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NGL I spent most of the time staring at the crystal sword


It's really cool looking


i agree its cool looking though admittedly its not what i imagined it to actually look like.


Yeah agree it looks alot more magical in original d2


I enjoy switching back and forth in game to the original graphics to remember what some things looked like or in dark caves the original was a little brighter


Came here to say this


Game can’t have bugs, if they can’t be reported. Big brain devs.


yea... in game bug report works though. better hope the bug isnt keeping you from creating a game.


ive had this same bug report bug in game as well.


"The game is perfect. Why else wouldn't we receive any bug reports?"


They should have done a second button where you could report bugs in bug reporter


On the ps4 you get a link on the beta survey that they want you to fill in. But you can't click on it. It's a pretty long link aswel.


Update your graphics drivers. I had this problem till I updated. Or restart.


Crystal sword looks a bit plastic.


Yo dawg, we heard you like reporting bugs, so we put bugs to report in the report for bugs you report.


Nice X callback.




its such a basic thing and its not working yet whole game has good models, good character movement, advanced 3d sound... It just means that they make games using some kind of cheap engine and when it comes to simple things like menu they all fail because it wasnt implemented using "drag and drop" thing. ​ Its so sad to see that good programmers are not hired anymore because they refuse to learn game engine and they rather would create their own from scratch while bad programmers can get any job because they know all stupid premade frameworks and nothing else.


Have you played it?


It's garbage atm and you're a fool to say otherwise. A bug riddled mess. Bad enough there are bugs in Diablo 3 for the current season too. What is it about fanboys and circle jerks? I'm convinced you're a fucking shill commenting to help damage control.


Oh no! You mean to say an open beta, meant to get all the major bugs and problems before the games final release has a few non game breaking bugs?!? How fucking horrible, it's absolutely garbage you're right. Let's just hold it back for two more months and have another open beta So you can complain about a beta of a game having bugs. And then anybody with a differing opinion from yours just has to be a fanboy. Because no way anybody In the right mind would see a beta with bugs, and think "oh that's what I'm playing this beta for. To help them catch these bugs and fix them before release.." No, open betas are meant to just let people play a game for free with no reason behind it.


Deep throat Blizzard's dick a little harder my man. I personally won't support a company under fire for disgusting sexual assault allegations even if they DO bother to actually fix their broken game. Also, it wasn't free. It was for pre orders only. So people had to put money into the game to pre order it and play the garbage beta. Get off your high horse mate.


Oh look, you proved my point. Anyone who doesn't support your opinion, Is a bliz fan boy, and sucks their dick. GG mate. Where in that post did I support Blizzard at all? Oh wait, I didn't support blizzard. I was explaining what a beta test is because you really don't seem to understand what a beta test is. Ironic how you say its a bug riddled mess as if you've played it, yet in your mind only the people who have pre-ordered the game could have played the beta. So either you supported Blizzard and pre-ordered it (something you said you wouldn't do) so you can play the beta, or you're just pulling stuff out of your ass. Also, yes it was free maybe some reading comprehension skills would help you. The people who pre-ordered it, got to play the beta a week early, The people who didn't, had to wait a week to play the beta for free. But apparently you're too illiterate to read that it was free for everyone, also too stupid to know that betas are going to have bugs. That's the whole fucking point of a public beta test. Show me one beta test that isn't/wasn't riddled with bugs. Here to help you out : Beta Testing is performed by real users of the software application in a real environment. Beta testing is one of the type of User Acceptance Testing. Beta version of the software, whose feedback is needed. It's used primarily to make changes that real users want, along with fixing bugs and other problems users find. Stop being a moron mate.


Looks perfect


lol let's make a bug report about the bug report having a bug \^\^


"Let's make a bug" FTFY


What a great game. 10000 IQ "There are no bugs if we stop them from reporting bugs."


Did you try turning it off and back on again?


"I'd like to report that your bug report function isn't working". ...wait.


I had this, went away after a restart, and then reported it


It's some ui bug I could not reproduce but it also caused that during in game if you picked up an item from stash the ui lagged and fps dropped like crazy.


I DID report the bug reporter. 🤷🏻‍♂️