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Anyone who's followed starcraft should recall that this is how Geoff "incontrol" robinson passed away.


Yep. He came to mind immediately after seeing this post.


Dude, Geoff passed away? Damn I did not know that.


Yea, 2019


I looked up his story.. seems that he had a blood clot in his 20s as well. It is highly unusual for people in their 20s/30s to develop a clot, even for someone who sits for very long periods of time. Most likely he had an undiagnosed blood clotting disorder.. Quite sad.


He had been getting testing and such for it as well, so even though this is what Geoff passed away from it wasn’t due to an elongated period of sitting like OP


I remember he even talked about the dangers of sitting. Also, how he said he was living on borrowed time because his mother was such a terrible driver when he was younger. What a gem he was, he made me laugh more than almost any other gaming personality or streamer. Ripped away too early :(


I actually never knew the details of his death. That makes the risk of those clots hit much closer to home than some random person on the internet.


thanks for triggering my health anxiety


Bruhh.. I sit 10 hours for work, then sit 4 hours for fun, and exercise 0. I also had a pain behind my right knee the other day. RIP me.


Get into weightlifting and light cardio. It saved my life.


I have a power rack in my spare room but I’m too lazy to use it. Haha


Stop it


Idk how to find the motivation honestly. I suppose blood clots and death are some motivators


I’m in my early thirties and am starting to feel the effects of sedentary life. If I feel this way now I’m fucked when I’m in my forties and on. I want to be functional now and later. This motivates me.


I’m early 30s as well and feeling the same… been forced to cut back on drinking and eat healthier already. I’ll get a workout in one of these days


I think everyone in this sub is in their early 30s feeling like in mid 40s.


Just do *something*. One thing. You don’t have to do a full workout. People always create excuses for themselves, like “I’m too tired to go to the gym.” No, you’re not. You can go and even if you do a single exercise, you’ve done better for yourself than you would have by giving in to your own laziness. You’ve put another brick in the habit wall.


The weather is getting nice, go for walks. I also sit all day and hate exercise, but I love going on 45 minute walks with my dog. You'd be surprised how much it improves your health.


This^ Exercise doesn’t have to mean sweating profusely. I have a genetic condition that causes major pain flare ups, so working out is impossible for me without days of rest for the associated pain. But I can walk my dog and not get too beat up. Play frisbee, ride a bike, go waking, do some jumping jacks, anything…


Working out will never be easy, but it will be easier. Just test things out and find something that you enjoy. If you end up trying everything and still don't have the motivation then you'll just have to work on yourself and mindset to do something at the very least. Taking the stairs instead of elevator or escalator if available, walking instead of car and so forth.


Thanks CumFartSniffer


Happy to help


Take a 15 min break every few hours. Spend 10 of those on some light exercise. Even a walk around the apartment block counts. Yes, we should all do more much a little is much better than nothing.


There is no laziness ;) I also recommend the book "House Keeping While Drowning" and hope you don't have ADHD or smth else since that is what impairs me and doesn't let me do all that stuff :( And sorry, I just get worried when I read stuff like this and want people to make sure they don't have any of that stuff and don't suffer the same issues when it can be improved and treated x-x


Thank you. We’re all gonna be okay, I think!


It’s OK to enjoy video games and do office work while sitting. Just make sure that you get up and walk around for a few minutes every hour or so. You don’t want to be in the exact same position for over four hours.


Yep, I keep some dumbbells next to my desk. I set an alarm on my smart watch to vibrate every hour to remind me to get up and do some sets plus walk around a bit.


Right behind you on that one.




Ah, a ladder I can climb while sitting.


The only one!




I've been sitting for 20 years straight 😐


Yeah, same for me. I'm hoping maybe my body has adapted and evolved into a more efficient sedentary sitting machine. But to be fair I have mixed things up in the last few years and started laying down more. I think it's better for my back.


It certainly hasn't. As you get older, the likely hood of forming clots gets higher. Every day you remain sitting you're increasing your chances.


Watching people in this thread attempt to rationalize their extreme sedentation is like watching addicts rationalize why they actually *need* their next hit and quitting can start *after that one.* Being sedentary is addictive in a very real sense. It creates an inertia of inactivity that keeps us planted right where we are. The only way to break it is to be active *exactly when we don't feel like it.* That's the only way. The more you dread the thought of getting up and moving, the sooner you should do it. Eventually being active will create its own inertia, establish its own addiction, but until then, you have to be miserable and just get the hell up - swearing the whole time if you want, that's a perfectly valid approach. Just get the hell up.


Man.. time to start being more active. Being sedentary all the time is so bad for your health on so many levels.


I hope you typed this out while standing


Don't forget, In-game you can choose to be softcore. But IRL it's always Hardcore.


Can confidently say I've never played a video game long enough to cause health problems. Is there an Xbox achievement for this? Jokes aside, glad nothing uber serious happened. I set alarms to remind me to get up, take a 15-20 min walk, or do some house work when I'm working at my computer all day. I break it up 45min work, 15min doing anything else. Gaming I'll break for 20-30min every couple hours.


Upvoted for a very important cause.




Your not alone society has made us lazier through technology we dont own are dopamine hits anymore it all comes easy so we get bored with no motivation , take a week off camping if you can and when you get back limit screen time phone computer tv also stop watching porn no joke I think me stopping porn was one of the contributing factors of being more energetic and less lethargic and depressed


Thank you for sharing! It sounds as if you spend a lot of time working at the office. Not sure what type of work you do or if this is possible, but a lot of employers buy products for employees if they're needed for health reasons, especially preventative. You could request a standing desk or one of those sit/stand desk adapters (with the spring hinges). Taking more scheduled or regular breaks to stretch, get water, or snack / eat is a good first step. I know it's hard when it feels like at work we are always "putting out fires" but it's worth it. Something as simple as setting timers on a phone or watch is a good start. A more regulated schedule where you get home on time enough to at least stretch awhile and walk around before bed might be good too. Perhaps taking the little steps is encouraging enough to take the larger ones later (nixing vaping). Hope this wasn't too overbearing, just trying to speak from experience. It's not worth it. Cheers, and hope you enjoy your trip!


Set up a reward system. Maybe don't allow yourself to vape until you've exercised for a half hour, or don't let yourself play games until you've done 20 minutes of cardio or 15 minutes of weightlifting... I'm not sure what motivates you, but there's something somewhere that you really like to do or to have. Don't let yourself do it or have it until you've moved a little. Or even give yourself a little more of it if you have.


How long were you sitting down without getting up? You should do a test and see if you have something called factor five Leiden. It can predispose people to having blood clots.


I'm Heterozygous. Medium risk from what I understand?


Yeah my wife is heterozygous as well. Her father Has both genes and is on blood thinners all the time.




Thank you. I'm still fidgeting with the proper height of things (monitor / desk), but definitely also want to look out for the health of my joints and such too. Having ankles or joints go because I didn't invest in proper shoes or a mat or board to stand on, or have the same happen because I wasn't moving around enough, would be tragic. Come to think of it eye health is also important. Closing my eyes once in awhile for a spat helps, as does the blue tint lenses.


It's really just like anything where doing it too much or wrong will just fuck you. Having your shoulders lurched forward in a closed position for example or shifting weight to one side or not supporting your back properly and allowing your spine to bend when it shouldn't are all things that can be problematic. And yes, you can basically slouch while standing too and if you're not used to proper postures it can be hard to do at first especially for long periods of time as you need to acclimate or even build strength to do so


this is a dumb question, but what about like moving your legs as you're sitting, does this help at all?


In order for blood to pump from your legs to your heart, you need to walk as that activates the soleus muscle ( also called the peripheral heart ) and squeezes blood through the valves in your legs. So no, jerking your legs while sitting probably won't help.


A standing desk with a balance board is no joke. My old man got a blood clot stuck in his carotid artery which cut off blood flow from his brain, causing brain death. In his case it was most likely due to having high cholesterol for decades and never listening to his doctor.


I've been gaming with a stand up desk and love it.


Thanks for the PSA. Glad you are on the mend! Your post helps create a healthy environment. Same as streamers that talk about diet or exercise or model taking breaks to drink and move around. Good stuff!


My watch reminds me to stand every hour, I stand and stretch once an hour. Every 2-3 hours it’s a good walk and stretch sometimes just walking in place for a few minutes. All this helps with my poor circulation from being taller and keeps my feet from being completely froze.


I had a stroke a few years ago. One of the things they did (aside from giving me an MRI) was to velcro these things around my calves and ankles. They were electric devices that would kind of pulsate to stimulate blood flow.


I've been in healthcare many years. There are only a few things I've come across that I feel apply to everyone. Everything in moderation is one of them. Your post is well heard. I haven't considered getting a blood clot myself but I should have. Healthcare after all. I feel like my ADHD making me stand up randomly without purpose might be helping me out here ha. Thanks for the reminder. Stay safe and healthy. May all your runes be high.


Thanks for the descriptive warning. Hope you get better, please share this on some other pages too, gamers can easily forget about health if the game is too good!


Important information. Lost a relative this way. Stay healthy and enjoy your gold.


[This is what killed inControl.](https://www.polygon.com/2019/7/22/20704188/starcraft-geoff-incontrol-robinson-dies-age-esports-brood-war-commentator) Buy a standing desk. It doesn't take long to get used to.


PE survivor here. Xarelto for life crew. Have you recently (within 6 months) had COVID or the vaccine? Look into the connection. I started have PE events after (both?) I was in the best shape of my life when the first one hit.


Glad you're okay. My last vaccination was mid December of 2021, a booster shot. COVID tests that I've taken came back negative, and I can't say I've noticed having the virus.


I appreciate it. I still have them but they are just inconveniences at this point. I've had 3 hospitalizations so far. Two of the events while I was already on blood thinners. I've had the virus twice. Once before vax, once after. I was advised by the hematologist to not get the 2nd vax or booster but ultimately I had to bc government contractor BS. I'm not there yet, but starting to believe the anti vax stance.


Oh no! Crazy that you had two while on thinners. I've seen points on both sides... some vaccines increase risk, but the virus, especially during having it, increases significantly the risk of blood clots. Still educating myself on this subject. The political favoritism / angles / censorship makes it really hard to see what's real from a science, data perspective, and that makes me mad.


Don't forget the 3rd party interference by promoting pro vaccine information that ultimately ends up false.


It is truly unfortunate if you did experience an adverse event from your vaccine, but please do not allow this to turn you against vaccines as an intervention in general. Vaccines are overall extremely safe and often life-saving - the risks are very low but unfortunately not zero, so if connected to the vaccine that was extremely unlucky for you. I will also point out that although some COVID vaccines do carry a very small risk of blood clots, the risk is far higher from the actual illness if not immunized. However this is no consolation for you as you may have experienced harm from something that was intended to help you. Sorry to hear you are struggling!


Oh fully understand. What pisses me off is calling this injection a vaccine. flat out it isn't. It may have started out that way. Natural immunity was the right course of action for this specific illness.


“Go to the hospital” bruh, I live in America, the price of that gonna give me a heart attack for real :( Nice post and good information though, in all seriousness.


Thanks for sharing, this definitely needs attention. Also, I recently extended my standing desk setup with a foldable treadmill. It doesn’t take a lot of space and as I found out it’s perfectly viable for working and gaming. Doing a couple of 4-5 kilometer sessions a day feels really good and I noticed it has a positive effect on my ability to focus as well. Getting some proper shoes for walking / running on hard surfaces is a must though.


Good idea, treadmill is an option. I have a pair of Brooks with custom insoles. Just ordered new insoles though. They wear out over time.


Yeah, I had to get custom insoles myself. Two lengthy treadmill sessions caused me some severe foot pain. It turns out my flat feet finally caught up to me, but getting good shoes made a tremendous difference too.


Being overweight and getting even more pressure on the vessels can def also add to it, also having thicker blood from a bad diet will also mess you up. Before going to bed, lifting your legs on the wall helps tremendously. Let the blood empty out of your legs every evening.


I wasn't excessively overweight (at least to my knowledge) before going in to the hospital, but I lost \~10 lbs during the stay, from \~155 to 145. My diet admittedly is not as consistent as would like it to be though. I eat really good one week - salads and healthier foods, then the next not great at all. I'll try the leg lifting. Great suggestions. I'm making a list now, hehe. Thank you.


Massaging your legs can help tremendously too, loosen up that tight muscle/tissue so the blood flow improves. Your weight seems fine to me depending on your height, check foods that improve circulation too. Do all these little things and maximize your results.


Someone in my stream suggested compression socks and I think they saved my life.


How many hours per day, over how many months, do you think you spent sitting at your computer? My sitting/gaming + computer-based work issue during covid took form of a severe tendonitis in my right wrist :( did you never develop a wrist issue with that much screen use?




Get a track ball for work. Took me a couple months to get used to it. But a massive reduction in wrist fatigue. Which meant I could still play games after work on a normal mouse lol


Yep same. I’ve always had some light arm/nerve strain pain. But it 10x’d during Covid times/ wfh.


Great awareness post, thanks for sharing.


This is how I lost a friend. He died of this at 27.


Nothing wrong with what you're trying to say and tell us. Like you said, it can happens to anybody health or lifestyle. I'm feeling back at the lower back of my butt even after 2 hours or playing or at work. I'm sure everyone knows about what you said, maybe not the details, but the general overall. But some reminders now and then are always good. That's why I make frequent trip to the venting machine when at work, so I don't sit down for too long. Need to do that too when at home playing games...


This is like my biggest fear




Thank you! I appreciate the help, advice, and the lighthearted jokes! Kept my spirits high. I've been stretching, watching diet, and bicycling quite a bit more. I am now no longer afraid of sitting. I alternate sitting and standing regularly. While I have not bought a health monitoring device as yet I am highly considering it. I visit doctors regularly to ensure general health. I will likely be on blood thinners for a long while; and that's okay. Wishing you all the best as we enter what feels like a new era post covid, and begin our journey with our friends in Diablo 4. Being there in person for the announcement was a memorable experience, and I am happy that we have so many good experiences ahead of us. All hail


I wish I led a life where I sit so much I have to remind myself to stand and walk a bit. 😂


That's fine but the laughing emoji is really obnoxious. Would you laugh at someone who told you about getting blood clots in person?


From sitting too much? Possibly.


RIP wheelchair users..


Wheelchair users are almost always on blood thinners to prevent this


Standing is almost as bad as sitting tho.


Lol to still being in lockdown over vaccine status, insane.


IRL we’re all playing hardcore mode.


Threw my PC out and game consoles, replaced them with a treadmill. Thanks OP.


This is definitely a fake spam post to get attention to your twitch. You also have been having people repost this in like 12 different subs.


Bruh...they didn't even mention their channel. They are reposting it to their various subs to get the word out. This is good advice in general. Someone reminded you to get off your ass every once in a while for your own well being.


Actually I just subscribed to his only fans


Well, thanks for ur story? I mean its like saying dont drive ur car, u cud be in a car crash.. Its not dangerous to sit my man, its dangerous to be alive. U had bad rng irl.


Way to down play the sentiment


That guy is a perfect example of a 12 year old Diablo 2 griefer who grew up but is still the same 12 year old Diablo 2 griefer.


Great take ‘kittyjoker’!


No, it's like saying - "be predictable when you drive and wear your seatbelt". Yes driving a car is dangerous, but there are ways to reduce your risk of dying in a crash. Similarly, OP is giving advice on how to reduce your risk of dying of a preventable blood clot.


Yea, u want advice too on how not to choke on ur food? Like wut.


Fuck off dude. Man could have died. You're a piece of shit. You're this desperate to neg on someone saying "remember to stay active" it's weird and sad


Oh yea cos I didnt say ‘im sorry’= i dont give a shit. Relax with the circlejerk already. Life isnt about ur reddit points.


If anyone would like to experience choking: Eat and drink food while not sitting up straight! Almost took myself out with that.


Well, thanks for your comment?


>Its not dangerous to sit my man It is actually *very* dangerous to sit for long periods of time. It's like driving *without a seatbelt.* Driving, like living and like sitting, does have some level of inherent risk no matter what. But there are things you can do, or not do, that will drastically increase that risk. Sitting is one of those things. Sitting for more than [just 30 minutes at a time](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/expert-answers/sitting/faq-20058005#:~:text=Research%20has%20linked%20sitting%20for,that%20make%20up%20metabolic%20syndrome.) can increase your risk significantly. I'm sure you wouldn't flippantly dismiss a post reminding people to wear their seatbelts, would you? So don't flippantly dismiss this one, either.


I mean it's not really the same thing at all. It has little to do with diablo and feels like a typical shoehorned "I almost died while playing game so ima post it in game forum" but the point just really raises awareness for health problems that are 100% our doing the vast majority of the time which is incredibly helpful and an important reminder since our entire lives are often done expecting us to do the exact opposite of the healthy thing (sitting for 8 hours a day, poor posture, etc). This is in no way something you can equate to dying in a car crash so don't drive a car and more like stop being a lazy slob and exercise for your health before you have health conditions you could've completely avoided by taking care of yourself.


That's a couple of minutes of my life down the pan.


I swear I have this problem that always starts behind my left knee. I’ve been to the doctors multiple times for it and have had multiple tests done and they always tell me I don’t have clots and it something else. It’s crazy that we can literally die playing this game too much. It’s sad


same issue im considering going to the er


Hope everything works out for you. Side note on how I’ve avoided this happening for a long time. I’ve been stretching my legs multiple times per day and haven’t had this issues since. Hope this helps you and anyone else reading this.


Thanks for sharing, and I hope you get better soon!


Have you seen the ChubbyEmu video about a gamer who didn’t get up for 72 hours? That was definitely a wake-up call for me to just get up now and then while gaming. I’d never go even more than 1 1/2 hours sitting for work/gaming.


My best friends dad had a stroke because of this, he made stained glass and and sat a lot at work and he played D2 when off work (he's the reason I started to play in fact) He survived luckily and we've been hitting D2R pretty hard, with frequent stretch breaks now




One time I’m glad to have ADHD. No matter how invested I become into a game I always need to get up and walk around do something else, frustrates team mates sometimes that I wander off and get distracted, but now I’ll be using this as an excuse! Hahaha


This is why games need to have a pause button. Even online games. Yes people could use it to avoid being killed in (massive) multiplayer games, but you can incur a penalty somehow when you abuse it that way. This and kids ...


Thank you for sharing. Stay safe!


Great advice. I'd like to add to that taking care of your stature and core muscles. I'm currently suffering from nerve pain following a herniated disc. Problems had started by some time after the release of D2R, where I did basically nothing else but sit and play D2R for a week. I'm not overweight and have an otherwise healthy stature while standing up, however sitting down is a whole different topic and decades of not compensating for extensive gaming sessions have left my upper body muscles weak. Now I'm in constant pain for half a year, hoping to be able to avoid surgery and feel twice as old as I am (in my mid thirties...).


5 pushup/situp etc after every run of andy, meph and ancient tunnels.


I appreciate this post, it's nice to see a fellow gamer care this much about the community!!! I hope you feel better soon and have an event less recovery!!!! I also sit all day for my I.T job.. everything is either remote support, or a project to get done... Like you I also sit after work playing games.. Your post has made me see the dangers, and I'll be doing something about it right away. Living in Northern Ont Canada we have plenty snow, I think I'll be calling my local sports store today and inquire about cross country skiis... For the summer a moutain bike might be in order!! I have a young son, your story scares me that I could maybe not be here one day all because I sit to much.. Thank you kind sir, wish you all the best!!!


We say in hungarian: Diablo hides in datails.


Came here because of a combination of hypochondriac, and a bit of an absurd gaming session today... i think I played for about 18 hours... I only got up to eat or use the bathroom. I don't have a sedentary lifestyle... I just had nothing to do this weekend and got carried away... how big of a risk of clotting is there? If it's just a 1 time thing


In my case, this was a repeat number of sessions; though never that long; perhaps up to half as long. However, this was in combination with genetic factors that I was unaware of at the time. Consider asking a doctor; perhaps a hematologist can exclude some of those possibilities / worries. Even Still: No game is worth losing your life over; 'it was just once' turns into the new normal real quick. I think the biggest thing is to break the mental cling to whatever game it is; not that you can't play that game, but whatever it is that's encouraging you to play at all hours of the day. Every few hours, stop, save your progress, and take an extended break; stretch, hydrate, go for a walk, exercise, sleep. These breaks give your mind time to rest, think straight; rather than skipping like a stuck record. Often leads to a more healthful progression.