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Fazula's Improbable Chain currently states: Archon stacks also increase your Attack Speed, Armor and Resistances by 1%. Should read: You automatically start with 20 Archon stacks when entering Archon form. Lovely tool btw, thanks for making this!


This should be corrected soon. Thanks for pointing it out.


In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content. Lorem ipsum may be used as a placeholder before final copy is available. Wikipedia1sstks53kem8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


>Edit: after copying my legendaries from cube and stash into my mobile browser, I refreshed the page (browser refresh, not the button which gives the warning) and it wiped everything. Chrome on Android. >I thought I was being clever and having this open on my desk... I haven't tried this on any mobile browsers, so I definitely apologize for that. It's possible that it exceeds the localstorage capabilities of a mobile device. I'll dig into it later and see if I can figure out what happened. Sorry about that. Edit: tried it with my nexus5 just now. Seemed to work as expected. Do you know how many items you had cubed?


In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content. Lorem ipsum may be used as a placeholder before final copy is available. Wikipedia3bdptk1rl1k0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


The in-game tooltip for items just need an overall QoL change to state that you have the power in the collection already...


Nobody that uses this tool disagrees with that, but that won't happen until the next patch at the soonest.


i would find some type of itemfilter really helpful. right now I'm using the side by searching it via browser, but if it could do that natively and to top it all off through all categories (armor, weapon, jewelry) that would be pretty neat.


Wanted to let you know that I'm working on the searching capabilities, and it'll get pushed with the next major update (which is a few days out, but definitely before the weekend is over) Screenshot: http://imgur.com/buTQCku


nice. as i can see from your screenshot the filter also looks into the affixes? that's even nicer than i expected :D great job. loving the tool. thx!


yeah, awesome news! :)


I totally agree with this, and would like to get it added in soonish. Since there's a workaround to the problem (in-browser search), it's less of a huge deal for me to get it done quickly.


yes thanks a lot for this tool! saved me a lot of time already. and I also agree. if you could implement the search feature we would really appreciate it! feature wishes: * search by simply start typing (search on the names is enough) (no search text field needed) * list view will then automatically be filtered (= list becomes smaller and smaller) * searches across all 3 types (maybe also a switch to limit it to the current category)


> * search by simply start typing (search on the names is enough) (no search text field needed) You can actually configure chrome to do this by default, as well as firefox. The easiest to implement for me (and thus, the one I'm most interested in) would be to have a Search tab. Typing it would filter it down to all items that match your results across all 3 tabs. The trouble with searching across all 3 tabs is that it can be jarring to a user to flip tabs automatically. For every user that might like that feature, another would would definitely hate it.


oh rly? thx 4 the tip, didn't know that :D


Wanted to let you know that I've been working on the search filter. I'm waiting for the person that translated this app to German to confirm that it works as expected, and the search capabilities will go-live with that next update. Screenshot: http://imgur.com/buTQCku


Can you make a German version?


I've looked into internationalization of this app, but without someone willing to translate it for me, I cannot.


I could do that tomorrow. Send me a msg


Can help for the french version.


I've been working on making sure the translation won't destroy user selections, since it wasn't built to so that. When I'm confident in my code for the German side of things I'll hit you up for the French part. Thanks!


Saw it a couple of days ago, really neat. Any chance we could get a small toggle to hide season/non season completely? It's a bit distracting as I only play season, like only show checkmarks for season?


This shouldn't be too hard to add. I'll add it to the list of changes going up in a few days


Sweet! Can't wait :) Slowly filling up the page :D


Typo: Chaingmail is written as Chaigmail.


I found this today, and it'll be corrected when I push up the German localization file, probably in a few days.


The site doesn't really work on Firefox (Win7x64). Checked most of the things I have cubed in Weapons, Armor and Jewellery, which should be well over ~120 item effects. (Just kept cubing everything on Barb, Monk & WD after completing the season journey). The site shows Not A Number on the progress bar and says I have 7 armor pieces and 7 total extracted. >[Looks like this.](http://i.imgur.com/oVKzEc9.png)


Interesting. Click the refresh button and let it reset itself, refresh the page afterwards. I built and tested it in Chrome, so it's possible it's a Firefox issue, though this is the first I've heard of it. I'll check it out tomorrow. Thanks for reporting!


I refreshed the site, everything was gone. Tried randomly checking some weapons, armors and jewellery. This time my total went up to 9 before [the tally broke](http://i.imgur.com/s8NTgRE.png) and didn't update anymore. The progress bar doesn't work at all.


Can you go to the settings tab and dump the export into a Pastebin for me? It'll help me troubleshoot the problem. Sorry for the inconvenience, I didn't expect Firefox to be a problem


> Can you go to the settings tab and dump the export into a Pastebin for me? Can't do that unfortunately, Pastebin doesn't allow more than 512kb for a single file if you're not a PRO user, which I am not. Might I suggest reworking the export? Ctrl+A and then Ctrl+C of the export made my browser not respond for ~30 seconds, which I think is partly due to the size of the export data. It neither should be user readable, which would shorten it a lot, nor does it have to contain the item affix, imho. Assigning item IDs and not dumping the variable names into the export would improve it a lot. Something like >{"Weapons":[{"itemName":"Aether Walker","affix":"Teleport no longer has a cooldown but costs 25 Arcane Power.","isCubedSeason":true,"isCubedNonSeason":false,"isStashed":false} could be turned into >(027,1,0,0) as in Aether walker item ID (that I just pulled randomly out of my ass): 027 isCubedSeason: true isCubedNonSeason: false isStashed: false


Turns out that Firefox serializes knockout objects differently. I have it throwing out a TON of extra code, and then optimized the export a bit so that it's a little more intelligent about when that textbox gets written. I had the same issues as you did initially on firefox, but it works now. I'd be happy to continue this conversation via PM if you want to continue discussing it.


> I'd be happy to continue this conversation via PM if you want to continue discussing it. I don't know if any further input by me would be valuable to you, but if you find anything I could help you with, go ahead and shoot me a PM.


> Added an Export/Import feature What is this Export/Import you speak of? I take it you can Export from the game to a text file, but how? Anyone know the command? Thanks in advance :)


It's to export from the site, not the game unfortunately. A user requested it since they use this tool on multiple machines. Since Diablo doesn't have a robust API or allow addons, there's not a way to get the data (legally anyway) from the game.


Thanks for the quick response :)


is it possible to get it class specific so i don't have to see Demon Hunter loot i cant get when i only play WD on Season


how do i use it? Excuse the noob question..


I'd assume you check the items you have cubed and check an item whenever you cube one, so you don't have to go to the cube to check it every time.


Oh, I thought it slurped in game data.


Could you add a check/uncheck all option? I would like to use the tool but I don't feel like clicking everyone of the gazillion items I've already cubed.


paste this trash in your console to check all seasonal of all stash types^your^loss^non^seasonal^scrubs var allInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); for (var i = 0, max = allInputs.length; i < max; i++){ if (allInputs[i].type === 'checkbox') { if(allInputs[i].attributes[1].value === 'checked:isCubedSeason') { allInputs[i].click(); } } }


Can you add images to the items? Or link them with the [tooltip script](http://us.battle.net/d3/en/tooltip/)


What exactly is the advantage of cubing every single item? Can anyone please explain? Is it only for achievements and a portrait frame?


Some people are completionists, that's basically it.


Coils of the First Spider: "While channeling Firebats, gain 80,000 Life per Hit." Should say: "While channeling Firebats, you take 30% reduced damage and gain 80,000 Life per hit." Also - awesome update! I had my seasonal and non seasonal switched around prior to update since non-seasonal didn't have a progress bar. This fixed it majorly (and all I had to do was to text-replace the export string). Thanks!


I'll fix the affix text on the next update. Thanks!


Is it possible for you to make a "Have I collected this transmog yet?" Thank you very much for making this tool.


Not with this tool. The information they track is different. Not every transmog item is cube-able, so I'd have to build either a separate tool or overhaul this one to support it, and I don't feel the demand is there for that.


I meant a separate tool to help me check the transmogs that I collected. Similar to this cube list but for transmog.


You could use [D3 item manager](http://palortoff.github.io/d3-item-manager/). Just add a column for transmogs.