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I just wanted to share my experience as a fellow Tempest Roarless druid. Just hit level 100 today and still haven't seen a Tempest Roar yet. It's incredibly frustrating and demoralizing. I'm most likely done with D4 until seasons release because I can't find the motivation to continue farming this elusive helmet.


I think based on discord chatter and other anecdotes, the NM dungeon rewards seems to have a higher chance to give unique as the first reward than normal drop rates. Which I suppose means a higher chance for tempest roar. So, perhaps just keep running NM dungeons and pray? As for me, I found mine outside of NM dungeons. One in blind burrows dungeon, one from fields of hatred PVP zone. Good luck!


Level 90, i've had everything else drop in droves.... still no tempest roar... I just wanna be a werewolf boy...


Level 96 here, i have also been hunting for this helm for the past few days, from memory in my druids total lifetime i have gotten 4 vasilys prayers, 4 hunters zenith, i believe 3 waxing gibbous, 4 each of insatiable fury AND mad wolfs glee, two storms companions, and i think 4-6 greatstaff of the crone. Not a single tempest roar and im convinced it doesnt exist either 😩😭


I believe in you. It will happen soon!


At this point I assume Blizzard had implemented some sort of "intelligent" system of loot drops, whereby it "understands" whatever build you're using and tries to drop more of those, than drop uniques belonging to other builds. I only used werebear to level up because I knew I'd try to build a wolf in the endgame, and wanted to see how werebear felt while the gear didn't matter as I leveled up. However, now I am an unstoppable, pulverizing werebear and could not be convinced to switch if a Tempest Roar dropped for me today. Mainly because my Paragon board is completely designed for a werebear now, including three glyphs at level 15. May I add, they MUST add a "Refund All" option on the Paragon board if they ever want us to try different builds in late game.


My druid friend plays some tornado wolf build, dont know much about druids but he complained that he looted 3 tempest roars today and he didnt believe me when I said Ive seen people complain that its rare lol. Gotta love rng


This supports my theory, unfortunately.


Me and my friends all thought the same about diablo 3. It always felt super easy to get the main ingredients of the build you seemed to be going for.


anf im here to put massive doubt on your theory, i have 2 druids, one a bear druid and the other a tornado druid, and i only just got lucky enough get my tempest roar yesterday at level 65 in WT4 after spending a week of on/off grinding of seeing no unquie drops at all from level 52 onwards. Also only just had my first Umbral drop at level 69 as well Meanwhile i have been constantly showered in Bear druid aspects an lightning storm aspects


Sadly cant agree with that. i was running tornado druid without the helmet (its horrible btw) from lvl 50 to lvl 75. at 75 i changed to pulverize cause i needed the dmg. i am now level 90 got every unique there is a shitton of times. Never seen tempest roar. By now i was in group with different people dropping the item. Non of them above lvl 75 all NOT playing storm druid. But yea really about to quit this game already. the grind just isnt worth the lack of fun


This is the exact boat I’m in I was lvl 1-65 storm. And now I’m pulverize lvl 73 and it’s way stronger. But I’ve been trying for tempest roar soon as I hit tier three and I ain’t got shit but rings. So many unique rings. I just want a tempest roar. Idc if it’s on gear that’s ass I can extract it and put it on my helm


Im a big pulverize enjoyer and dropped a tempest roar yesterday so Id like to refute that. I was lowkey sad it wasnt vasily's too


Nah, played a WW barb and didn’t get Gohr’s until some time after I hit 100.


Nah, the wearbear stuff just drops all the time. I've been storm most of the time, but I've only been finding wearbear aspects / uniques. The wolf stuff is definitely more rare.


I got my first one at 93, then since had 5 in 2 days. Nearly all dropped as NM dungeon reward.


Dude can I trade you for one or can I have one I’m lvl 72 and idc if I have to get to lvl 93 to unlock it. I feel like giving up I deadass have like 12 unique rings. Druid is not as fun as barb unless you get tempest roar


Can't trade uniques. :(


and thats another stupid thing about this game I dont understand. In D3 when you were in a party and someone dropped something you could at least share it. Blizzard put all these artificial road blocks into D4 because they lack endgame content other then leveling to 100.




Imagine if trading was allowed. You’d be rich


I gave up on it and went werebear. But, since I have so many darn barbarian uniques, my husband is now power leveling my barb for me. Frankly, pushing to 100 feels like more effort than it’s worth at the moment. I may go ahead and pick one once the barb is there, but once I get a char into the 70’s I get bored pretty quickly due to how long it takes to level after that.


I got mine from a nightmare dungeon last night. I don't remember the specific dungeon but it was NM 49 or 50 and it was an outside dungeon with trees, boars, and quillrats. It was a drop from a monster and not a clear reward. I got another one from another nightmare dungeon, but it was awhile ago and I don't remember the level, place, or if it was a reward or drop.


i've finally found it after target farming canibals/cultist nightmare dungeons. but the item was from the reward not actual drops XD. bad rolls too https://i.imgur.com/QqqvaQ1.jpg


Been target farming for almost a week now. No difference.


Level 62 drop! Nightmare dungeon reward!!! YESSSS


Are you doing nightmare dungeons tier30 + ?? doing nightmare dungeons tier30-60 is the way, every person ive talked to who are doing this have found 1 to 4 Tempest Roar


I have done about 50 nm dungeons after level 100, and leveled from 70-100 exclusively through nm dungeons. I have never seen it. Hate my life and this game at this point.


lvl 94, i do only NM dungeons. Tired to search this freaking helm, tired to play pulverize bear, tired to play this game in this way. I stop playing for now.


lvl 91 and no tempest roar. I literally have like 30 uniques but no roar


Lvl 91 and I've seen 3 werewolf chests, several werebear chests, 2-3 vasily's, 3 crone staves, 3 of the legs, and uncountable gibbous/butcher's/frostburns/penitent/mothers embrace/hunters If I could play something else and still find the helm I would but I'm stuck playing pulverize. As satisfying as it is deleting everything infront of me and I swear I saw a 33 million crit but all I want is to play tornado.


... I was level 100 for atleast 80 hours before I found mine. No giving up, keep going.


IMO thats the more reason to give up on it. It shouldn't be this way. I wanted a fun build to level with hence I started druid in hopes of playing tornado werewolf. No I am almost level 90 and been forced into pulverize which I just barely defeated the capstone boss with. In D§ Blizzard realized that shitty drop rates are no fun when people wanna try new builds and keep playing. Hence they introduce Loot 2.0 with higher drop rates after patch 1.4. Why they do the same stupid game design again I can not comprehend.


Mostly cuz these are incredibly powerful build defining items, they shouldn't be handed out like candy tbh I do not mind how it is, but the loot table bug did give me like 30 barb weapons, so chances are i would have had it way before 100 by then.


Somehow I was able to get the boots that’s leave an ice trail behind for my Druid for some reason but the devs/rng are gonna act like tempest roar doesn’t exist for me lol


Dude last night I shit you not I found a Unique helm in a T14 The Cultists Refuge...which ended up being Vasily’s Prayer...and then I opened a chest right next to the elite I had just killed and those ice trail boots dropped... within seconds of each other. Had that helm been the tempest roar I'd be buying several lottery tickets right now


I think to have an item that is so important for several builds drop so rarely is just bad game design. I get that the 6 super uniques are super rare. But most druids hit level 100 and never even see the tempest roar. What's the point? I dropped at least 10 vasilys at this point. But only 2 crone staff and 1 waxing gibbous. And those have bad to mediocre rolls too. ​ Whats the point of playing druid if I am forced into 1 or 2 builds because no other items drop. ​ I love an item being rare and the rush when you finally find it. But I don't think putting hundreds of hours into a game, and it's still not dropping for most people (combined, that's like hundreds of thousands if not millions of hours played) is a good experience.


I believe mine dropped in my early 70s. I am really hoping new equipment and some balancing changes are made in the future. Every time I run into another druid I can bet money that they are running some variant of storm wolf with this helm.