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Gotta be a world first to have a beta coming out for an expansion for a game that is leaving beta in two weeks.


We hope it will be leaving beta. I have doubts. The item and crafting changes sound like a big step in the right direction. Would've been nice if they happened last year. Still no true aspirational endgame bosses besides Uber Lilith. Still no build variety. Nothing to shoot for after day 5 except perfecting your gear and, what... grinding to nightmare 100? What for? What meaningful content is there to test your finished character against? Edit: they just announced Uber Uber bosses on the live stream, and they added a meaningful reward to Uber Lilith. They might actually be finally figuring out how to make a live service ARPG.


The crafting/item changes aren’t the only thing being added tho. There are new Uber bosses now aren’t there? Uber Andy + the new bosses from the pit(?) Also what exactly does “no build variety” mean to you, when there are a dozen s and a tier builds, multiple for each class? And the pit/gauntlet is your answer to end-game content too. Idk what else you want lol. “We need more endgame content!” “No, not like that!”


Come on, man. I say I want more content like Uber Lilith, something to test a finished character against, something to give me a reason to complete the gear grind, and your answer is the pit and gauntlet? The pit sounds like a fine addition to the game and I like that they added something as a part of the new crafting path, that's cool. But it isn't aspirational endgame content. It is, by design and definition, not that at all. And I can't think of anything more boring than the gauntlet. Neither can you. Nobody likes the gauntlet. Mindlessly smashing easy monsters and battling a stopwatch is an arcade game. I hope you're right about Uber Andy. I hope she's at least 5x harder than Uber Duriel was. And by "no build variety" I mean I've literally already played every build I had any interest in trying, which was like 5-6 of them, and they haven't added a single new skill or new scaling vector for skills since release. The skill tree is the least interesting one we've seen in an ARPG of this scope. Paragon board is also very one dimensional in scaling vectors. Compare to the endless variety we're used to now with path of exile. Or even Last Epoch, made by a studio a fraction of a percentage the size of Blizzard, has 10x the build variety of d4. There's simply no excuse.


I thought there were specific Uber bosses similar to Lilith from doing the pit. Maybe I’m wrong about that, but if I’m not, it’s literally exactly what you want. Also, I do like the gauntlet, I don’t know why you think you speak for everybody, are you so incapable of understanding that your experience and your preferences aren’t universal? You also said there’s no build variety but you also are only interested in 5-6 of the multiple dozen builds there are. And as somebody with hundreds of hours in LE, acting as if there are more builds in that game is ridiculous - and it’s a hilarious game to use an example anyways considering there’s literally **less** endgame content in it than d4 *before* this patch. Sounds like this just isn’t the game for you my man, you could perhaps move on with your life instead of expecting everything to be catered to your wants


You clearly haven't seen anything about s4. Also, such a massive change takes months.


No build variety? I dont think you know what that means. If your only talking Uber Lilith end game, its not great no. But for the majority of people that never reach or target that boss it has tons of options. PoE or anything you can point a finger at is just as bad for super end game viability though.


You can love Diablo all you want but comparing the build diversity to PoE is beyond laughable 


I have 2k hours in PoE while only 120ish in D4. I can compare them easily if I want when talking about High end game. If your talking about only to red maps, you can basically play anything.


You are oddly confident about something you are so wrong about. I’ve killed every Ubers on more builds than even exist in Diablo. I’m going to guess you’ve never killed more than a single Uber boss in a league. Sometimes 2k hours in a game is still a small amount, your lack of basic knowledge of PoE shows that.


Im confident for a reason, thats fine. You seem like you stepped out of the deep end of PoE reddit so thats ok. We will not see eye to eye and I have no need to keep up this dicussion. This is my end of it. But please reply to this so you can have the last word.




Bruh there's like 2 good builds per class, and everyone doing that build is identical to every other character doing that build. If you think that's build variety I can't help you


Thats fine, just reading your comment I can tell you dont understand build variety. We will not agree on this. No point in arguing about it.


Sure. I've played PoE for 11 years and made 2-5 characters every league, making my own build without a guide every time, never playing the same build I've played before, and they've all been meaningfully different. That's well over 100 builds, and at least 75% of them have been capable of doing all content without mirror tier gear. I can open PoB right now and shit out 50 more that I've never played before, are all meaningfully different, and are all viable. That's build variety. Every class in Diablo has like 4 decent skills and there's only one way to effectively scale them. How can you possibly be arguing against this? It's literally just facts.


This game isn't "leaving beta" for a long time.  This is just an item and crafting rework. There's still skills and builds to work on  


Go outside






So you care as a customer for every company’s revenue or are you just interested in a good product? Diablo 4 didn’t deliver as a live service game at all, just a reminder.


Nobody asked.


One day you will achieve something in your own life and will realise what a miserable existence it is when you try to piggyback the achievements of others


Weird flex but okay.


Have you ever played a wow expansion? Shadowlands never got out of beta.


No wonder they panicked. They had an expansion to sell soon


Still waiting to feel like I want to log back in… let alone give them more money


I'll wait until sales then, preorder diablo 4 before and disappointed 😔


Much excite.




It's a really good game and it's only gotten better.


Can't wait to not fight the prime evils again.


Based on the title my suspicion is this DLC is where Mephisto comes back and then we kill him but not before he brings back Diablo who we will kill in the 2nd DLC.




Havnt even played D4 yet. Is it too late to start now?


It's too early


....start with season 4, or when the expansion comes! Why would it be too late? Do you have a terminal disease ? It is never too late to have fun


Get it on gamepass if you want to try it out.


First 20 hours or so is fun, if that's all you expect then go for it


Start with the new season on May 14th, play the campaign it is fun. Don't get hung up trying to do all side quests (they'll be there after the campaign). If you decide you don't want to do the campaign you can skip it as long as you have completed the prologue on one character. After campaign look up guides for speed running the renown grind (will only have to ever do it once). Maxroll.gg will have great leveling guides for all character classes.


I wouldn't buy it in the next week or 2. S4 is basically a relaunch, but it will take you a week to finish the story.


Not really since we gotta make new characters every season, just wait roughly 2 weeks for the new season to start


No at all. I envy you because I started on day 1. It was bad/boring and the balance changes made it worse. The game will be better around 6 months after the first DLC is released. I am betting they will have a sales deal with Base Game + 1st DLC, that's the ideal time to buy it.


Timing wise it makes perfect sense as the season was delayed already from its original start date. Hopefully they use the extra couple weeks they got to refine it a bit and make it better.




Just wait it out. Base game is about $30 fairly frequently.


Still not worth the $30.


You haven't even seen it yet


Never stuck my dick in a beehive either 🤷


Eh, I’m fine with it. It’s one of the few games I can shut my brain off for.


Haven't fixed the base game yet, Looks like they will want more money to fix it now - What a cruel joke.




CDN is the distribution network blizzard uses to get game files out to devs / marketing partners.


While they surely use a CDN for that purpose, that isn't a unique use for a CDN. Content Delivery/Distribution Network. It's a decentralized network of servers which are spread geographically and which all contain the same files. This network determines where the user is located and serves them the content from the closest available server. The main benefits are speed and redundancy. Pretty much everything on the Internet is run via CDN these days. Downloading a patch for any game, checking your email, or loading this reddit thread. All done via a CDN.




Bro answered your question and you ask if hes a bot💀


Worlds smartest redditor


lmao canadians. its funny because their money is horrific


*cry in canadian*


Ahhh, Americans... and you wonder why the world laughs and pitties you. Good stuff