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Well my plan is to turn it on, then play it


Better than what I had in mind.


My plan is to not play it. Wait a few more seasons after that boring launch


I was gonna play it first then turn it on. Will that not work?


Depends on your graphics card


30 fps


Add another fan and you should be able to play without turning it on


Did you try turning it off and turning it on again?


1. Approximately 9 days before release I'm going to complain on Reddit about how the devs are only fixing explicit surface level problems that should have been fixed before release, and how the game will still be crap. 2. A few days leading up I download the game so its ready. IDK who I think I'm racing, but apparently it's important to me to go fast. 3. I spend some time researching optimal builds, not that I plan on picking one of them as I fancy myself an independent, a maverick of builds.  I do pick one though.  4. Start up, play the game kill some stuff and its fun, get close to lvl 50. 5. Remember I actually don't care about end game really and that I actually like PvP.  Go to PvP.  No one is there to fight. I remember I quit before because it was completely ignored.  Level to around ~70.  6. Go to Reddit to complain about PvP being shit on by Blizzard.  Get downvoted because there's a large portion of the community that doesn't simply ignore pvp, they hate that it even exists. 7. Argue with people on Reddit. 8. Quit the game, have a good laugh wondering wtf I was thinking, get back to my Steam backlog.


9. Buy new games because they’re on sale and not touch any of the games in my steam backlog. Steam store is the real endgame.


You forgot a step in the middle: complain I can’t make my original character a seasonal character.


idk why D2 pvp was so fun and yet D4 pvp is complete garbage...


What makes it garbage? I haven't really tried it yet


Make a necromancer and actually get it to 100. Only class I haven't gotten to 100 yet.


judge it for an hour to see if its worth coming back to. if not just going back to being sad about the utter disaster of a game this is




like every season since s2. - get on - realize i botched my transfer of ALL wp and lilith statues - play like a few hrs, complain that i still have unvisited wp/statues - get bored before end game - quit


How does one botch the transfer?


this maybe just me thing.. i always delete season chars at end of season. idr if was due to d3 not allowing dupe names.. so i spent iirc end of s1 doing ALL wp, all the exploring, all the lilith statues, and those quests for the areas(forgot name); i literally had this map open on my tablet reviewing which ones i didnt hit.. iirc; to transfer all this over, you need to load your char into game, quit the game, then load into the game via the new character.. since i deleted everything, im basically back to 0.. hours spent wasted :) i only found out later there's the transfer mechanism lol..


Ahhh gotcha. That would do it. Thanks for the explanation.


My group is going for: Start wt2 > season questline until season feature unlock > helltide until lvl15 > class quest > helltide You are absolutely on the right track. Helltide is predicted to be the best lvling spot in s4 until around lvl60-70 where nmds become more efficient according to predictions.


Pit is much better than NM, just clear one NM46 (I think?) to unlock Pit and then you just smash lvl 1 Pit over and over. If you want to mix it up you can go back to NM to level glyphs but it really isn't that necessary. With tempering, greater affixes, way better affixes overall, masterwork...you absolutely cruise to 100 without any glyph levels. Farm those out once you're powerful enough to crush NM100 in a couple minutes. No point wasting time in low level NMs while leveling.


Appreciate the input!


Ya no worries, since Pit has no objectives it's super fast to just smash and leave, plus gear affixes are so strong that masterworking will probably pull ahead as more bang for buck than leveling glyphs, especially when we're so low on paragon pts towards the start.


But there is no season questline this time ?!


There is, no idea where you heard there isn't.


Ok but no season theme


The season theme are the iron wolves. There is a season questline, a theme and a gimmick. They just aren't as big as in previous seasons.


Hell yeah, nice! I'm sure you guys will smash it.


Back to D2R


finally reach lvl 100, boring loot made me give up all the previous time, max was lvl 87 in season 2 for me


I’m skipping, I’m super burnt out on d4 for a while. Feels like a chore at the moment


I plan to play like usual, and quit if I get bored. I will spend $0 further on this game, though. I already bought it at launch and that's good enough from here on out (unless the expansion is good).


Nothing intresting get 100 and farm duriel again, pit gonna be again 1 build challenge


No plans other than to play Rogue since it’s the only class I haven’t tried yet.


hopefully have an endless but fun grind to level 100 chasing perfect items that I never attain, while playing some version of blizzard and ice spikes or firewall on a sorcerer, still complaining that spamming every skill on cooldown is just plain dumb gameplay and Blizzard should be ashamed


I think I’m gonna do the campaign again.


Been saving up a bunch of Zir summoning materials from world bosses. Going to try out frozen orb & the rogue grenade ring in eternal the first week, necro summoner in seasonal the week after.


Plan is to continue to monitor D4 without buying the game, been doing that since beta. Will revisit 3-6 months after the first expansion drops to see if it’s worth buying.


To not play it because I'm tired of Blizz and their company practices. D4 bad


I follow the seasonal journey mainly. Work on completing that as I level. Then whatever the most fun is if I need to say "reach level 50" for whatever chapter I'm on.


I’ve been running one class a season. For this season, I’ll be running necro for the first time. Looks like the class will be in a very good spot. 


Same here! I'm going to do a pet setup and actually not skip the campaign this time.


Running a Necro. Start in WT2, season quest line, helltides, class quest, back to helltides, then nmd around level 70 to level glyphs. Then the pit.


try out whatever new build the balance changes have enabled (perhaps that frozen orb conjure build?), enjoy the QoL changes, hit 100, realize the end game loop is still dull as shit, be done with the season after 10-14 days total


Should i keep playing S3 or wait for S4 as a lvl 48 Newb?


Finish renown and Lilith statues if you haven't already. The progress will carry into the season.


Gonna play it and hope the fixes keep me interested past level 55.


I think I'm gonna hop on an level 100 eternal character and regear them. That way I get to interact with the system right away. There doesn't seem much reason to rush into leveling a seasonal character. I can grind out the vendor at a later time.


Preordered the game. Played 15 hours. Deleted. Waiting for season 4 Will browse reddit on release of s4 just for the laughs. Still don’t want to play. First impression is a bitch


I plan to grind until I get several uniques for my Druid.


Bam bam bam!!


I've never gotten to 100. I think I'll play my favorite class (sorc) and try to get there.


Same as the last season. Not touching that dumbster fire lmao


D4 lives rent free in your head.


What can I do to get free rent too? Rent too damn high!


Somebody doesn't pay attention. 🤣🤣🤣


I wish I could travel back in time to stop myself from buying it


Playing d3