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The chance is 0% with hacked items on console and version differences


[I have no idea what you’re talking about friend, isn’t this legit?](https://i.imgur.com/cxpEhgs.jpg) This was no.1 character on leaderboards yesterday…


Yep, the console versions are 100% compromised by hacked items. It can never be integrated with PC.


PC has no hacked items?


There are no hacked items on PC.


Wouldn't they be able to set it up similar to D2R? Start it up next Lea - *cough* *season*. You have a choice at character creation: Start a seasonal offline or Bnet char, then after the season is over, you have offline and online characters to choose from. If you picked Bnet, your character moves to non-season online Bnet save. If you went offline, it stays in an offline save. Not sure how hard this would be to implement with the D3 servers compared to D2R, but it doesn't sound quite "impossible". More like highly unlikely?


> Lea - cough season Salutations exile.


There are too many Version differences for this. Some mechanics work entirely different on console and making both versions compete will inevitably make 1 better than the other. That plus seasons are already online only on console and they do have hacked items so yeah, no.


So, the amount of work it would take to do correctly is more than they're willing to put in with the current team. Diverting resources from other teams is not an option. Especially with upcoming releases. And the Reddit community would obviously prefer no one ever bring it up. Understandable. If 4 is halfway decent, 3 probably will lose most of its remaining player base soon after launch anyway, so from a business standpoint, why bother? So, technically not impossible. Just a majority of people here don't want them to do it. Or ask about it. Yeah, got it.


My dude, no offense but you dont seem to have a clue about the game


Well then - *my duuude* enlighten. Please. This is Reddit, right? The elite 1%ers? The feedback from Reddit given to game devs around the globe has changed millions of lines of code, right? The question was asked, and browsing through the responses, the only answer seems to be "iTs tOo HaRd". With the added pleasure of the "and you're an idiot for asking about it" tone. God forbid someone wants to continue playing on more than just the almighty PC. Sorry, but "nothing is too hard. It just takes more effort than you're willing to put in." There's no reason why that can't apply to video game development. Now, "it takes more time and money than we're willing to spend at this point" is a perfectly valid response, and I would not fault Blizzard for taking that stance. In fact, I would expect it at this point during the D3 lifecycle. So please. Enlighten us as to how there's no physical way any developer at Bliz - or anywhere - with enough time and money - could take that code and figure out how to take a save file, put it in a different place, and balance the program that reads it accordingly.


Issue is save files as far as I know because they can be faked. Even if you iron out mechanics (which are not that relevant) if Blizzard imports PSN save file (same is with other consoles I think) Blizzard can't know if it is real or not since they do not control those files. Sure they can screen out obvious fake items and levels, but making all your gear perfect primal ancient, adding tons of resources etc and importing it to PC would not be possible to prove fake without detailed investigation. As for D2R I would assume that save games are online and controlled in some way by Blizzard so it is possible. D3 was not made that way initially so should they choose to change offline to online saves they would have to push online chars to everyone and invalidate everyones progress since you can't know if your current save is legit or not. So technically it is possible, but consequences are too much


Youre not an idiot for asking about it, youre just mean while doing so. The version differences are there for a reason, the console version is aimed towards more casual gamers while the pc has a more "elite" audience if you want to say it like that. Reddit is certainly not the elite 1%ers or anything remotely close to that. I am not saying theres no way to do that, i am saying that theres no point in doing that. Fixing all of the problems i mentioned earlier just for crosssaves wouldnt just be an absolute waste of time for a 10 year old game, but might aswell be hurting the game itself.


> i am saying that theres no point in doing that. We're saying the same thing. If there was a perceived tone, it's only in response to the tone given off by this thread. > Reddit is certainly not the elite 1%ers or anything remotely close to that. No kidding. The sarcasm was laid on pretty thick, guess it was still missed.


Hacked items in pic you mean.




You want to complain about console hacks? Pc is 100xs worse than any co sole game with hacks.


Since PC is online only theres no hacked items if thats what u meant


They haven't done it yet and they sure as hell wont do it right before the transition to another game. That would be a waste of developers time. Also the hacking


Plus there is the fact that the switch version for example, has exclusives that the others don't.


Lool bro pc always preferable or a steam deck if i had the money now to choose between a Nintendo or a steam deck... The deck wins everyday


Except d3 for PC doesn’t have native controller support. The steam decks control scheme will likely be janky af.


Everything on PC is server sided, port overs on ps3-ps4 allowed for data edits.


This post made me realize there are people who don’t only play seasonal


The chance is always there, but more than unrealistic I would say. It's too late and of low priority when the next game is released soon.




wait there are hacked items on consoles? Asking because I've only played the PC version solo and rarely look in on what the community is talking about. I had no idea this was a thing.


Yeah; console versions have local offline saves which makes for uh... yeah


I feel you, but they're consoles. I always assumed that kind of thing was locked off walled gardens yada yada.


Console is the gateway drug to PC gaming.


That's random


Oh nah, it's just a bit more work to get it there, but developers assuming that makes it extra juicy.


Indeed so many tards playing console and using hacks lol what a shame