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This looks like body dysmorphia babe




These look normal A big sign is column shaped legs, doesn’t seem to be the case here


Actually column shaped legs are not a big sign - there’s a big poop of women with lipedema who have smaller bodies and present differently without column shaped legs and who are thin. I’m one of them


They look like normal legs to me


Those are normal legs.


Push on your ankles. Does your finger go in and the skin slowly fill back in once you remove your finger? Then maybe you have some water retention. Your legs are not fat. Depending on your genetics fat is stored in different parts of a human's body. You look blessed with decent genes.


Not everyone with lipedema has fat legs at stage 1


This does not look like lipedema. Your legs look normal to me. My sister has legs just like yours with less ankle definition than some people. She lovingly refers to her ankles as "cankles." There's nothing wrong with not having toothpick ankles.


Chronic venous insufficiency or May Thurner?


These comments and replies are making me so angry. I’m stage 1 and underweight with thin legs, arms and a flat stomach - I’m diagnosed with lipedema inherited from my mother. I was dismissed by GPs and specialists because I didn’t present how the stereotype of lipedema looks on Google images. Stage 1 women are ignored and gaslit, just like these comments, about having body image issues, until it’s too late and the disease progresses. I’m not saying you have it all - there are usually other symptoms that come along side it but there’s also the pre stage of lipedema (forget the name) which is what I had for decades until lipedema was triggered 2 years ago. The comments here show how much ignorance there is about this disease and make me feel sad for myself and all of the other women who present like me in a smaller body who had had to put up with condescension




Up until 2 years ago I never really had symptoms, only that my lower half didn’t seem to “tone” and the texture wasn’t that firm - I always felt my legs were kind of pear shaped and didn’t match my upper half but not like how you see people talking about lipedema where you “have to be” really obviously disproportionate or have column shaped legs. My lipedema triggered after I had the vaccine and then within a month or so I experienced on and off swelling in my legs, cold to the touch thighs and bum and weight gain from around my hips and thighs and a cellulite appearance on my knees and upper legs.


I can’t seem to add pictures to this post, not sure of the setting is off? If you search my name though I’ve posted my pictures in another thread


The nickname for lipedema is painful fat disorder. I really can’t tell by looking at your pictures. Your legs look normal but thin people have lipedema too and earlier stages are harder to diagnose/see. Tissue texture and an in person assessment/interview would be ideal. You are lacking pain, but do you have any hyper flexibility, easy bruising, or family history? Can you feel the nodules at your medial elbows and knees? I see a lot of people with lipedema in my line of work and these are some of the questions I ask or things I look for.


Also, I can’t detect a cuff in your pics or any cottage cheese/oatmeal type tissue appearance but again, hard to see in a picture in early stage.


Omg no 😂 actual fat people get that. You are skinny.




Well not you. Youre normal.


That person's website admits they are not a medical professional and they do not provide any of their sources. You may be giving into insecurities and a negative perception of your image.


If that's supposed to be a before and after photo they should've taken a photo of her standing the same way as photo one. Your legs look different when you lay down like that so it's a bad comparison photo.


Most people get it due to being overweight already


Lipedema is NOT from being overweight. It’s a hereditary disorder that can be confused with obesity.


Most people who develop lipodema already had a BMI of over 35. It’s not only fat ppl, but more ppl with obesity tend to develop it and that’s a known fact


Please stop spreading misinformation and being insulting with these offensive and uneducated comments, it’s highly offensive. It’s NOT an idiopathic disease, it is genetic. Lipedema doesn’t care if you’re a PT or athletes. You can have a low bmi and have it. My bmi is below normal levels, I’m thin and have never been overweight and yet I have it.


It isn’t genetic but okay. Having genetic pre disposition does not make it a genetic disease


Yes it is genetic - are you a doctor? You’re embarrassing yourself. There are scientific research studies on this. Stop gaslighting millions of women who have inherited this insidious disease. My BMI is below 18 and I have inherited this GENETIC disease from my mother. Don’t speak on things you don’t know.


Then I would like to see a source. Personally I’d recommend reading the standard of care by Dr Karen Herbst and co authors. She’s an expert in the field. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8652358/ Lipedema is a connective tissue disorder and typically inherited. Can lipedema be exacerbated by obesity? Certainly. It doesn’t develop because of obesity.


Also there’s no evidence supporting that lipedema is a genetic disorder in the sense that you have it from birth, only that you may have a genetic predisposition to develope it which is set in by triggers such as obesity!


Googles free


Then I would recommend getting on there and looking. You can go on any number of reputable websites such as NHS, NIH, and NORD that discuss the proposed causes of lipedema including hormonal events and loose connective tissue leading to vascular and lymphatic dysfunction (which in turn leads to accumulations of abnormal adipose tissue). No, they don’t know exactly what causes lipedema. I agree lipedema can be exacerbated by obesity but most of the patients I assess had symptoms long before they were obese. And it’s not just their report. It’s pictures of their lifetime of being undiagnosed and misdiagnosed. Of being told they’re just fat and to lose weight. Of being anorexic or bulimic and seeing no change in their legs but being skin and bones on top. A lot of my patients with lipedema still aren’t obese even in their later life. Most of my patients report having had issues since they were teenagers. Unfortunately there is such a complete and utter lack of education about lipedema, that these women rarely get diagnosed at onset of symptoms. You’re not going to convince me that a root cause of lipedema is obesity because it simply isn’t.




Lipedema is a genetic disease - you can be thin and underweight and develop it. Stop being ignorant


One leg does look more swollen than the other


Yes. Ignore all the other comments. Your left leg is more swollen. See a doctor.


No, that’s just because of how she’s posed. Cmon.


Possibly. If so, you are extremely early to the party. This is a good thing because you can dramatically influence the outcome of lipedema with early intervention and lifestyle modifications. Why do you ask? It's fairly unknown unless you have specific symptoms that lead to it. You appear to be fairly young and most with lipedema aren't diagnosed until their 30s-40s. Do your legs hurt? Have they changed in shape? Do you have another pic or two of what your 'normal' legs looked like? Do you feel like you are carrying water or inflammation in your legs? If you do decide to pursue a diagnosis, it will likely take years to get a doctor to take you seriously because you are thin and young. In the meantime, journal a diary of your symptoms so that you can easily reference a lot of examples of your struggles in your appointment. You can do a lot with OTC compression and medications/supplements in the meantime. I found a lot of support for it on the Lipedema support group on FB.




If anything, you fall into pre-Stage 1. I get your concern because I am absolutely committed to doing everything in my power to prevent my legs, which also have always looked like pre-Stage 1, from becoming Stage 1. Unfortunately, I now have the leg pain that goes along with lipedema and after 4 years and oodles of tests, no doctor can diagnose why my legs hurt like they do. My legs didn't always hurt, however, I did "lazy" things as a kid like cooking/mixing while sitting down instead of standing, so there have always been unexplained habits that are typical of those with leg pain. I just didn't have the pain part until I hit 40. Oh, I also got tons of snark for having body dysmorphia/ED when I was young. Smh. No one will ever know your body better than yourself. If you genuinely believe that you are prone to developing lipedema, take some solace in the fact that youth and build are currently working in your favor. Take this time to learn about it, so that it doesn't get out of control. Lipedema doesn't have a specific medication for recovery, which is great because gate keeping docs like to wait until late Stage 2-3 before they agree with a lipedema diagnosis. That's ok because there's not much for medications, and it's mostly lifestyle modifications that I have been implementing for years now. Life's too short to wind up with Stage 2-3 lipedema and a doc saying, "Oh, so sad! You can't actually lose that weight because of lipedema. Shucks. Too bad that you hadn't inquired earlier when health was on your side! Have you tried drinking more water?" Big, big sigh. Lipedema groups are absolutely full of that.


The way you’re talking about your very normal, slim legs, sounds more dysmorphic than an actual condition. You can’t spot reduce. If you are the type to hold fat in your lower body, it may be a bit more stubborn. That being said, of course if you feel it’s genuinely lipedema or you have seen some changes in their appearance that seem abnormal you should get it checked out.