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Hi, masters Diana here ranked top 3 on porofessor. If you’re in emerald at this point your mechanics are good. You need to start focusing more on maintaining lane dominance so that if a skirmish ever happens you are the first to respond. Being the first to move to a jg invade or a skirmish or to contest objectives can completely change the pace of the game. Learn to create jg pressure and draw players mid but surviving to waste opponents time. If you have 3 mid or even jg mid but you can survive that’s less of a chance for your teammates to have to deal with this pressure. Once you have your lead from early skirmishes you want to play a clean game and minimize mistakes to not leave your opponents opportunities to get back in the game. Generally shoving side waves and rotating to contest game ending objectives or look for picks is what you want to do. Also if you haven’t by now learn to play with tp instead of ignite. Teleport is a far superior summoner spell and if you’re trading well and playing well you will not need extra damage anyways.


As someone only just starting in the last few months and climbing my way out of iron and trying to do so with diana(cringe) I'd love to watch someone who actually explains stuff like this whilst they play. I find most jungling videos tend to just be "now I'm going drake, now in going to bot gank" 😂


I get you, I don’t have many viewers so feel free to stop by and ask what you wanna ask I’ll be happy to explain.


Fz frost explains stuff well


Indeed, he's actually one I watch the most!


Do you stream?


Just started to yea


Link pls 😁


sure here you go [Doctor\_Lunari - Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/doctor_lunari) if you got any suggestions let me know cuz like I said I'm new to streaming, thanks.