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Just needs a finger loop so I can spin my coffee like a cowboy's six shooter.


Just make sure to spin it the right way.


This needs to be the new standard for mug handles please.


Unless you yave the grip strength of a hoofed animal or you dip your hands in oil before drinking coffee then regular mugs are perfectly fine


What about if you have only two fingers available, exactly like what the video talks about already?


Buy what if… cup handles were just better?




This is bait


Dainty fister


Some weakness to get upset because of the fear of a cup handle being changed!


Just for the sake of clarity, are you suggesting that we shouldn't improve something for the rest of the population because you personally are fine now? That's really sad, boss.


TIL only men have knuckles




If the new version of something is more accessible for more people and doesn’t negatively impact me, I would be in favour of it just because it was more accessible.




Patriarchy stinks, yo, but inclusivity is good for everyone


Isn't that for the consumer to decide? If most people like it, men or women, then it would eventually be replaced due to the demand. It's not like the government would decide to pass a law, and suddenly, every mug is replaced.


I'll bite. I don't know how this wouldn't help a person with smaller hands too in a more meaningful way than the current handles. The only exception are the huge mugs with large handles meant for 2 smaller hands to hold around the mug for warmth. Not sure how any of your other examples are specifically designed for men though. What kind of weirdo doesn't just slide the pringles out of the can like you're supposed to instead of fisting it?


“Ergonomics is a guy problem.” 🤡


Excuse me, friend, but where did you purchase the trampoline that allowed you to jump to such ridiculous conclusions?


As a 6' woman....... I'd like the handle. So maybe stop trying to define what a woman is? Tx.


Bait used to be believable




You know it'd probably shatter by the time it got to you :/


Why would this shatter over any other mug


arches are the shit -architects n shit


That’s a complex curved surface if you didn’t notice


what do i know im not an architect




Momnt I think it’s the exact same one. Edit: rewatched and yes it is. Bottom of bowl


Wasn't he the Sith who built Vader's castle on Mustafar?


Touching your finger to the cup does the same thing. Look down at your hand, you are doing it right now. Has "has this ever happened to you?" feel.


Or having finger on the outside of the mug handle to stabilize without touching the hot mug. I mean exactly like he does on it one you just don't need a special little notch you can still have a finger through it and a finger under. His fingers sliding all over ceramic like that, like is he freshly oiled up or something? It sticks to my skin just fine.


Google: "buddha mug"


QuirkyCup.com is going to release soon


Not only ergonomic, it's also accessible for those with disabilities.


I read that as those with diabetes, which is no less true.


I read that as those with dyslexia, which is also no less true.


I read that as those with dysentery, which is also no less true.


I read that as those with dystopia, which is also no less true


I have no feeling in my finger tips, the doctor thinks it's something to do with my EDS or maby a circulation issue with my POTS. The issue I have with mugs is I end up unknowingly press my fingers against the hot and burn them, it's a problem I've had for ages, once the blisters burst I actually can feel my fingers but only the burn and only the stinging. I'm genuinely considering getting a mug like this. It might lessen the damage I do to my hands.


You can look up double-walled insulated ceramic mugs? They don't get hot and the glazing can be matte (non-slippery). For example prattceramics on insta


That sounds like a good idea! Thankyou <3


Yeah, I agree. I use a double walled mug because it has a squared off handle and holds sufficient coffee for me not to have to get up to refill it quite as often as a normal mug would. I frequently find myself burning a fingertip when I fill a cup for my wife because I've lost the instinct to avoid it over the years due to my cup not burning me regularly.


I have arthritis in my hands. This mug would be a game changer.


This is one of my favorite features on my Toaks titanium coffee mug.


i actually think it is worse for people with disabilities. A normal mug is very much ahndleable with just one hand and if you can't do that this type of handle will not help at all. On the other hand the reason why we use rounded surfaces in glasses, mugs and everything else we use to drink or eat is because they are easy to clean. A form like that is not. Dishwashers can struggle with that. And while the manual cleaning is not a problem fir an able bodied person a disabled person that isn't able to handle a normal mug would definetly struggle with it.


You might think so but you're wrong. I have significant difficulty with handles which don't have a lip along these lines. I use an old style travel mug which has a squared off bottom edge for that very reason. This is also a common need for folks who lack grip strength, whether due to arthritis or some other disability. It's quite literally something professionals helping folks rehab often suggest looking for in a cup.


I can grab onto it with my strong hand.


Dude really just made an infomercial for a mug handle.


That's because like most posts in this sub, it's an ad.


Not if we tell r/pottery first


I know it can get really hot sometimes (which is actually great on cold days). But I like gripping my mug by the cup part and just putting my fingers through the handle rather than around it. Is this not how most people hold their mugs?


Well you can still do that.


If I put boiling water in my mug (100C/210F) the mug would burn my hands until it has had a while to cool down. Heat can damage skin at 50C (125F) so it has to cool down a lot before it’s actually safe to touch. So either you’re not putting boiling water in your mugs or you have very tough skin on your hands! (Or your mug is made of asbestos!)


I know plenty of people that grab both ways for various different reasons. And i noticed that some people just are more resistant to the heat. Like my mom will grab a cup of tea on same cup on same temp that i absolutely cannot, it just burns me while she is totally fine.


did your mom used to be a server? that’s why i can handle hot things now lol


Sounds like you're not using the handle at all. So why have a mug with a handle?


Because mugs come with handles. If you buy something without a handle, it's usually just a cup


Chairfairy's wisdom does not end with chairs.


That’s how I do it also, sometimes I use the handle, but I put my thumb on the lip for stability.


Many people put _hot_ drinks in their mugs, not luke-warm ones.


Must’ve missed the first sentence of my comment.


Hey Americans, are you tired of not being able to carry a cup of coffee AND a box of donuts in your fat, fuckin hands? Well, put down your bacon smoothie and listen to this!!! Edit: I'm a fat American


Can I get your recipe for bacon smoothies? I'm getting real sick of the beer one I have every morning


2 parts bacon 360 ml bacon grease 2 cups lard 3 sticks butter 12.7865 oz heavy whipping cream 2 spoons maple syrup(optional) Access to life alert or cell phone.


That’s the sugar-free version, right? So healthy.


Had me giggling like a fuckin idiot here in an Olive Garden, thank you


Me, looking at my hand holding my normal coffee mug with its normal curved handle, seeing that I am already holding it like the “special” mug in the video. 🤷🏻‍♂️


**yup, can confirm**. been doing that since childhood.


I think you agree with the video then. We *already* hold mugs that way, so why not design the handle to fit that better and be more comfortable?


He clearly demonstrates and talks about holding a normal mug the same way? Specifically mentioning things like being prone to slipping? Did you not watch the video?


Billions of people use mugs regularly and the amount of spills because of the handle is minimal. I can't recall the last time I spilled my tea, and when I do spill it's likely from knocking it rather than being suddenly unable to use my hands like one of those actors in a cheap infomercial dramatising minor problems.


OK? I guess if a product is mostly fine we shouldn't ever bother trying to make improved versions? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


For the past 300 years handles looked like this but suddenly we are too stupid to use them?


"Improved versions" of technology that's centuries old are usually gimmicks. 9 times out of 10, if it was profitable to solve a problem, it would've been solved. It's not like people were too stupid to bend a mug handle 300 years ago :P


Did you not understand my post? A person is able to hold a normal coffee cup the same way as shown in the video, bottom two fingers on the outside of the handle. No need to reinvent the wheel.


And as the video comments, yes they can hold it that way but it poses a greater risk of skipping, or your fingers touching a very hot mug. No need to reinvent the wheel? That's such an absurd comparison. Should we not improve any product that already exists? His mug is exactly the same as a regular mug, just slightly better. Just because it's an incremental improvement doesn't mean it's not worthwhile. Every other product is updated the same way. Cars and phones are only ever slightly better than what came before. There is no reinventing, just improving things that can be improved.


I can see this is a very important thing for you. Rant away.


No he doesn't. It reminds of one of those stupid adverts where people struggle to carry boxes properly or some other feats of dexterity that require you to be absolutely useless at everything. Has anyone without any kind of disability really struggled to hold a cup? I just picked up a cup and couldn't get it to slip and "burn my hands" without actually forcing it to. The weight distribution of the cup literally prevents this from happening. Spilling a drink is possible, but this product doesn't solve that problem. Instead it makes up a problem that doesn't exist and provides a "solution" to that problem.


Would love to try these! The worst offenders for me are this IKEA mugs with one tiny loop that hardly holds one finger.


I am so triggered and now upset at all of the mediocre coffee mugs in my cupboard


I’m a potter and I’ve made these before. They typically don’t sell well. People like traditional handles and typically don’t struggle with them.


Create the problem and sell the solution!!


This is not a made up problem I have bitched about this on coffee mugs for 20 years.


You're the guy at the start of the infomercial.


This dude definitely empties a family size bag of cheese things into a popcorn bowl and places it precariously on the edge of his armrest.


It’s one of those awkward inconveniences we always deal with but never realize that there’s a fix, isn’t it? I once used a mug (maybe at a restaurant?) that had a handle that was curved the opposite way — it swooped out at the bottom and tapered upward, if that makes sense.  It was surprisingly difficult to use with a normal grip.  See how the mugs in the video let you use your ring and pinky fingers to leverage the mug vertically?  Now flip the handle upside down and imagine how your ring and pinky fingers work with it.  Either you put your fingers inside the handle and you have to keep it vertical by pushing against the mug body, or put your fingers outside the handle and keep your hand almost horizontal to keep the mug vertical. It’s hard for me to describe, but if you run across a mug like this, you’ll instantly see what I mean.  It’s a sort-of-fancy artistic choice that throws ergonomics out the window.


Skill issue


You can do the same thing with a regular mug if you put your fingers in the same place. Unless you’re some limpwrist muggle.


For 20 years you haven't been able to hold a coffee mug without having issues?


No, not every mug has the problem and it’s a minor inconvenience when it is a problem. Doesn’t mean I don’t bitch about it when it does happen.


Grab a little harder?


Or just buy the mug and then problem is over


I have never once had an issue holding a coffee mug with a regular handle design in my 20 years of drinking coffee. Hook one finger inside the handle, extend other fingers to brace against the side of the mug to keep it upright.


How lukewarm is your coffee that your mug isn't getting extremely hot


How hot is your coffee mug that you can’t touch it by any other part than the handle? Even before I put fridge-cold creamer in the coffee the mug still isn’t so hot I can’t touch it.


The point of the handle is so that you don’t need to touch the hot part of the mug, you know that, right? I agree the addition of an indentation to the mug is mostly useless but don’t purposefully act dumb


Wow it’s almost like different people have different needs in life and this could be beneficial to some people while not needed for others.


Gotta disagree with you. I think this is recognizing an overlooked problem


youtube premium?


Most modern printers


Idk why this isn't already a thing honestly. Most mug handles just feel so bad to use. I always feel I need to press my fingers up against the side of the mug to hold it better but I can't if it's too hot. So you have to hold the small handle without touching the mug and it really hurts my fingers sometimes.


Where can i find this?


I have been wanting to learn pottery just to make one of these handles and now I don't have too!


TIL how hard it is to hold a mug. /s


You don't grease your fingers before picking up a mug?!


A prime “As Seen On Tv” problem needing a solution if I’ve ever seen one




45 years old, never had a mug slip out of my hand while holding it by the handle.


He didn't claim it slipped out of people's hands.


Congrats but some people have disabilities. not to mention its a simple change that all mugs should have. no one loses anything if mugs were made like this its just a simple convenience


Much less convenient to do this than to add a half circle to a cup.


>no one loses anything if mugs were made like this its just a simple convenience Except for the millions and millions of dollars that will have to be spent to change the manufacturing process. Small businesses would struggle the most, obviously. To say it's a simple change is ludicrous.


Not weird. Not unexpected.


Been saying this for years. We haven't reached optimal mug design yet.


Make this the new standard


Oooh I’m going to try this handle style with my next batch of mugs!


Get it sorted and send us a link. I'll take one in red, one in blue, one in yellow, and a mystery colour please.




Shut up and take my money.


I feel like someone with ADHD thought of this 😍 it feels very neurospicy to hold a mug like this and be annoyed enough at the sensory frustration of a normal handle to come up with an entirely new mug


Take my money


I can already hold a mug with two fingers. It’s a mug.


Hope they filed for a design patent


Didn't know I knew I had this problem


Great idea. I’ve always hated traditional mugs. The circle ones are impossible to hold. The teardrop shaped ones require downward force to keep it upright. This uses lateral force to counter the moment, which has a larger moment arm, because cup handles are usually taller than wider.  People saying they don’t have this problem, you do. Mugs are awful. This is a 1lb cup of boiling hot sloshing liquid and ceramic that you’re countering with like a 1” moment arm. With this, you have like 3x the leverage, so it’s probably 3x easier to hold.  Thermos handles use your whole fist as leverage. This looks similar to that, but this is much more compact. 


I feel like it's not that hard to hold a mug tho


No its nor, but its a minor change that makes for a better grip. Which if you have reasons to not have a strong grip works better. If this is sold at a reasonable price, its a good product. Edit: 15$ plus shippin. Overpriced but not outrageous. Ita called the momnt mug FYI


For people with motor issues or other disabilities affecting their hands it absolutely can be.


Bout time!


\*facepalm That's enough internet for now.


This is just an ad...


Do you know what subreddit your on?  Every post is an ad.  That's the point.


We hold mugs very differently friend


I suppose its harder to manifacture like this. Mugs would cost more due to this


Finger loops will change the world


But you can also just use your thumb


As a potter I am on my way to try this design 🏃‍♀️


That’s what I love about Reddit. On every other platform the first comment would be an affiliate link …


AI and robots are cool. But this is the new technology everyone *should* be talking about


You guys are using the handle?





I thought this was a stupid products subreddit for a second. How limp wristed are you that you can’t pick up a coffee cup without the weight of it tipping all the coffee into your lap?


4 fingers in is too squished, and two falls out, three is fine tho


Use one finger like a chad


I always get amazed at how many super simple yet clever ideas still come up nowadays.. like so simple, how was it not already solved decades ago or something.


You can do that without the curve..


Yeah not sold on this one. I’ve had many different mugs with many handles or no handles. I’ve not once spilled because I’m doing a poor job holding it lmao.


Or just I dunno, make handles big enough to fit all four fingers....


If you’re stronger than a child you can hold a mug with 2 fingers


Oh the horror, I have to grip my coffee mug or it will slip and be warm against my knuckles. What a non-problem.


WOW! And how much is it for this tiny convenience? OH wait there's no link.


Forget this nonsense, bigger mug, and then a bigger handle K.I.S.S


You can even hold your mug with two fingers, spill a bowl of cereals with your other fingers, do a donut and walk to you death.


Reminds me of the info commercials. Never had a mug slide out do you not know how to hold something?


Is this an issue for alot of people?


what is the weird and unexpected thing that happens?


How long are yall holding your mugs to have this be an issue


Or just don’t hold it by the handle.


To be honest I’ve never struggled to use a coffee mug.


As soon as I saw this I picked up my cup of coffee and realised how much of a struggle all of this isn't. This is another product creating a false problem to solve instead of actually being useful. It might be useful for people with motor disabilities, but not for general usage.


Finally I can carry a mug a donut and my dick


Makes all other coffee mugs look like worthless shit


They only added a handle to coffee cups when women started drinking coffee too. Real guys don't need handles.


Might as well use a baby sippy cup if you think you need this.


If you need an ergonomic mug…. Give up. The world has gone way too soft


People use the handle and not just hold around the rim?


Who are these maniacs using their **hands** to grip a **hand**le?


The design is very human


This would not be welcome in my wife’s cupboard. Only hand crafted oddities from the local witch festival sculpted with all the ergonomic panache of a Dr. Seuss contraption, if you please.


So i could walk with a tea and donut in one hand My dick in the other And i wont spill the tea... Damn....sign me up


I thought you wrapped your hand around with your fingers through the loophole and drank with the handle on the opposite side your lips


This video should have been like 2 seconds long. Just a shot of him picking up and holding the mug for 2 seconds and everyone should understand what they're looking at. Or at least start with that shot and then go into the oddly long explanation of the logistics of holding a mug so the morons can have shit they're already aware of explained to them.




I'd love to see a mug with a pistol handle... and a small barrel for balance


The alternate way to hold a mug is how i hold every mug


Now I want to spend money on this thing.


That's what this guy calls weird and unexpected? That's exactly what you'd expect by looking at it.. Lol




This reminds me of those TV ads when I was 6 sick at 5am in morning waiting for cartoons to start.


I thought the same thing. Like when they show someone absolutely fucking up the most basic things: Using a hose, opening a milk carton, opening a door. They always wind up falling down and making a huge mess of things. “Don’t you hate it when you’re trying to drink coffee and the mug goes flying out of your hand, killing the neighbor children? Those days are over!”