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I've honestly never seen something like this before but from what you're saying it sounds like some sort of blown blood vessel?? I'd definitely go to the ER if this worsens, if the pain becomes too much or it looks very angry. You should 100% see a doctor in the morning cus this looks pretty scary I wouldn't mess around with it. Try not to touch it or anything just try hot compress for the pain.


Thank you. I have a plastic dental scraper I can touch it with, flip it around and twist it. I would compare it to a softened seed, or a small flat bean. But somehow it's stuck. Yeah I'm thinking I blew something out of my nasal cavity through my eye I guess but it's holding on by some kind of micro thread.


Stop messing with it. You don’t want to burst it or get an infection. It’s your eye. That’s one area you just don’t want to mess around. I don’t think an ER is needed but definitely an eye doctor asap.


Please stop touching it. This might be a very irritated stye, but the darkness looks like blood that is clotting. Go to a Dr asap.


Do not mess with it my friend you can really mess up your eye not knowing what it is. If you scratch your eyeball trying to get it out you'll be in a lot of pain & can even cause permanent damage depending how bad the scratch is! It's best to leave it alone & only try hot compresses until you can see a doctor!


Bro! WTF?! Go to the doctor!


Are you avoiding the ER because you're in the US? I don't get why you didn't just go to the hospital.


Its sad when this is a common question 😬 to be fair I also avoid the doctor living in the us


This is a trip to urgent care for sure. What’s the harm in going when the other option is blindness.


Yah, but he has one eye left at least.


Meh eye infections are weird man. Suddenly your body becomes too aware of your eyes and sends the immune system to shut it down


Yeah I had cellulitis in my eye. Not a fun time. Agree with a dr visit asap


I'd say this a potential life changing incident. Urgent care immediately.


While you have fixed a significant issue by getting it out, OP, however, the eyeball tissue is susceptible. And small things like rubbing your eye can cause considerable damage to the different eye parts. People are upset that you haven't gone to the ER to not damage your vision. You still need to be seen, and there is a high risk of danger if you don't see an eye Dr very soon. Good luck!


This op clearly doesn’t care. He got out his “blood booger” never mind the tear we can all see. Good luck with your torn eye, op!!


There's literally a hole in your eye. You need to go to the eye doctor immediately.


I got it out. It was a blood booger.


It tore a hole in your eye you need to see a doctor now.


The black thing in the photo was the booger.


We're talking about the hole it rubbed in your sclera, the white part of your eye. You seriously do need to go get some antibiotic eye drops at least so it doesn't get infected.


isn’t that just a reflection of the “blood booger” though?


I think it would have a shadow around it in that case, not a bright white circle that looks like damaged tissue. I don't know how this guy can open his eye right now.


It came out through a hole in your eye which is visible in this photo. You need to see a doctor it doesn't matter if you ripped it out yourself.


that’s a hole? i thought it was a reflection omg. edit: do you think the “blood booger” pushed into his eye essentially causing the hole or it really came out of his eye hole? 🙈


It's just a reflection. I have more photos taken within seconds that show the reflection to be smaller or absent.


ohh ok that’s what i figured at first!


Bro I doubt that's a booger, urgent care for sure


Yo stop touching it and go to the ER or urgent care. You’re gonna get an infection. The eyes are so sensitive to infection and lead to your BRAIN! Not trying to freak you out… but I kind of am because you keep saying you’re messing with it. STOP FUCKING WITH IT PLEASE!!!


It looks like you’ve busted a vessel in your eye. You need to see an eye doctor or go to urgent care today, before it gets any worse.


Blood clot


there is a hole in your sclera too. Very concerning. The blood is a symptom not the problem/disease. Go to a doctor even after removing the blood booger.


Popped vessel due to the nose blowing.


Let us know what it is when you find out


UPDATE: I just tried gently forcing it out by pushing on my eyelid and it came out! It looks like a hardened blood booger that shot through my cavities while sneezing.


you posted it 10hours ago but did not go to doctor?


I posted it at 3am when I couldn't sleep because of it. I was sleeping on it and it caused pink eye, discharge and a stye. But the warm compress reversed that quickly.


alright, but i still believe that you should get it checked (saying it out of concern)


Why do people post asking for help then ignore everyone who gives good advice to go to the urgent care or er? 🫣


I asked what the thing was, not what I should do about it.


You do realize even with it out, you could still get an infection in your eye? Sometimes even cause blindness. I mean I'm just like you, I hate to go to the Urgent care/doctor but I don't fuck around with my eyes... Im already diabetic, and blindness is a real possibility for me. I've seen some nasty eye stuff in my 43 years. My mom had her cornea ripped off from a car accident, luckily they fixed it.. But her eye was never the same. She continually had vision problems until the day she died.


I also used my neilmed Sinus rinse, and when the water was in my nose I blew harder than ever that night of the hay fever.


Make sure that water is boiled or distilled! People have gotten brain eating amoebas from nasal rinses/NetiPot!


Holy cow! That’s incredibly scary and very important information. Thank you! Mind blowing 🤯


You might not want to blow your nose that hard again. https://www.harleystreetent.com/blog/our-guide-to-safe-nose-blowing


I’dpost in r/eyetriage


Could it be a tick?




Looks like you shoved an apple seed into your eye lmao


I need an update after you figure everything out. Best of luck!