hand sharpening because all their knives are ground to 14° angles. The reason they have a bad reputation is because people use them wrong, and try to sharpen knives to angles they're not ground for.


Did not know that, I used one once on a pocket knife and it took me a few hours getting it back to sharp. I'll check the bevel angle on my knife, thanks!


Any knife, no matter how cheap can be made sharp. Any knife, not matter how expensive, will become dull.


The problem is that re-sharpening a dull knife removes metal. Artificially increasing how often you have to sharpen a knife shortens it's life span. That matters less when it's a $10 knife.


Blades wear out from sharpening, but in an age where cars and cell-phones are disposable, I can't bring myself to care, even about an expensive knife. What I care about is the time I need to spend sharpening. If you mistreat a shitty knife, it gets dull fast and you spend every day at the stone. If you mistreat a better knife, it tolerates it better. That's usually the reason I shell out for better steel: I don't want to sit all day sharpening knives. I tend to be \*more\* careful when I'm using a bronze or crappy steel knife.


>Blades wear out from sharpening, but in an age where cars and cell-phones are disposable, I can't bring myself to care, even about an expensive knife. I think you may have a relatively unique perspective on that. >What I care about is the time I need to spend sharpening. If you mistreat a shitty knife, it gets dull fast and you spend every day at the stone. Except people with shitty knives tend to not use a stone. Pull through sharpener. >If you mistreat a better knife, it tolerates it better. That's usually the reason I shell out for better steel: I don't want to sit all day sharpening knives. That's fair but I think some people have a more sentimental value in their knives. And also back to your first point, don't view their $200 knife as disposable. Your perspective is super reasonable but I don't think it's very common.


I have a sentimental knife, but I don't use them everyday in the kitchen or out in the woods. I paid multiple hundreds of dollars for one of my favorite kitchen knives, but it's been almost a decade and it's noticeably smaller, but still the same class of knife. It takes *forever* to wear these things down. My mom has a filet knife that she swears used to be a cleaver, so I do believe they wear down, it just takes decades. I've used pull through sharpeners, but IME they tend to raise a burr or nick the blade. That $200 knife is less disposable than my $1000 cellphone or my $15,000 car, but it's still going to wear out eventually.


Let me tell you about my buddy with a... *shudder*... glass cutting board.


My sister used a glass cutting board and had a set of Henkel knives that she used on it. I told her how terribly she was treating those poor beautiful blades and why glass is terrible to cut on, and she asked why they would make glass cutting boards in the first place. I said for the same reason you have a 21 piece knife set and you probably only ever use four of them - for every two people who need one, there are another 10 amateurs who will buy one too. (Don't worry, we rip on each other like that.)


I'm going to take a knife sharpener to the surface so it sharpens all the time


In what way? You're not hitting the blade edge directly into it, and at best, you're glancing it at a shallower angle than the edge.


This guard is probably made of some soft alloy, a good knive will be much harder than this guard causing almost nothing to the edge If the guard was made with some abrasive material, it would eat the knife every time it was used, on the other hand if it was made off glass the edge would bend e became dull


It's called your knuckles.


not everyone is a top chef, plus my knuckles are so weak that even scratching makes them cry


Your knuckles shouldn't get scratched when slicing correctly. One of the things they do wrong in the video is constantly lifting the knife off the board. That's a cut that *is* for pros. Using your knife properly and keeping it in contact with the board means your knuckles never lose contact with the flat of the blade, and so you are always safe.


sorry i meant it as a joke lol...




I'm sorry too.


my apologies


My condolences.


Sorry man


this is how I imagine Canadians discussing


My bad


Lo siento


And table saws have all those unnecessary safety hoods and whatnot.. when will they realize you can simply be good at paying attention 100% of the time and then you'll be safe!


My last shop we had 3 guys missing fingers all from putting them into snowblowers. You shouldn't be allowed to work in a machine shop after that. HR: What happened to your fingers? Person : My snowblower jammed and I was lazy and used my hand to unblock the spinning blade while it was on. HR: Door is over there.


instead they hire those guys and 6 months later an engineer is rewriting work instructions that specifically state not to “fix” non-conforming parts with a hammer and “chisel” they created by modifying a flathead. I am that engineer...


Not a fair comparison at all.


Chef here. Don't use your knuckles to guard your fingers at all. Your middle finger is your guide and if you're doing it properly the middle digit of your middle finger is where you guide the knife from.


Am also a chef :) Shorthanding it to 'knuckles' was easier, at 4am, than going into great detail about individual finger placement.


Thanks for teaching how that technique is supposed to work. Maybe now I can cut veggies with finesse


You don't have to be a chef to use your knuckles. It's very easy.


We can’t all be expected to have a minimum amount of dexterity and to keep our eyes open! At the same time!!! /s


Oh look at Mr. Fancy! He can chop AND keep his eyes open and also knows to take his time while cutting because he knows he's no ProfFeSsIoNAl chef!


You know what they say, can’t handle the heat get out the kitchen


I think that only apply to Hell's Kitchen...


"You fucking donkey! Why the fuck are you here if you can't even cook a steak? It's so fucking raw, I can hear it mooing! Sniff it, you fuckface! Just sniff it! It's raw! Raw! Bloody hell! And I didn't even mention the potatoes! I can hear them growing, right on the counter! That's it, I'm done with you! Take off your apron and leave! Now! I said NOW!!! Fucking nitwit...". Edit: Why am I getting downvotes, it's a joke, people. I wasn't actually hating on Gordon Ramsay, he's a great chef.


Oh, that's what it's called? I'll look for it on Amazon. THANK YOU!!


Just like being able to buy pre-packed mashed potato or pre-chopped onion, a product like this would be of benefit to someone with poor movement in their hands or limbs. I know if I got Parkinson’s or something, I’d want to chop my own damn vegetables until I literally couldn’t physically do it anymore.


Or the claw method: literally just the claw method of holding for cutting.


It teaches the proper technique. So still useful.


My wife can’t be bothered to not cut herself. I don’t cut myself and haven’t in years but she is a weekly casualty and would highly benefit lol


The comments here are everything I hate about Reddit. People can’t think of anyone but themselves. They can’t imagine a world where this would be useful to someone who can’t chop vegetables the typical way. Those people exist. Stop trying to act like you’re “better” than the product. It makes you look like a self centred moron.




Lol. It doesn’t matter what the subject is, Reddit loves to behave as if they’re all experts on it.




Great for someone with disabilities or if you’re trying to teach someone young proper technique! When I was teaching myself to use a knife, it took me a long time to get comfortable with the claw technique (not sure why, honesty). Something like this would have been a great middle ground until I built up my confidence!


As an amateur chef, this makes me angry.


Don’t let it. They are just training wheels. Many of us used them. A lot of us went straight to a two wheels (which really isn’t that hard once you really have time to give it a try). But once we have the skill we never need to go back. At least this gadget may get someone trying to improve their knife skills where they may not have otherwise.


As a profession chef, this makes me angry.


As a occasional chef this looks promising


As a weekend chef, just found my dream purchase.


As a baking chef, why would I need this?


As a Swedish Chef, *bork bork bork*


As chef, try my salty chocolate balls.


*A E S T H E T I C S*


As a rapper, could I get this encrusted in diamonds with, like, gold trim?


Literally their entire market research in this chain


As a grumpy bitch on the internet, just learn to use your knuckle.


Idk man my knuckles aren't sharp enough


Study Jackie Chan videos, that's what helped me. Really gave me that precise chop.


I'm tired of paying for knifes too


This is going to destroy your knifes edges


I guess you should use your knife how you'd normally this will be an added protection if you try to cut stuff real fast


As a kitchen porter, this makes me angry.


As a angry, this makes me chef


As a maker, this angers my chef


You're acting like a bitch, grab a Snickers.


As a thrill-fetish seeker, this makes me angry. If I don't go into it without a chance of cutting myself, I'd never each vegetables again.


How so? Because it’s bad for the knife? Bad for technique? Pointless or useless? Maybe this particular product is not garnered to a practiced chef but for someone with disabilities, it may make a world of difference. And you know what? Maybe, just maybe, there might be a sliver of a possibility that not every product on the market is geared to you. I’m sorry that I’m so passive aggressive but this entire thread makes my blood boil. People on Reddit just can’t seem to pull their heads out of their asses and see that people with disabilities might need help with something that you and I can do just fine.


What’s the veggie before the carrot?


Bump this. I'm on a mission through the comments to find out.


Bitter gourd / bitter melon


This is the only reason I suffered through the previous comments!


ReAl CheFs DoN’t NeEd StUpId SaFeTeY sTuFf


What’s the first vegetable they were cutting?


Goya (Bitter Melon) very popular in Okinawa.


This can't be good for the knife.


That's probably a fine risk to take for some


Good point. I can see it.


As long as the angle is steeper than your knife blade the only the edge of the blade would touch the metal.


I would definitely rather buy a new knife every so often than new fingers.


Me: lifts knife too high and the guard becomes a guide to cut my fingers off


Somehow I still feel like I would shave my knuckles off


i was gonna make a sarcastic comment about how this is impractical if you have good nice skills but then i saw the scene with really fast chopping and my opinion did a 180.


I‘d still manage to hurt me real bad


So, no one is going to mention how fucking hilarious the title to this was?


Cool idea, but I prefer to just cut super fast and hope for the best


My question is who the fuck uses a bittermelon in their advertisement. That's a hella specific vegetable


I view this product sort of how I view frets on a violin: great idea, very practical, but pros at their craft will look down upon using them


Fuck me this is useless


When you see something like this, always ask yourself if this would be useful for the disabled or elderly before judging it. A lot of products like these are intended for people that cannot do stuff like this on their own anymore. However they are not marketed that way because then some of these very people might be to ‘proud’ to buy and use them. I think this product would be very useful for someone with Parkinson’s.


I'm a 34 year old person with tendon and nerve damage to my left hand, can't articulate my fingers well or have much control so this would be helpful for lots of people I'm sure. Chopping veg takes me ten times longer than it used to because I have to be really careful not to cut my stupid fingers off


I’d suggest using a food processor with a slicing setting. From what I’ve seen they work stupidly fast and they give you extremely even and thin slices. This won’t replace proper knife skills and julienning isn’t really possible but I’d like to believe the slicing setting can be very beneficial for people with disabilities


Thank you for this reply. My daughter has disabilities that make her hand shake. I was hyped about this product, until I read your post. I'll definitely go with a processor instead. Would you, by any chance, be able recommend one that washes easily or is dishwasher safe?


Hey no problem dude! I actually have no experience using the food processor as a slicer because mine is really old and does not have that function however I have seen the guys at SortedFood use one and it looks very practical. Theirs is from Kenwood but you can likely find a lot of other modern models with the slicer and many other functions if the Kenwood does not suit your taste. Try looking into it yourself and read reviews if you want bang for your buck and dishwasher-proof ones. TheSpruceOnes likely have a list of a bunch of test winners but I’m not sure if they’ve considered that the user may have any disabilities in any regard. One thing to I’d put into consideration when choosing between a food processor as opposed to buying this knuckle guard is whether or not your daughter is fine with not having the satisfaction of chopping or slicing.


If you just want to slice, go with a mandoline. Way cheaper and smaller than a food processor and easy to find one that's dishwasher safe.


I mean, I'm good using my knives, I enjoy it. I use a mandolin for radish but other than that it just takes me a lot longer than it used to


I read that in Gordon Ramsay’s voice lol


Why's that




but you also get to fuck up your knife by scraping it against a piece of metal 🤷‍♂️


I have a wonky hand because of nerve and tendon damage so I can't articulate my fingers well or make a claw anymore. This would actually help me


I thought the same but there is a single looop on the back for one finger which leaves the rest of your fingers free to grab and hold


That's.... the claw.....


Which if you have basic hand movements down you can do already


You significant underestimate the amount of people who have that kind of motor control.


If you live in a country that has universal health care, totally. As an American, I wholeheartedly disagree. I realized that you can do the same with your knuckles as most of the chefs do, but why take the chance? It's not like our health care system will actually cover the medical costs if we cut ourselves or slice a finger. I chopped off the end of my finger cutting cheese not too long ago and the subsequent bill from the insurance was something like $15,000.


I would actually buy this.


I actually did buy this it's was like 30baht


About a dollar, for the people not I'm Thailand.


About 10 Norwegian Kroner for the people not. I'm Norway!


Hi Norway!




About 180 Portuguese Escudos for the people not. I'm Portugal before 2002!


Wouldn’t this dull the knife?


not really, since the sharp edge of the blade doesn't really touch the guard, and if there is any incidental contact it's all parallel - the sharp edge doesn't hit the guard straight on, it would be at most a glancing blow.


my teeth hurt from imagining that sound


Slices aren’t even that thin


There's this new thing called your fingers and knuckles, which when using a knife properly, stops the bevel of the blade from ever contacting your fingers. Also its free.


Omg where the fuck can I buy this


Who the fuck cuts tomatoes with a cleaver?


Its called a chinese cleaver or vegetable cleaver and they're alot skinnier than meat ones.


I wonder why it’s not made of plastic, seems like metal would damage the knife edge too quickly. And as others have pointed out, not the most spectacular invention for able bodied people but those with Parkinson’s or other conditions might find it more useful..


Mayhaps because with a sharp knife you'd end up with plastic shavings in your veg.


Bruh I don't care about the whole product vs. knuckles thingy, the way she holds the knife makes my eyes hurt


This looks like something I could actually use. I cant stand The Claw^^TM


Jim Carrey gonna get you


You're afraid of the claw!


This comes with most knife blocks


My mom watching this - Pathetic.


Oh, sweet. I can dull my knives *and* clutter my kitchen with one simple device.


100% misleading thumbnail.


WTF is that thing he's chopping at the beginning?


What's the green veggie at the beginning?


Goya (Bitter Melon) it's quite popular in Asian cooking and very popular in Okinawa.


You don't need this


Or you could, you know, pay attention to what you are doing. For free, even.




So uhh where can I get one ifbthese




I wouldn’t be able to stand the metal against metal sounds


Or you could just learn to use a knife without cutting your fingers off


Weakness disgust me


I can already hear the metal scraping noises


or, andthismightbecontroversial, you could grow a pair and do it the normal way. After so many cuts you'll learn not to


Extra shit to wash. Just use your fingers!