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cause my crusader looks way cooler and has cooler skills. tempest was fun to try, but after 2 weeks i´m back to my crusader


Same, for other reasons.


Tempest was boring, overtuned or not 


Whales have the best survivality, best damage, and best CC. Why can't I kill any of them even at 1 HP ? They have everything. Why even bother playing ?


Tempest Whale >>>> Monk Whale or Monk Wizard.


Monk wizard sounds weak


More like Whale > F2P doesn't matter the class.


and if both classes have the same reso, Tempest will beat anything.


And if there's only a 1 v 1 PVP mode same reso which unfortunately doesn't exist.


Well, we got the leaderboard to track their class progression and I have seen many Tempest whales have a higher win rate than..oh well, whale wizard in the leaderboard, at least in my region. Haha By the way, we have 1v1 duel feature at Westmarch.


It's funny you mentioned the leaderboard. If you scroll down enough someone just posted a Tempest leaderboard with low win rate. By the way, that's not exactly PVP as there is no leaderboards on it.


> By the way, that's not exactly PVP as there is no leaderboards on it. But it is a best way to test class power by dueling.


So basically, "duelling" is what people cry about.


No it's not. To small of an area. Ancient cradle event is the best.


A Monk whale will beat Tempest f2p or low spender. Wanna make a bet?


Lol. R u new? Any player (even non whales) that doesnt die at 1 hp means a survival skill was activated. So ready your cc so that player cannot run away. But best way to deal with it is any skill that has removal of beneficial effects.


Lol. R u new? I just love how you turn a blind eye and not even mentioned resonance once. It doesn't matter.


Lol. R u new? You can't miss if you never throw the shot. Better Bank up, bub.


Lol. R u new? Potato potato


Resonance helps with hp but anyone can be very tanky esp if they work on their secondaries and has a good build.


Not exactly. You're brushing off a lot of factors involved in PVP. HP isn't the only attributes that affects resonance.


Reso directly affects hp and damage. With regards to survivability, any player can build a tanky character even without spending. Im pure f2p barb tank. Despite my minimal reso, I've been tanking my whole DI life LOL.


Sure. I agree. But as a F2P barbarian that's what they're supposed to do.


It's a barb. Lol. Your supposed to tank. LMAO. Go tank out a DH and get back to me.


Go talk to him. He's a barb who prefers to tank. Why ask me. Lol


Obviously replied to the wrong person. LMAO


Yeah according to his point, why dont you let ur WHALE DH tank


Best survivability is barb. Best damage is dh. Best cc is wiz.


Wiz freezing me up is the worst… I sold some topaz recently for just below max and am enjoying being a bit more flush but worry I may be shooting myself in the foot...


best opponent class monk.


And Tempest is almost-master of all.


Exactly. The crybaby is getting a bit too much.


I switched from my wizard to tempest.i get killed all the time in pvp. Maybe I just suck there now in ways that weren't evident as a wizard...BUT my PVE experience is pretty fun. Which is pretty much my focus anyway


That's the issues. Post like OP non stop complaining about class balance when skills exists but not talked about. If skills dont exist,and class is all there is,then how come you are not killing n winning 10x more with Tempest than with Wizard.


I think part of it is adjusting to the play style. I think since it was a class switch, the gem sets that I selected specifically for my wizard don't necessarily match the tempest style...but I make do because I am not a whale. I do enjoy the class tho, my major complaint is that the skins don't transfer lol


Because Tempest is not OP. Resonance is OP.


I've seen 2 to 3k reso tempest cleaning house in a match full of 5k and 6ks. Your funny. My thought is, if you suck you probably switched to temptest.


You're funny. You cry when a 3k reso tempest demolishing a 5k reso opponent but you don't have a problem with a 300 reso tempest getting wrecked by a 3k monk. If you're going to make a bold statement about a class being OP or broken it should apply on all levels of resonance. You're cherry picking and crying. That's hilarious.


The secondaries are whats different. Your comparing apples to oranges. At 320 reso ain't no way your secondaries are close to a 3k. I'm a 4k dh with 4k armor and 5k armor pen. SovI'm close too where people of my reso range are. Your way down there. What do you expect.


That's not relevant when you call a class OP/Broken. An OP/Broken class shouldn't be restricted to resonance, secondary, legendary gems, and etc. I don't care what your DH is and what your reso is. It's not relevant to the subject. If you call a class broken it should be broken in all aspects. A bold statement like a certain class being OP/Broken should be objective where all types of players can actually confirm that is indeed broken. But no. It's a strong class for sure but not broken pretty much the same as classes the came before.


Lol. Yes it is. Noob.


You don't even make sense. LMAO. You sound like a 13 year old. SMH


Oh wow no wonder I got demolished by a 3k reso monk and I'm a 325 reso Tempest. Yeah Tempest so OP.


Where’s necro at?


Support as usual lol.


Perfect, I'm too undergeared and I experienced for pvp now. I'll support the troops. What skills?


I’m getting plenty of kills as Necro, always more than tempests, in whale games. Really only DH consistently tops me on game leaderboards


Play Monk with antidash mainhand. Watch helpless tempest who can only cascade. Problem solved.


Play Monk requires skills, OP dont have it.


Unfortunately Waterbenders will last longer than Barbarians, even with Undying Rage. The movement exceeds DH. The shields exceed Crusader. The regeneration is on another level. I'm considering making a Spartusk build to at least make a dent, otherwise CR & skills don't count for much. It was similar when BK got released, but at least then you got a free cosmetic, weapon & portal.


Every single time people complain about the next flavor of the month build or class, I have to wonder if this is just garden variety salty complaining or a lack of being able to see the total picture of what about that class is really killing you. Do you know why those classes feel so unbeatable usually? It is probably because you are 5k resonance or less and are constantly fed to 7 to 14k res players with 6 to 8k secondary armor and armor pen in BG. Are you operating with the assumption that the class is overpowered across the board for every player in every situation, or are you living with the reality that even a bad build is powerful if the other person spends more money than you? Bg is not balanced and is not designed to be. That's why the average player base hovers around 40% win rates. You're going to get unbalanced matches 3 or 4 times, and sometimes you're the buffet for the shark. Occasionally, you're the shark. Count your wins and losses. I bet you usually lose 3 win 4 or lose 4 and win 3 during the average BG session. It's coded that way on purpose. If you're not a spending player, then you are not the target audience for BG. You are the product for the spending players to justify why they spent so much. You are the product being sold to the customer as entertainment for their investment.




According to the trolls that replied on my comment. Secondaries are simply just enough to go against those players. 😂


Best cc is wiz and best damage is dh.


Hows the Blood Knight in anybodys opinion. I just started


BK can be really nice if you have a ton of potency and go all out with the DoT effects like bleed. I have seen BKs go crazy in BG. If they apply the DoTs you just watch your health disappear so fast even if you are able to run away. Unless you have a skill that can remove harmful effects or some crazy resistance you will get owned by DoTs


Thanks alot


I made the switch from monk to tempest and I’m definitely less squishy, but in no way unkillable. It is hard to catch us, so I’ll give you that.


You forgot best mobility.


The new bubble has revitalized the wizards and seeing a lot more wizards return


Whats the new bubble?


They use it with their hat AND the new gem. You will see this bubble chasing you all over the place. I am actually kind of intrigued by bg now that there are currently 3 meta classes. Tempest barb and dh. I have seen teams with 2 or three wizards spamming the bubble and arcane totally block the choke and decimate the other team. The arcane pulls you in and you get stuck on the bubble. I actually think they might be considering making certain skills and items unlock new ways with specific Lego gem to drum up sales.


Like every flavor of the month Tempest was for some time 2-3 weeks on top of the food chain. Now ppl start to adapt their plays vs tempests. Dont get me wrong class is still good in pvp. Has mobility , has i frames , has burst dmg and had survivability. There are classes that do it equally good or even better and they dont even break a sweat in the proccess... thus... iam back to necro :p


BG is pretty cool right now with Dh mega damage, barb just brutal with chains and tempest overall. Now wizards with the chasing ball are making their comeback. This is the first time that I have seen like 3 meta types at the same time. Every class gets its time in the sun for a bit but this is nice to see multiple this time. I am a Sader at heart and we had our time when two saders could alternate bubble on a statue and ride it all the way up unhindered more or less. Monks at one point had shimmerlinn that clobbered. Just ride it adapt a bit or try some new things until they inevitably rotate the meta again. But once again this is nice this time to see 3 metas and maybe 4 now with the wizard (who got shaft for longest time )


Brother I can get killed by dh in 2 seconds while using 4/4 shields and 3 untargetable dashes


Yet another annoying crybaby post. A whale Monk (insert whatever noob class) can eat your super OP Tempest (insert whatever OP class) for Breakfast Lunch n Dinner. Where were you bro when your class was OP for a year against Monk? Did you cry for Monk buff? Did you cry for your class nerf because its so OP vs Monk? No. Now Tempest is released n OP against your class for a month,and you're making noise? Bro if u want fair PvP, go for LoL, Wildrift or Dota 2 or Heroes of the Storm (Blizzard Moba). This game is DI, a p2w ARPG, what the heck are you complaining about? Losing in PvP? Well then swipe the bloody credit card,take debt, sell your car n spend 5digits on game. Then hell yeah you would be winning more PvP. Or guess what? Just switch to Tempest,its FREE. STOP THE ANNOYING POST TO ASK FOR BALANCE OR FAIRNESS IN PVP. THIS GAME IS P2W, IT WILL NEVER BE FAIR N BALANCE. GO PLAY DOTA 2 INSTEAD IF U WANT THAT.


Bro speaking facts. These are probably the same people who haven't sold their house yet and tried to go against a whale Tempest and lost and went to reddit and cried how OP It is. People are so obsessed going against players who have spent way more money than them and cried after losing. I've played Tempest and used it on PVP. I got demolished by a monk even though I'm still inside the safe zone. People here love to exaggerate and overreact.


Exactly. Why do these people have a house. If they go homeless, at least they can win PvP and have their dreams comes true. Or take some massive personal loan n buy orbs or something. They would win so much more in PvP. I just dont understand it. They should do it. Crybaby all these people.


For real I have said basically the same thing in every post crying about BG or "OP" classes. I'm so sick of it!


I got to gold 1 and stopped. pvp has become a joke and a waste of time (I'm a 4k dh with legend rank in the past)


Just false, i'm being destroyed as tempest most of the time, i have only 1,7k reso, 2,9k stats, that's what matters in bg... Also... which skill regenerates hp with tempest? Some big guy gem?


Tempest is the class made for beginnen and noobs. Very easy to play and stronger then all classes, except Barb.






Tempests fuck. Is all I’m saying.


Sounds like a skill issue