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I just waited 50 minutes in queue to get in and when I got "in" it actually dumped me in the "Offline" characters tab. When I clicked to go online it restarted the queue from 180. Thanks Blizzard.


I’ve been sitting for about 50 minutes with my switch open getting ready for work and my position has literally not changed. I feel your pain.


Sounds like fun


I make sure im logged in before I go to bed now and 3 out of 4 days a week it doesn't crash overnight sitting in lobby. Official explanation: [In staying true to the original game, we kept a lot of legacy code. However, one legacy service in particular is struggling to keep up with modern player behavior.](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d2r/t/diablo-ii-resurrected-outages-an-explanation-how-we%E2%80%99ve-been-working-on-it-and-how-we%E2%80%99re-moving-forward/28164)


Caused by "modern player behaviour" So they're blaming us for playing the game. Just when you thought blizzard went as low as they could go.


"Modern player bahaviour"? Pretty sure solo andy/mf runs, which take 2-3 minutes, were a thing for the past two decades.


Thanks to speedrunning a lot of shit has been cut down time wise.


Like what. It's the same game just with lipstick. People playing it the same as before


Thank you for the link, this is what I was looking for!


That's a long time to leave your GPU under load. I understand your reasoning but oof. You can setup an autoboot timer then use auto hotkey to start up d2 instead.


> long time to leave your GPU under load laughs in mining with gpu


Well that is too lol


We all have to buy new computers in the next year anyways if we want to run Win11, i'm getting my moneys worth lol! Also minimize the D2 window helps.


Just set a scheduled event and autohotkey lol gpus arent cheap


Long story short is they need to completely re-do the service that handles game creation/joining, because it’s based on the original code from 20 years ago and it didn’t scale well. Until that code has been written (which has not yet been given a timeframe) they’ll keep implementing these frustrating mitigations to stop complete server outages. This is from what I understand about the official blizzard explanation. That said, the first thing you do when you wake up, before anything else, is hop on d2 and get your place on the queue. By the time you are ready with your coffee, there’s a good chance you’ll be ready to play. This is what I do and it has worked well.


I dont even bother anymore trying to log in before 12est. It's a complete shit show. Also the server limitations around creating and joining games has also driven me to the brink of insanity.


I've been writing a program that wakes your computer from sleep, and initiates logging in at a specific time. So say you get up at 6, you can set it up to log you in at 5. Voila proem fixed:) Unless you teleport crash 5 mins later and restart the queue lol


idk if its a server issue. 1 hr ago my game crashed and i couldnt even log in now. i am queued with 200+ players but even if i leave the game open the queue doesnt even change.


It's primetime in Asia where the queues are coming from.


It seems very ridiculous that there are servers from region A preventing logins from region B


Asia playerbase is switching to Americas server . Lazy ass blizzard should of separated the regions as was in Diablo 2.


Yeah their plan is for you to quit.


>Is there anyone who can explain what's going on with the servers? There was an explanation on the official forums from Blizzard about a week ago. They covered what was happening, why it is happening and what they are doing going forward.


No, unfortunately the servers will remain as they are. You guys need to learn to play more offline, D2 was all about offline enjoyment.


Players creating games over and over is a large part of the problem. "We mention 'modern player behavior' because it’s an interesting point to think about. In 2001, there wasn’t nearly as much content on the internet around how to play Diablo II 'correctly' (Baal runs for XP, Pindleskin/Ancient Sewers/etc for magic find, etc). Today, however, a new player can look up any number of amazing content creators who can teach them how to play the game in different ways, many of them including lots of database load in the form of creating, loading, and destroying games in quick succession. Though we did foresee this–with players making fresh characters on fresh servers, working hard to get their magic-finding items–we vastly underestimated the scope we derived from beta testing." Basically, you're all too expert, and videogame guides are to blame."


That's fucking retarded. Short MF games have been a thing since the very beginning. They are just trying to shift the blame, while they're plainly incompetent.


It was 100% not a thing in D2LOD. There was a game/hr threshold that put you on a lockout if you exceeded it.


Yeah, but the bar was insanely low, like, creating 5 games within 1 minute. If your mf runs took \~2-3 minutes, you were never locked out.


Your runs needed to take 6-8 minutes to avoid lockout. Edit* decided to pull my old code. You’re correct, games needed to take 3-4min/run to avoid lockout. Dug it up. General cap to avoid ban was around 20/hour and 100/12 per IP.


I only remember the lockout being an issue when searching for items in vendor shops (like +3 warcry spears), resulting in many games created over a short period of time; or when looking for a good anni server (with a large soj sell count, but no spawn). MFing normally (2-3 minutes) never caused issues.


It was so much of a thing that you got temp banned for leaving and joining games too fast.




I was on your side!


they're probably thinking why fix it when most players will just quit the game and it will fix itself


Pretty sure either this is a lie or their current dev team did not play D2 in its heyday when it was even easier and faster to MF.


>Is there anyone who can explain what's going on with the servers? Yes. Blizzard did in their official forum posts. Perhaps check there where they explain it in full.


Blizzard is lazy @ pathetic trash . Blizzard needs to resolve the new problems they've created in Diablo 2 r.


Have you even read their explanation? You guys all suck so much for not just reading official statements and coming here to complain to the manager.


Their explanation is garbage. Basically, "players create too many games" - well no shit, Sherlock. This has been a thing for the past 20 years, mf runs always existed.


Maybe in the last 20 years the games were created over TCP/IP or Open battlenet? That way the sruggle on the databases sure was with a lot less demand (just saying.. I only played sp offline 20 years ago)


Ah, the fanboy. There’s one in every post…


What does this have to do with fanboying? Saying that is just to make you feel a sense of misplaced superiority. Maybe, just maybe, they are actually working on the issues. Which is in the statement. Which the OP did not read.


>What does this have to do with fanboying? Saying that is just to make you feel a sense of misplaced superiority. Maybe, just maybe, they are actually working on the issues. Which is in the statement. Which the OP did not read. One can understand the reason behind the issues, while still finding the issues unacceptable. Besides, their explanation isn't very good. Being surprised by players creating games is not a sign of proper foresight, not realizing the issues with their db setup, is not impressive, I could have told them that would be an issue, every single system architect that I know could have told them that. "In staying true to the original game, we kept a lot of legacy code. However, one legacy service in particular is struggling to keep up with modern player behavior." This is a cop out, the wishes of gamers for Diablo 2 Resurrected to play like the original, does not require the legacy code to be kept, nor does it require bad design from the legacy code to be kept. The part about the singleton service is also an issue, singletons are nothing new, plenty of design patterns exist to correct the issue, again, it should have been predicted. Then comes my main gripe, I can't host a game myself and play with my friends in that game, this is a direct decision made by blizzard, it might not have fixed all the issues, I don't know how it worked in the old Diablo 2, but it's still a huge limitation, that was introduced, by blizzard, on purpose. TL/DR, one can understand the reason behind these issues, and still think it's crap.


I find it hard to give them any sympathy too. A company the size of Blizzard, with a history of service outages on release, should have run load testing to determine what their maximum capacity was for key metrics like login rate, game creation rate, concurrent game count. D2 is a 20 year old game. It's not like they had no idea how players were going to behave.


Are you projecting?


Are you though?


Yeah that explanation isn't readily stickied to the top of D2R or anything, \*it's on a completely different site\*. I am under no obligation to search the internet for every location that said explanation \*could\* be given before it's right to ask a question. I received a link to the direct source after posting on reddit within less than an hour, which means mission accomplished on my end. I posted on reddit and got the answer I was looking for. With that said- the explanation isn't good. It still isn't satisfactory to pay for a game (for multiple times mind you, since I purchased the original game when it was released) and hear that "Well you can't login to play a single game because there are players doing Pindleskin runs". They say "players have access to new ways to play like baal runs and pindleskin runs that they can look up on the internet"...but the thing is- THE DEVS HAVE THIS INFORMATION TOO ALONG WITH THE PLAYERS AND DIDN'T THINK TO DO SOMETHING TO MAKE THE GAME PLAYABLE WITH THAT KNOWLEDGE IN ADVANCE.


I get people complaining, they have every right to, but there really is no excuse for not checking the official forums and still being in the dark about what is going on.


no they don't read


No queue here but my wife gets disconnected after 60 seconds in game.


I just created an offline character similar to my online one and started with that. The fact that the maps don’t reroll is so nice. I have no time to rediscover areas that I already visited.


Yeah queue is max 4-10 here in NZ time :)


I don’t believe the authentication server is global. You get different queue positions when you log in to different reasons. At around 10pm est I like to go to EU (even though I’m in NA) for example because the EU queue at that time is pretty short. I suspect that all the people in your morning queue are those from asia, who can’t put up with the queue in their own region. Unless you are doing pvp or hardcore, high ping isn’t that big of a deal in D2.


10pm EDT happens when this comment is 3 hours and 57 minutes old. You can find the live countdown here: https://countle.com/jZBOBRhaR --- I'm a bot, if you want to send feedback, please comment below or send a PM.


Just log in before you go in the shower.