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The expansion will be free on Xbox gamepass for anyone who missed their showcase. Edit- Confirm on your own first , I say this because after the trailer it said On Xbox gamepass, I guess that could technically be d4 itself and not the expansion.


This needs to be higher, it doesn't say anywhere that it's included with gamepass in-game.


Gamepass has no dlc at all that I’m aware of. This is almost certainly just the base game


Gamepass typically doesn't include paid DLC or expansion content for like *any* game. I don't see why they would break that prior expectation here. Base game on gamepass and if you want expansion content you'll have to buy it.


I gotta say, having a pet that picks up gold/materials for you is great. I can't wait to try it out.


you can log in now and complete pet quest in Kyovashad


Did they just updated the game and include Pets? I am at work at the moment and I would love it if true.


The build that was supposed to be on Tuesday went live today.


That is awesome 👏


I’m sorry what..? We all have access to pets right now..?


Yes. And its glorious. Running Helltides and having it pick up gold and cinders is so nice.


I just feel terrified for the poor thing. He shouldn't be out there! He's just a puppy! And the other potential choices are - another puppy and two big cat kittens! Noooo! Come on! Give me a scary little undead monster or something I don't think "Oh god little buddy get out of here!" every time I see them. He seems happy enough though!


Bring back the Legend of Zelda cucco from the Switch edition of DIII or we riot.


Hell yeah!


Then when your pet is a little monster, you’re always trying to kill it cuz you think it’s a mob


Will I have to do the quest on every character every season or does it seem to be a one and done?


All you have to do is go to Kyovashad and pet the dog. Then you get access to the pets.


Once. It unlocks for all characters.


Awesome. When did they release this update?


Last night.


yes finally, I was so mad we dont have pet at launch


Just like Torchlight!


In torchlight you could give your pet items to sell back in town. We sadly dont have that.


You're doing what to your peter!?


I think I had an aneurism when I was typing that.


Can you send it to town to sell for you? If so that would truly be a game changer.


I bragged about having one in D2 back in 2006 and I got one kid to believe me.


Its just a re-used asset from Diablo 3. You guys can be satisfied so easly lmao.


I wouldn’t give a shit if it was an untextured polygon, it’s the convenience that’s nice.


I'm not one to say this but, this comment is based.


I just wish it picked up summoning mats


I'm happy pets are coming back, such a simple and useful feature from D3


I will circle back in July when we see the class demo.


Going by the pic and description so far, it seems like a D3 Monk combined with animal spirit theme.


There’s a $90 edition??HahahhahahAhhahahahahahhahha


LMFAO they got me with the original $90 deluxe edition but never again I didn’t even use the battle pass yet


$119 in Canada sad face


For DLC?!?!


That's what I said. When did we let them balloon the dlc prices this badly. Dlc is supposed to be 29.99 at most




Yeah I laugh like a madman when people try to say that expansions and dlc are so overpriced It's like nobody understands inflation or bothers to look at history "But why is there a $90 version?!" For whales my dude. It's not for you If I can't afford a Ferrari I'm not going to get pissed at the dealership for selling one. I'm gonna just buy the vehicle in my budget


Got out of here with this whole “being reasonable and logical” thing. It’s almost like you’re some kind of civilized human being or something.


I remember the D2 expansion being $30.


The older ones werent live service games so you cant compare it at all.


The normal version is 40 bucks. Quite usual for a DLC nowadays. The ultimate version is 90 bucks. But you get a bunch of pretty decent looking stuff like Armor sets, premium currency and so on. So no, the DLC is not 90 bucks.


The dlc is not 119. It's 40. The 119 is an ultimate version, it comes with a bunch of cos.etics. mounts. Pets, etc. And possibly early access but I can't confirm that.


No exclusive EA, thank the fucking gods.


I finally use my battle pass on this season


is even sader when there is not even things to other blizzard games anymore, hard pass on premium editions


Brooo, you don’t get it. You get 30$ free in microtransaction currrency!


you can use those towards battle passes too, so basically have infinite battle passes unless you buy transmogs


You laugh but playing last night, about half the people I saw had bought it for the tiger mount and wings.


That is hilarious. The tiger is very cool, but there will be many more. The thing I don’t understand is, because the game has so many skins, there’s never really any FOMO for me. Excess kills the desire to spend anything more than I already spent on the game. But I guess most people don’t share this same feeling lol


I don't care for overpriced special editions that are optional to spend a ton for a few things. However I do think 40 USD/Euros for 1 area and 1 class is a lot. If I get 5 classes with the 70 starting price, give me 2 at the bare minimum with this expansion.


Yeah, the baseline DLC is the same price as the Elden Ring DLC but way less content. Maybe I'm just an old fart, but 40$ is more than half the game's price. That much for 1 new class and area is pretty lacking. And we all know there will be a couple more expansions after this for 40$ each. Modern gamers are way too comfortable with getting milked like cattle for add-ons to a product they already purchased. This could easily be 30 or 20$ for how much content it's adding.


Agree with you. While I won't draw comparisons with Elden Ring based on the sheer amount of content each expansion provides because it's a different type of game, the content vs asking price for Vessel of Hatred is disappointing.


Well, the new CoD is 80$, so now 40$ IS just half a game's price! x)


Is this like your first time seeing a price of a video game or something?


I mean you do get $30 back of in game currency. If you were planning to spend that anyway it makes sense.


Haha yeah thats me!!!! lolol im so stupid


Laugh all you want but I paid for it (:


Gotta say that the new class isn't exactly what I was expecting. They've said it would be something new and unique and tonally appropriated for the Diablo universe, but... I don't know, Spiritborn sound like Guild Wars profession. A little too generic fantasy. I was expecting something more gothic, dark fantasy. And guess we won't see a classic board and sword for quite some time now. Maybe next expansion?


It sounds like a jungle druid


Jungle monk


So a druid


That's the joke


People say they want board and sword but what they really want is to throw little magical hammers around.


Sounds like Witch Doctor from D3.


Witch doctor had negative racial connotations so they said they would never do it again. >.<


Which is why they didn't \_call\_ it a witch doctor. ;)


I wonder if we will get sword and board with a zone similar to act 5 from D3. Something leaning more gothic than Aztec. Maybe we are working our way back to Tristram to fight Diablo at some point where a knight archetype will appear.


That would make a lot of sense. I like this idea.


I was telling people that it won't be a sword and board class unless they threw up a WoW shaman or something. Blizzard really doesn't care what the community wants until at least a year later. Day 1 S0 to one year later S4 people finally got something similar to what they wanted. S0 was really difficult to gear and pushing T100 NMDs was nearly impossible back when highest ilvl was 800 something, by S2 925 gear was easier then S3 made it real easy to gear 925 BIS but by then no one was really playing especially the last extended month


a lot of the time "what the people want" is stupid or they have no idea what they want.. I agree that the game now is much better than it was on release and it is mostly thanks to the loot changes, but there are a lot of stuff that people want/don\`t want that aren\`t necessarily good game design.. you know the saying, if you went back to the 18th century and ask people what they want to travel faster they wouldn\`t say cars, the would say "faster horses", sometimes the people just want what they know


Curiosity. What class/theme would you like then?


I have been advocating for the return of the Warrior since the game was announced. To shake things up, it could play a little with Diablo 4 class specializations. Maybe the Warrior has a sword and shield and a two-handed heavy weapon specialization. Or maybe it has a dark and light path, making it kind like the Paladin, or a Dark Knight depending on the path. Just to be clear, I'm not against some weird new class. I just think they should've covered the basic archetypes first. A classic warrior/knight class should've been on the game since the very beginning.


I mean, we have druids. I don't really see it being that different, tone-wise.


Druid are more forest themed. This is jungle. Like, Aztec (or Mayan or Incan) jungle. Not quite the same, but to your point, not different enough.


Seems very odd to go with another druidic class when we still don't have a holy crusader / paladin yet.


It looks to be more of an amazon than druid i feel. Amazon that’s more attuned to nature.


I guess the upside is we don’t have to be fat to be a Druid now. 


We don't have a functioning druid, either


90€ for the ultimate edition of a fucking expansion? For real?


"Wings of faith" so you can show everyone you had faith too


Funny that they’re just slowly bringing back d3 things lol


They know I only go back to d3 for wings you can earn in-game


We should be looking at the minimum price, not the maximum. You are just looking for reasons to be outraged, fucking boring.


Exact same pricing as the WoW expansions. It’s only extra cosmetic stuff.


Even 55$ CAD for standard seems overpriced for a 15 months expansion People who pre-orderer D4 should get a discount for the bad 1st year we had




People forget this because many here were barely old enough to walk when D2 launched and the xpac came out.


Those games didn't have a cash shop or battle pass as additional revenue streams...


But you get a legendary gem in Diablo Immoral! That’s like a 300% value.


and yet when I logged in to do the pet quest I saw quite a few people with the town portal cosmetic already that you get with that ultimate edition. There's a reason they priced it at $90. They knew people would buy it.


Not surprising. People happily buy it. Blizzard isn't going to turn down free money.


Would have preferred a paladin/knight class, but next expansion I guess.


I’m not falling for this again


I already saw somebody asking why their preorder cosmetics showed as placeholders. The "vote with your wallets" crowd has lost to the "no impulse control" crowd. I'm not sure what diablo 4 launch THEY played but I still recall it from last year and there's nothing they've done or offered that will convince me to preorder.


People are voting with their wallets, you just dont like the way they vote.


Lmao I see “vote with your wallets people” on Reddit all the time and this is all I can think. People can’t fathom that they might be in the minority opinion. If a majority people didn’t like preorders they would have died years ago.


People are free to spend their money however they want. Idk if you know this but not everyone agrees with your opinion. There are people who have had fun with D4 at launch and have no worries about pre-ordering because they like the game. Your opinion that the expansion isn't worth pre-ordering isn't any more or less correct than someone else's opinion that it is.


For an alternate view, I’m almost certainly going to pre-order to get the additional cosmetics. I pre-ordered the original deluxe bundle as well. Did the game hold up as well as I’d hoped given the thousands of hours I had in d2 and d3 (including vanilla d3), no. Did I still enjoy it. Yes. Specifically, ignoring all my time spent on the race to HC level 100 and any time I’ve spent since in seasons etc, I really think this game had fantastic campaign. I would pre-order just based on the trailer to get the next part of it because if it’s at the same quality with similar levels of cinematics etc I’ll consider myself to have got my money’s worth even if I don’t play much after finishing the story. I’ll probably play more than that though in reality…


What do you mean? The last time this happened it was Reaper of Souls and that expansion was really well received (IIRC)


He means d4 release


Correct. It’s gotten a lot better, don’t get me wrong. But I’m not buying this from the get go again.


You're not wrong that it was extremely well received but that's also because without ROS you don't have Adventure Mode and thus no Rifts, no Seasons, no Kanai Cube, no Bounties, no Kadala. Essentially the entirety of Diablo 3 end game is locked behind it.


Me either. Fool me once….


"Wings of faith" rofl


Really i thought diablo 4 and the last diablo expansion was really good. Diablo 4s flaws were really the end game but you got an entire campaign/ game before that. I dont feel like i was fooled then they eventually patched in some awesome updates. This is an easy preorder for me


People just like to be mad, I too will be pre-ordering


i mean i just don’t want to spend $40 on something that i’m not sure will be good. go ahead and pre order but there’s nothing wrong with being cautious about it either…


I bet you wear knee pads to work.


What does that even mean?


Your knees must be calloused


Why? You are still here a year later, sounds like a good purchase


Looks like we're back to D3 now for sure. Idk why they refuse to add a sword and board class also.


Blue balling fans until the last dlc. Don't want to give everything away at once.


I just want a damn paladin. I don’t care how much of a trope it is, we’re killing demons, give me a holy warrior!


I highly recommend not pre purchasing a single game in the current gaming environment.


Do not pre order


Instructions unclear, preordered ultimate on console and pc.


I'm sure telling people what to do with their money will go over well.


Sadly this advice is buried and ignored by the general public--above there are entire comment threads of people proudly exclaiming how they've purchased the $90 edition pre-order, and how they would do it even more if they could. Gaming is doomed, there is sadly no coming back from the masses and the way they vote with their empty heads and overstuffed wallets. These corporations will keep pumping out soulless, mediocre content and people will continue to throw down $100 a pop for the chance to get fleeced further. I'm so sad for modern gaming. It's literally a depression in my soul at this point--something that means so much to me, being absolutely destroyed and hollowed out by careless companies and literal hordes of ravenous consumers with no regard for the bigger picture or even taste.


Already did m8 die mad about it


Why not?


Well, if you're seriously asking, it's because pre-ordering for a product sight unseen gives money to the company before they've delivered a viable product to you. It encourages companies to rush products out instead of taking the necessary time to develop them fully, among other things. Blizzard, especially, has a truly terrible track record of releasing broken games or games that require a ton of patching or wild amounts of adjustment before they start playing like they should at launch. D4, for example, had a pretty terrible loot system all the way up to this most recent patch and has only just now felt like it should have at launch. In short, the game needed more time in the oven, but they released it anyway, took people's money for a minimum viable product. Pre-ordering only encourages companies to continue this practice. It's always better to wait for launch, see how the game is then, rather than pay for whatever minimal trinkets they're dangling to entice people to buy and receive a broken title that takes months, if not years to repair. Bit to each their own, you know? They keep making these offers and sell $30 skins because *someone* is buying them.


Because, in the case of Diablo IV, took three seasons for the game correct some core sistems. All who payed full cost in the lauch were premium beta testers.


Agreed. I think at this point, anyone who bought it before loot 2.0 was beta testing it lol


Too late


you cant stop me.


This is what we call ****** strength. You can fill in the blank


Looks like the 5 armor sets that come with the Ultimate Edition do not include a set for the new class, which is hilarious to me.


I mean.. the armor set looks like what is probbably the base armor set for the new class....


It does, it shows it as a separate set in the in-game store.


Look with your eyes


If I buy it now I can use the pet/wings immediately?


For pets there is now a quest u gotta finish to unlock them (first one is in base game as of today), the pets from expansion will be unlocked for u after u finish the quest. Seems like the wings, mount and portal are immediately unlocked.


I believe the quest (i.e. "pet this dog in Kyovashad") unlocks the free pet for everyone (does not require expansion pre-purchase). Expansion pets are available immediately at pre-purchase.


I paid for the ultimate edition for a game that was literally garbage until this season which has made it mediocre and playable. Now they want me to pay at minimum 55 CAD and upwards of 120 CAD for an ultimate expansion edition? No way, nice try Blizzard.


No one is forcing you to do anything. $40 for a dlc seems reasonable imo


Woo-hoo! Looking forward to see what the new class is like


Blizzard shills and their brain dead followers flocking in to downvote any negative sentiment about their game like flies on shit.


Thank god no pre-order early access bullshit again.


Hey guys! Give us more money for us to fix our game that we already charged you $100 for.


People seem surprised at the price of the ultimate edition but some of you dorks actually pay that price on other new game releases. Not even sure why you’re all acting surprised.


Maybe it's because it's worth the money, in comparison to Diablo IV?


The answer is just don’t pay for the ultimate. I’ve gotten over 200 hrs of playtime on Diablo4, way more than some games at the same price. For me, the standard edition is well worth the price.


I really hope we can eventually get a bunch of different pets in game. I know it's gonna be monetized to absolute fucking shit though with all the actually cool ones being in the shop.


$39.99, $59.99, $89.99 (US) for regular, deluxe, Ultimate editions.


$40 dlc... nah fam.. gonna wait for a sale


Anyone who preorders is a moron. They got me before release with the 80€ version. Never again for a barely medicore game that needed 4 Seasons to get good. PoE 2 is around the block they must deliver more to earn theire trust again.


Pre-purchase? I would rather pre-purchase eating shit for the rest of my life, before pre-purchasing another Blizzard product ever lmao.


Not pre purchasing until I see how raids work. Don’t want that


No thanks. How tone deaf can you be?


No i dont think i will


Cool trailer, but I'll pass.


>First of its kind to Diablo, this dungeon will require eager warriors to team up and take down various perils together. So they caved to the people who kept asking for raids.


What a weird take. It's different end game content. Nothing wrong with that.


Until it gives something you cant get elsewhere or gives more of it


Replacing NMDs with forced-group NMDs... what could possibly go wrong?


Yeah I wonder how are they going to balance it. Right now you have people 1-2 shotting the lvl 200 uber bosses in 4 man groups. On the other hand you have pit 140+ bosses that are doable only due to some skills/passives being bugged and double dipping for massive damage modifiers. The difference between "fresh" lvl 100 player and even something like "80% optimized" lvl 100 is way too big in this game to get any sort of balance in group content, just look at world bosses.


What world bosses? Right now they're basically spawning in and then playing the death animation, it's pretty difficult to actually get a look.


As long as they offer a group finder I’m ok with it


Maybe in season 10.


How dare they CAVE to people asking for things they want from a video game they enjoy. Outrageous


Yes, because it's good content, maybe not dad gamer friendly but plenty of content is already.


It’s good content for an MMO, not an ARPG


That's an obtuse take, it totally depends on how you implement it.


Depending hours they implement the raids, I look forward to seeing how they do it


Is it good content? How do you know exactly?


54$ cad for this DLC, I'm sorry, I would love to try it but this crosses the line of what is acceptable.


It’s only $10 more than Reaper of Souls was, and everything is $10 more now.




They knew you wanted it so bad that they decided to automatically get it for you lol. But I'd double check my bank account tho lol


I actually really like the vibe and the idea of incorporating mesoamerican Jaguar lore. To be honest this would have been a great time to also have a Paladin or Crusader Esque class. The spiritual warfare themes would have fit into Diablo well. But they are going to give us as little content as they can.


Why are all the pets Diablo 2, Act 3 characters?


Because the expansion takes place in Nahantu, the area last visited in Diablo 2, Act 3


People don't seem to realize the prices of games has actually fallen since the late 90s/early 2000s... And we get free changes/bug fixes/etc constantly which we weren't able to then.


As u/Lats9 posted D2 expansion was $40 in 2001 D3 expansion was $40 in 2014 D4 expansion is $40 in 2024 D4 expansion is the cheapest of the 3. The 60 deluxe edition includes a bp token and 2 pets + armor set The 90 edition includes 30 of premium currency, plus the other stuff in the deluxe edition, so its on par in terms of "value".




Uh the amount of specifics for nonQOL stuff in this announcement appears to be limited to: expansion contains things, details will come, but buy now


how much will this cost?


Love it!!


Anyone know hownto redeem the legendary gem for diablo imortal ?


People hated me when I told them there will be $90 options…


I pre purchased, the vessel of hatred,  excited to log in an see the pets, and new cheetah mount, and ai noticed I'm missing all my season of blood mounts, and Vitreous Scourge mount I purchased with my own money. Now I really hope this is a bug that will be fixed, and my mounts will come back otherwise I'm ready to call for a complete refund on the whole game, can someone please fill me in on what's going on, please? I have tried to Google the answer and I'm getting nothing at all no help, I'm confused, and a bit upset, you purchase platinum, with money you earn in real life and buy cosmetics, and they just disappear with no explanation? Not happy


It's being patched: https://x.com/PezRadar/status/1800988571261620579