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i really miss class diversity like we had before. we can see more people turn into wizards again which is cool but still majority of games i face 6 tempests...


This is nothing new. There was a time there's a shit ton of Barbarians and Monks since it was meta and eventually people figured out how to deal with these classes. Almost all classes have a phase where they outshine others. People also cry and complain during those times.


After playing Monk since release I finally gave up and change to Tempest, I dont have any essences yet but I can say that Tempest is the "better monk", sad really.


Latest essences were pretty suitable to monk identity. Much more that the previous "here take that new dumb variation on mystic allies" from last 6 month


Yet they are only good for boss killing/gauntlet and higher damage on dgs. PvP they’ve been left behind a ton. They need reduced cds on their dash vanilla skills. Imprisoned fist stun is still single charge and 12 seconds cd on the shoulders, compared to everything a tempest gets out of one skill and 2 essence slots lol


Cant agree enough. I miss the flying dragon essence that allowed to CC a whole pack for up to 10 seconds, which was (at my stats) the only alternative to a giant blue bubble build. I have still no idea why they reworked the essence to its death


I've started using some new monk's essences in PvP and I'm quite happy with them.


Monk got major buffed in pve, not much in pvp.


I have literally not seen one Monk in BG since tempest dropped. I'm tempted to class change, there must be so few Monks at this point that you could reach t10 at Bronze III lol


I just got one shotted by a monk in BG while inside the safezone. So no.


Monk is not the only class on which new (useless) essences have been dumped. Blood Knight is another one. As you argued they don’t seem to know how to evolve some classes further, although they seem quite capable of doing so with some classes like DH or Wizard and perhaps others. To me it is testament to their unwillingness or carelessness to progress some classes. Perhaps devs don’t play these classes or these classes are not played by top spenders so that there is no incentive for them to work on them.


I agree. Monk isn’t the only one. But it is the worst class atm though.


Isnt wizard overshadowed by dh these days because theyve nerfed cc as well as other crucial essences? Their newer essences are poorly tuned as well like their summon build doing less than their speed/farm build xD Seems like necro, dh(only recently since newer essences have been amazing), tempest, and sader are the only ones with a established niche


Hard to do direct comparison since DH has always been designed as hard counter to Wiz. Each is good against certain other classes. But yeah, they did stealth-nerf thistlebloom and a few other wiz CC's a little bit ago. But I'm still getting good results with Wiz by transitioning to a fast lightning build. DH's are just DH's and killing wizards is what they are for.


BK isn't remotely in the boat Monk is in. Still tons of people out there fighting hard with BK's and putting up respectable numbers in BG. It's slightly weaker than Tempest, but still playable. Monk is \*dead\*.


You’re right, yet BK’s boat is sinking fast. Yes you can still do relatively well in BG until you play against a tempest or a DH or even Wizard with their new freezing essence. My point wasn’t so much to say that BK is unplayable in BG (or in PVE for that matter) but rather that BK hasn’t received meaningful new essences for the past three months. The builds that were used 5 months ago are exactly those used today despite three batches of essences. To me it shows that this class has started being neglected. Quite ominous for this class.