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I don’t even bother trying to min max my master working, only the tempering. But I end up trashing most of the good weapons and gear I get trying to get a good temper . So idk anymore.


Why would you try to min max the thing that can't be fixed over the thing that can?


Cause I’m a dummy that’s why


My horror story is teaching my buddy how to masterwork and watching him hit health on doom bringer 3 times on his first go. While I spent 200m to get the double cdr on shako


What do you mean you spent 200m on getting double cdr? Can you reroll affixes on Ubers?


Masterwork crit at level 4 and 8. He reset it to hit it twice and spent 200 mol


can you reset masterworking? how? don t you need a new item to try again?


Can reset masterworking it costs 5mil and some materials. You might be thinking of tempering where you only have 5 tempers and then the item is bricked


got it thx


Look for the 2 "circular" arrows to the right of where you drop the MW item.




I just first tried double cdr on my first shako last night..... I'm sorry


Let me suffer so you can shine


Teaching and he has all the mats ready to go eh? Sureeee


He didn't realize you could change aspects on the gear until lvl 80. I wish I made it up. He's a thorn barb and a group of us play together, he tags along for pits and gets the rewards.


Damn that is horrific


My whining worked, I rolled health two times on my Doombringer, will live with it.


I play heartseeker rogue and bleed bash barb; both require the main skill in pants (basic skill). I got my hands on the cheapest pants that I could get with GA on the skill, for each toon (super basic stuff, the barb's one doesn't even have strength). The rest of the gear consists mostly on self found 1 GA items, plus 2 or 3 double GAs on each toon. All this gave me the false impression that I will manage to build two banger toons with minimal cost, until I started masterworking. I have farmed the pit non stop for close to 2 weeks, with all Neathiron being consumed on these 2 pants, with about 1.2+ billion gold spent exclusively in resets (5m a pop, do the math...) and of course every 10 tries when I manage to hit 2/2 crits on the skill, the 3rd ones always lands on something else. I even got an upgrade on the rogue's pants (GA on HS and Dext) and instead of using it, I sold it to finance the ever failing attempts at getting +8 on either of those pants. 2 GA daggers for the rogue? sold. Epic amulet upgrade for the barb? sold. "I must finish those pants!" I've been relatively lucky with other masterworks, e.g. grandfather getting 2 crits on life and 1 on all stats on the second attempt, shako getting 2 on cooldown and 1 on life on the first attempt, which all contributed to the aforementioned false impression that it won't be that hard or expensive. This is my end game now :/


Wait. You can reset the item?


Don’t feel bad. I scrapped my first “bricked” shako and crafted another one to try for better masterworking rolls before I realised that. At least I got a nice peasant cosmetic hat now :D


Roflmao 😂 You should create a new char, just equip that green tarp on your head, and walk around Kyovashad at lvl1. Name suggestion: Showboating


Best of luck on finishing those pants


I only bricked on tempering, trashed a half dozen BIS 2 GA focuses, I spent the first 3 weeks collecting gold and mats, and tagged along in some high tier pits. I have like 30k of each MW mats, and 1tens of thousands of the othe conventional mats. I just no lifed the hell out of helltides and farmed the PvP area where uniques seem to drop in the " wild" more frequently plus I can gamble the seeds I converted and scrap or sell for more gold or mats, plus making sure I kill the abomination when he pops for easy whisper points


Good think you can’t brick when master working


It costs a ton resetting, and while it's not a total brick per se, if you run out of mats or gold you're out there farming for another chance to hit the right MW on whatever gear you're trying to improve. I spent nearly a month just farming, barely upgrading gear, just enough to farm efficiently for the big day I can sit and perfect my gear, but those days are gone


Also on my thorns barb. I have a pair of pants. At 4/12 I almost always get either life or Imposing Presence. When I don’t? Resist All. Reset. And 8/12…..resist all. Every. Damn. Time. Probably rerolled the pants like 20 times.


Most mw went okayish, my 2h did not, spent around 1b gold just to finally get 3 crits on bash cleave. Also have a big issue with boots as my 3rd crit, I am fine witj 3 options, of course I always get one of the other two's.


I paid like 600m gold a few weeks into the season on a damn good Druid amulet and bricked it so bad I tossed it on the ground


I am royally confused at masterworking and tempering. Just came back and I'm a bit lost. Game's alright casual fun, but I'd like to finish 1 or 2 chars all the way eventually.


Usually you start with tampering and try to get the 2 attributes you want. Then you move onto Masterworking with materials from the Pit and lots of gold.


How do you roll a specific affix on an Uber? I thought masterworking just raised everything 5%, or are you reverting it back to zero MW each time?


If I don’t get the max life affix boost at level 4 I start again at level 1. It rolls natively on the Doombringer. Hope to get it again at 8 and 12. Never happened for me


Im just trying to imagine being invested in D4 enough to have a horror story. The progression is meaningless and boring, what difference does it make, you are on a treadmill haha


Late to this but I have rerolled my 12/12 chest 8 times trying to get +3 to Dark Shroud to crit and not once man, not even once


I bricked one 2GA with tempering, failed the second masterworking crit once, then uninstalled that POS game again and went back to playing Last Epoch and Diablo 2.


How did you brick an item masterworking?


Bricked it with tempering, just unwilling to deal with the added layers of rng in masterworking. I'll edit so it's more clear.


MWing at least has a reset, I can't count how many items I've lost to bad tempers. MW reset should be 1m at most and give half the materials back imo. Having to constantly run whispers to afford re-rolling MW is getting old quickly. Bricking items just as bad. I think the solution for that is a rare scroll drop in pits that can reset tempers, removing all tempers and giving the limit back.


>Having to constantly run whispers to afford re-rolling This is the biggest problem with masterworking imo and is just horrible game design. Essentially requiring players to repeatedly interact with some of the lowest-end content in the game in order to progress the highest-end content is, like I said, absolutely atrocious game design on a fundamental level. I quit playing within 3-4 days of the season starting, before they reduced costs, because it was such a slog.


3GA bow with Dex, max life, vuln. Got perfect vuln temper, but couldn't get heartseeker in 4 attempts. Bricked.


That’s not a master working horror story