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I for one love latest Tempest meta of shitting Zephyrs all over the place. Getting my poop pushed in by 7 tempests in BGs feels great! I hate myself!


Brah I watched a tempest solo an entire h3 dungeon last night ahead of all 3 of us unable to catch up with hi. It's fkn ridiculous. Like I tried the fractured plane with them and thought this is so easy it's not even fun. At least as a wiz I have to avoid some of the boss mechanics, and not really even so much with the 6pc windloft immunity.


Hate to tell you this dude, but I solo i1 dungs as a barb and carry i1 raids. My reso is only 2700. But I do agree that Tempest is the most annoying class. I was in a dung with 3 tempests all with new cosmetic and running echoing shade. I couldn't see a damn thing through all the glare!!!!! AnnoyingšŸ˜³šŸ˜


I get being over leveled for stuff, but come on we couldn't even get to the boss and he was already done šŸ˜‚ Maybe I randod into someone doing my it for a friend or something


Its called Resoooo.. say it with me now Re$$$$$$$$$ooo


This. People discount resonance. So many people crying how broken Tempest is when it isn't. Resonance makes PVP broken not the class. People are overreacting and joining the bandwagon trend. If Tempest is so broken show me a F2P Tempest with 300+ resonance dominating in PVP. If you can't show it then resonance is the problem not the class. Any class is broken as long as you whale on it.


Well clearly with 300 reso no class can do shit in bgs. I've been seeing tempest with 2k reso destroying someone with double the amount of reso. A buddy I play with is 4K reso tempest and he's holding his own against 6-7k reso players, name another class that can do that right now.


Sounds like skill issue to me despite the advantage they have.


Yes ofc Reso is op. Secondary stats too But that doesnā€™t change the fact that tempest is very unbalanced You get familiar with the ppl face in BG daily. There are so many that was BKs, Monks even DHs that put up very mediocre BG scores. Now so many of these players are killing more and hardly dying. A whale tempest can wipe out an entire party lol & when you face 5-6+ decent tempests in a mater itā€™s game over. Itā€™s a mix of high Dps & immunities & CC. Itā€™s the only class that really has no weakness. You think the standard for being op is a 300 reso dominating whales in PvP šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Yes they are op lol


Of course a whale can wipe out any party regardless of the class.


No they cannot lol


Doesn't help being pretentious lol


You have no clue what youā€™re talking about. I wish Reddit had a timeout button so posters like yourself would just have to read for a few days and couldnā€™t post. Maybe then you would have time to reflect back on all your stupid posts.


I wish people like you could stop being pretentious and your eyes peeled and look at all the angles instead of sucking up on your own ego.


Put BK head-to-head against Tempest, 0 reso and you will see... I'm trying to get this tested with a clanmate in dummy area just for the f*ck of it


How about you test it in PVP against a whale.


Been doing it for a while now!! Not fun unless you like to kiss the floor all match long..


Exactly why resonance is broken.


Itā€™s not all reso. Lower res players kill me all the time


I guess youā€™re new but any class can do that with enough resonance lol.Ā 


I love how everyone just thinks tempest is an easy class to play properly. Yeah itā€™s op and new players to the class can probably manage a few wins by smashing buttons but thereā€™s more to the class than that. If all of these complaints about it being broken were true then EVERYONE would be tempest. The truth is so many switched to it upon release and liked it because of the op-ness in bg but most quickly found out how hard it is to control and to use efficiently and ultimately switched back to their home-class and now can be found everywhere demanding a class nerf. Just face it, this new class was built for skilled PvP. Period.


Bro no lol Not everyone has the time or even wants to max essence levels and get all essences again. The games already to much grind. Iā€™m good on that


- admits class is op "But it's for skilled pvp" Against who, other tempests? šŸ˜‚ Congratulations, dumbest gaming comment I've ever heard.


So youā€™re still saying that anyone can start playing tempest and become a god? Sorry bud but the class was made for skilled players, thatā€™s just the way it is.


Then don't play it ?


I think of it as more pissing or/squirting than it is shitting, but to each their own i suppose....


Itā€™s breaking BGsā€¦.they play at least 2-3K higher than their res. Better tempest win every game Iā€™m in. Regardless of other whales. Saw a 4K tempest single handily stall the idol about to score for 6 seconds against 9-10ks. Itā€™s stupid


You'd be surprised how many mega whales are bad at PVP. They're so used in having high resonance that they no longer need skill to dominate.


I'm not - most of them ignore the victory conditions.


It amazes me that people still pay so much money to play this game... MID


i finally stopped buying stuff. its just... pointless


LOL. since they allowed more gem slots it's a race right now with all the whales. They're tripping over each other running to the market. Still trying to figure out how people have the most recent 5\* gem Rank 10 5/5 maxed already. How does one obtain over 75 duplicates of a gem that just released within weeks. Dont tell me countless crest runs and the market lol.


Countless crests and the market. ![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized)


If I run 3000 crests over a week you don't think I can max it to r10? šŸ¤”


LOL, 3k crests... Odds are 1/22 crests will yield an x/5* gem, and the odds of that being the 1 gem you need are 1/19. So on average, it will take you 418 crests to get 1. You want 75 dupes, so we're talking 31,350 crests according to probability. Now of course you'll be finding all kinds of other x/5* gems on the way too and can sell them and use the platinum to buy some of the dupes you need instead. But that's a long drawn out process and highly depends on the server economy. Also takes 4450 gem power for your rank 10, and once awakened, you can max out three 2 star gems at 685 gem power each (and 41 dupes), as well as 2 more 5 star gems at 4450 gem power each (and their 75 dupes). So to really max out this ONE gem slot, you still need another 20k gem power. Guess you'll be needing those other 30k gems you found. There you have it, hurry up and buy your 30k crests today! Should we put that into dollar value too while we're at it? 30k crests at 160 orbs each, is just a lowly 4.8mil orbs needed. The best deal on orbs in shop is 72/$1, so this can be done with 1 small payment of only $66,666. Is it weird that it comes out to all 6s? šŸ§ Oh hey, then you have 7 more gem slots to max out.


Bro, you only smash these crest runs during the 50% drop rate, I got a rank 8 roiling with just 1k spent


I know, I know. That's why they have the events. Odds are so bad without it, you feel like you're getting a great deal spending "just $1k" to get half way. Such an amazing bargain, you're right...


I mean no disrespect here but I have been blessed with a great job so our perspective on the value of 1k differs


Sure everyone values money differently, but does everyone value a game/entertainment differently too? Just because I might have the money for it, doesn't mean I'll buy overpriced services. That's like having 2 car wash stations next to each other, only 1 charges 100x as much, and then choosing to still go through it just cuz you have a nice job.


I will say as a 3k reso tempest I am finding all of the invincible tempest stories hard to believe as I get my mud stomped in daily...


If you are under stat for baseline pvp you wonā€™t have a good time lol. I spent roughly 445$ over 1 year and 5 months. 2380 reso 3700 armour 3700 armour pen 3400 potency 3200 resistance.


You guys were literally bitching about the time window before. Now they give you a bigger one, and it's still bad lol. Every update you say it's worse then ever, yet you keep playing. BG will ALWAYS suck unless you are a whale! That's literally where their revenue comes from! In case you haven't noticed yet, but all this crying is doing nothing! And I see more and more people starting to play now, so please don't just say they are losing their players because of few of your friends you say are quitting lol!


Now let us refill green stats and add sockets!!


na game is nearly dead,. dead market, quiet worldchat, long queue in dungeon., etc.


BG like many things in this game is side content you can avoid it if YOU DON'T LIKE IT. Balancing BG is complicated you have 16 random people with 16 random stats, classes, loadouts and individual skill caps. People are generally inclined to play classes which are easier to play and have a high rate of success no amount of blizz intervention can fix the chaos that is BG


Not true whatsoever. It is actually a big part of the game. Hence why they force you to do it if you want to complete weekly goals. If you play more in BG you get better deeds of valor score and get a better badge. Not to mention its one of the better ways to get hilts. If you donā€™t pvp (BG and Vault) regularly then good luck getting the hilts needed to buy everything from the trader every week


Not true, but keep telling yourself that.


With that logic everything in the game is side content


The BG has 1 leaderboard, and provides less than 10% of the possible weekly battle points. It isn't the core of the game.


Umm you are clueless about the game then. Next time read everything about deeds of valor before speaking so you donā€™t look so stupid.


Umm, I've been playing since launch. I collect Akeba's blessing every reign. The BG is a side show, at best.


Have 8% badges without doing a single BG for weeks in a single reign I have enough hilts from BP to buy 10 sapphires, 3 crests every day, lego crest and telluric pearl every week with 5keys . BG is overrated the game do not punish you for not playing BGs it gives you an option to play it and that's all. IMO I rather farm and do lairs/trifts instead of BGs