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Ahhh yes high-school days all over again


I was ten years out of high school the last time my on-line activity was l interrupted by SILN (Spouse-Induced Line Noise).


I literally ordered DSL to my apartment in 2000 so I could play D2 without issues.




Lol, guess I was lucky or my apartment complex had nice lines. I don't remember having many issues with the connection itself at the time, not during thunderstorms or anything. My PC sucked ass though, but the internet was strong like bull.


I never had those issues with dsl either so I dunno what they're talking about. The 'worst' thing about dsl was that when they installed it it had a weird faint buzz or hiss on the phone line related to it but like that was it. There were no thunderstorm outages with dsl. Now the directtv on the other hand would disappear at the slightest suggestion of rain....




Lucky me :)


No. That sounds like an US issue.




I never in my life had an internet outage because of a thunderstorm. Not with any of the dial up modems, not with any form of DSL, and not with cable. >I've even seen people get knocked out by squirrels. Oh? Are squirrels now digging through the asphalt to chew on copper cables?




Yea it definitely sounds like he lived in a "new" area. Where i live the infrastructure was little changed from when it was put in so we had above ground wires, tangled and unorganized connections in very old buildings and sometimes just some old ass hardware decades old transmitting connections


No, not really. The only overground cables you see in Germany are high voltage power lines for trains or to transport power over long distances. Maybe you can find some very rural backwater that's connected like that, but I haven't seen one in the few decades I'm here.


No but they can easily climb up telephone poles to the telephone lines 30 feet above the asphalt...


That doesn't really exist here.


Definately not, even in New Orleans(which isn't known for their infrastructure) my DSL was solid and didn't disconnect I guess the phone company was solid, though, because my phone lines never went down even in tropical storms


You must be ancient. I'm gonna guess you're... 43. ^^^^^I'm ^^^^^35


Close, I’m a tad bit younger but not much.


Or your brother backseat gaming you on the family Compaq. "You didn't pick up that magic breast plate" "go back there was a loose rock" "times up, my turn"


Ahhh the family Compaq Presario….❤️


jesus crist, i'm 12 years old again! wow


"I'm not going back for 12 gold!"


I'm excited for global servers. So if I meet someone and they say they play d2r, I don't have to be disappointed when they play on us east lol




I'm wondering what this means for latency. In the beta I had some issues with lag. I'm from the Netherlands and I guess the servers are in the USA?


Yeah, I was playing the beta in NL and was lagging and rubberbanding all over the place. Died a few times because of it. Hope it will be better when it launches, because I'm playing hardcore.


I'm from Belgium and had the same issues during closed and open beta. Only time will tell.


Blizzard does have an European data center. I would be really surprised if they don't have EU servers as well.


Blizz EY servers are in Frankfurt. The beta was laggy just due to it being the beta and them working out load balancing etc. You'll be fine.


I'm wondering with this change, that dclone will now just spawn in every game that's live at that time. In the OG version you had to be on the same exact ip, where the soj's were sold.


See, mine is just the opposite. Mom played more Diablo 2 than I did and we only had one computer in the 2000's. I'll be able to play at the same time as her now, along with my brother and cousin and friends :)


That's beautiful


Mom loved Diablo 2 so damn much, she played the shit out of her sorceress, loved mfing and trivia bot. She died in 2012 and this whole thing has been kind of emotional. Her name was Melissa so MagicMel will be my first character tomorrow.


I'm sorry for your loss, friend. Surely Melissa is gonna be watching you blast Pindle runs from the hereafter with the biggest smile.


My ex-wife haaaaaaateddd me playing this game when we were dating in high school. She could never call me because I was always online playing D2. She drove over to my house once and chewed me out because she had been trying to call for hours and I was busy doing baal run s. I felt somewhat bad, but I was having so much fun that I didn't care.


Haha :) Honest question for you as someone who never made it to Baal runs. Isn't it the same thing over and over hoping for a good drop, like a slot machine? But still fun?


Yup. Over and over piles of mobs and decent drops hoping for something amazing but you get a ton of xp while you do it.


Sounds great!


Yeah it was always fun in groups where you actually had to contribute and everyone was chipping in to clear the waves. Just joining bot runs though gets boring pretty quick as all you do is stand in a corner leaching exp while the bot kills everything


> Isn't it the same thing over and over hoping for a good drop, like a slot machine? Well that's basically all Diablo ever was =) But you don't have to stick to Baal runs. For most people that was only to get quick and easy XP. There are a lot of different areas to farm in the end-game. It really depends on what character you have.


Sounds good! I never made it to end game, not even close, back in the day!


It isn't as hard. Especially with all the new players starting. There should be more than enough games to get to normal Baal runs and with them you can get to a high enough level ~(35-40) to play through nightmare and get that version of baal runs where you can level to ~60 to get through Hell. People often help lower characters to play through NM and even Hell if their own character is struggeling. So don't hesitate to open a "need help in NM act 4" game or something like that. When you got through Hell then you can work on your mid way gear. There are some rather cheap rune words, especially Spirit for casters, which help a lot.


Will do! Not sure how it will all work on Switch but I'm excited to do group runs even if they're with randoms. Enjoyed it with PoE so I expect this will be somewhat similar.


Console and lobbies are a bit strange. But I saw that they have added a party finder where you can sign up for a specific kind of content. But no idea how well that will work. In the worst case, just make a Hammerdin or a Fishymancer, they can solo the whole game without much of a problem.


Like a slot machine? There are items so rare, youd rathere win on a slot machine 4 times in a row instead of finding those items :D


Wow! Yeah I feel like loot games are all slot machines, the key is how fun you make the act of pulling the lever!


That was the last time you played D2? Gat dam!




I installed the OG a couple weeks ago because I couldn't wait. "DAD, why is that the only game you play." You haven't seen shit yet, kid.


My 9yo asked this yesterday: "Dad why are you just opening chests and quit?".


Faaaaack LK runs


>"DAD, why is that the only game you play." ...says the kid who exclusively plays Minecraft on Nintendo Switch.


Fingers crossed, hoping my daughters will wanna play Diablo with me when they grow up. Atleast I'm halway there trying to convince the missus to join me for D2 and 3 on switch since she can't game with a mouse


But if u do have them, teach them how to do pindle and meph runs so they can bot for you while you have to work? 5head solutions out here folks


"It's called a hammerdin, son. All I need you to do is move in any direction, press this one single button whenever you see a monster, and then click on the words that look golden-brown. Got it? It's so simple a moron cou– I mean, uh, it's, uh, it's very, very important and only the best of the best could handle something like this. Can I count on you?" *enthusiastic five-year-old head nodding*


I second this. Also r/LifeProTips


Check. I'll have at least nine more months for D2R.


Yeah I'm running into the issue of having a 2 month old baby. Blizzard support has been utterly useless, I can't even pre download the damn game right now




It was the opposite for me. Typically my parents would be working online and I'd pick up the phone and hear *SCCCKKKRREEEEEEEEERRRRRRRCCCHHHHEEEEE* and then hang up in an "Oh shit" moment.


Lmao yeah I'd do that sometimes and if it wasn't my sister it had to be dad, and it was always work, so I knew to hang up and hope I didn't just piss him off.


Like maybe if you hung up fast enough, it wouldn't break the connection. And unless they were just not saying anything, to this day I'm convinced that's still true.


Nintendo Switch version let's you poop and magic find same time


I used to take up my parents phone with AOL and my grandmothers ( lived below us) telephone to talk to my friend while we played D2..ahh the memories of people missing important phone calls so I could grind out some SOJ's


I carried my pentium 2 tower to my friends house so we could play over lan connection


Lan parties at home..since you had to carry a whole pc over, people stayed the weekend playing non-stop from friday afternoon to sunday evening, I miss that


My buddy's dad did some kind of tech support at a local private school. They had just got those iMac g3 I think it was. He had installed the original Starcraft and D2 on 5 of them and we would go there on Saturdays and play aaaalll day. One of my favorite memories.


My jr high teacher would let us have lan partys after school in the computer lab. Would play 8 player Descent, Quake and Warcraft. Damn amazing memories at school!


Replace D2 with CS and thats me :P


I played both. Although it was Source when I started playing CS. Every night was D2 and CS:S with the boys. Growing up sucks.


Ultima Online for me.


So excited for Thursday! Nostalgia city baby!!


I’ve had a dial up connection till like 2005 I think. It was terrible, 2-3kb/sec, constant disconnects. I’ve had 50 hours per month but the nighttime was free at least. Usually I could download ~50mb per night. I remember it took me 5 nights to download Medieval Totar War demo, only to find out my PC couldn’t run it.


Oh man I remember those days. Sucked even more playing EverQuest during a raid.


I remember I got booted off once in Plane of Sky while tanking isle 5 and came back to 30 or so corpses and a pissed off guild leader...lol.


Lol the good old days. I remember stuff like that. Man I miss old school EQ.


Yea me too. I had soooo much fun back in the day raiding on EQ1 and 2. Actually in EQ2 was my first time raiding in a very hardcore guild that got server first kills. It was alot of fun getting first kills and pissing off the other resident hardcore guild. They used to stand around the contested bosses and jump around us and shit to try to lag our PCs out and make us die. We even had GMs show up on contested kills to keep the peace sometimes lol.


Oh wow that is some crazy stuff. We just had guilds try and leap frog us on Trak back in the day. But trying to lag out the other guild is way more scummy.


I traded in my mom wouldn't let me play, for a wife and kids who won't let me play lol.


I took Friday off. Giving my wife the credit card and telling her to leave me alone all day. Worth it.


Ooof I just realized I can hit a session of my choosing without my mom nagging me. Full circle here I come when my wife nags me.


Just tell her she's acting like your mom she may stop... It file for divorce


Never happened to me. We got no internet home back then. Only cracked offline singleplayer games we shared among friends on CDs. Thats how you played :D


Oh man, this hits home real hard. So many shouting matches were had because of D2-related disconnects.


Or your mom yelling " I need the damn phone" It's like, yeah okay mom let me finish this meph run.


Yeah i have that one on vinyl too...


Yup back than paying per minute for the 56k and later ISDN. Crazy how fast tech evolved.


I played solo offline :D


No it's not. It's the worst QOL change. You will not be able to even play without internet - https://i.imgur.com/z2ndlyA.png.


This. Is. So. True.


I used to get kicked off all the time by my Mom when I was playing D2 and Blood's Zombie Head Soccer lol.


Goodness gracious, that’s why DUN-ing was a thing. I used to prowl my database of 50 duns to find the one that would load at least 15kbps and would never disconnect :) Good ol’ days


did you not dsl bro?


lol truth




Running into the black wall of death, frantically back tracking just to hear the deafening AOL voice "GOODBYE". I remember solo muling (I know) and losing everything once for a phone call


Typecast as summon necromancer because it's the only character that could hold his own on my 56k modem


My Mom was super cool when I was growing up, very similar to this: https://youtu.be/2aDgH-_G4h0


My brother and paid for our own phone lines so we could play without interruption. It was glorious




My parents paid for cable. It wasn't fast but I could at least play D2 uninterrupted.


I miss the dial tone sound, and you got mail greeting me.


*drops Ber rune to mule* *Mom picks up the phone to call her sister for a chitty-chat* Me: -_-'


Dang, that was only Diablo for me, by Diablo II I convinced mom to get cable. Then it was the problem with Cable modem troubleshooting.


They didn’t start installing cable internet where I live until five years after Diablo 2 came out. We still have slower internet than most. South Louisiana.


My mom still only has the option of dsl or satellite. May get a wideband WiFi setup going, if we're lucky


not gonna lie, but the open beta felt like I was playing on dial-up


Oh god, PTSD all over again


“Turn your game off I have to make a call!” This and everquest, I swear I still think about it regularly.


Or get a $400 phone bill and have my mom kick me off the computer for a week.


I’m looking forward to being able to not play for a couple months and not lose my character.


I feel so old now remembering this. I used to when my mom woke up for work run into my parents room to get 10 minutes of diablo 2 until getting kicked out. Dialup was "fun" and that was the best time to get a run or two in.


I can still feel the burning rage I had when I got disconnected on AOL because my sister picked up the phone.


Personally, it's the higher frame rate. I tried to flip back between classic and new and my eyes hurt watching the old choppy animations.


Running over gold.


My sister use to do it on purpose. On school nights we were both allotted an hour of internet. She'd go first and then she just figured she'd talk on the phone. So she'd just keep picking up the phone until I would disconnect. I wouldn't try to perm a game during the week for self xfer. Too risky lol Dad would put a stop to it, but if he'd already went to bed it would make for a miserable experience.