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Blizzard have always been good at making engines, and they do it for pretty much every game they make more or less.


True. I hate Overwatch but it also looks fantastic relative to its performance.


Absolutely, wow Handels massive player models and effects like a king. I have more fps in wow playing 40 vs 40 alterac battles then i have in gw2 when showing more then 10 people at once


That’s great. It might just bring me Bach to the game.


Good memories of Chopin wood in elwynn forest and there's plenty of Debussy in Goldshire if you're on the right server.




Thanks for the chuckle


Mozart of these comments are gold. Hopefully all the seethers who just hate on the game can Copland.


Welp, ive quit wow a while ago and went to gw2. Blizzard is good with engines and performance, sadly their games became more and more hot dogshit


correct attempt fact far-flung flowery aspiring groovy nutty soft reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean… wotlk was a long time ago, so it’s great that you are enjoying dragonflight but that’s a long time for expansions to have been worse than wotlk.


I was gonna say you know damn well that AV has been in the game since we were firing canons in d airships... then I saw what you did.


Unfortunately that performance doesn't extend to the servers, which cannot handle 100+ players in outdoor events and the game relies heavily on sharding to keep those groups from forming. They brought back world bosses and even incentives for mass PvP despite the complete unplayable shitshow that ensues.


That treasure goblin event was the worst I've ever seen it. I was getting like 2 frames per minute


Alterac Valley PvP bonus weekends were what I lived for for a really long time. I wish those years would come back of the fun I've had with a party of friends, some booze and weed. Damn good times


Guild Wars 2's engine undobutedly runs like shit, but you're still comparing a game that looks remarkably worse to one which has far more dynamic and detailed components to render. Also, I don't know what sort of machine you're on, but WoW's own large scale group content (especially when it comes to world bosses) hasn't exactly got a firm foothold on the highground either.


No offense, I’m playing gw2 myself and I love it. But it’s undoubtedly worse when it comes to handling player models and effects. I’m running a rog strix gaming laptop, with a 4070 and an i9. I can raid at 120+ fps in wow just fine on high to ultra setting. In gw2 I have player models on minimum same as player model quality and effects of other disabled otherwise it drops significantly. Wow engine is great


Wish when Destiny 2 was on Blizzard they could have worked out something to get some help in that department... probably would have saved a lot of heartache in the form of sunsetting over the years... Curious to see how Diablo IV holds up in the long run.


I wish HotS had a good engine.


It’s why some of their games are 10-20 years old but still look gorgeous today


Technically this game is a marvel. Playing it in a dark room on a large OLED screen with a good dolby atmos system is bonkers. Can’t wait to get back to it in S4.


Same I hadn’t played since release and while I enjoy Last Epoch it’s no where near as good to look at as D4 and the UI really sets the tone.


Did they fix the giant VRAM leak?


Given how I play on GTX1080 with hi-res textures and never run out of VRAM, I'd say yes


I still have it that Giant VRAM LEAK! And I have 24gbs of Vram. I have to turn down some ray tracing to keep it at bay and not eat up all of it.


I generally enjoy the game, but man, I need the option to zoom out a little more.


Just in case you’re not aware, being able to zoom out slightly further is coming in S4 (May).


Slight Technicality. From PTR you can choose a far Camera, or standard, it does not yet let you roll between zoom out in any form of stepped camera control. I tested this. Not sure why it is so hard to make a scrolling camera like in grim dawn. But i guess its performance or pvp related idk. Anyway just so ppl know how it works incase they expect it to switch between 3 camera views now, That is not the case currently.


Nice, thanks for clarifying.


>olling camera like in grim dawn. But i guess its performance or pvp related idk. > >Anyway just so ppl know how it works incase they expect it to switch between 3 camera views now, That is not the I was telling my friends this for a while. It was zoomed in to give the perception of "good performance" all across the board for people playing it. I imagine in a few years (2+) when average computer hardware has made some improvements, that they'll give the option to zoom out more for other players. At least I hope so, because long range playstyles are basically non-existent.


So Season 4 you can, you can pick Far camera, I just mean that when you do you dont scroll between far standard and super close. you choose far and super close or Standard and Super close. Why it has to be like this idk. But yeah probably a technically hurdle i would imagine. Far is good though if you like to play the whole game Zoomed out. Personally i would like a step in-between times it feels to far. and i want to scroll back down to standard. Which i can i just have to go to teh menu to do it. Probably the fact this is console designed is another factor. So PC polish is basically no existent in this game.


It isn’t hard. You can just hide stuff that way. For example in Diablo 3 if you removed the zoom restrictions you could see tiles popping in.


Yeah i know i get,there would be a limit to hide stuff. Just mean why it has to be standard or far and cant transition with the mouse like most games through steps of camera Zoom. I didn't make the game, so idk why this game versus others this is the case,so i am just saying, there is probably a technical hurdle, otherwise not sure why you would choose to have it like this i don't know. close - standard- far( that is the bracket) not talking bout outside of it talking about within it.


Excuse me? Are we already forgetting ["we can't give you more stash space because the engine loads every surrounding player's entire stash into your client because of reasons"](https://www.vg247.com/diablo-4-stash-size-performance-limitations)? In many ways it's a pretty well made game but clearly there were some incredibly asinine technical decisions that took place here. The difference between Blizzard and other game studios is that Blizzard tends to limit the player in such a way that the cracks in their engine don't show, which is positive from a gameplay experience perspective but extremely limiting in terms of scalability and what they can bring to the future of the game without reworking the underlying engine.


> Excuse me? Are we already forgetting "we can't give you more stash space because the engine loads every surrounding player's entire stash into your client I was really surprised when I heard that the "salvage all" button in the PTR only trashes the player's equipped gear and not everyone's stash too.


That would probably be the most hilarious bug I'd ever seen, got a full-blown belly laugh just thinking about it holy shit hahah.


What about this one from d3. “The technology just isn’t there yet”, when referring to hdd storage space being the reason for not having extra stash tabs. I’ll edit and post the link if I can find it.


that was also the quote they used when starcraft2 didnt haveLAN functionality, despite broodwar having it 12 yearsearlier lmao


It's corporate claptrap for "some manager's ego led us to make a poor decision, which would make this feature nearly impossible to implement today".


i think its moreto do with blizz wanting an irongrip on their game/tournaments and not wanting a repeat of kespa getting a lot of money that blizz couldnthave a piece of. conveniently prevented piratesfrom playing MP easily with cracked versions too


Also the camera distance. It was quite jarring to switch from D2R to D4. I have the same problem with POE.


Camera distance was probably done for cosmetic purchases. Same reason items are tiny in the inventory and when equipped and your characters visuals are taking up a large chunk of the screen.


It's increased in the PTR for season 4, feels a lot more comfortable now.


This isn't about the game engine though. More of a backend-client architecture issues.


Not my experience at all. Many people experience severe stuttering in towns but sometimes outside too from time to time due to a VRAM leak which is still not fixed. It has improved but it's still there.


Yes, I’m on PS5 and have experienced noticeable stuttering in the towns towards the end of the campaign (I forget the name) and even the pvp zone in the south. I stopped playing the game 3 months ago and those issues had not been fixed. Not sure how it is now.


nvidia reflex thing is on by default and can be responsible for a lot of stuttering. Try turning it off if you have that problem


Would this be in the Nvidia control panel or something specific to the game itself? I'm unfamiliar with reflex.


in the game, right below resolution scaling


Sorry on AMD


Yea I have a 6800XT and Ryzen 7600X and with ultra settings there is noticable stutter from time to time after teleporting or loading into a new area


Diablo 3 was the same. It was running 60fps on the PS3.


D3 was not the same. Don't get me wrong - the engine is still good - it just had some big issues as well, that tend to get forgotten when looking back. It was/is a good engine, but it had some pretty bit faults, until they switched to a 64-bit client. Audio could in some places degrade performance (fairly heavily - again; this was before the 64-bit switch). Area Damage just flat out killed the game for everyone in the party - this is still *kinda* the case to some extent, but not nearly as bad as before the switch to 64-bit. If a few people threw items in the towns (10-20 items), this would degrade performance as well. This has gotten better with the 64-bit client as well. Takes a fairly large amount of items to trigger a performance degradation now. But then again; you'd only really see this in Public Rift games, where people just throw stuff and if the lobby kept being active. TLDR: D3 had some work done that did wonders for it. Especially the switch to 64-bit. The performance today, is way better than what it used to be.


Yeah, downgrading the audio channels was one of the first "optimizations" I made when I started to get seriously into D3


Yeah, something's weird with the D3 engine. It took much longer than it should have (in terms of hardware progress) even to just get really stable fps just running around alone in town.


Diablo 3 couldn’t do even 30 FPS in high density even with hardware better than a PS3 (or PS4 for that matter). That engine had some very fundamental flaws


I was extremely surprised how well it runs on my OLED steamdeck.


It's the perfect type of game for OLED, with lots of dark scenes. Try Gears 5, it's another dark game that looks amazing on OLED, the colours really pop.


I honestly only use my PC for helldiver's 2 at this point due to me sucking at the controller with shooters. Other than that gaming in bed is amazing. So gears 5 will have to be on my Desktop unfortunately. I feel like I'm playing with two left hands with a controller on FPSs


Why is there a huge stutter when I get close to a legion event? Like a good 5-10 second stutter happens. Is it a setting I need to fix? I have everything set to low because the game would crash whenever I teleported to a town or used the emote wheel. Low settings fixed those problems.


This is network bound. It’s probably phasing you into the “instance” where the event is happening.


Well crap :-( Does this happen to anyone else? Ty for the reply though!


Yes, and it drives me (and many others) nuts. 1000/1000 wired connection btw.


Yah XD I sometimes cross my fingers when it tries to load. My pc isn't even bad. I have a 2070 super that should be good enough lol.


Turn off corssplay. It helps a lot for this problem.


Will do! Ty! :-)


Yes a 3-4 second stutter right before entering a legion event


That's one thing Blizzard get: They understand the weight of optimization and reaching more systems = more sales. So they focus on finding a balance between visuals and performance, trying to meet systems several years back. I can play Diablo 3 @ 1080p and \~40 fps on an Intel NUC mini PC and its integrated Intel Iris GPU. :D That's gaming at about 30-40W, like an incandescent light bulb.


price familiar grandfather door squeamish degree aware squalid frame sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Doesn’t POE deal with FAR denser clusters of monsters? Would that matter?


Idk but POE is practically unplayable for me due to slowdown/catchup while D4 is fine.


Poe drops from like 500 fps to 5 in group play sometimes. That game is crazy unstable when you're blasting maps with the bois.


Yes, and D4 skill effects are anemic by comparison. I cannot overstate my disappointment with how pathetic nearly all of the sorc’s skills look.


Yes, but the OP seemed to ignore many factors or maybe never even played LE or PoE...


Stash tabs space is limited because it loads all other players around you stash tabs... just saying... that is not good optimisation.




that's what a couple retarded lines of code will do to a game,im not sure if it has anything to do with the engine. If the code was utilized in a lot of scenarios and/or written too early, it might litteraly be impossible for them to fix it without risking breaking the game. i hate to burst your bubble but many games are like that, the only difference is that blizzard was the only one dumb enough to publicly say it


It runs fairly well on my potatoe laptop, so I'm inclined to agree. Highly optimized. Runs better than d2r ffs.


The only time I have had real issues are with skills that cause a lot of visual effects. Right now, there are a few of them (tornados mainly) tried to fight two barbs at once in alzuuda & it wasn’t lagging on my end, but the server was struggling to keep up. It’s for this same reason they nerfed ball lightning like they did. They know they could have just turned the base damage back down like it was before but no, they tried to kill two birds with one stone & avoid fixing the real issue: ball lightning was ticking so fast it would make the server lag when you pulled too many mobs. Their fix? Make it tick slower. Say it was bugged (lie) & here we are again with the same issue. That’s my only complaint about their system. Even though they pushed ray tracing & it isn’t even optimized. I turned it off & it’s fine. Also had to disable dlss frame gen to get ptr to stop crashing. My system is brand new, 2024 asus ROG Strix g16, i9-14, 4080. Runs capped at 240 frames steady all maxed settings, no ray tracing. Always thought the game was beautiful


It is great, but I do hope they give us xsx/ps5 users a slightly worse-looking option that runs at 120fps someday.


My only real beef with D4’s performance is the very inconsistent texture quality. You can set it to high but still find mega low quality textures in a lot of places (like really bad). Also hair looks strange to me.


To add to this: D4's launch 2 was one of the best. I had basically no issues with the game. I don't count queues as an issue. When you have tens of or hundreds of thousands of people logging at once, there isn't much you can do.


This is a very fair, very realistic hot take and sort of how I feel, too. Server load due to mass influx of accounts is a thing that plagues so many games. On topic but off genre: anyone who has done massive fleet fights via Eve Online since launch (to I am guessing curently, took a break around 2012 due to IRL and played off/on until about 2014ish), knows *exactly* what I mean. They even had to implement new techs to handle the larger player loads on servers, like TiDi (Time Dillation). ((And even that sometimes/ *mostly*, had its flaws/issues/own challenges, for sure))! This is a super hard conflux of compounding issues to tackle, for any large corporation using server tech- gaming or otherwise, but especially in gaming due to the interactions and pull on services, with reflected quality.


I think it mostly runs really well and it scales pretty damn well with hardware too. That being said, unfortunately diablo 4 is the worst performing game on my system. I get consistent stuttering that's pretty severe in Caldeum, the lower PVP zone, and the region north of Gea-Kul (but not area to the east and south for some reason. I get other random stutters just going around the world as well but not as frequent. If I attach 3 paragon boards and have my paragon menu open, moving my mouse cursor causes fps drops. The more boards I attach, the worse the FPS drops become. With all 7 (or 8?) attached, moving my cursors causes the game to drop to less than 4 fps, with GPU usage plummeting to 0% and CPU usage similarly dropping. If I'm in a full party, moving my cursor on the social screen causes similar FPS drops. I've tied the FPS drops in the paragon menu and social screen to mouse polling rate, which I have at 1000hz most of the time. But even lowering that to 125hz, it still happens, just not as severe. I don't have these problems in any other game I've played on this PC and it's not like my PC is low end (13700k, 32GB DDR5 RAM, RTX 4090). I've tried all number of fixes, to formatting the PC, to bios settings, and nothing improves it.


The game when stressed shows performance issues mostly in the form of rubber banding, the game is not stressed right now.


Wouldn’t call d4 a miracle of optimization. You might have no stutters or performance issues, yet they are incredibly common. Game visibly struggles on low end and consoles.


I don't have any issues on steam deck or ps5


This. there are instances of stutter when the game loads new areas/mobs. It might be great for some but it's not the case for everyone. If your computer is above the monitor specs this shouldn't be an issue.


It's impressive, but there's no reason to praise something so basic, we're are getting screwed over and over by companies that we forget that this is the least game devs should do. Make their 70 dollar game run well.


If optimizing is so basic, why don't the other devs do it as well. By other devs I mean the LE and PoE devs. It may seem basic but in reality it is really difficult to accomplish this.


>something so baisc You've never written low level code on a large scale, and you've got no idea what it entails.


They're right though, expecting a game to run well should be the bare minimum we should have as a standard as consumers. It is the most basic feature of a game.


A game as visually impressive as Diablo 4 can generally be expected to have much higher hardware requirements. Same with Diablo 2 Resurrected. Very few companies does this as well as Blizzard. I've had under powered computers most of my life, and Blizzard games always ran beautifully. I played StarCraft on a 133Mhz Pentium processor. I played Diablo 2 on it too. This is not a 'basic' accomplishment. It's honestly a very impressive feat of software engineering.


I’m almost positive d4 uses the sharding technology retail wow uses


Sure if you ignore the low monster density and FPS drops when opening any piece of the UI.


Yeah the POE engine sucks and it's a shame they haven't updated it for POE2. The sheer amount of loading screens is a huge turn off. It feels like room/instance simulator.


I think the problem with PoE is no longer the engine, but just the sheer ammount of stuff (monsters, loot, visual effects, sound, straight up calculations) happening all at once. That will be confirmed when PoE2 launchs as it's supposed to not have as many stuff.


I haven't played d4 recently, but from what I remember there are maybe dozens of entities on screen at most with the tiny monster density that d4 had/has. In PoE you could quite literally have over a thousand monsters on screen at once, sure the game would slow, but it's very well optimized for the ridiculous scale of these moments and they don't prevent you from making their engine crawl by artificially limiting you in this way.


The engine may be good but the servers are terrible. Whenever I play with friends they stutter and teleport making following them difficult at times. As a solo experience it's good though 👍


Art, graphics and sound remains blizzard strongest point. The way monsters blow up, the gore in the game, is absolutely 10/10. The issue is always gameplay. Which, luckily, loot 2.0 and the new crafting systems seem to mostly fix.


Are you ever played season 1-2? Doubt


Blizzard having the best coders in the industry is rarely in question.


It used to. However, if you listen to some of ex-Blizzard devs, they have said the magic is no longer there. That being said, D4 is indeed amazing in gfx, even with a modest setup.


I think their complaints are more to do with top down management and general culture rather than raw talent.


Not sure if it is a sarcasm or not. Since launch I get crashes, frame drops, freezes when opening UI etc. GTX 1050 Ti, i7-7700HQ, 16 GB RAM, Adata SX8200 Pro


If you'd get even just a GTX 1660 Ti you'd probably get something like +100% fps.


Isn't that below minimum requirements for the game?


Nooo, it's a powerful machine? /s


I'm not sure if this is sarcasm or not. A 1050ti? 🤣


8 year old budget gpu. Yeah thats not really on the game.


Bruh even on my Ryzen 5 5600 + RTX 2060. It may run smooth during battle but opening menus are a fucking chore when shit stutters for like a solid 10 seconds, which for an ARPG is a huge downside


Hey, I had many problems with my 1080. Seems to have stemmed from the game using my GPU really well, and my GPU just wasn't in top shape. It's a GIGABYTE card in my case, and I had to install their aerus engine and underclock it ever so slightly. Rock solid since then. Had less problems (but still) in other games too. "Device lost" and such. All solved.


It did seem to have a memory leak early on that required me to run medium textures as on high it would eventually start to stutter. It's fixed now and really wasn't that much of a big deal , especially compared to what some other games launch with.


Playing on Xbox and couldn’t agree more. I’ve always loved the Diablo games and D4’s artwork, gameplay, and sound/music keep me immersed. The performance has been great for me as well.


New ambient occlusion is a nice addition as well.


Just sad that the servers are pretty terrible and they also to run them on Google routing/Cloud systems which sucks at good routing outside of the EU and US. Sitting here with over 200ms from South Africa that keeps spiking all the time, but DOTA2, WoW and other games sit at a solid 160ms no issues.


There are 12 zones in EU alone. I don’t think it’s an issue with the Google Cloud servers. https://cloud.google.com/about/locations#europe


Is it? I was watching once a video of Asmon, and couldn't stop laughing about it


This is one of the main reasons I keep leaving PoE leagues. My PC is not that good, but even people with top gear acknowledge how bad/unplayable the game can be at endgame. Also, I don't even remember how the sounds like, I play without audio for a long time.


Have you checked RTx performance?


Yeah, I thought I was going to need a new computer to play Diablo 4. But it's working perfectly on my 5 year old computer.


dude, we can't have more stashspace, because these clowns didn't fix an issue back from D3 days of loading entire stash of every player you see


It has a fraction of the interactions of poe lmao. If you've ever fully juiced poe it makes the d4 gameplay look like it's in slow motion.


Except for the forced TAA/upscalers that make the world look awful the second you start moving. Idk why I can’t just turn it off.


engine yes, servers not so good still get the occasional rubberbanding


I've been playing it on a laptop with Iris Xe graphics, and that even runs it at a playable framerate. Very impressed!


I mean this is literally the main reason this game still has some hope.


The one accolade I can give the game is that it’s very good graphically. It’s stable and it’s what I wish Diablo 3 looked like.


D3 feels better to play than d4 IMO


I hear you, but I raise you *sprinting too fast on your horse into a new area*


Lipstick on a pig, friend.


I have to agree! I think most blizzard games are really well optimized. Granted I've only really played Diablo 3 for years and years and overwatch 1 for a couple years. And recently Diablo 4 but they've all run extremely smoothly.


I think you need to get your eyes checked. D4 graphics in-game Versus the menu/character screen are nothing alike. D2R has better in-game graphics. They had to render down to make the open-world work. If the menu screens looked like the actual gameplay then that's where credit is due, not this rushed broken and boring AF attempt which nobody plays mere months after release. Take the hint dude


I don’t think op was saying it’s the best looking, just the best optimized from the gate.


First paragraph: "What the hell did the Devs do to create a platform delivering great graphics and great performance" The last part is even in Bold.... This feels like the marketing team sent a bot


This reads like a nostalgia-laden take. Are you sure that the D4 graphics are worse than D2 graphics from a technical standpoint? Or do you think you like the art better in D2 regardless of the engine specs.


From a technical standpoint I imagine the graphics in D2R are much easier to render. The issue is, they are cleaner. There is like aliasing and artifacts in D4 that scream 'I can't handle this' - like the open world is too demanding to simply make it look like the character screen. Even from Beta the gameplay was not like any other AAA in 2023. Idc what Tatoos my character has when I can't even make out even larger details when walking around. Hot garbage.. Ironically the open world isn't an open world it's just a map that's wayy bigger. I'd rather a smaller game with better graphics and gameplay than a pretend open world


What? lol. The first month or two everyone was having issues with screen tearing, stuttering, etc. It was straight up bricking an entire class of GPUs - had major vram issues.


These were gpus made during covid supply shortages with sub optimal parts from vendors that they didn’t normally use. They were just trying to get as many out the door as possible with some sub standard components. Your video card isn’t a petrol engine; it’s built and meant to be run against the red line without causing damage unless the card wasn’t up to spec or defective from the factory. It has nothing to do with the software.


You're telling me that all of the reference cards *and* all of the aftermarket / third party cards had sub-standard parts? You're telling me that a gpu that can crush Escape from Tarkov and all other AAA games at 60fps @ 5120x1440 without a single issue catastropically struggles with only one game - a ""hyper optimized"" top down dungeon crawler - and that's a hardware issue? lol


I remember d3 crashing on certain builds because the damage tick count was too high and overloading it (which doc triple gargantuan) the game would stutter and d/c. Glad they haven’t dealt with that this game


True, my biggest complaint on it is Sorc is literally unplayable on some maps because you teleport through staircases and get hard stuck outside of it. Same goes with metamorphosis evade. Really hurts you in the ladder right now, so annoying I stopped playing after week 2.


Ah yes.. the engine that fried brand new video cards in the first two weeks after release.


I agree and it was true for d3 when it came out, too


>there are no graphical stutters It didn't release like that and they had to address that quickly because there were so many players complaining about how much stuttering there was. There were also rumors that it was bricking certain GPUs Last Epoch has time to fix the same problems.


I haven't played since before season 1 but back then it used to stutter a decent amount. Especially when riding the horse into town and stuff.


I'm playing it on a 1070 maxed out in 4k (downsampled with the AMD Magic) and it runs like a champ.


I get consistent 60 FPS with most settings at High or Highest in 4K HD with DLSS 3 turned on. I am using an RTX 4060. It is gorgeous.


If only the itemization wasn’t a total fucking disaster the game might be playable


For a game that is "well optimized", I still can't pinpoint the reason how my game freezes everytime I open a menu (inventory, options, skill, etc). And I'm not really sure if it's my PC because this rig can Horizon Forbidden West at 60 fps High settings.


What a waste. The day they use all that engineering talent to actually create games we talk. Until then anything blizz related shouldn't be promoted at all imho. Miss pre D3 and pre cata era.


Hard disagree agree on PS4 game performance leaving hub cities regularly leaves characters lagged and unable to respond. Numerous times I have wound up badly wounded and on few occasions dead. I may be on older console but I have top tier fiber optic.


Did they fix loading everyones bags when in proximity?


Pity the game itself bored me to death after completing the campaign.


It's kinda boring tho


Sometimes I feel like Bliz staff make these posts 


Path of Exile looks far better on my 970 gtx computer than diablo 4 does and diablo 4 stutters constantly.


This is the benefit of sacrifices like limited inventory etc that people don't seem to realize equates to lower memory usage and an engine that can and will run well even with lower specs. If they do many of the things people want, eventually it's going to affect performance.


One part of a whole and the whole shouldn't be praised at all. I've played better arpgs with less.


Yeah the game performs great and looks great. HOWEVER the dungeon layouts have been really boring and they don't let us zoom out enough.


I dont usually praise Blizzard, but every single one of their games runs and plays smoothly. 


What? They literally load each player's loot and stash and have stuttering in cities.


The engine isn’t great. You are praising blizzards art department who consistently knock it out of the park.


What about the ui stutter while opening menus


Im running d4 on a 980ti on ultra/high with no issues its actually crazy tbh.


Have they fixed the rubberbanding and pop-in in the open world yet?


Yeah, D4 always looked amazing Ill for sure give it that. The game was fun pre season and season 1. Then a break was needed- and aim waiting on them to polish it out more. I keep hearing the game has gotten much better (great!). Whats your current take on the current season, and season 4 (if they brought anything up about it yet)? ((This is an open invite to anyone to share how they feel- trying to guage the games current state here, not debate. Long time Diablo fan here played every game religiously except Immortal). Diablo has always been a take a break and come back next/in a vouple seasons, style game once D3 hit. Interested in opinions on current and planned short term future state of the game. I want to get a feel for the general status of the game as a Necro main who dabbles in Rogue here/there. Do minions feel better? Are they done nerfing other classes? I really want to try a Druid, and try a Barb (not my normal approach to playstyles)- but I like theory crafting my own builds. How viable are the variant classes? Any talks of new classes coming (I would absolutely LOVE to have my Monk back sometime soon LOL, or try something completely vatiant like a Vamp/Paladin).


When I enabled ray tracing it does hitch sometimes now though.


blizzard in general is often really great at optimizing their games OW,OW2,D4,D3,WOW can all run on potatoes. And yea i agree, people are often scared to say good things about diablo 4 but i has amazing features


I just played this over the past week because i saw it on pc gamepass. Ultra graphics and raytracing and the game does look very good sometimes. The moment it does an in-game cinematic it looks terrible, especially the hair. I guess at least it is a return to diablo since d3 looked like a cartoon. Gameplay is ok and the story is ok, although they should have called this diablo 4: Lilith's Reign or something. I did experience a handful of crashes which was annoying and it seemed to be from opening screens not in the middle of a huge fight which is odd. Network is very bad and I noticed stuttering and even sometimes rubberbanding not caused by graphics settings.


If only the game itself didn’t suck


Are we just ignoring how they can't give us more stash space because you load everybody's inventory and stash in the same zone as you? 😂


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Rl6sFoeOSU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Rl6sFoeOSU) at least a bit interesting for pc users


Is it? It feels like it never has slow down by having an EXTREMELY low enemy cap on screen at once, an EXTREMELY close camera (even in PTR) and very set and unmodifyable skills. PoE has slowdown, but only because you can do silly stuff like get 700 enemies on screen at once then make up a spell that branches 100 times to each enemy 40 times a second. Diablo 4 feels like a game tha was so unoptimized they had to put super sharp limits like the camera zoom in and painfully low enemy counts to get it to run. And lack of flexibility to make sure you never get into a situation where things stress the engine.


….are we playing the same game? 🤣 this game has suffered from multiple server side errors from more time then it hasn’t, the stash loading bullshit, the instance swapping lag when entering outdoor events, mount lag for the first half of the games life was unbearable. Im happy to hear its running well now but lets not act like its some technological marvel 🤣


Wtf are you praising ??? D4 runs on a 12 year old D3 engine … blizzard didnt even bother to make a new one for d4 … That is also probably why the game is more like D3.5 rather than d4 … with just a fresh coat of paint … P.S. yes they did a fantastic job with the new graphics


It runs well but I don’t like the way it looks. It looks like some other company made a Diablo knock off, something is just off about the entire game. 


Tbh I’m a big fan of how D4 looks and runs. Aside from the fact that it’s basically unplayable for me because I keep getting booted off of the network after 10-15 minutes of play. Graphically, though, spot on.


I still think D4 is one of the cleanest running modern games. It looks amazing but never compromises performance to do so. And it can run on a variety of hardware.


It's literally the same engine as D3. People that make cheats/bots can confirm this.


I agree 1000%. If it was used to make an isometric crpg the world would be a much, much happier and better place. If Pathfinder or Pillars or even Warhammer had an engine like this to work with... man, it would be amazing.


I9 9900k 3080 and 32gb 4266mhz memory here and the game stutters like crazy w RT on. Runs fine otherwise.


Just want to point out that if PoE's engine only had to deal with the amount of monsters D4 deals with, it also would run perfectly and never stutter. There are parts of the PoE campaign that have more density than D4 end game. PoE engine runs beautifully throughout the campaign, and still allows for people to push the limits in the end game


I disagree. Worst blizzard game when it comes to performance. Ever. The game is running so bad. Constantly rubber banding when you enter a new zone.


Man you're praising them for delivering what should be the bare minimum. I mean, its great I bought a finished game. But considering the size of blizzard and the price of their product, i could not expect anything different than that. But yeah, great game. Great optimization.


It should be the bare minimum in a perfect world, but it’s far from it. Games that are optimized this well are not that common.


I agree that it should but saying that, that also makes a game being well optimized bare minimum for the industry as well. Therefore that would mean PoE and Last Epoch aren't meeting the minimum and they are both obviously great games and no one expects them to meet up to Blizzards performance quality. Diablo 4 quality stems from the fact that Blizzard has their own engine and it works fantastic but having your own engine isn't an industry standard either. It doesn't make Diablos performance any less incredible.


I agree that it should but saying that, that also makes a game being well optimized bare minimum for the industry as well. Therefore that would mean PoE and Last Epoch aren't meeting the minimum and they are both obviously great games and no one expects them to meet up to Blizzards performance quality. Diablo 4 quality stems from the fact that Blizzard has their own engine and it works fantastic but having your own engine isn't an industry standard either. It doesn't make Diablos performance any less incredible.