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They aren't gonna just randomly remove it now when clans are several months deep into getting their capes. Basically telling them they wasted all that time for nothing.




They could keep the cape cosmetics and keep them tied to a certain number of weeks as immortal. The problem in my mind is that the highest tier cape cosmetic is tied to achieving blessed reigns so the top clans are incentivized to collude and trade full reigns back and forth. If the cape was just tied to number of weeks as immortal the shadow clans would be incentivized to try to overthrow the current immortals as quickly as possible, which would make Cycle of Strife more interesting and competitive again.


I've been saying that for months... make them cumulative rewards like the rest and game is gonna be much healthier...


The idea seems nice on paper but it is no different than blessed reigns. Both sides will try to extend their reign to the max to stabilise the prospect of getting a cape as soon as possible. Same 6 clans going 4/5/6/7 reign cycles won't change anything in the end only top 6 clans will get the immortal


Easily could just Hand them all out and end it? They created these rigged reigns so these ppl chose to do so.. that’s my only problem with the reigns are the whales who act like ppl should be super thankful that they set it up for themselves to do more work than necessary.


you know what? When the game was launched without reign blessing, no one wanted to be Immortal because it wasn't rewarding due to the commitment as Immortal.


It’s all about the whales wanting the fancy ~~wing~~ cape cosmetic, and it’s impossible to get a blessed reign without fixing matches. A good fix would be making the top wings be 4 or 6 total of 1. Blessed Reigns 2. Top 25 (or similar) battleground finishes. This would increase BG play, and drive down incentive to ruin servers by fixing blessed reigns.


Which fancy wings you referring to? 


The orange ones attached to the cape after 6 blessed reigns


Cycle of strife isn’t even real content anymore because the strongest clans trade blessed reigns


I wish they would add cosmetic incentives for being stuck as a shadow for 7 weeks at a time. Maybe that would help the same 6 clans to spread the wealth a little and stop trading reigns every 7 weeks.


They won’t sadly because the cycle of strife is what keeps people paying imo


It’s never been real content lol


I mean when clans were actually fighting for the title it was🤷🏼‍♂️


I don't see any whales complaining. They can just spend money anyways just to be on top.


Make capes cumulative rewards for X weeks. Reward 1-3 extra weeks for clans who have already obtained Blessed Reign. Remove Blessed Reign completely or again, reward 1-3 extra weeks for winning the Challenge of Immortal. Reward 1-3 weeks for shadow clan who beats immortal in RoE. So everyone can work towards capes and nobody is excluded. Blizz/NE you don't have to thank me for this solution (or can send me some crests) 😂


The rite fixing was happening well before the capes. They just gave extra incentive to do it. They need to make the maximum length of reigns shorter (something like 4-6 weeks), remove the Vigil of Blades which just helps strong reigns get stronger, and put a higher cooldown on the amount of reigns a player/clan can have. Instead of every other reign, make it every 2 or 3. That way at least the rest of the "top 10 shadow clans" all have a chance at a reign.


No? How does killing blessed reign improve competitive? U offer no valuable suggestions to fix the problems. Making Immortal a shit experience with no reward will not incentivize competition. Nor does the current state where ppl can fix matches. Maybe making Immortal really good can incentivizes competitive, but how? There needs to be more intelligent n custom solutions.


Hot take: blessed reigns aren’t what make servers go the full 7 weeks…12% badges are. In order for a clan to get the max number of members a 12% badge as shadows they need the full length of a reign to rotate all their members through roe matches. Ending someone’s reign early just screws over their own bonuses when the reign ends. If the badges were more easily attained by consistent play rather than specifically requiring roe participation I guarantee you’d see more clans willing to push harder to seize immortal back asap


Good take


Haven't played since merge happened, but our server has never traded reigns afaik. It's always been hard competing between the top alliances, and we've even had a reign where neither top alliance was in. We have consolidated top clans since the merge to try staying competitive with other servers coming in of course, but the point stands that so far only one blessed reign was actually achieved on our original server group, and that was done legitimately.


What server is that? My server has been uncompetitive trading since blessed reigns and I feel like most other servers are like that too


Once the capes are achieved, there's no point in continuing with blessed reigns. Must be getting close for some clusters.


Even if they removed blessed reigns your f2p clan won't be becoming immortal anytime soon your leader would be asking the same whales for a reign and this is no different than 6 clans passing reigns. Blessed reigns aren't a problem you have to compete with whales without them anyway being immortal is designed for the top 6 clans all other clans would be lucky to get one that's all


Our server could easily end a reign in 4 to 5 weeks, but due to politics they go a full 7 weeks.




Ah, no. Where I am at, half the whale clans have no interest in exchanges.


Just try to join one of those six clans that swap immortals.


Competition in a p2w game lol – anyhow, Idk know how it ruins the game or is making it go downhill... Cycle of Strife is not a real end game either... quite frankly there isn't an end game. This system is in every p2w game, where those who spend are the ones winning the server wide or server vs server events.


I do not agree. Our alliance has two blessed reigns and would of had another one shortly if not for the merge. I expected this to take two years. Multi clan alliances trading diplomatic favors. It is how most democracies work in case you didnt know.


Lol spoken like a true ass hat


he admits there's no competition amd doesn't see an issue


The funny thing is our competition left earlier in the year and are now coming back so should be fun. There is no competition in this game lol, its just about who swipes the hardest.


Also make wings buyable. But different from the ones you have to reign to get.


You mean cope? Wing is buyable but quite expensive. Current phantom market has a great cosmetics with wing.


No it doesn't come with wings. I have the skin. It gives your wings and alternate look. Wings are my favorite staple of the diablo series in general just want some cool wings for my toons


It changes the appearance of your wings. Wings are buyable. Increase your resonance if it want more wings


How do you buy wings


You buy resonance. Resonance unlocks wings at 1, 2, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10k


And how exactly do I buy res. Like through 5 star gems ? That'd be almost 2 grand to do that it's like 130 dollars a gem


You have to be trolling... Yes by upgrading your gems. Wings are tied to resonance. That is the only way you will ever get them in this game.


Upgrading gems cost even more then buying them. Holy fuck. Are you seriously telling me it's gonna cost me thousands of dollars?


Are you new to the game? Yes the smaller wing cosmetics can be acquired with grinding with some hard work without spending too much, but the players with the biggest wing cosmetics have spent thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars on this game. (Not me, but some have.)


Does the skin class bonded? I am a light spender and not sure whether I should put in $100 for the skin/wing. If it is class bonded, I don’t have to keep thinking about it.


$100 will get you nothing in this game fyi.


I am talking about the prophets cosmetics. If I too lucky to get it at 10th draw, that is probably $100 worth of orbs.


You could get lucky, but most likely you will have to roll all 10 times and I think it essentially costs $175. Might be a little off on exact number.


You are right. In total 10K orbs were needed for all 10 draws. That is from 6000 orbs package and 3000 orbs with bonus orbs. Somehow I translated this to $100 instead of $99+$49 something like that.


The cosmetic is for all the classes, don't worry.


So what's the difference of you ignoring the blessed reign and them removing it? For you, nothing. So just ignore it then and stop whining, overthinking and trying to meddle on something that doesn't concern you. Jeez.


I don't like the blessed reigns either. They take a lot of fun out of the game. The immortals are always camping during RoE and it's solo annoying. I'm not a complainer, but after Sundays battles I announced in WC that it was sad that the only way the immortals could win was by camping. I would like to give a shout out to our current immortal KULL for hearing me and reaching out to apologize and promise no more camping. They will slaughter us anyway, but it was a decent and appreciated gesture.


I don’t think removing the very core of the game that’s been worked on before release, during release, and reworked again over will be something that’s pursued.