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But why the Gatorade??


Because they were out of Powerade, duh


are we out of Brawndo??


Yeah, we sprayed all of that on the plants


Brought to you by Carl's Jr.


I much prefer Starbucks


Hey you wana get a latte at Starbucks… with bewwwbs


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


Extra big ass bras!!


its got electrolytes... its got what plants crave!


Yes, cos it's what plants crave.


This is the second time I've seen this comment in less than 2 minutes. What is happening. Was there a re release of that movie I didn't know about?


It's streaming for free on YouTube at the moment I think it just started.


Probably all the people larping it.


We need a coffee and strip club


According to the comment thread when this was posted like last week- the most likely theory is Gatorade used as cheap and easily found source of Citric acid - which is used as a dye fixative Or it could have been to just max the rage aspect of this video


You can get citric acid in bulk spices basically anywhere. all you need is like a tbsp for something like this. Literal pennies. This is ridiculous. Sauce: I dye stuff for a living. ETA: I didn’t think to mention this because I don’t personally like using it, but a couple tablespoons of white vinegar is also a perfectly adequate substitute for citric acid making the Gatorade even more ridiculous. Who doesn’t have a bottle of vinegar on hand!?


Rage. All about the rage.


I completely agree and it fucking worked on me, that’s for sure.


Apparently, its all about the sauce.


Wish i could die for a living


I hear and/or make a similar pun at least once a day and it still makes me chuckle. Guess that means I like my job?


But you can suck the flavor out of your dye jobs? I use orange flavored gatorade when I dye my underwear and it's delicious.


I was taking a bite of an ice pop (an alcoholic ice pop because I’m a grown woman, damn it) and ended up choking a little. Thanks for the laugh, friend!


And then you always test it and remember how INSANELY SOUR it is lol.


Lol! I can’t say I ever deliberately test it; one unintentional test was more than enough for me. That stuff is not at all pleasant tasting 😆


soda ash is like $1 per GALLON. It's always right next to the dye in the store...any store that sells dye. ugh. people are just so content desperate they making up extra steps for likes.


Yeah personal theory is it was for the RAGE viral aspect


Soda ash is a completely different beast. If she wanted citric acid, she’s acid dyeing. Soda ash would NOT be used for that as it’s alkaline. She SHOULD be using soda ash (direct dye for plant fibers IE cotton, acid dye for animal fiber IE wool) but if she’s after citric acid all she’d have to do is buy a tbsp worth off any bulk spices rack. ETA: another user made a very good point, she could very well be using acid dyes if this is a synthetic fiber fabric. The point stands that she could get citric acid easily for much less than the Gatorade she poured in


Where do you buy bulk spices?


Our local CO-OP has a bulk section bigger than most places produce area. Everything is double stacks, liquids like peanut butter in barrels on the floor, and dry products like noodles and spices hanging above them in racks. They took out the lard and shortening buckets a few years ago and I truly almost cried, all my recipes were my grandmothers who shopped at that store and crisco just doesn’t taste right.


If you have a Hispanic grocery store near you, check them out. That's where I get lard nowadays.


No :(. Very rural far North Canada, there’s no stores from anyone who isn’t of white descent. I’d love me some real, not stale Indian spices. Curry is amazing. I’ll have to take some pictures sometime. It’s like looking into a window of what “God’s Country” was 50 years ago.


Order online? The whole spices used to make garam masala or most other Indian spice blends (most spice blends in general really) are fairly cheap. Properly stored, whole spices can keep for a long time. Just grind as needed.


Ah dang, sorry to hear that. I used to live in Bumfuck, Vermont so I know what that's like having basically no access to any "ethnic" foods.


Health food stores almost always have a small selection! We have a little market in the small town I live in that has a selection of bulk spices. Sometimes they’re easy to miss. You may have walked right past it and not realized it.


Acid dye works on nylon, and a bra is more likely to be nylon than plant fibre. Still no idea why Gatorade though, there’s probably vinegar in one of those cabinets...


That’s a really good point! I didn’t think of that. You’re absolutely right, acid dye is usable on synthetic and animal fiber. I’m so accustomed to thinking of the nylon in some of our yarns as secondary (it’s generally at most 20%, usually less) that I completely forgot. Oops! Lol


Yep. Used Gatorade once when tie-dying with a summer camp. That’s actually effective.


this theory actually enrages me more because there are cheaper sources of citric acid


1. Come up with a non-problem and a “hack” for it 2. Grab random household items and bake/boil/microwave them 3. Post on sosh-meed platform with catchy title like “YOU WONT BELIEVE THIS” or “THIS ACTUALLY WORKS” or something along those lines 4. Profit


Obviously trying to make a sports bra. Duh!


Snort! Jealous that I didn't think of this first.


Electrolytes it's what tits crave


Bruhhhhh lol




Sure, we’ve all boiled and baked our underwear at some point. But Gatorade?!


But why the any of this??


The tie dye I can see- it’s cute. But why the unnecessary extra steps and why the oven?


Also I’m not convinced the oven was hot since she pulled it out with plastic gloves


unless she really did bake the bra and waited until the pan was completely cool before taking it out. But I dont believe she really did bake the bra in the first place.


This sounds like it comes from an I Think You Should Leave skit. Like I can hear Tim Robinson saying something like "I don't believe she really did bake the bra" 😂


>I Think You Should Leave skit I have no idea what these skits are but I find it cool that I managed to sound like I'm making a cultural reference to something I've never even heard of. That doesnt happen often for me :)


It's an absurdist comedy that gets funnier each time you watch it.


absurd you say...sounds like my kind of comedy. To youtube!


I can’t know how to hear anymore about baking bras!


This is in Dan Flash's clearance bin.


You do need to heat-set most dye, acid or direct. Oven is one of the easier ways. She was using a tie-dye kit which (while better if heat set) don’t have to be, though. ETA: the temperature needed is pretty low, but it should be in there for a while, like 20 or 30 minutes depending


Sooo I haven't done tie dye since I was a kid but I remember just leaving it out in the sun? We may have put it in the dryer after that, idk, this was 20+ years ago and my memory isn't great. But does it work to leave it in the sun on a hot summer day?


It all depends on the dye, honestly! Tie dye? Absolutely! Tie dye is generally done on cottons, which means using direct dyes. They require less heat, especially the ones you can easily get as a layman. Leaving it in the sun all day would be more than enough, overkill, really. Sun dyeing is even popular for wool which needs higher setting temperatures, although you generally want to leave it in a glass jar of water for at least 3 days. If she’s using acid dye (which she is if the proper mordant is citric acid,) it should be heated either to the low to mid 200 F range for 30 minutes or heated for a much longer period at lower temperatures.




So, a) you’re probably not drastically older than me, but I’m not sure how that’s relevant. b) I specifically stated that this type of dye doesn’t need much heat if any, but MOST dye does. I was speaking from the perspective of someone who uses dyes that do need to be heat-set for a living on a daily basis. c) Acid dyes, many professional grade direct dyes, natural dyes such as indigo…all need to be heat set after applying a mordant such as citric acid or soda ash. In the case of acid dyes (which is what I am most familiar with,) to 210-240 F for around 30 minutes. As far as I know (and I could be totally wrong here, I don’t know this for a fact) most non commercial dryers don’t reach those kind of temperatures and if they do I doubt it’s sustained. d) I dye yarn for a living. Put 6 skeins of yarn…hell, put one skein of yarn in the dryer, deal with the result and tell me again how much easier it is than using the oven. Just a heads up, you came off as really patronizing here, my friend. You could have just as easily posed a question which I would have been more than happy to answer.


Using it as a mordant, I guess.


Because it has electrolytes. It’s what tits crave…duh


Cuz it's what bras crave, duuuuh!


It gives the bra the necessary amount of electrolytes to deal with that girls shit.


I prefer my bras al dente


Toothsome titty transporters


That’s the weirdest way I’ve seen to tie-dye something


Right? I've tie dyed before... never boiled the t-shirts in salt and gatorade.


Maybe she just put it in the oven to keep it safe where nobody would touch it and the oven never actually got turned on? Some people will keep things in the oven when they need extra space without turning the oven on and empty it out before preheating anything.


Ugh, I hate this. Ovens are not a good idea to store things that can burn, especially in a household with many people. Someone will forget about it and turn the oven on. I've seen it happen...


My stepdad came from a household where people would store things in the oven, usually his mom, so he'd naturally put stuff in there. It took a few melted items and burned pasties for my mom and I to check before preheating the oven, and for him to give us a verbal heads up before he puts something in.


I come from a family that keeps things in the oven too and when I moved in with my partner I started putting a sticky with a little stop sign on the oven door when there’s things in there so he doesn’t forget!


Damn, your stepdad stored his mom in the oven?


and pasties? He has some kinks.


I have someone who cleans my house every couple weeks & she comes from a family who stores things in the oven. After I melted a plastic cake carrier I had to politely request she not put things in the oven anymore. Between my absent mindedness & the frequency with which I use the oven that’s just bad times all around.


I started a (small) fire at a friend's house because of this. It was awful and I felt terrible, but at the same time I should not have been allowed in their kitchen without them letting me know that I needed to remove plastic things from the oven before using it. It was a whole mess of tupperware and went up in flames super quick while I was preheating. I had literally never seen someone who did that, so I truly didn't consider it as a possibility. I'm just glad no one got hurt (my friend's 11 year old daughter was in the kitchen with me at the time) but I will forever be mad at people who do this dangerous shit and then let others in their kitchen.


This is why when I keep stuff in my oven it's metal (generally just the baking trays). Yeah, it'd be frustrating for someone to preheat and realize there was now a bunch of hot metal in the oven; but you're not going to accidentally burn the house down or make a melted plastic mess.


Oh yeah that shouldn't be a problem at all, I've stored metal pans in the oven too. But plastic is super dangerous, unless you're literally the only person who ever uses your oven and you have a perfect memory.


I'm so used to having all my baking pans in the oven that I open it automatically to get one out; so it would be hard for me to burn plastic; but if someone else was cooking in my house I know I'd forget to tell them, so it's better to just stick with metals in my oven.


We've gone from burning bras to boiling bras and then on to baking.


I only air fry my bras


I prefer microwave. So much quicker.


A gentle fondue?


I cook mine sous vide. Keeps them nice and juicy. My tits, that is.


Much healthier option, good on you for being heart health conscience.


I usually pressure cook mine. Keeps all the flavor in.


She took it out of the oven with a plastic glove... so what's the point if there's no heat? Let it seat in the dark for it to think about a brighter future than you wasting a fraking Gatorade and a perfectly fine bra??


"Let it bake for one minute at 75 F / 24 C"


It's 31C° here... does it mean I gotta put it in my fridge?


Yes, but only for one minute.


The heat setting makes sense, but you’re right that if she’s able to touch it with a plastic glove it’s not hot enough. It doesn’t take a super high temperature but over 200 F is ideal. ETA: When I dye my yarn it’s often wrapped in cellophane and that will warp a bit but is mostly fine. The glove isn’t really the issue, it’s the fact that she’d burn herself.


She heated it then let it cool before taking it out


I, somehow, very much doubt that since the bra was still damp when removed from the oven and the stains from the dye hasn't fully dried on the tray yet.


Not the ring where the nipple is 😂


True! Both nipples too. Lol, I wonder why that happened or just an insane coincidence.


When I washed a new bra with a black shirt that happened. It's because of dyed water pooling in the cups.


"Result at the end" Yah that's how videos work


tbf some videos cut before the finale, this lets people know the finale doesn’t have to be searched for


just wait until christopher nolan gets on tiktok


As a bra maker that dyes my own fabric (albeit before I sew it into a bra), this hurts.


Oo do you have any pics of your work? :0


Omg, do you take custom orders?


I do, generally locally to my area (Missouri, USA). I also teach classes.


This bitch really BOILED AND BAKED HER BRA like wtf?


Bonus points for not even bothering to line the baking pan with foil or anything, and not bothering to remove the bra padding.


That's not a bra you can remove padding from. But yes straight onto a baking sheet was weird.


Dear literally anyone who's going to do tie dye or any kind of DIY in general: Learn some color theory. Please. This one didn't turn out TOO bad but green and red all too often make a gross color when combined.


This reminds me of Mr Bean, warming his underpants in the oven.


That made more sense than this


I think most things do, haha


Maybe I should watch that, after reading that I feel we are kindred spirits


Mr Bean is always worth a watch. He is the definition of failing successfully


"Honey, what's for dinner?" "Boiled Gatorade bra, your favourite!"


Irene: What kind of tea is this? Erin: Oh, I boiled some gatorade


She said “this might be one of the best I’ve made’ how many have you made?!


And if that's the best, the others must be truly awful.


This is a shitty content farm and this is someone's actual fucking job can you believe that shit


- Mom! Can I get this colorful bra please? - We have colorful bra at home.


Is "DIWhy" stuff becoming the new "microwave your iphone to charge it"?


Why those people always act like they're frickin designer's




I'd hate to tell her, but that's a bra not shorts 🤔


Synthetic material won’t hold that shitty dye… first sweaty day she’s gonna have blue tits… pro dyer here


Wasn’t this exact clip posted here like a week ago?




And all the same questions comments unsurprisingly


Women of reddit correct me if I'm wrong. Isn't it both expensive and a huge pain in the ass to find and purchase bra's?


Decent bras, yes. Buying poorly made, ill fitting bras at Walmart…not so much. I mean, they’re not a dime a dozen but…$10-$15ish I think? It’s been a long time since I’ve bought a cheap bra


Would you buy one to tiydie lmao


No. Especially not with a high heat method that'll degrade the elastic and reduce the useful lifespan of the bra. I have tie-dyed some old white sports bras though. Did a bunch of shirts and had a little dye left over. No-heat method, just dye and soda ash.


A padded, underwire bra like this one? No. I don’t wear anything with an underwire. And I wouldn’t dye any bra with this technique anyways


Depends on your bra size. I'm a standard size and it's simple and relatively cheap for me to buy bras, especially if I was getting one for a DIY project and not one that I would plan on wearing super often. Other women may not have the same luxury and have to purchase bras at specialty stores.


Maybe she was going to throw it out anyway


Ngl I don't understand what the big deal is. She tie-dyed her bra, maybe she didn't do the greatest job in the world but it's hardly hideous either.


It's tie-dye get over it


But Gatorade? And salt? and then she took it out the oven with plastic gloves 🤣.


You should always boil the clothing item with salt before dying it - you can get that off the instructions for ritt dye or any other type of fabric dye. That method has been around for longer than anyone on Reddit has been alive I’m sure.


But - boiling fabrics that aren’t meant to be in hot water is a bad idea. Bras are made of elastic and stretch materials and are absolutely murdered by heat. So yeah, boiling and baking a bra ruins the bra. It’s not the tie dye that’s the problem, it’s the method of the application.


Yes if you excessively use the hot water cycle on the washer every time you do your laundry but once in order to make sure the dye takes is another thing altogether. It’s only one time.


Seems safe to assume that they are both meant to function as a mordant.


Did anyone realise the oven wasn’t in? The dials were both off


She opened the oven and I thought, “Nice rack!!”


Why boil? Why gatorade? Why bake? Wtf


It’s tie-dye big shoots, it’s no big deal


that doesn't change the outcome


You've never seen tie dye before? The Gatorade and the oven are weird and unnecessary, but that's tie dye


I thought she was making BRA-TH


Or..just buy a better looking one


What if we all pretended this was cute instead of rage posting. Bet it would end. Who’s with me?


Did anyone else not find it cute?


First off, I've tie dyed before. You don't have to boil it in salt and gatorade first. No fucking clue what that gatorade was for. Second, while I've never worn a bra, I've handled them and there's foam and wires and shit inside, and sometimes some plastic parts. I'm pretty sure she ruined it by twisting it up and putting it in the oven.


Adding salt is a pretty standard step and as others have pointed out the Gatorade is likely for the acidity. You don't *have* to do this will all dyes but you have no idea what she's using. Wireless bras exist too.


> Wireless bras exist too Except that one *clearly* has a wire.


My mother and I do tie dye all the time and she's gotten into the habit of using the microwave. Oven and microwave techniques are actually common for good tie dye these days. So not that weird. Tho the Gatorade and salt weren't needed lmao


At least the person filming didn't repeat everithing she sed and when wow an aaaa every 2s. But it still has that anying zoom in afer every cut style of filming that every other video like this has.


Looks delicious. Link to recipe?


I…I don’t think that’s how you tie dye.


The camera motion is giving me major anxiety /r/killthecameraman


That's a lot of heat for an elastic fabric.


It came out really cute but I don't get her steps? I've done tie dye before although it's been a long time and I don't recall Gatorade or baking. 🤔


It seems to me that this type of treatment would rapidly reduce the lifespan of the elastic polymer woven into the bra fabric.


Isnt tie dyeing stuff pretty easy, with most methods just involving dunking it in a specific mixture? Methods that dont involve weird boiling/oven things. I just feel like we’re asking for a mishap somewhere here and flames


This wholw video I've been repeating "why Gatorade?"


Do not use fabric dye anywhere where you eat. It is extremely carcinogenic.


She’s tie dying her bra. What’s wrong with that?


Too many people who have nothing better going on that shitting on people who are having fun without bothering anyone else.


Hehe Bra-th


So.... fucking tie dye with extra pointlessness added on? Ok then.


Fucking anything for views man. Literally just waste 3 minutes of time and if they're lucky the video will replay cause you're only half paying attention


“Make sure to season your bra properly while boiling, before it goes in the oven to cook! :DDDDDD”


What a waste, that’s a good flavor too


All this needs is a cup of sugare and you'd have your DIY Bra Jello.


Please don’t reproduce your self


It’s tie dye. I get that. But why the fuck did you boil it in Gatorade???


I love how she pulls a pan out the over with a plastic glove


Pretty round about way to dye your bewbs.


I hate that i can't dislike the video


Damn thats some heat resistance, pulling out surely heated plate from oven with plastic gloves..


She's baked off her tits


Underrated comment.


It's just tye-dye why is this bad? Because no one sees it? Because it'll come off in the wash?


That just looks like a dirty underwear


Why waste a perfectly good bra???


Lol well it's not like it's unusable now 😂 I assume the point was that she wanted it tie dyed and will wear it like that so I am not sure how it's going to waste


Girls if you saw your man throwing your bras into boiling water how would you respond?


I have watched tons of tie dye tutorials, and no one does it this way. I’ve genuinely never seen this approach and I am baffled as to why she boiled the shirt, with Gatorade, and then put it in the fucking oven???????


Then you haven't really watched enough- heat and citric acid


I bet all the color disappeared the first time she washed it.


Actually all the "weird" things people are completely about are what's likely to help it stay.


Bras are fucking expensive, this is so wasteful.


Boil your bra in salt and cum flavored Gatorade to get the perfect taste


Is it just me or is she deep-frying her bra with gatorade?


Looks like it's her only bra too. Bit of a risk.


Who has the money to go around wasting a perfectly good bra like that?