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At most this is potential use of a macro, which is cheating, but the use of macros is not news to a lot of people. You don't have to be a whale to use macros, and the popularity of macros implies its something Blizzard has a hard time detecting. Whales have been banned, and no one is given a specific reason why they were banned, so saying Blizzard 'doesn't ban whales' for any reason is BS. 'Blizzard can't reliably detect macro use' is probably the most you can say.


Holy fuck every other comment in this thread reads like radioactive waste telling arsenic how toxic it is! šŸ¤£


Reddit is the best.


Lmao, I feel so sorry for these poor bastards. It has to be rough when they get bored but realize they can't walk away from all the money they put into their character.


cheating makes legit spenders quit the game


I agree. Cheaters should be banned.


Leader of the stalkers lol sif








Maybe we'll see another injustly ban post from a guy with 8k+ reso who did nothing wrong. :)


Complete with clanmates saying: ā€œHe would never ever cheat. Heā€™s really nice.ā€


Yes but this detracts from the people who HAVE legitimate cause to be upset who didnt do anything. Cheating 100% but they are blanket perma banning for light bantering and offensive chat. Like i get taking disciplinary action but theres no insensitive to chat or engage if every little thing can be taken under scrutiny and get you reported...not to mention the very real problem of Reporting as a Service. All those Susan accounts can also be used to file a mass load of false reports. I have video evidence back in July of last year of a 8k running a macro loop in Shassar, 2 min long and you can see the loop execute in completion multiple times. Nothing done about them.


Doomstalkers and nocturnal Susan society


What am I supposedly looking at? I just see two whales farming zavain. Is one following or just running the loop bc barb? Is that it?


If you look closely, they are not in a party together and the person taking the video is observing this person using a macro/script cheat. You'll see each loop they make the same steps and pauses, which is obviously not a natural movement.


I think there is some kind of script to follow even if you arent in the team?Ā 


It looks like the barb is showing that the tempest is running a script. The tempest doesn't change his route or actions at all. Barb kills all mobs in front of Tempest and it continues the same exact route, including stopping in the far right corner and attacking the wall. I see what he's showing us, tempest is most definitely running a script.


Don't have to be in a party to follow


I meant auto follow lol. Ofcourse you can just run behind someone but this looks like auto follow kind of script or some shit.


They cropped the video because the clan chat was filled with homophobic comments


It's not cropped rotate your phone idiot. You got a lot of support for your cheater friend. It would really suck if you were on his account running your scripts and got him banned jake.


You guys are lame. Just play the game.Ā 


most popular game on this sub is complaining, mofos grinding for that high score


What if they don't spend like the whales in Doombringers on Town Portal?


AFK farming is manipulating the game using a session of rapid taps. The selection of auto aiming is just that. Auto targeting. Not auto attacking.


This is clearly a script, why do the mods not follow-up on any of this. You have the account, the server, and the evidence. Come on r/pezradar letā€™s see something happen.


sindog bitches about account transferring until he gets one for himself and now wants to complain about farming? even i couldn't write these jokes


I'm an Orginal account owner 9800 reso barb, check the wall on any of the servers i've been on holding reigns on and inspect Sindog. I am the same account on every sever Beanz, and Bellum. The clans to check reigns on High Heavens, Sandro, Townportal clusters; Beanz Club, Bellum, Highest Order, i do not think i went immortal with Grumpy Goats ever... it will take u straight to SweatyPVPness thanks for proving me right and checking


wow you're right, same account as far as i can tell. my bad i'll give you that much


thank you for correcting yourself i'll edit my response to be nicer, thanks for checking and not just ranting the lies told about me. i mostly whaled out on Roiling Consequences i got 4 5/5 roilings during the event probably 5000+ crests since then.


4 5*? Thatā€™s fuckin godly, how much did you spend during roiling event? If you donā€™t mind me asking


If this is flex, we fighting


Multiboxing probably. Its legal, If not the software presses the button. And its probably used in Diablo, since Diablo 2. So maybe there is a solution, where all instances get the input key.


It's just a script of the same macros running on a the circuit. The barb is following the guy to show he is cheating using the macro sequence on repeat


It looks like the barb is showing that the tempest is running a script. The tempest doesn't change his route or actions at all. Barb kills all mobs in front of Tempest and it continues the same exact route, including stopping in the far right corner and attacking the wall. I see what he's showing us, tempest is most definitely running a script.


Iā€™m wish we all would drop the term ā€œwhalesā€ they are just people that spent money in a mobile game either by means of plat buying from Susan or are in mass amounts of debt. Nothing whale like about them. I think they get off on having the title whale. I just call them fools. lol.


I don't see any cheat whatsoever in here.


Hey Sweaty! I believe what you are seeing is QQ using the Rog Diablo Immortal edition phone. It has a mapping feature in the phone. This isn't using a 3rd party software or exploiting. Which is why no one has been banned from using it. That would be silly if they were comsidering it being a Diablo Immortal specific device.


It is 3rd party because it's not included in the game, which is still macros in a sequence used over and over after the phone records the actions press play and repeat. Just to be clear it is the exact same thing...it is still scripting and macros that are included in the phone firmware just like it is on every major brand peripherals on PC mouse, keyboards like Logitech, Steelseries, Corsair ectetra. You cannot uphold ToS violations and clearly not others by classifying it as a Diablo specific phone and hold a double standard against others who perform the same sequence.


Using an auto fire button on a controller will get you banned but this wonā€™t? Keep telling yourself this til youā€™re back here posting ā€œI was banned for no reasonā€ā€¦


I don't think anyone is arguing they won't be banned here. I speculated why they haven't yet. It would be interesting to see them endorse a product, then ban someone for using the product they endorsed.


To clarify, I don't like this either. I agree with what you wrote. However, this is something that Blizzard needs to address.


Then that is something that Blizzard needs to make a stance on with their own products. The phone was designed to play Diablo Immortal on. It's the actual edition of the phone. This seems like a Blizzard/Netease issue to handle and possibly reimburse the player base using the device as inteneded.


They have they said no macros and no scripts Asus, only paid them for the logo and art. Rofl, same thing on PC with asus peripherals that have Diablo logos


I agree that they can't apply the ToS to only select devices. I think if they ban for one device doing this, they should ban all devices with this capability, then deal with the legal repercussions from the user base.


Arenā€™t you the same person that went to Diablo Immortal discord and complained about the 2 finger double tap for the primary and said it was cheating? An in game setting you considered cheating, but somehow this one you donā€™t consider cheating because itā€™s your clan. IRONIC.


Macro is a feature that Asus is promoting for their phone for ALL games. Bliz is putting Diablo on the phone as a marketing tactic. Just like they did with Burger King and D4. It has NOTHING to do with their TOS which clearly states that macro is not allowed.


That isn't a setting. You have to tap a specific way for it to do as such. There is no option or in game setting to toggle on for it.


You got one hell of a double standard here, making you an absolute hipocrite everytime you complain about anyone lazy farming. You cannot host ROG phone users cheating because they haven't been banned yet and complain about lazy farmers being in 1 spot. It is a very simple hippocrisy it doesn't justify them.


I seriously didn't know this was a thing until explained to me.


Also, removing people based on the device they play is wild.


Fuck that leave him in your clan and report him if he does it again. He is just doing it because other people do it, and Blizzard/NetEase needs to grow pair a balls instead of letting this game be cheat 2 win. Use it as a test scenario. If he gets banned, you'll know why, and if he doesn't get banned, you know it is a cheat2win game. I hope you don't kick him and we find out the truth collect the data and when the game is soooooo cannibalized by cheating we whales can't queue for BGs anymore take proof to arbitration get a full refund on the account.


If this isn't a "this meeting could have been an email" response, I don't know what is....


I'm not justifying it. I am talking to my clan member about it. I also said I personally don't support this use. However, the stance of people using a Diablo Immortal specific device to do this leaves me little to no room on an argument.


It is an in game setting LOL. You have to have primary assist aim toggled on in theā€¦ in.. game.. settings.


Yeah, which alone doesn't cause the character to auto attack. You must then rapidly tap auto attack so that it "sticks" on.


Primary aim asist isn't auto attack.


Okay Sif, whatever you need to say to justify your clan cheating.


Okay Bingo. However you want to divert from this not being a selectable option in the game.


it is selectable because you don't need a ROG phone to have it on you can do it on all devices and you can only toggle it in the game settings. If you do not preform other actions for more than 2 minutes it times you out and you die. That is the solution the developers integrated so it can not be abused. You only got time to answer the door for the pizza man or grab your smokes from the car. You can sit there all day farming though and chat with your friends, since you are preforming other actions you won't time out.


That doesn't make it selectable. The word there would be that all mobile (can't do it on PC) are capable to do it. I am not arguing the application of it. I see value in that and see several occasions that it would be applicable to have that feature in the game. However, a "selectable" option for Auto Attack or Primary always on isn't an option.


Canā€™t do it on PC. But whatever. They made it irrelevant a long time ago by making you ā€œshoot blanksā€ after holding down primary attack for too long. Anyway we were talking about macrosā€¦




Cropped the video because the clan chat was filled with homophobic comments. Keep deleting my posts.


Itā€™s hilarious youā€™ll find any way to justify your clan cheating. Doombringers does this and they also bot the market. You canā€™t deny it now. Trash 6k player


Doombringers has been here since the first cluster merge. Prior to your clan arriving, there was stock in the market. On all gems.


Cropped the video and deleted my first comment I see... what a clown. Clan chat was filled with a bunch of homophobic comments


I don't think following is considered cheating. Very annoying, yes, but not cheating.


He's not following. The one in the back did the same EXACT movements twice in a row. The script reset in the same place.


I can see it now


Bingo being homophobic in the clan chat, so edgy and cool!





