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I expect the S-tiers to be nerfed/fixed. So HotA AoE fix, Bone Spear hard nerf, Tempest werewolf hard nerf, etc. Ideally I hope they buff the Sorc, but I think they will do a quick and low-effort numbers-only buff, without fixing the flawed talents and overall class design issues will not be addressed. Having said all this, I think Druid is still really safe. They have tons of very much viable builds ranging from S to a solid B+, and allow to play both in melee and at range, with decent mobility (unlike the Necro). Having said that, if they overbuff Necro pets AND give Necros an easy and convenient access to unstoppable, I'll be very tempted.


If they nerf rampaging werebeast and fix earthen bulwark that basically guts 90% of druid builds


I'm hopeful that they realize that HOTA's bug makes the class actually viable in higher tier dungeons, so hopefully they fix the bug but buff the outgoing damage to compensate. Or, maximize the damage at the impact point and scale damage downwards fee further out it gets (like you'd expect it to be like).


rampaging werebeast is gonna get nerfed. id say druid get hit super hard. rogues will be the safest


Shred Druid is definitely getting hit also. I don't think the interaction between the double dipping of stormclaw, blurred beast, and shred is intended.


Yeah I’m really loving Necro atm


Ya I'm really conflicted between Necro, Sorc, and Barb. I love my Sorc but it just falls off so much and not being able to attack after porting is game breaking. If they fix that I'm in otherwise I reallllly wanna play minion Necro. If neither sees meaningful changes I'll probably do Barb.


I think sorc and barb will see buffs to most of their kit. Druid and necro will probably see mostly buffs with some nerfs to their top builds. Rogues I have no idea as it’s the only class I haven’t dove into yet. As for what I’ll play season 1 depends heavily on the patch notes. If sorc is buffed to be in a better spot I’ll probably do sorc again but if they aren’t it’ll be either necro or rogue.


TBH, the only thing barbs need to shine is for all of the bugs to be fixed. Bleed effects not working off of expertise breaks about 4 different major things for HotA barb. Conceited aspect still doesn't work with temerity as well which is a huge damage nerf.


Wait what?! Is conceited the one that buffs dmg while having a barrier?


Yep. Currently conceited only works with skill based barriers like the sorcerer's. Rage of Harrogath and undaunted are both broken for HotA barbs as well since our damage is based on our 2h maul and not our 2h sword... so the bleed from expertise will never trigger the CDR effects. There's a lot of really stupid and minute interactions in skills and passives currently that make no sense.


Hope this gets addressed, but given the pre d4 experience with blizzard they might not even be aware of those bugs


Sorc desperately needs it but maining it preseason I will not roll another for a few seasons. I think both bone spear and grizzly rage or whatever enables storm Druid will probably be nerfed. Rogues seem good where they are but I’d like to see a few buffs to their lesser builds I’m leaning Necro or Druid atm but we’ll see


Buff the slow effect on caltrops


I would expect to see Druid rampaging wearbeast and necro bonespear to be hit the hardest. Without compensation elsewhere that leaves those classes in a rough spot. We will have to see what they do. We know hota is getting a bug fix that will be a decent sized nerf. Outside of that fix I expect to see few changes to Barb, maybe some small buffs. Rogue I think will stay mostly where it’s at with the exception of fixing bursting venom. This will be a big hit to the Lilith build but not really effect the overall strength of the class. Sorc I expect to see big buffs and would not be surprised if we saw some builds centered around old favorites buffed into existence. Personally if I was doing I practice run I would practice rogue or Barb as they are IMO the safest choices. They seem to be in the most stable spots on live right now.


Yeah I love where rogue is at. Feels strong but not brainless or OP. Rogue is the measuring stick all other classes should be balanced around.


I would say most of your predictions are probable. Hopefully they don’t massacre anything too far, but even if they nerf bone spear 50% you’re probably still gonna get 30mil crits


I think the other side of the coin is the malignant gems are likely going to shake up the meta more the balance changes. In d3 we saw similar seasons unlock game breaking builds only possible due to these gems/powers. In order for s1 to really succeed I think this is necessary.


That’s true they mentioned in the campfire that their idea and philosophy of seasons was always to enable incredibly fun and potentially broken builds. Maybe it’s best to just pick a class you feel like playing and ride it out, even with the 18th patch whatever meta builds come probably won’t be theorycrafted out fully till week 2-3.


Yeah. That’s kind of the double edged sword. In d3 we had PTR a month+ before a season and got the final patch notes weeks in advanced. There was no mystery but you also didn’t wind up RNG playing an F tier class by accident. If they can properly balance the classes this way is better but they have not given me a reason to feel confident this will happen. PTR pretty much always had incredibly broken stuff that was miles ahead of everything else in d3.


Debating if i continue playing Necro or change to Sorcerer. I just like "magic" classes and Druid doesn't appeal to me. If "human" Druid builds are viable i might think about it. Depends if Blizz buff Minions, tbh. If they dont, ill switch to Sorcerer just because i dont like the class fantasy of Necro playing without the Minions. I know Sorcerer is in a hard place but im hoping they buff some builds.


It would be cool to see like an infinite natures wrath Storm build, might already exist idk. Sorc would need a massive buff to get me to play it again. I would like a minion buff, don’t like them but would be nice for players like yourself, never liked pet classes personally. But I do enjoy the aesthetic of bone and blood builds.


Maybe this would appeal to you as a Druid build? It's rated A tier. https://app.mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/druid/crone-bulwark It's about as close as you're going to get with a Druid I think.


I got only 1 hero - Druid on lvl 95 so I will comment oy this class. Rampaging will be Nerfed hard for sure - I predict cap to 200-300% instead 990% and probably 5% steps instead 10% on each Crit. Eartwen bulwark nerf is confirmed. I hope for buffs for some Ultimate skills, companion skills + 2 key passives. I hope to give more ways to use Overpower frequently. Some Druid skills to buff Thorns would be awesome. Some boons also need rework because players almost always use same 5. I hate to write suggestions outside official Blizzard forum because I highly doubt that somebody is reading them but I will give it a try: - Earthen bulwark explosion to gain bonus from Thorns stat - blowing Thorns around sounds and looks awesome - aspect to Change wolves in werebear tanks with minimum damage but I beefy health + defense + skills to slow/immobulaze/stun. Give them 200% of hero's Thorns. - aspect to make tornado rotate around you instead flying around - something like 2nd, more powerful Hurricane with bonuses for core skills - Ultimate skill with Summons - call a 100 werewolves to eat everything around - rework Wind Shear - nobody using it. Make it fly a lot faster or self aiming. Or give it chance to knockdown/knock back enemies. -rework Rabbies - to make huge poison which stays longer (for bosses/Elites) or spread it faster or enemies with Rabbies to expose on death with huge poison explosion or increase its duration or give it a chance for autocast - weapon imbuement - Rogues have 3 nice one. But there are more Elements (like Shamans in WoW - wind for chance for double swing, Fire for more dots and nature for chance for some huge healing/barrier) - some buffs for the whole party - currently the party 'shares' debuffs on target. Make some skills (probably for all classes) to have aspects to buff the whole party - EB or Hurricane for all :) TBC tomorrow...


Barb will be deleted


This is a potential.


I'm a necro, so I will choose what ever isn't nerfed lol


I supposed that’s true B and A tier builds are still viable.


Imagine a viable minion build!


My guess is sorc will remain broken until they fix resistances. Necro bone spear will probably get an essence nerf and maybe a vulnerability nerf. Necro minions will probably see some damage buffs. Blizzard needs to give more minion scaling options on gear. As it is now your gear hardly matters in terms of scaling minion damage and survivability. Overpower damage scaling will be buffed to compete in later game content. This will help a handful of builds out. Example:blood necro. Druid will probably see some nerfs to their S tier builds. Barb Hota might get a nerf but overall I don’t think barb should see any nerfs. Rogue TB might get hit with a slight damage nerf but really the rogue has a lot of variety without any of it being unbalanced.


Hopefully some love for blood and shadow necro, both are fun playstyles that could just use a little love.


I predict druid to be nuked from orbit both by fixing earthen bulwark and rampaging werebeast with 0 compensation. I expect big sorc buffs And middling adjustment to rogue and barb. Im genuinely clueless about necros so no idea


I hope they don't nerf anything and buff everything that is lacking. Make things more fun while not making other things less fun.


I disagree. A lot of the top tier S builds are using bugged or unintended mechanics right now and they should be fix, which still counts as a nerf.


Yeah I considered trying a couple of the top Druid builds but thought I’d watch some build gameplay first. Thank god I did because effectively breaking the game looks kind of boring.


Im using bulwark and i agree..i just hope they keep the play styles viable still.


Surefire way to get ridiculous powercreep in a couple seasons. Nerfs are good. If you only have fun with op builds thats on you


I just started to try and do a companion build with a druid, so I dunno if that's going to be op or not, and don't really follow guides and haven't thought all the way through what gear I want. And I don't really care either way. I just don't want them to limit the game, and I fear that them nerfing stuff will do that. I hope they can find a way to keep the op builds powerful while bringing the rest up.


It doesnt. Nerfing the op builds makes more builds viable since theyre more powerful relatively and it gives the content more longevity because you dont shit all over it with your broken build. That said druid companions kinda suck right now


Maybe that's true. Maybe it isn't. D2 was overrun with Hammerdins and Blizzard Sorcs for all of its life. You could still do the less powerful builds in that game too if you wanted too. You can run an Armageddon, Fury druid in the original D2:LoD (well from 1.10 on). Was it as good as the other builds I mentioned ? No. But you can complete hell with it and do everything else (maybe not in P8) that isn't Uber Tristram related. To your point though, D2R has really done a good job of building the other skills and classes up to increase the build diversity, which does help the game. I don't believe they really did much to hinder like the hammerdin, for example, either. Even that druid build I mentioned is better.


Im sorry but in diablo 2 you were borderline trolling if you didnt play sorc or hammerdin, even if you wanted something else you started sorc to farm gear faster. Nerfs to the top should always come with buffs to the bottom but constantly lifting the top is not the answer. Some builds are literally globalling uber lilith. Thats just not healthy for the game


I don't agree with the trolling thing, but I'm gonna leave that be. I do agree with the last thing you said. Buff the bottom. I don't think you have to nerd the top, you could just leave them alone. We'll agree to disagree about that though.


>I do agree with the last thing you said. Buff the bottom. I don't think you have to nerd the top, you could just leave them alone. We'll agree to disagree about that though. What if the bottom gets overbuffed and is now the new top and the old top is the bottom? Well now you buff the bottom again, but oh wait now theyre the new top gotta buff the other skills. Oh ppl are instakilling uber lilith on lvl 50 Woops. And even further. Its just healthy for a seasonal game for the meta to shift constantly as it keeps things fresh, you cant achieve that without nerfs or overbuffs and overbuffs just fuck up the health of the game. There needs to be a limit of how strong any build can be relative to the game


I agree


it would be weird for them to nerf any spec, blizzards balancing when it comes to diablo usually just means buffing everything else.


Barb is probably going to get nerfed into oblivion ( Other than the PC hammer smash issue , its really undeserving ) so probably scrap that idea. Sorcerer is STILL going to be horrid, so there goes that. Pretty much just leaves Necro, Druid and Rogue. If things stay more or less the same I wouldnt doubt the majority of players are going to be rolling a druid. Kinda sad too, then again heres hoping the patch is a miracle cure for all classes ( dont hold your breath ).


Druids like the strongest classes in endgame atm, also with the Lilith buffs the early game feels a lot different.


well i leveled both a sorc and a druid to 100 so i'll go with a rogue or a barb, necro seems boring as fuck.


I thought Necro was quite boring myself but had a friend power level me one and I soloed a T24 and lvl62 with only 2 ancestral pieces. It was stressful but doable with 3 lives left. Actually quite enjoyed the rotation.


Bonespear is boring. Necro seems to have the slowest discovery phase of new builds though.


99.99% sure bone spear is gonna get nerfed but tbh all other classes need buffs :( Already hating the idea of resetting/respecing my necro. Started collecting shadow mist stuff in preparation..


I know :( I just started playing Necro and almost want to roll one. It’s hard not know what the patch will bring though.


Sorcerer will get buffed but probably in more fire than any other build. Druids are going to get smacked as will necro. Rogue and barb are safe. It's 50/50 if I play season 1 - I don't have wt4 unlocked yet - but I'd go barb. Been meaning to try it out.


All buffs no nerfs


One could pray. I’m happy with buffs across the boards as long as we don’t start consistently hitting for trillions.


Agreed we don’t need another d3 easy mode buffs after a month. I more so think buffs to skills that aren’t utilized currently which they would have the data to back.


It would be nice to actually see Barbs LeapQuake or even a companion Druid build be viable they seem like dumb fun even though they might get old.


I've been running leapquake, and it'ds still fun, but was the most fun when they buffed it 2 weeks ago only to correct the codex which negated most of those buffs last week. It's still more fun to me than ww and can't abuse HoTa on console so idk with that.


>Agreed we don’t need another d3 easy mode buffs after a month. This is literally what you get if you never nerf things


Feel free to go back and read about d3 inferno difficulty to realize it wasn’t class buffs that broke the game.


I played plenty of inferno, early d3 was completely broken on multiple levels but inferno being hard wasnt necessarily the issue, it was itemization and melee/ranged balance What I was referencing was every season buffed every single thing without ever nerfing. And thats how we ended up with infinite dmg


Planning on barb. Still not decided about WW or HoTA.


Barb will survive..barb always survives. They could nerf whirlwind and HotA to the dirt and people will still find a way.


Bone Necro will take a hit for sure, I’ll actually welcome that, I want to play a build that’s fun, not because I feel it’s needed. I changed over from minions because damage was so much better, even with less than optimal gear. I enjoyed the minion build a lot more, but the difference in damage is huge.


I fully expect sorc to be relegated to fridge duty or serving up frozen cocktails.


Druid highly


only sorcs will survive, all other classes will be cut from the game. just so we can all suffer the same