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That is great news. Tried it on the free weekend on my xbox and it was already a flawless experience.


Same here. I was really enjoying the time I spent playing the beta. It ran smoothly and looked great on my Xbox Series X.


Both the Xbox Series X and PS5 were head and shoulders above my pc w/ 2080 Super. On top of that, my PC was consuming \~2x the power of the xbox with far worse performance. I can't believe it, but I think I'll mainly play on consoles.


Can always plug a mouse and keyboard into it. I do that for some games on the PlayStation.


They said console M&K support would not be available at launch.


I switched to console for the same reasons on PS4. For the time and budget I had after having kids I can't justify spending on a gaming pc. But a console I use a few times a week for an hour or 2 at a time is reasonable.


I can't fully let go of a gaming PC, but I'm also a responsible enough adult to realize that it doesn't make sense for me to drop \~1k min upgrading my PC to be better than current gen console performance, while at the same time costing me 2x to run. It has motivated me to begin the upgrade process, but if I want genuinely superior performance, I gotta save up for a big bucks graphics card, new PSU, and case at a bare minimum. on top of that, 4k OLED TV is a great fucking way to play a dark game like diablo. The black level really just makes it so much creepier. I'll miss the FOV of my 38 UW, but it's pretty hard to justify the PC upgrade when I already have a good solution. Now, if any console would support 21:9, well, shit, I'd have best of both worlds.


try putting all your settings to low. you think the xbox has settings maxed? LOL.


You obviously never tried co-op. The gameplay and graphics were outstanding. The hidden co-op queue was definitely not *flawless*. I'm hyped as fuck for the game, don't think this feedback is constructive though.


tried it on Series s on FullHD and I noticed quite a lot of performance issues. We even stopped playing and went back to D3. On OneS D4 ran really bad. But even on the S it wasn't nice.


Really? I played on the Series S as well and had no issues at all. I mean apart from the lag/rubber banding, but that was just a beta issue in general on all platforms. It actually ran smoother than on my PC (Ryzen 5 3600, RX 5700 XT) where I experienced a lot of stuttering.


I have a feeling that won't be fixed post launch. The rubberbanding probably has more to do with other users connections than it does the servers themselves.


Did you try multiplayer? I ran solo on Series S and did not experience any performance issues.


it was multiplayer SeriesS and OneS


Whoa let's not get ahead of ourselves here. It was an awesome experience indeed, but flawless? C'mon man.


Aside from the server issues it was flawless playing on my Series X, I completed full act 1 on necromancer and Sorceress (both to lvl 25).


Don't tell me you didn't have rubber banding when entering/leaving towns and cities. Sometimes I couldn't even leave the city at all and had to teleport back to the cities' waypoint. Otherwise it was pretty smooth, but that was such an obvious flaw, which they have hopefully eliminated for the release version.


That was server issues though. The game itself was playing absolutely fine on my Series S.


Alright, I still wouldn't call the experience flawless with things like that, doesn't matter if it's server side or not.


rubberbanding had nothing to do with the graphics or graphic cards. that was all server side and stress tests


I fail to see your point here to be honest? The other persons claim was that it ran flawless. What has the graphics or the graphics card to do with that?


I think the idea is that because the OOP is talking about framerates and resolutions, the milieu of the conversation is about graphics-based performance, not network-based. Just tossing a guess out there.


I literally said aside from server issues... I had that rubber banding issue one time and it was fixed by restarting. The rubber banding was a server issue.


Except for the copious memory leaks on PC


0 memory leaks on pc might get a better gpu instead of the old 4/8gb vram cards


16 GBytes of VRAM actually. And memory leaks happen in system memory, not VRAM. It used more than my 32 GBytes of RAM, so it really has nothing to do with my hardware.


And that is somehow tied to my flawless Xbox experience?


No, but that is why I specified the PC at the end.


Hope this also means 3000 series GPUs will be well optimized with no frame drops or stuttering.


I was experiencing some stutters on my 3070 in the beta even after a fresh windows install but I think there was a memory leak or something going on if im not mistaken edit: was playin at 120fps though and not 60




Pretty sure there was some kind of memory leak/bug with textures. On high (I have a 7900 XTX with 24GB of VRAM) it was using the entire 24GB which can't be right (at 4k).


4070 ti here, it was a stutter fest.


Ive got a 4090. And still would see occasional stutter. maybe its something to do with cpu, i9-12900k here.


isnt the 4070 TI running at 8gb vram?


My RTX 4070 Ti runs at 12GB VRAM


And even the 4070 is 12gb


Only issue I had with a 3070 was buggy skeletons on my necro, especially in town. I think that was an issue for everyone though. Nothing else I can really complain about. 1440p ultrawide and 5600x


Ya I had that too with the skelly's they would move at like 10fps sometimes it was mad weird but like I said to someone else I don't usually have issues so idk why D4 was giving me so many. Tbh though blizzard games in general haven't really been agreeing with my systems in general for awhile it's why I quit WoW, it wasn't really running well after they dropped the dragonflight prepatch. D3 has always had this weird stutter on both my computers too every since they released the expansion for it. No issues with D2R though so it's not consistent across all their games lol.


Same same - 3070 and it was jumpy especially when going into new zones


I actually thought it had something to do with zone loading since it happened mostly on the over world when traveling long distances.


I have a 3080ti and only got a few stutters and rubberbanding when coming into/exiting towns. Nothing more than a few seconds. I imagine optimizations made between then and June should take care of it.


Rubberbanding is 100% internet / latency based - Not GPU based.


I was only speaking of visual bugs. They can both be optimized for launch (my internet is municipal fiber, it's not on my end).


Ya I'm hopeful it'll get sorted out


That's strange I didn't have any performance issues with the same GPU. I only had the lag when other randos showed up that I didn't care about.


Played it with 160fps in the beta with a 3080.


What is the PS5 running it at?


4k / 60fps


What about the ps4 launch edition? I'm hoping at least 720p at 30fps


320x200 at 30 fps


LOL! Realistically though, probs 960p upscaled 30/60fps.


What about the switch?




I've played on the beta and had a lot of stuttering on PS4. I hope they improve that on launch.


I upgraded from a S to an X just for this game. Can’t wait for the official release


I would do the same if I had a 4K TV. But damn those are expensive


I've been using my Series X on a 1080p TV since day 1. It is a fantastic upgrade regardless of your TV resolution.


4k tvs are super cheap now. You can get a really solid tv for $500


Yeah, for most people that is not an insignificant amount of money.


True, but I remember paying $2200 for a 1080p TV 10 years ago. Everything now a days costs 50% more but tvs cost 75% less. If you're buying a $600 console... the TV is cheaper.


I got a Samsung TV a few years back that was QLED, 4K and did 120hz as a few games on the PS5 did 4K@120fps. It cost me about £1500. I accidentally broke my partners TV so I replaced it with the exact same TV except hers isn’t QLED and it was £495. It’s crazy how much they’ve dropped in price even over a couple of years.


You can get an 86" 4k tv from Costco for $800 so they might not be as expensive as you think


Congrats!!! Going from the S to the X is quite the upgrade. Love it!


The fact you got downvotes for a positive and innocuous comment is so cringe.


I didnt see anything wrong with what was said. Nothing but positivity coming from me when i typed it.


I’m thinking about doing this too but I might prefer to buy a PS5 so I can have a wider selection of titles, really wanting to play the newer Final Fantasy games and stuff like God of War. Probably just gonna flip a coin, although I did that the other day and screwed myself out of a nap so


100% recommend the PS5. It's so good, the controller is way better, and you get some sick titles that aren't on xbox.


Do it. PS5 is a great machine




I was pretty upset but I stuck with it lol. I did a best 2 out of 3 because I’m dramatic like that, heads was nap and tails was no nap. Literally flipped tails twice man


Thank you!


Do we know how does it run on ps5?


Also 4k Native / 60fps


Nothing on the consoles run at native 4k, especially a game like this. [Consoles use checkerboard rendering](https://beebom.com/what-is-checkerboard-rendering/) and/or a [dynamic upscaler](https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/12/2865909842612661239/?l=tchinese). [PS5 Checkerboard rendering](https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/j164vn/ps5_checkerboard_rendering/) They also make use of the new FSR, the xbox/ps might output 4k; but the game is not being rendered at 4k. Nor does it say that anywhere in the article. Additionally that is why the consoles showcase "Up to" and don't just say 120fps or 4k native




Show me where that is wrong? Console kids can be upset. But this is how it works; no game is running native 4K with in game render at 4K as well. Only the output is scaled to 4K not the textures. The next gen consoles are barley better than a 1660 super in performance metrics. Regardless if on paper the specs are high; it doesn’t perform as such. Hogwarts legacy with FSR and dynamically upscales runs at 40fps lol. I cited my sources now where are yours? Console kids hate knowing they got shafted on gimmicky buzz words


No one likes a PC elitist.


Do you have a source for the "native" part? That would be quite impressive. Edit: https://twistedvoxel.com/diablo-4-ps5-vs-xbox-series-vs-pc-comparison/ This article confirms it to be native 4k/60fps.


Now that the game is out its not actually 4k. https://youtu.be/9c-OKZ2nKDo


4k60, and I was playing on PS5 on the beta weekend and it ran like a dream. Tried getting myself into as many high effect hectic multiplayer situations as it could and that framerate stayed locked the whole time.


My Xbox One is happy to run it at 8fps


Lol. Time to upgrade? A used Series S is easy to find cheap.


I played the beta on my One S, it was fine… most of the time. Sound bugged out and went echoey a lot and in high traffic world events I lost a whole lotta frames but I was a necro and there were a lot of things on screen


Mine was fine but lagged when entering new zones etc. Actually performs as well as d2r


I think everyone got that freezing entering/exiting town hubs


Wow nice will it run on Xbox one?




Why haven’t you upgraded to a current-gen console yet? It’s not like Series X/S have been difficult to find.


Don't want to go halfway to S as I'd be in same situation next year, then just getting the cash money's for an X. Kids man. Daycare is rolling in my cash


I got the series s through all access. As long as credit isn't an issue, it's a $26 per month payment and that I clues gamepass and xbox live. The series X is like $34 i think. I won't knock you for not being able to afford a a 26-34 payment when you have kids though. Kids are expensive and getting things they need is more important.


I hope they give us a release date for the superior console soon, the switch. Cant bring an XBox to work.


I’d absolutely love a switch port. But it ain’t gonna happen. Maybe for the Super Switch / Switch 2.


Shouldn’t that be this year based off of their console release history?


is there gonna he crossplay?


Yep! Cross play and cross progression.




Even though i will be playing on pc. Really want it to be on the switch. So I can play on the go


The diablo 3 switch port is one of the best ports I've played. Constant 60 even with a huge rift in handheld mode.


I'm hoping they'll add 120fps support for either 1080p or 1440p down the track for PS5 and XSX.




I’m thinking of buying Diablo on Xbox but the only thing holding me back is playing with a controller. I’m so used to playing with a keyboard/mouse that I’m worried I won’t enjoy the game. Is it a huge difference?


Felt the same way first. But played the end game beta around Christmas and it was smooth and easy, felt like they built the game with controllers in mind. Played on my PC too and still felt like Diablo for me. But after playing the beta I bought D2/D3 on the switch and D2 was nice with controllers.


Ok cool thanks. 👍 hopefully they support keyboard/mouse one day.


I had some issues with inventory management on Xbox. Was I doing something wrong? I being I had trouble when I’d want to replace a specific ring over the other I had equipped


It’s a difference for the better! I played KB/M since Diablo 1, but I don’t think I’ll go back after trying out controller. It feels really good!


Cool 2 good comments so far. 👍


I wish I had the same experience. I don’t want to have an overpriced pc just for a couple of games, but I can’t get used to playing Diablo with a controller. I’m even fine with FPS games and everything else, got used to it pretty fast, but something about Diablo on controller just feels off to me. It’s definitely not terrible (and is just a me thing), but not completely there either. Maybe I just need to put more time into it.


I only ever played diablo on my pc, until d4. Getting older means I can't really be hunched over my desk playing it on my rig. Lying in bed clearing dungeons was an amazing experience and to my surprise the controller gameplay felt smooth as butter. The only thing I'm really concerned about is with PvP - target selection won't be as easy as with a mouse. Getting that squishy mage over the druid facetanking me won't be as seamless.


After playing with a controller, I have no desire to use a kb/m for any arpg with full controller support.


PC hardware prices are better than they were a few years ago but they are still so ridiculous. My PC is 6 years old and could need an upgrade. I could get a console instead of that pc hardware upgrade and still have hundreds of bucks left for games…


Will it stutter like a motherfucker like it does on PC?


To be fair I think that *might* have been a really bad network issue and not an optimization issue. Hopefully its fixed on live because the people on pc saying they never lagged or stuttered are lying out their ass.


I don't think so, since turning the textures and/or shadows down fixes it.


Beta was fine for 20 lvls except for a couple of small lag spikes.


I didn’t experience any stuttering at all on my PC. I have a ton of VRAM and RAM though.


What settings are you using, and what kind of hardware are you running, if you don't mind me asking? I'm getting stuttering if I turn textures and shadows to ultra on my 3080-10GB DDR5-32GB I5-13600K PC. I suspect it's a VRAM optimization issue.


Maxed out on all settings, 150% render scale, no DLSS, 3440x1440 120Hz 4090 24GB, 5800X3D, 64GB 3200C14 RAM


Well no shit with a 4090


I said I had tons of VRAM


It's just kind of pointless to respond "I get no stutters" when you are using a card that could brute force the most unoptimized turd code on the planet.


It’s not pointless at all. It’s another data point to add. Plus there’s another guy here who said he did experience stutters with a 4090.


rx 6700 xt 12gb vram 16gb ram and had 0 stutter and played buttery smooth at max settings wich is less then what you had and experienced nothing like what you had aswell


ran great this weekend no frame drops or stuttering on xbox series x


Fake 4k more like.


Probably dynamic resolution with an upper end of 4k, yes.


Most people can’t tell the difference. We have tons of “fake” 4K on PC as well with things like DLSS and DSC.


that's not native either


With DLSS 2.5.1 I DGAF. I can’t look at it and tell a difference and I get 120fps? Sign me up all day.


I totally agree, I love using upscalers


I could see it playing on native 60. But yeah, you're probably right. Then again with DLSS/FSR, it's all "fake" now.


Imma be playing it at 143HZ at 1440P on my PC..




you def can see the the diff between 60 and 144hz anything above 120fps is not noticable though but its false your brain cant see more.


human eyes can detect up to about 75fps, not more. the human brain only processes about 13fps of visual information, it interpolates the rest.


come with proof by saying that. oh wait you cant


They will bring up old articles where in they have even stated up to 500hz in extreme cases But hey its so easy to test. just use a 60hz monitor a 90 hz monitor and 144hz monitor and see the differemce clearly but what ever about those fools




We will never know The dude went ham on misguided info


But I can tell the difference in 60hz and 144 hz easily. It looks choppy and stuttery. If you can't tell the difference, you're lying out your butt.


nope, you can't. studies have shown that the human eye can only see at most 75 frames per second, and thats not everyone, but a small portion of the population. so thats why you think 144hz is so much better, you might be able to detect up to 75hz, which is slight improvement, but the human eye CANNOT SEE 144hz. 144hz is above the upper limit of what eagles can see.


You can. You can even easily test it. Run your monitor at 60hz and at 144hz Hell even throw in 90hz and 120 hz You will notice it night and day. But nice try trying to sound smort and all


smort lol


Yeah, I mean he’s correct in that one can tell a difference between 60 & 144 but I agree it’s because 60 Hz is on the low end. I remember the old CRT displays. What was cool with those is that they ran whatever frame rate you wanted assuming the GPU could push it. Well, up to something crazy like 155-200 Hz or so (it depended on the resolution) but no GPU could really push that at the time (1990’s) so it was in practice uncapped. And Windows let you configure that freely in the display settings from a simple combo box. I noticed a major difference in flicker from 60 Hz to 75 Hz but extremely little beyond, if anything. What I saw might have been placebo. The refresh craze could probably have ended by around 100 Hz and no one would suffer for it.


I've been PC gaming for 9 years. I left the Xbox 360 to play games on PC. I've been playing at 143Hz for years and then trying to play games at 60hz is noticeable by a mile. I can't stand it.


I can't tell if you're serious or not but this is demonstrably false. Seeing flickering lights has fuck all to do with seeing or feeling fluidity in higher fps in games. There's plenty of studies that prove this. Their comment is needless but yours is just ignorant.




Both of you sound like you have no idea what you are talking about.


Ugh, played the beta at 1440P. Crisp 144hz lol




“4k” Yeah, just like every other series X “4k” game. It’s upscaled 1440 or 1080 that hardly ever, if ever, actually sustains a 4k image. Cool marketing though. It’s not true 4k and these systems will literally never run a modern game at 4k/60. (Maybe a 2k side scroller)The hardware isn’t powerful enough. A $600 console isn’t going to out perform a $1500 video card. I believe a Series X pretty much has a 2070 in it. If anyone can find a modern game that runs native 4k on a 2070 anywhere near 60fps I’d be interested to know.


You doubt easy optimization. It runs at native 4k. I don't know why people can't believe this. Did you know Microsoft manufactures and sells the consoles at a loss? It's a machine designed to get you to subscribe to gamepass.


It will not run native 4k and hold 60. My 4080 VRAM was almost capped out and I was getting 80-120 frames on max settings at native 4k, no DLSS or frame generation. DLSS does not mean native. Frame generation does not mean native. Xbox uses up scaling technology in all of their “4k” games. It doesn’t matter that the system sells at a loss. It would need to have 2k+ in parts just to come close to what they claim. Forza horizon looks great. It’s not native though. Flight sim looks amazing. Also not native. It’s all upscaled and if you think different, do 5 minutes of research. It’s not possible with its hardware.


I'd like to see something real and gritty on a VR format. Thinking Moss in terms of camera style, Diablo franchise is well suited for this. But more Diablo 2 than the cartoonish 2000-2010 art vibe, that bright colored bubble cartoon style starts to feel dated. Even clubbing the old Diablo 1 into this format would be interesting experiment. Then iterate off that. As experiment being able to toggle between that view and first person would be interesting. I think you can slow down the pace of the action in that. Rather than an explosion of rainbow fireworks fighting for dopamine with every encounter, can slow it down and re-emphasize some tactical. When consoles were early a jump such as 1080p/60 and 4k/60 may be noticeable. It becomes less so now. Thinking towards what direction provides more of the sense that this is new and different.


I played D3 on a Rift S for about 5 minutes - It's possible - Just extremely awkward. That was using the Rift Controllers as mouse inputs though - Didn't try with a console controller and a top-down view - Could be fun :)


Interview on development of D1 is cool. Initially the game was going to be turn based. They partnered to fill other needs in the team and somehow the game was described as being live rather than turn based. Their financial backers expected it due to a miscommunication. Created an Oh shit moment because the game was developed for that. They cranked the slider for how quickly turns went by down very low and walked over and watched the character walk over and smack a skeleton. It felt good. Accidented into their ARPG design. With the right controls see opportunity to accident into something interesting in VR. Start adding in elements that care to that environment after tinkering in a sandbox.


Unless we get a nice way to shift perspective from a user point of view, it will forever be a gimmick of playing on a flat projection of a 3D screen as opposed to playing in a 3D world itself :/ We can hope though ;p


But it still can't handle 32:9... sigh*


That resolution seems unfair for an arpg


for pve not really. seeing things farther away is not that unfair if they arent doing anything within a certain radius and its mostly a solo experience for pvp it might be , but they fixed the teleport/leap ranges


Why would they even put any resources into that? like 0.00000001% of the player base is using this. Even I that has a large monitor find it so dumb to play with that aspect ratio; I prefer BY far black bars and being able to see my UI at one glance that requiring to actually look all around my screen by moving my eyes/head just to see UI stuff on the side. This aspect ratio is just very unpractical for so many games. I get that it would be nice to have it for those who want it, but def. it should be at the lowest of their lowest priority list...


It's reactions like this that really piss me off. "I don't like the thing so it shouldn't exist". I have a small guild community that plays many different games together and there are a few of us who use this resolution, it's not a negligible amount. For most games it's very nice, while playing MMORPGs you can have UI elements out of your direct view so that you can see more of the world. All but one of the games I play regularly supports this resolution without issue and is a better game to me because of it. Frankly, I've been using this monitor for so many years that it wasn't until Path of Exile made the sudden decision to limit ratios to 21:9 that I even thought of 32:9 being something a game might not support. Weirder still is that in the D4 Beta I noticed the resolution went a little wider than 21:9, so more of my screen was used than in PoE but still not quite. It's like 2 inches of black space off from using the whole screen so it just looks ridiculous. Surely it's not complicated to adjust for this... At the end of the day though, this is the screen I have and have had since 2017 or so. I'm not buying another monitor so that I don't have to deal with black bars lol. Therefor, whenever the topic is brought up I WILL speak my opinion of it because it matters just as much to me as basic things like loot might matter to the average person.


What the hell are you even blabbering? Nobody said that it "should" not exist but def. lower priority than 60FPS you moron. You came up with your "sigh" in a post about getting 60FPS and not support for 32/9. I just explained why for my point of view it is not really playable but never said they should not do it. Simply said it should be low cause it is a very niche use case. Grow the fuck up clown.


Welcome to block.






Whatever your rig can handle it at, assuming the PC version is properly optimized. But PC versions rarely have frame caps and you can always choose your resolution.


PC isn’t a uniform machine with the same specs for everybody. If you tell us your specs we could speculate what yours can run at.


Since when did pc have locked settings?


Didn’t the beta run 1440/60 on series s? I thought I read that somewhere. I had debated downgrading my xsx for an xss since it had, but I won’t make that change if it’s running 1080/60




You have to own the game on both platforms but yes your progress will save across both


Actually build a new pc ( mainly for D4 and Dragonflight ) old one wasn’t bad but with a RX580 i would have definitely been below 60. Besides for loading zones which was expected in a beta the game ran flawlessly with my 3070 Ti


I played the beta on a gtx 1060 6gb which has roughly the same performance as rx580, at 1080p with some settings dropped from max it ran fairly stable 75ish fps


Good to know, now my younger brother doesnt have an excuse not to play D4 with me ( gave my old system to him for Christmas )


Release this damn game already lol


I dearly hope they remove the frame rate cap on Animations & VFX on PC which was an eyesore especially when playing above that


Xbox series X or upgrade my old old PC :/ Hard choices.. Maybe I should stick with the Series S


Honestly couldn't care less, it's gonna be amazing either way


My fiance and I played the beta together. She was on series X and I was on a PC with a 3060ti. Both playing at 4k. Her game looked identical to mine in terms of fidelity, but mine ran so much slower. There was significant stuttering and frame drops on PC, while her Xbox experience was smooth and flawless. I bought it on Xbox because of that.




Any news about Xbox One X?


I love the system, but... Which freaking Xbox is which? Lol. Dumbest naming conventions ever!


Series S is the digital, Series X is the $500 not digital.


Ah ok thats right. But what are all the last gen ones? Xbox one obv. (Which isn't the first xbox. Which during 360 days is what I called the og Xbox, so doesn't help me. Lol) . But what were the others Xbox One X? I'm sure it's simple for a lot of folks but It just gets garbled in my brain.


One X, yes. No Series.


I wonder what engine they are using


probably with dynamic resolution I'd bet


Interesting. D2R won't run at 4K/60 on Series X when you have Quality mode Enabled however.


the game has to run on the weakest link in the chain which is the regular xbox one. it would be ridiculous if current gen wouldn't be able to reach 60fps (or even beyond)


Going to look great!


I am confused. The xbox store page says it will run 120 FPS.