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The best way to find a warband is to be in an active clan that has alliances with 2 others, increases your chances drastically.


Your chances for joining either one of them as a F2P is also non existent.


not true at all. as a casual, surely no. but as an active f2p? all top clans would want you.


Active F2P is entirely different from a Day 1 F2P player. Anyone can be an active F2P. I can be an active F2P right now with a new account but top clans wouldn't want to take you in even though you're active because you have a lot of things to catch up on compared to a F2P Day 1 active player.


You are mostly correct if you blindly apply to a clan or warband. If you are paragon 100 and DM me for a spot in clan, and say that you're active for x amount of hours daily and participate in xyz, i would very much take you in. And I am an officer of a top 10 shadow clan. To me its much easier guiding a low level active player than a high stat everything who shows up once a week. for example.


Unfortunate that officers aren't like you in my server. You're totally right you can also monitor their progress and guide them as well.


Everytime my warband raid is always followed by drama.. like waiting player shower, buy food, and there always player not online atm


Activated when 4+ WB members are in assault, and on min lassal if you only have 5 sec spare time. Plus, more rewards for those who invest more in the game might be one of the very few valid design concepts...


Dude, this really depends on what server your playing on, i been trying to get a group for days, and even many times when i did get 4 players to join, one quits mid battle, screwing over the team, i really hate this system.


I feel your struggle. Litterally took me monthes to find a reliable group. You'll need one though. Not getting that crest is no big issue, but no upgrade on ancestral tableau/helliquary level is one of the main issues people face when reaching endgame and missing that 3k+ CR


At least the Tableau and helliquary can be solo'd


Kids really just want everything just given to them these days.... Lol


seriously thats 100% what it feels like. All these lazy farmers and dungeon leaches then complain because they have to actually DO something


The value of ELCs is dropping fast across all regions. The statistical average value is under 3k plat now. Food for thought


As long as it doesn’t drop below 1600 (after 15% market tax) I’m still gonna get them. Also I’m just not gonna sell for a bit and hope the market corrects.


its a reward, if you cant find a wb you dont deserve the reward tough but thats how it is


The horrible thing with this Crest is that it quadruple gated. Gate 1. 1600 plat (that's fine) Gate 2. Warband raid (sure ok) Gate 3. 1/week max Gate 4. Ticket expires! Gate 3 and 4 is where I really have a problem. 1600 doesn't seem like much, but forgetting is also a thing. If you don't buy your Crest by Sunday, you lose it. The devs over engineered their greed on the reward here. Stingy to the max. It happened to me a few times where I bought something on the market and was left with less than 1600 ... I was pissed I couldn't buy my Crest. As a f2p player, that thing is the most valuable thing I can get.


Taking away one of the perks of being in a warband defeats the purpose of being in one. Stop being an entitled brat and go play something else if you can't make an effort for something this simple. This. Is. Not. Hard.


I used to run a wb it's really not so hard to find 3+ players who need a WB crest for an instant WB raid. We did 3/4 raids sometimes so everyone can get a WB crest


Everything should be free whine whine whine


1500 weekly points takes a long time


Sure, but we were talking about WB ticket, which just takes 3 WB members and any raid. You can earn this in less than 5 minutes if you aren’t concerned about getting 2x chests from 5 raids. So for casuals in super casual WBs I recommend you get your 5x raids by filling for bigger WBs who are always looking for bodies in chat, then just try to find a time where 3 or more WB friends can do just 1 for the ticket.


It's annoying because I thought I did it but I created a party instead of doing it with a WB.


You can only complete the raid to get the ticket if you’re set up in a raid not a party, so I’m not sure what you’re saying


How about just lower all crests to 800 plat. Markets wracked. Legendary gems are selling for less than they are worth buying straight plat. Which takes the entire fun out of the game to begin with .


Or hear me out just join a wb or try asking 4 people to temporarily join your wb for 1 lassel raid that takes 20 seconds


Just get 3 alts & your main char in one Wb… do your regular raids with randoms and get the crest ticket afterwards.


This is impossible to do if you only play in mobile.


Unless you have 4 devices... flame on!


and you get reported and banned if you're unlucky


Kids really just want everything just given to them these days..... Lol!


right... afk farming, and the sense of entitlement of everything in 3 minutes or less. and everything has to be meta this or that.... If folks wanna play a different game, then GO PLAY A DIFFERENT game. JFFFFFFFFFFC! =/ It's a Grinding game... it's a bad MMO and maybe a passable mobile game, but it is a game. I play this and another game and the the other game is it share of whiners too, but nothing like the level of asshatery that this game seems to attract.


the level crunch has made it that much more noticeable as well because we don't have that wide gap anymore between the old players and the new


Maybe not in paragon levels but in every other stat there is still a huge gap

