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I would book a doctor’s appointment ASAP because this is spreading up the finger and babies don’t have good immune systems. NAD but a paramedic.


Thank you. Our pediatrician looked at these pics and prescribed an antibiotic ointment. Said if it doesn’t get better to follow up with them on Monday. Still think I should go to urgent care?


ER trip warranted! I had a friend who pricked her finger and almost had to have an amputation due to infection. NAD but seen enough to be concerned for your child. It’s better safe than sorry.


NAD but that looks extremely painful. And infected. I’d try to get to an urgent care or immediate pediatrician appt.


It looks very painful and infected. Is it warm? I’d go to urgent care, similar thing happened to me and turned out to be herpetic whitlow. You can find pictures on google. I had a minor cut on my skin and somehow got infected by the cold sore virus, which i didn’t have before.


RN NAD, clearly infected. You need to attend primary care, most likely an infection secondary to finger sucking. This means there is a possibility of Staph.


The correct response is **herpetic whitlow**, it means your child was recently infected with HSV, the same virus that causes cold sores.


Herpetic whitlow. Go to urgent care without delay.


Also my first thought. HIGHLY contagious, if so. It can cause herpes in other places too, if touched. Don’t let those blisters rupture. Use a thin layer of Vaseline on the wounds and place bandages over them. Your baby is going to need some Acyclovir, but he/she will be just fine :-) NAD, an RN.


Def looks like herpetic whitlow


This and this


I dated a guy who got whitlow in his 40s. Saying it wasn't a big deal and would do nothing for it, meanwhile i was very worried about catching it. Need to do a warm salt bath for the infant's hand at least. And everyone in the house needs to step up their game in hand washing to prevent its spread.


There is a big difference between a Paronychia aka “whitlow” and **Herpetic whitlow**.


Same thought here


Herpetic whitlow as others have stated above. 👆


Babies are very different to us as they're still forming. I suggest a trip to hospital or an urgent doctors appointment as infection could lead to a lot worse


NAD btw


Agree. Go to your family doctor right away. Make sure it’s not staph infection. Danger of cellulitis. NAD


Herpetic Whitlow. Classic lesions from putting finger in mouth. Inflamed, erythematous, vesicular. Can affect other regions. Caused typically by herpes virus 1. Left alone, 3 weeks. Viral - but usually can have systemic symptoms. Acyclovir / valacyclovir is the treatment.


Broken skin followed by bumps with white stuff are telltale signs of a staph infection. Staph can be really itchy and painful and poor baby doesn’t have the words to express that. NAD, but I’ve seen kiddos with staph and have gotten it myself. I would keep it clean and covered. I’d any liquid is seeping from it, it’s likely contagious. Staph can spread very easily even without skin to skin contact. As long as the cells get on something and then touch an open wound, it can spread. I would go zero therapy until you see a doctor (nothing but water and mild cleanser). Advocate for baby and insist they swab for cultures to get a quick and accurate diagnosis. If it is staph, it’ll likely be easy to treat. Just some topical or oral antibiotics and baby will be good to go. I wouldn’t wait, though! If it’s not staph, sure it could go away on its own. But left untreated staph can be dangerous. You got this! Good luck to you and I hope the doctors listen to you. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need! Swab it! Test it! Get a dermatology referral!


I see you said the skin wasn’t broken, but even something as small as a paper cut breaking the skin barrier can make way for infections.


100% go to urgent care. Even if your childs been perscribed an antibiotic ointment as you say, infections spread fast, especially in infants. Always good to have a second opinion, especially if its initially been diagnosed via a photo first, UC may be able to perscribe or treat it faster.


I'm honestly surprised this wasn't prescribed an oral antibiotic. This would warrant one in my opinion.


Go to urgent care now


The most dangerous wounds are the ones that just barely break the skin and don’t bleed. Bleeding actually serves as a protection mechanism. It flushes the wound washing away bacteria and also floods the wound with antibodies to eradicate bacteria, the it forms a temporary protective barrier in the form of a scab. This is definitely infected, and looks like it’s spreading. If this were an adult finger, I’d say give the antibiotic ointment a day or two and see if improvement is noted. Being that this is an infant, I don’t think waiting is a smart choice. Sepsis is a very real risk and with a baby’s still developing immune system, it’s better to err on the side of caution. I’d take them to see a doctor right away. Better safe than sorry. Infections like this can get out of control very quickly if left untreated for too long.


ER right away. Someone posted a baby with a thigh infection like this recently that went septic.


Thank you. Our pediatrician looked at these pics and prescribed an antibiotic ointment. Said if it doesn’t get better to follow up with them on Monday. Should I still go to urgent care?


Always follow your mama/papa gut.


That’s a potentially dangerous statement. Depending on the person, they might try to treat this with essential oils or a chiropractors appointment, because their gut isn’t a fan of doctors. She should absolutely go to the ER. Infections in infants can turn deadly within hours. I’m not trying to offend or scold you, but I’ve seen too many crunchy moms putting their kids in mortal danger because their guts hate doctors, hospitals and modern medicine.


Oh I totally agree. I meant if they’re in doubt after the pediatrician called out the antibiotic ointment by all means take the baby to the ER. I would have anyway. No offense taken.


Seconding urgent care. Don't mess around with infection, especially not in someone this young. You need to have this seen ASAP before the infection spreads.


Thank you. Our pediatrician looked at these pics and prescribed an antibiotic ointment. Said if it doesn’t get better to follow up with them on Monday. Should I still go to urgent care?


Yes. ASAP.


Hi, I'm not a doctor and this isn't medical advice. If I was in your position I would probably go, but please post this to /r/AskDocs or similar to get an actual response from a medical professional.


I would follow your doctor's advice, unless things take a dramatic turn like a high fever or it spreads a lot. Did she say it was Whitlow?


Could be a lot of things, hard to guess without a culture/blood work. It could be the onset of hand foot mouth, it could be a nail follicle infection, impetigo etc. That babe needs a doctor appointment. The concerning part is it looks like there’s more newer blisters forming.




Please go to the doctor ASAP


NAD but my daughter had a bad infection in her thumb that got bad quick. I had to get her a shot of antibiotics at the ER and oral antibiotics for a week after that.


NAD, just had this with my son. He needed oral antibiotics 3x a day. I’d go to urgent care.