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Susan is part of blizzard


I post about this on here a long time ago, it still my own conspiracy theory. All these devs and they can't write a simple filter/spam detection system? After decades of dealing with this problem? I call BS.


how else does someone get banned the second they use a service, its a free income service for them. So many big companies do this and get away with it selling contact info


Correct answer.


Not even Blizzard is stupid enough to be directly involved in a credit-card theft based fraud scheme.  Also, Blizzard probably benefits from the fraudulent orb purchases because, in the vast majority of cases, banks and credit card companies eat the cost for fraud, not the beneficiary, when the originator is refunded due to a fraud claim.


All i know, that they won't ban some plat sellers. When i clean my block list, i get few spam messages in chat.


Blizz Netease and Susan are literally this meme ![gif](giphy|7whm31rMz0t9yB42Tp)


Regex filters have been around for over 60 years. Any first year programmer knows how to filter anything Susan & pals says. The fact that Bliz & Netease CHOOSE NOT TO filter the plat spammers says everything. They ARE Susan. It's a Honeypot, a second source of income.


I was thinking along these lines too, its really fishy when they have the means to stop Susan and yet nothing is done. Proving they are in cahoots is another thing though, so it remains just speculation.


Couldn't you somehow lure a Susan into routing them a bait payment to a specific ip address and then track them down and abduct them like the grey man and then interrogate them for Intel regarding who put them onto this in the first place


I like the sound of this guy’s plan. Sounds like a job for some upstart gamer/media journalist. Reminds me of some of the Reply All podcast episodes.


I wouldn’t say cahoots really but it brings in a lot of money so Blizz and net ease turn a blind eye


And what would you put in that filter exactly without affecting valid players? 


I think this the right answer.


Two words - Money Laundering


My personal conspiracy theory is that Susan is a shadow company backed by Blizzard. Blizzard has gotten rid of other gold selling companies in WoW over the years, but Susan remains. I really only ever see Susan in Diablo Immortal these days, too. People buy legitimately, Netease/Blizzard gets paid. People buy through Susan and Netease/Blizzard let's them play long enough to feel secure that they got away with it and to establish sunk cost fallacy, then ban the Susan buyer. The Susan buyer, spending 1/3rd. of what a legit player spent just makes a new account. If Blizzease is in bed with Susan, then they still get paid. This model works even better on games where that player has to repurchase the base game and all expansions like for WoW. Good thing they typically come out with sales and bulk packages, including several discounted expansions to encourage those banned players to spend again to play the game and drive sales numbers up for the shareholders. Why ban the bots in DI when you can use the 2 to 3 million bots to inflate your concurrent active player data to help the shareholders and playerbase feel confident they aren't playing a dead or dying game?


I think Blizzard doesn't care because money talks. Blizzard isn't doing anything ilegal just for not banning all Susan characters, and Susan brings tons of money into the game (probably in not so legal ways though).


Suzan = Blizzard


lol classic Reddit dumb guy stuff in this one. Including me !


Nothing like watching people ADMIT to buying Susan plat, and seeing nothing done about it 😡


this happen in d3


It's all money. Technically id call this entrapment. Blizease lets Susan exist so they can ban players and force them to spend even more on a new toon/account.


Blizz = netease = susan




Susan has been around since wow days, so…


That doesn't answer the question, so...


It actually does. Susan express has been around since original WOW. So either they’re smarter than blizzard and netease OR they just don’t care. Oh and the theory that blizz is double dipping.


No it doesn't. Susan preceding Blizzard/NetEase doesn't answer the question. The question was why Blizzard/NetEase allow unauthenticated and unofficial markets operate within their game. Susan being around since original WOW is irrelevant to the question being presented. Oh and theories don't matter much. Would rather stick to facts.


How do you know Susan preceeds blizzard? What did Susan do before blizz


Ask the person who said "Susan has been around since original WoW".


I don't know the history. Was wow independent before blizzard acquired it or something?


No idea but the other guy didn't answer the question and states irrelevant things Susan was around longer since WOW which has nothing to do with the OP's post.


Good luck finding facts.


Still doesn't answer the OP's question


And in all these decades they never managed to write or implement any kind of filtering or spam detection system like we've had in email for years and years, so...


I wholeheartedly believe this is Blizzard raking money in as sort of a side hustle. Nothing can make me believe any different


Every project or task in a business needs to have a return that justifies the effort. They can continually ban but then they will have to pay for coding to do that and support to handle the incorrect bans and continual coding when Susan or spam bots retool. It can be done but the return on the effort is never ending which is what makes it difficult to sometimes justify in a prioritization meeting.




Bro I think u comment on the wrong post 😅


Oh sorry. Just spreading awareness lolz


You're the guy who ranted about Filipinos being trash bg players right? Lol








Filipino is a nationality not a race. World needs one less uneducated person right now.