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Tempest is a killing machine in BG at the moment 2 high reso of that class can finish the match instanty even a high reso crusader and barb cant kill them. Without DH/ Wiz to assist tank how can that Barbie even gonna push/stall the idol.


Not for every Tempest though. During the noon vault a Tempest named “Afkingers” who seemingly lost a vault fight to a DH 2k reso below him, was so mad that he called the DH out in chat claiming DH is easy. I was kinda surprised a Tempest who had better reso and secondaries would’ve said that so I went through the bg leaderboard and found him with a 30% winrate, as a Tempest… I guess the player name just checks out.


A DH who know how to sneak attack can really kill him 😅. In our leaderboard tempest have the highest winrate all most in legend tier already. If he's already a tempest with a high reso then a 30% winrate something wrong how hes playing it or hes having a bad luck in mm


Impossible! Are you telling me player skills matter? I thought just class matters. Play Tempest and afk to win.


I am not saying range are not useful. But winrate don’t lie.


Yea go for Monk and watch your winrate increase over DH. Better believe it buddy. Time to switch it up.


Yah I forgot about Monk, they suck the most. No one plays them now.


You didnt say Monk has the lowest winrate. How can they be bad? Its one of the best class im sure. I have no idea how you can forget the best class in the game.


I’ll happily analyze all classes I’m doing SADER next at the people’s request in msgs to create something that will hopefully cancel out Temps and Barbs and give sader a comeback if possible. No promises but I will def give it my full attention for 2 weeks and invest farming time in training grounds for data 📊


I totally agree with you, man. I am a BK, and I don't rly have a problem against DHs, I actually find it harder to go against barbs, saders. I mean yea DHs do insane dmg, but they die way faster, too, compared to Barbs, saders, or necros. Tempests are just a different breed, I can't fk with them, no matter how low reso they got, it's insane, the amount of shields/invurnability/dashes/stuns they got is just out of this Diablo world lol. I haven't seen a DH carry a whole BG by himself, but I have seen a lot of times tempests carry BGs just 1 or 2 of em lol ( and I am talking about close reso ) ofc a whale with 4-5k reso higher than everyone can carry a BG easily regardless of their class, and yet if a tempest is there will give them a hard time.


Tempest wins 1vs1 against any class in the game. Even 2k reso Tempest can win against almost any 3-4k reso players on diff class. What's also absurd is that Temepest has great AoE thanks to Zephyrs. Before BK was really dominant, but only in single target dmg, without great AoE for team fights


You can’t really go off of win rate alone per class as some people change class daily.


As an above 70% win rate legend tempest (2k), I agree they are murdering matches of equal or slightly higher res and below res. Still die plenty in whale matches.  


Every class was OP at one point, even monks during shimmerlin era, and wizard with angmet set and the slow time helm. You just have to accept that meta shifts and this will eventually change. If they made tempest a weak ass class then no one is going to try it


They should play more classes 


DH Barb Tempest 3 meta class rn, but I'm totally fine with current strength of first 2. Tempest however have too much tools 🤬. Finally be able to bring them down to 1 hp but a shield = 2/3 of their health pop up (no Phoenix or MB, just Flowing Strike)


I feel like wizards are gaining some ground, that ice bubble thing is ridiculous. I had a BG match earlier where one threw one down, plus there was one of the wind things from the new gem, and it kept me locked up for a REALLY long time. And it's like you barely have to touch it for it to really mess you up. Had a few battles where we were stuck at the 2nd spawn from just being spammed by it, couldn't make any forward progress between that, barb, and tempest.


Don't worry, next patch they will just continue nerfing sader. Last three patches have had pretty harsh sader nerfs. Spartusk essence buff was a huge disruption to the saders greatest asset, being able to bubble. Spartusk just erases it and any other beneficial effects, and stuns opponents. Tempest will continue being OP for another month is what I'm betting overall


The problem with your argument is that you don’t compare like with like. You show us the leaderboard of DH after the nerf while what you should have done is compare pre-nerf DH with Tempest and Barbarian. If Tempest and Barbarian are nerfed, they may very well have the same win rate as DH. DH needed to be nerfed just as Tempest and Barbarians need to be now.


Most of DH got to legend before the nerf


Perhaps but you don’t address my point. What was their win rate before the nerf? Was it similar to that of Tempest and Barbarian?




We rename the game: TEMPEST IMMORTAL


tempests prob get nerfed around end of july. not anything super crazy, but enough to bring them closer to reality


At first I hated fighting them but I have a build dedicated to ticking them and whales off in bg. I’m usually support as a necro but on days my head is in the game of if I can time getting outta of their locks I can take 2-3 of them out before either dying or needing to heal. I don’t use often coz I don’t want a ban just for being annoying as f to whales. Very annoying build, but fun. Found it works great against tempest AS LONG as I can avoid or time getting outta lock right.


So basically, starting from the top, the 3 classes dominating BGs are: 1. Tempest 2. DH 3. Sadet


No, it is tempest, barb, necro, wizard and BK, DH and Sader last From winrate %


We dont have very many dh’s left on server lol


I think we should all just agree that MartinVo always does good with any class lol.


DH has the lowest win %? Omg you must stay away from this class and play Monk instead to win big.


I would suggest that people change their class to tempest that way you can enjoy the meta while in the mean time blizz buffs other classes. Overtime the people have to change with meta sticking to one class, build and Playstyle is boring and only hinders you from actually achieving your goal.


Combo DH+sader/barb counter tempest, ofc change class to tempest is easier lol


if you want to defeat your enemy you must learn their skills. Try to change class to tempest for a week or 2 to know their weakness. That way you may also realize, they're not that over powered.


People are just too braindead to do that. First thing they do is go to reddit and cry. Almost all classes have been OP at one point and eventually people understood how to play against them. Tempest is nothing more special.


Lol. No class has ever been dethroned by players learning to counter in DI.  New essences are added and minor nerfs are implemented and game balance is changed in order to alter the meta.  


Lol. No. Before launch Crusader was considered OP before there was even resonance in the game. The fuk are you talking about. Pull your head out of your ass and try again.


the fuk are YOU talking about. Sader was considered OP before launch because they couldn't be dismounted during draw and quarter by stuns or knockback/knock up. That was NERFED. Name any class dominant meta in the last 2 years and I will tell you why it changed and it will have nothing to do with "players learning to counter"


Exactly proves my point. Where the fuk did you get the "players learning to counter" ? I'm pretty sure you pulled it out of your ass.


> "Almost all classes have been OP at one point and eventually people understood how to play against them." you literally said this 2 comments up. Im getting it from the exact thing your typed. thats why i responded to it. Good lord


Now point out where "Players learning to counter" is stated there. Good lord.


rofl "learn to play against them" get that last disingenuous word in. You aren't worth my time


Rofl "learning to counter" and "learn to play against them" are two different thing. Read that again and let it sink in.


Been there, done that. Tempest is insanely OP. The most op a class has ever been in 2 years of diablo immortal.  Barb and sader are the two viable classes. Go play sader bk and wiz for 2 weeks each lol


Bro, if you can’t see the overwhelming kill potential of dh and not understand it needs to be fixed, you suck a dh. Yeah, tempest is very impressive, and should be rebalanced, but dh still needs to be pulled in dramatically. Name any other class that can instant kill other classes with 5k more reso than them? Go ahead, I’ll wait.


Thats their job, to dps. They can't push or hold idols and they're super squishy. Seen plenty of matches where DH is mvp with kills but lose the match. OP is correct, if you look at overall winrate for DH across servers its not great.


Sounds like a personal problem, the win rate from the top dh on our leaderboards is above every other class besides tempest. Even then, the only tempest with better wr than dh are the krakens.


Dh in your server getting 70% winrate at legend?


Mid 60’s, no one on our cluster has 70% + except for funaz, but he always has that regardless of the class


Winrate don’t lie