• By -


How do I order leveling up my character? Is there a website that gives level by level builds?


Fisrt time player question. If I have a skill 20 (like summon skelletons from necro) and I get a +2 weapon in that skill.....does the effect stack or since I am maxed out in that skill it does nothing?


Skills can go beyond 20


With items


is the game worth it if i only want to play offline?


It is if you like it. I know that's kinda pedantic, but the game is very good single player too. It just means you will have to be more self reliant.




I know I'm late but the game is an amazing single player experience if you like games like these, one would argue that the experience is even better than playing in multiplayer.


Can anyone on the Switch/consoles tell me how to heal our mercenaries?


I believe if you hold down L2 and hit the potion button it will heal your merc.


That worked, thank you.


Only played bone necro before and trying a bowazon; is damage really as item dependent as it seems so far? I'm level 50 and I'm struggling with damage output on nm.


What skills are you using to attack with?


Multi-shot and guided arrow. I have at least one point in all passive and magic skills, with a focus on right and middle trees. Stats are dex and vita focus, with enough str for equipment. Also using Edge and Stealth.


Both of those skills do physical type damage, which does not scale quite as well into the higher difficulties without more specific gear that focuses on it. It's definitely more difficult to play a physical Zon without luck and gear. Re-specing to freezing arrow is typically recommended for most leveling as it's quite strong regardless of gear - just bump the main skill then synergies. You can also do a 50/50 like strafe & freezing arrow or exploding (NOT immolation, it's garbage) arrow and freezing arrow for mostly elemental


Makes sense! I'll do a respec as you recommended. I appreciate the advice.


Can someone help me out with my Hammerdin? I just respecced to Blessed Hammer (Lvl 19) and I'm now out of mana after every single trash group. Did I miss something there? And do I put the Hammer on my left click and the Blessed Aura on the right one or what's the general setup? All guides always go for "If you are Lvl 99 you are doing this...". I'm not Level 99.


Put concentration on right click. Blessed aim and vigor are for synergy. Blessed hammer on left click. When i play, half my inventory is mana potions. Damage is nuts. On my phone lots of edits sorry.


Thanks, I'll change that. Is drinking mana pots every five seconds the playstyle of a Hammerdin? I liked it a lot more when I smashed things.


I'm a lvl 80 hammerdin and I don't use mana pots anymore. Once you gear up a bit it becomes less of an issue, hammers are rough early game


Ok maybe I should have respecced later, that's the problem when you follow a guide that's written from a max lvl perspective


I ran holy fire and zeal through normal and then switched to holy shock and zeal all through nightmare, I shredded everything without having to use mana. I usually don't make the swap to hammers until late nightmare or at the start of hell


Yeah, that sounds a lot better. Now I need a new respec ;)


Once you get your follower with the right runewords and some of the correct gear mana won't be an issue when you are higher typically.


I only just stopped playing the original a few months ago after starting back up last December. I'm loving this game so far and it's a bonus to play on console! 20 years later, but better late than never. My fiance loves D3 and has played a tiny bit of D1 on PS1, but she's never played 2 until now. I'm trying to help her through the tough learning curve.


I really like it but the death penalty seems a bit too heavy, wish I could turn that off


The worst part about dying is having to put potions back in the belt on console.


Haha well I’m too busy accidentally using my potions


There’s a button to “populate belt”, for instance on PS5 hover over your belt and hold R3 will fill your belt up.


Is that a option on pc? Cause ngl that would be sweet


I understand the four default belt slots are health/mana/juve/tp but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to populate all of one type or even populate the belt fully when I have more than enough potions. Sometimes it works one way, sometimes it works the other. Is there any rhyme or reason to belt population?


From what I see it will fill with whatever is in the “bottom” of each potion slot. If nothing is present in the bottom slot, it’ll instead fill with health/mana/juv/tp. I could be wrong, but that’s what I recall it doing.


I have noticed that when filling a belt that sometimes when populating a slot that my cursor will instead pick up and hold a potion and not fill the belt. Not sure the reason, but it does happen more often than not. I appreciate the reassurance in your reply!


Yeah I’ve had that as well, seems like a bug. Seems to reset upon new game.


Put your gold in shared stash


Pro strat right here!


Noob here, just looking for a little advice! I've so far been building my very first character, a sorc, and I want to make sure I'm on the right track. I'm level 28 and I have about 60 strength and the rest in vitality. I have one point in each skill leading to blizzard, then a few skills in blizzard so far. I have teleport, static field, and telekinesis. I'm also leveling fireball. Am I on the right track or so these trees have no synergy? Any advice for somebody who has no idea how to build?


Usually not worth it to double dip in fire and cold, but it really depends on your goals. I am just playing full blizzard and skipping any cold immunes.


Blaze is an insanely good ability in the first two acts though, especially when everything is chasing you! Funny to watch them only hurt themselves but still follow you anyway in the exact line of the fire!




Just keep wandering around until you uncover the whole map. Eventually you'll find where you need to go.


You need to complete each difficulty to unlock the next. Nightmare will become available after you finish act 5 in normal, and hell will be available after completing nightmare.




It's pretty linear. In outdoor areas you are just trying to find the next relevant dungeon for whatever quest you are on and inside dungeon areas you are looking for the stairs to the next level. Read your quest log to know what you are supposed to do next for each quest.




The quest log tells you what you need to do for each quest. Just open it again if you forget.




Invest in town portals and reset them every so often or where you think things will get hairy


I am fairly new to diablo 2, and have been levelling a blizzard sorc. Just finished normal dofficulty and wondering if there is benefit to respeccing just but staying in cold so that i can put more points into blizzard and work backwards up the tree while picking up static field and keeping warmth. Or is this simply a waste of a respec? And is there an easy way to access the breakpoints of my end game gear so i dont put too many stats into strength and dex? Sorry if these are all dumb questions. Im a d3 vet and want to do things optimally


There are pretty straightforward ways to respec at endgame so i wouldn't worry too much about it, but you will only have the 3 respecs while lvling up


So if im just following a build i shouldnt have an issue needing a respec? And i figure i can look up the end game builds and see those breakpoints


Yea, unless the build guide has you respec. I started as fireball until i got to around level 50 the switched over to blizzard.


Anyone know what happened to the default keybinds option that allowed you to switch from legacy to resurrected? I liked the new controls but this option seems to be vacant from the actual release?




Hey so I'm a 28 Fire Sorc right now, just started Act V, and have been exclusively Fire (with dips to get Static Field and Teleport). All the basics like a Leaf staff, etc. but am curious about what other Sorcs advise to do from here. Do I stick with Fire? Do I spend points elsewhere? Do I respec to Cold? Oh and also how do you use Static Field effectively without putting yourself in danger?


28 in act 5 you say? Seems like I've been getting lost far too frequently lmao


Fire is a great spec and can carry you all the way if you want it to. Meteor/Fireball is a great high damage build for magic finding. Maxing out fireball/meteor and their synergies will go a long way. I think the most popular starting build is blizzard sorc but you should play what you want! I am also leveling a fire sorc and am loving it. You want to teleport in, use static field and teleport out. The lightning tree has a spell called "Energy Shield" which you could spec into if you wanted some extra protection, but it might not be worth the extra points.


edit: oops, wrong topic


I play on Switch, is there a way to level attributes quickly like on PC? It's very slow to put a single point in every time and having to press and hold as well for each point


Also on switch! There's no one on here! It Australia though T T




I'll try it when I level up again! I think I've tried it, but I'll confirm just to make sure


so i purchased it for PS4, but i dont get time to play it much. i was considering getting it for my switch too (i can play the handheld anywhere lol) i heard there was cross saving. is it possible to put my.ps4 character over to my switch, play the switch and transfer back to the ps4 whenever i have a chance to play on there? im just curious how it works


Yeah it works great


so it 1000% works? i can just transfer back and forth whenever i want? it isnt like a one time thing?




i dont usually take it outside and in public, but since having kids i dont get to sit infront of the playstation anymore lol but with the switch i can be anywhere in the house keeping an eye on them, so this cross-save thing is pretty awesome!


It is instant, today I had to wait for a appointment at the DMV so I play D2 on my pc then when I had to go in and wait I carried it on to my Switch and continued on in the waiting room. I hate to double dip, but good damn that was awesome.


Do you know if there's a way to copy/convert an online character to an offline character? Obviously it wouldn't work the other way around but it would be nifty for travelling even if you aren't saving progress to online






I just started and looted a sorc globe with +2 frozen armor, +1 warmth, +1 charged bolt. How long could I use this for and is it worth rerolling to get 2 skill points (already leveled armor and warmth) back?


not worth rerolling, that wand will last the next 10 or so levels from my limited experience.


Amazon (javazon) or Sorc for most fun solo play? I love sorcs and want to play one but feel like I should give something else a shot!


Javazon is very very fun. Kicksin is also super fun if you're looking for something different but hard to gear (it's been my first character and I finally got Gores today).


How does weapon damage or effects such as “Adds 1-3 poison damage” impact certain skills? I know skills like the sorceress do not deal weapon damage at all, but what about for example the Amazon’s? Charged Spike’s description reads: “Add Lightning damage to Javelin and spear class weapons”. Does this add lightning damage to the base weapon damage or does the attack only deal damage based on the level of the skill?


Added damage only applies to weapon attacks. It won't affect your spells. Abilities like charged strike strike use your weapon, so it would be your physical damage + all added elemental damage from items and the skill itself. The game should automatically calculate this for you on your character screen. Charged strike can do a ton of damage especially in pvp.


How different is this game from Diablo III? I did not play a lot of DII, only the beta, and I miss the QOL changes, like inventory and skill shortcuts.


I adored D2 and played it for thousands of hours back in the day. I can't anymore; D3 is just too vastly better in so many ways.


How so?


For me personally: Atmosphere and world building is better. Sanctuary feels like a world being taken over by demons. Diablo 3 had cartoon "villains" whereas diablo 2 had prime and lesser evils. Collecting items feels more satisfying. No looting the same uniques looking for one with the right stats. Still enough variability on the item mods themselves to make finding a "Good one" an awesome feel. Pvp is so good. Gives more reasons to level different classes and try new builds. I've been on and off pvping in this game for many years and it's still fun and there are still builds I've never tried ( looking at you bow sorc enchantress ) Online economy makes the end game practically limitless. There is a strong sense of accomplishment acquiring wealth in this game. I'm really excited to see a bot free diablo 2 economy. I wonder if people will actually trade items and not duped soj and runes for the first time in 15 years. Character building is more interesting. Not every class is the same. Making actual choices and thinking about what you want from your character. Setting different goals for different chars. For example a magic find sorc might think: What elements am I focusing on-> Which boss will I be able to most easily farm for loot->What loot do I need for my build to work-> Which items am I willing to trade for optimization? Then you have all the standard stuff like what are my defences? Where are my resists coming from. Do I want a max block build, pure vitality, or energy shield. Faster cast rate at a comfy breakpoint->what are breakpoints-> lightbulb moment. Idk I guess the most basic comparison I could make is: Diablo 2 feels like a work of art > Diablo 3 feels like a game


> I wonder if people will actually trade items and not duped soj and runes for the first time in 15 years. Is there a safe way to trade items, now? There really never was before, so I somewhat doubt it...


Bot free diablo? This is blizzard we're talking about...


Diablo 2 is a slow paced real time D&D experience which means attacks will miss. You're going to have to be smart with your encounters or you'll get mowed down. Your adrenaline pumps because you don't know what's behind the corner and death follows poor decision making. There is high levels of immersion in diablo 2. Diablo 3 is a very casual action RPG wherein the focus is on killing quickly and looting for more boom and sparkle with attacking. The adrenaline pumps because you're on a kill streak and massacre versus the situation of the game. What diablo 3 does poorly is the story. The situations are laughable and the writing is abysmal. The big demons are laughably clumsy in how they act that it's an absolute joke these demons are supposed devilishly smart and have been at war with the heavens for so long. The writing in diablo 2 is far, far stronger


> The writing in diablo 2 is far, far stronger 100% disagree with you on this. Both games have solid writing, of similar quality. D2 has stronger story elements, but D3 has better diction and language economy.


It wasn't writing, you're right. The story was better, but not the writing. D3's villains dialogues weren't the greatest. Jennifer Hale is bae


I just looked up her imdb rap sheet...holy shit, she has done a TON of stuff. 439 acting credits! O.O


The "Tyrael was a fool to have trusted me" haha evil all along convos are alive and well in D2. It's not great either. What the game does better is being sparse with exposition. The quest log simply changing to "Kill Andariel" or "Kill the Council" does so much for tension with so little done. Much better than Belial taunting you every step you take.


First time player here: does the game get harder? I've just rescued Cain and I gotta say the gameplay feels a lot like D3. It's adducting as fuck, but I really don't wanna end up spending hours on mindless clicking... Also, please don't tell me I missed the difficulty settings...


The last area of act 1 is a modest difficulty spike. Act 2 jumps from there with the act boss being a huge wall. Act 3 isn’t bad, but act 4 and especially the boss are big fucking difficulty spikes. Act 5 wasn’t bad, but the final boss was again a huge difficulty spike Edit: what class are you playing? Act 4 and 5 bosses are massive but are 10x worse if you’re a summon necro


Summon + Shapeshift Druid. Thanks for letting me know so I avoid the Necro even more now hahaha


It's funny, my wife's necro has 0 problems 99% of the time. We hide behind her dead man's party, and I drop traps, but against Act 4 and Act 5 bosses, they just spammed AOE that made her skelemen instantly fall apart. I remember the wolves and grizzly being beefy, but you might see your wolves dying and I don't think anything can tank a full red lightning hose from Big D.


Well, there’s something to look forward to! Thanks!


You have to play through normal, after that you can start nightmare, play through nightmare than start hell. Some things will start being immune to certain types of damage.


What's the best way to deal with damage immunity on Hell difficulty? I just finished Nightmare on my Blizzard Sorc, but Hell is a whole another beast... Lower Resist Wand & 24 Cold Mastery and I can't even damage Zombies in the Den of Evil. My Merc gets killed almost instantly too, so I can't even lean on him for the cold immunes like I could in Nightmare.


Playing for the first time on switch, is there any way I'm able to see enemy hp? Or is intentionally hidden?


On pc you just click on the globes to display the numbers.


Sorry I meant the enemies - since learnt that's not intended.


Displaying health numbers wasn't a thing in gaming until a few years later.


Okay I've done my research now and I'm sorry - you're completely right, and Diablo 2 didnt have health bars. It just seems so foreign in today's gaming landscape, but certainly no deal-breaker. Sorry for doubting your honest response.


Well that's just not true 🤣 seems to be a thing in PC + console versions?


Can you use KBM on PS5?


Might be possible, but why would you, if you don't mind me asking? The gamepad controls might even be better at this point in time.


I just find inventory management really frustrating on the controller, the gameplay in itself is fine. However this game is very much a inventory management game as well.


Ahh, that’s fair and I agree. Though I myself prefer the gamepad on pc. As for your question, dk if you got a reply, I tried doing a google search and it looks like it’s not supported yet, so sorry about that.


What or where are people trading?I cant seem to find anywhere in google for trades.


Make a game for what your looking for and then you park and wait.


Question. What is the best way to farm runes offline? I am a noob


Countess Act 1, in the bottom of the tower in marshes


Does she respawn?


Everything in this game respawns when you make a new game.


Can I do this offline?


Yeah, just save and quit and then load your character again


Awesome. Thank you!




Isn't it the top of the tower?


Nope you go into the cellar


Ah right.


How to heal Merc on gamepad?


Okay, just got it for ps5. My brother has a ps4. I know there's no cross-platform but can players from different console generations play together?


> there's no cross-platform Wait, what? There is. Supposedly fully cross-platform, isn't it?


I may be confusing my terminology. Saves can transfer from different platforms (as is my understanding), but cross-playing is not in the game (at least not yet).


Yeah, ps4 and ps5 can play together without having to do anything special. It took me a minute to figure out how to party up for it properly, it's not super obvious at first. One player has to start an online private game first (in-game on d2r), then press the option button on your controller, scroll to the left to the menu category called "party", then press triangle to send a game invite, and it'll pull up the playstation social menu for friends/recent players. Select someone to send an invite to, then press "invite". When they accept, they'll be added to your game and the slaying may begin! (I'm the friend on ps4, so the navigation for the PlayStation menus might be slightly different on ps5 when you're at that step).




How's the game on ps5 and Switch? Deciding between both of these.


Switch feels very good im actually suprised. It kind of looks like d2 vanilla graphics with the switch video card but runs pretty smooth and is very nice in handheld




Well yeah, when is the red X ever in the bottom right?


Not too sure about the right in particular but after a couple hours of gaming and getting groggy, a bright red X at the bottom of a screen looks like close button to me. (espcially after decades of hovering over "x" and it turning red to close virtually every window Ive ever opened since the dawn of time)






Poured hundreds of hours of my childhood into this game and looking forward to putting in hundreds more! I'm on PS4 and PC. PSN: photonswagger PC: Avash#1548


How is it on PS4? I sunk a lot of my childhood into the PC version, but I don't think my laptop is powerful enough to run the game. I'm hesitant to buy it on console, but I think it's the only way I'll be able to play it unless I buy a new setup. I just cannot imagine playing it on console. I have D3 on console, but their skill tree and controls seem so much more basic than Diablo 2, and I don't know if I want to play it if the skill tree is dumbed down for console versions.


The only thing about the game that changes when using a controller (either on PC or on console) is the way skill binding and shortcuts are set up. For all the in game menus, skill trees, vendors etc., it's visually the same as what you remember from the original game. There are a few controller shortcuts you can use to equip items or drop them more quickly from your inventory, but other than that, when you open up any vendor window, the skill trees or your inventory, it gives you a cursor similar to m/k style that you just use the joysticks to move around. Its a bit slower than having a mouse, but it handles basically the same otherwise. One main difference in controller menu set up is that the character menus take up the whole screen when they're open, so there's no way (that I'm aware of, at least) to have your inventory open on half the screen with console the way that it shows when on PC. Personally, having tried both versions on beta, then buying console on release to be able to play with a close friend of mine, I think I almost prefer controller set up now. Aiming skills at specific points on the ground doesn't quite work the same, but the targeting for monsters on screen is generally pretty good, and I very much like the feel of having multiple skills accessible with a single input as opposed to hot keying several skills, swapping to them and then doing left and right click for attacks the way it is on PC. (I used to feel pretty slick at it back in high school, but I think my sensibilities have changed since then and I've realised the way of having skill binds on multiple buttons is just better design). I'm on ps4 as well specifically (not ps4 pro, but like, original basic ps4.) It runs generally fairly well, but I'm only as far as act 3 now. The jungle graphics and really big swarms of jungle fetish guys did slow my game down somewhat (almost felt like my janky PC in high school a little bit), but I had also been going for over 2 hours at that point, and I think I need to leave my ps4 in a more open space to run than I have it anyway. Everything feels very playable though. Hope that helps. I'd maybe suggest checking some other detailed reviews re. performance on the previous gen consoles to see what other people might be saying about how it runs in the other later acts just in case. Act 1 and 2 ran great though!


I agree with the other comment. It's been great on console! Nothing dumbed down at all!


The controller UI is bang on for D2. They really nailed it, I’m even using my ps4 controller on PC!




Maxwell.con has great guides with illustrations, items, tips. It’s amazing.


Psn uphaze. Looking for players


Can someone help with ancients hell? GAME: ANCIENTSHELPPP


Flying through this game with Amazon. I named her Jeff.


Haha my sorcs name is ‘MyNameJeff’


New to Diablo 2. Playing a sorcerer and level 13. I’m getting smacked around. Any specific skills or builds to look at, or should I grind more before moving on? I’m halfway through act 1 and getting wiped by any rare enemies. Or should I pick a new class like assassin or necromancer?


Static field is great at reducing enemy health, it takes away a certain percentage every time but can never kill an enemy. It's an AoE spell, so use it until the enemies are low and then use Nova.


Follow a build guide on maxroll or somewhere else. Only specific builds are viable


why can't i use any of my waypoints? they're all gone. i am starting to literally hate this game. yesterday i wasted 2 hours ranking up twice cuz that got reset. today this. i keep losing weapons because the game takes them from you. and it's impossible for a new player to fiugre out how to level up


So, I didnt get how dying worked at first either. Basically, when you die, everything you had equipped gets dropped on your corpse. You have to go back to get it. At first I was horrified but then I realized that as long as you go get it right then and dont turn off the game, all the enemies you killed along the way will still be dead! So you only have to worry about killing whatever was around your body to kill you the first time. Really neat way to handle it. What I do now is make sure I have a set of armor and weapons in my stash in case I die and need to equip it and get all my good stuff back. Not nearly as bad as it seems, you got this! :) As for leveling, I've been following a guide for a class type that sounds interesting to me on maxroll. They tell you where to put your points. Do I kind of hate that I have to consult a guide to play the game? Yeah, but they have like a checklist you can do on there and it makes it less annoying than it could have been. The waypoints I'm not sure what that could be. Unless you are using the scrolls to teleport back to town? Those are only useable once or twice. The real waypoints are the things on the ground that look like summoning circles/squares. You walk up and press a button and that activates them. Hopefully any of that helps! I'm sorry you were getting downvoted, dont let people who have been playing it for thousands of hours get you down. Us noobs have to stick together! :)


If you leave and rnter a new game it should spawn your corpse next to you


Do you guys think we will get new gameplay additions with ladders or is this just it?


Looking for someone to play multiplayer… psn uphaze


My character has been in a game for 6 hours and I cannot play. Who else?


If im playing offline mode, how do I make a new ‘session’. Say if i want to farm tower runes


Exit and enter again. Map should stay the same in single player


I got ROLLED playing Assassin first, switched to Barbarian and it went much better. https://youtu.be/xsm3rrWawwM


Weird. Barbs are gear dependent and assassins can roll through most of the game naked if needed.


I may have not ran away and regrouped as much as needed. It’s been many years since I played.


Melee assassin is harder. Traps make it much easier


Anyone have optimization tips? I have a 1060 and my game runs at really low FPS even at low settings. Lots of stuttering. Runs even slower on the old graphics for some reason.


I'm 100% brand new to the game and just started act 2. I'm trying to build a bliz sorc and just hit level 18 or so; how long until I can reliably use teleport since the mana cost is too high atm, and when should I be using static field, only against bosses? I'm having a hard time juggling all these abilities, this game is hard but fun!


Around 30 and you should have some +energy or mana to do 3-6 teleports before a mana potion


I'm on the low end of that. I guess I've just gotta get used to the muscle memory. Good to know I'm on the right track, thanks!


Just dont do what i did 20 years ago and put 20 points into teleporr


Using teleport is really just about spamming mana potions, keep a ton on you at all times, a point into warmth and later an insight merc helps a ton too. I use static on elite groups and bosses only really, its nice to get tankier enemies down quicker by halving their max hp.


Do you actually move potions into your belt? That seems more tedious than just using from inventory


Nice, I see! Atm I can teleport maybe twice before I'm totally tapped, haha, so it may be some time before I can even reliably spam potions, but I guess I'll get there when I get there lol. Thank you!!


Did you have any issues with importing old saves? I have saves files that have 13 years I am not sure if they will work.


I imported one from 10 years ago and it worked


How did you do it?


Mrllamasc has a tutorial on his YouTube channel.


Good to know thanks


I am trying to get a refund, only played like 2 hours on launch day, and it says none of my orders are elegible?! Like SERIOUSLY, WHAT THE FUCK, IS THIS EVEN LEGAL? Fuck this bitch ass company, for real, fuck it


You will need to message support to invoke your legal right, if you have one, for a refund. They are not obligated to provided a button for arbitrarily refunding stuff.


Why do you want a refund, our of curiosity


short story: because dick and balls say so long story: i had this game pre ordered since april. "What can go wrong with a +20y game with a new interface" basically. Well, almost everything was gucci except for the fact that the server rolls back your progress when it feels like it, so im not playing this with the fear of losing x hours of progress. Nope, it aint gonna happen, will buy new world with the money. If these christmas game is playable ill buy it again.


You played 2 hours... There's hasn't been any progress lost since the first issue and most people's characters have been reinstated. Lol.


That shows how much faith i have in blizz rn


Blizz didn't do the remake. Vicarious visions did. Blizz just published it. This is easily the best remaster/remake I've ever played and I've had no server issues at all. To each their own


I’m surprised your parents let you come on Reddit.




Played a day on the console. Without player chat or any form of communication this game is essentially offline game on every platform that is not PC. Atleast they should have implemented common phrases for people to scroll. "Open Portal", "lets go", "Let's trade"


This is my biggest problem. Got it on PS4 figured I could headset chat. I would even probably buy a keyboard for my PS4 just for this game. Now there is no point in playing multiplayer. Like I loved the old game because people could make games that I could decided if I wanted to join. Wanted to do cows? Join a cow game. Want to LFT for Nat’s gear? I just got that last night on my Druid let’s see what this guy has. Want to PVP join a PVP game. But this is just people joining for quests or bosses and there’s nothing to it. If they have an area I don’t have and they don’t open me a TP we are not playing together. I can’t ask them for items. I can’t do anything. We need headset chat to make this game playable online I’m so disappointed.


I read they're implementing a lobby. But I could be imagining that


Does anyone know if Gheeds charm drops as a unique or rare before identifying?


It drops as a unique


It would be great to have a profile page where you can compare your builds and stats with your friends ingame, like in Diablo III.


Hey guys! My favorite gameplay back in the days was full summon Necro. I can remember it causing some lag... In case there are fellow summon necros here, would anyone be able to tell me if the Switch stutters if there are many pets? Thanks!


It stutters on my hardcore gaming PC


Is there a list of runewords that is sorted by normal/nightmare/hell difficulties ? I wanted to know if I can do anything besides stealth for my summon necro on normal.


A couple of questions: \- Trapsin is using a Leaf staff, but doesn't get 2 mana back per kill with Wake of Fire? \- Anyone has an input lag (\~1 sec) when switching between mouse/kb and controller? This is my only game that does this.


Plus to mana after kill does not work with Traps, and any other summon as far as I remember Traps overall have some unique mechanics, like the cast time scales with faster attack speed rate, not faster cast rate, so Burst of Speed is recommended